Alan Jude
Posted by Darkness on November 27, 2023 (Updated: 27-Nov-2023)
Alan Jude was one of the inmates in the Fiorina “Fury” 161 Class C Work Correctional Unit and stayed on after Weyland-Yutani had closed the prison down.
Jude was killed by the Xenomorph when the prisoners were using themselves as bait to lure the Xenomorph into the lead mold. Jude appears in 1992’s Alien 3 and is played by Vincenzo Nicoli.
Early Life
Jude was convicted of first-degree murder and he killed his victim without the use of a weapon.
Ripley’s Arrival on Fiorina 161
An EEV, ejected from the USS Sulaco, carrying Ellen Ripley, Corporal Hicks, Newt and Bishop the android crashed onto Fiorina 161 in 2179. There was just one survivor – Ellen Ripley.
After Murphy is killed in the ventilation shafts, Jude cleans up the mess.
After Superintendent Andrews is killed, Jude again cleans the floor. The prisoners come up with a plan to use quinitricetyline to lure the Xenomorph into the toxic waste disposal unit. The chemical is ignited too early which results in a chain reaction of fire and explosions. Many prisoners are killed but Jude survives.
Ripley and Dillon convince the remaining inmates to use themselves as bait to lure the beast into the lead mold. Jude takes part and arms himself with a pair of scissors. Jude sees the creature and gets its attention. It chases after him but Jude manages to shut the door in time. He looks through the window in the door and the Xenomorph reaches through and tries to grab him.
Jude eventually bumps into Morse who tells him not to hold scissors with the sharp end pointing out.
Lots of prisoners are killed in the chaos and the piston is activated too early. Jude ran towards the piston chamber with the Xenomorph in pursuit. Dillon tells him to run as fast as he can but just before he reaches the chamber, the Xenomorph kills him.
Personality and Traits
Jude was known to be physically aggressive.
Other Media

Alien 3 #1
Alien 3 Novelization (1992 Novel)
In the Alien 3 novelization by Alan Dean Foster, Jude appears as in the film. The novelization mostly follows the same path as the Alien 3 Assembly Cut.
Alien 3 Comic (1992 Comic)
The Alien 3 Comic is a mixture of the theatrical and assembly cut with some new additions.
- Jude is of Italian descent.