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Toy Fair 2018: Aliens Series 13, Dutch/Linn, Ultimate Elder, Bad Blood & Enforcer Predators

Toy Fair 2018 is well underway in New York with various manufacturers showing off their upcoming toys. Among them is NECA who have taken the wraps off many of their upcoming Alien and Predator action figures for 2018. We see what’s in store for the next series in their never-ending Aliens line of action figures.

Also joining them is Dutch and Linn from the old Aliens vs. Predator arcade game, Ultimate Elder: The Golden Angel Predator from the Dark Horse comic ‘Predator: 1718’ and another 2-pack featuring Ultimate versions of Bad Blood and Enforcer Predators. All figures announced will be released around October 2018. Read on for more details.

Aliens Series 13

Continuing from Series 10, Series 13 will be based on the old Kenner figures from the 1990’s and features Sgt. Apone with a bionic arm, grenades and rifle accessories. This is the first time we see a version of Apone but don’t expect a movie version as NECA still don’t have likeness rights of Al Matthews. Following on from last years Mantis and Gorilla Aliens, NECA will be releasing the Scorpion Alien and the Snake Alien. Each Xenomorph is over 9″ tall.

Apone Apone
Apone Apone
Apone Apone
Apone Apone
Apone Apone
Scorpion Alien Scorpion Alien
Scorpion Alien Scorpion Alien
Scorpion Alien Scorpion Alien

Dutch & Linn

NECA will release a 2-pack featuring Dutch Schaefer and Linn Kurosawa. Dutch and Linn were playable characters in the 1994 Aliens vs. Predator arcade game from Capcom. Dutch Schaefer comes with a blast effect for his huge mechanical arm, as well as backpack and interchangeable hands. Lt. Linn Kurosawa comes with sword and gun accessories.

Lynn Lynn
Lynn Lynn
Dutch Dutch
Dutch Dutch

Ultimate Elder: The Golden Angel

Ultimate Elder: The Golden Angel is based on the Predator from the Dark Horse comic ‘Predator: 1718’. The comic was a followup to the Elder Predator we saw in Predator 2 who gave the flintlock pistol to Detective Harrigan. Predator: 1718 tells the story how the Elder Predator came to have the pistol in the first place. The Predator figure comes with 3 different heads, alternate hands, a trophy necklace, smart disc, shoulder cannon, sword, and flintlock pistol. Golden Angel Elder stands 8.25” tall and features over 30 points of articulation. It also features Deluxe Collector-friendly packaging.

Golden Angel Golden Angel
Golden Angel Golden Angel
Golden Angel Golden Angel
Golden Angel Golden Angel
Golden Angel Golden Angel
Golden Angel Golden Angel
Golden Angel Golden Angel

Ultimate Bad Blood vs Ultimate Enforcer 2-Pack

Finally. NECA will release another 2-pack featuring Bad Blood and Enforcer Predators. These were previously released in 2014 as part of Predator Series 12 (though Bad Blood was released as a standalone due to its complicated tooling). These figures were based on the 1993 Dark Horse comic book series Predator: Bad Blood. Not just a simple rerelease, these figures have been given ‘Ultimate’ bodies and exclusive accessories.

Ultimate Bad Blood and Ultimate Enforcer each have two interchangeable head sculpts: Bad Blood has a new masked head and Enforcer has a new unmasked head. The figures stand at 8″ tall and feature new, less stylized deco and over 25 points of articulation.

Bad Blood vs Enforcer Bad Blood vs Enforcer
Bad Blood vs Enforcer Bad Blood vs Enforcer
Bad Blood vs Enforcer Bad Blood vs Enforcer
Bad Blood vs Enforcer Bad Blood vs Enforcer
Bad Blood vs Enforcer Bad Blood vs Enforcer
Bad Blood vs Enforcer Bad Blood vs Enforcer
Bad Blood vs Enforcer Bad Blood vs Enforcer

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Comments: 40
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  1. The Old One
    Yes, but this Queen Facehugger's
    colouration is more realistic and
    less expensive, as it was £30 by
    itself, alongside a larger version
    no one asked for. As for the Queen,
    I consider that Queen "Chestburster"
    less of a Chestburster and more so
    - akin to the Adolescent Neomorph.
    I really love how spider-like it is, it's
    really evocative of the way it moves
    as JC wished the Queen to in Aliens.

    The Bambi Burster's what I adore and
    ultimately what I'm getting the set for,
    I won't turn my nose up at Spike- but I
    would have preferred something else.
  2. Xenomrph
    I'm still not really enthusiastic about the A3 creature pack - I already have the queen facehugger via the Kenner wave, I don't really care about having a Spike figure, and the queen chestburster is not only wildly out-of-scale but it doesn't actually look like what was in the movie (I did a post with comparison photos/video a couple pages ago). The bambi burster is neat, but I'm not buying the whole set just for one thing.
    Quote from: David's Creation on Jan 16, 2019, 01:05:43 AM
    So cool to see them give so much love to Alien 3 despite hating it.

    How cool would it be if they did a Resurrection accessory set consisting of the seven failed Ripley clones?  That awesome scene would make such a great display.
    If they did some kind of diorama of the Ripley clones I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
  3. Nukiemorph
    So cool to see them give so much love to Alien 3 despite hating it.

    How cool would it be if they did a Resurrection accessory set consisting of the seven failed Ripley clones?  That awesome scene would make such a great display.
  4. The Old One
    That little Runner looks phenomenal.

    The Queen looks a little too...
    "sculpted" a little McFarlane-y.
    Doesn't make it realistic,
    but does give it a certain
    nostalgic appeal to me.
  5. Vrastal
    Neca keeps saying how the ressurection figure will be available spring 2019 but i havent seen it available for preorder anywhere, and its the only alien figures i havent seen up for preorder after announcment. And id hate to miss out on it.

    Its got the best neck articulation of necas aliens and i cant pass that up
  6. Eldritch_DM
    Quote from: dHunter333 on Dec 30, 2018, 06:38:12 AM
    Quote from: Badwolf-00 on Dec 29, 2018, 06:09:46 PM
    Quote from: Rabbit2100 on Dec 29, 2018, 04:31:35 PM
    Has anyone got an idea of when the CapcomAVP aliens will be shipping?I've got a set on preorder from BBTS and it hasnt updated since November.

    It's not uncommon for NECA to kinda fall behind projected release date for things. Be patient is all I can say. BBTS is great though, they're pretty quick as soon as they receive product to get it out to you if you preordered it.

    The Predator figures are coming out on Monday.
    No release date for the 3 Alien figures or the human 2 pack yet...I expect them within the next 2 months.

    BBTS will get them about 4-6 weeks after their actual release.

    Just FYI.

    Well that's good to know. Any reason why BBTS gets their stuff that much later than everyone else?
  7. dHunter333
    Quote from: Badwolf-00 on Dec 29, 2018, 06:09:46 PM
    Quote from: Rabbit2100 on Dec 29, 2018, 04:31:35 PM
    Has anyone got an idea of when the CapcomAVP aliens will be shipping?I've got a set on preorder from BBTS and it hasnt updated since November.

    It's not uncommon for NECA to kinda fall behind projected release date for things. Be patient is all I can say. BBTS is great though, they're pretty quick as soon as they receive product to get it out to you if you preordered it.

    The Predator figures are coming out on Monday.
    No release date for the 3 Alien figures or the human 2 pack yet...I expect them within the next 2 months.

    BBTS will get them about 4-6 weeks after their actual release.

    Just FYI.

  8. Still Collating...
    Quote from: Clanleaderyautja on Dec 28, 2018, 04:20:51 PM
    Quote from: windebieste on Dec 28, 2018, 11:41:23 AM
    Probably an ideal candidate for an Eaglemoss release, actually. 

    They seem to be very interested in releasing the lesser known characters.


    What's weird is they did a multi-player character skin for a predator (serpant hunter) but not the actual main character of the game. And only that one character from the game. I would like to see them make more of the characters. Such as Dark, Rookie, and the Specimen 6 I mentioned. I mean if they are remaking old kenner preds at Neca I'm sure they can do these.

    I expect they will make more figures for the game, sooner or later. They are gonna be making more of the AVP 2010 preds because most of them just need a new head. Neca always uses every new sculpt to the fullest.  :laugh: Rookie and 6 will be tougher, especially because 6 is gonna need a new sculpt or at least some parts of it will be new. I was really surprised we got Serpent Hunter this early, but I'm not complaining.
    I'm guessing they're gonna try and release Dark, Rookie and 6 in the same year. 2020 would be my earliest guess, though 2021 maybe more probable.
  9. Eldritch_DM
    Quote from: bobcunk on Dec 27, 2018, 11:20:34 PM
    Quote from: Badwolf-00 on Dec 25, 2018, 09:16:31 PM
    That's a lot of cool stuff coming next year. I can't wait for more Kenner based figs. I'm especially excited for the Apone/Snake/Scorpion.

    I'm patiently waiting for them to try something more ambitious like the Bull or dare I say, the Killer Crab.... when the Kenner toy line got really wild. lol
    I'd like a flying queen and the killer crap was one of my favourites.

    I remember reading a reply from NECA on twitter asking about a flying queen and they said it was definitely something they wanted to do. So here's hoping!
  10. AhabPredator
    Quote from: windebieste on Dec 28, 2018, 11:41:23 AM
    Probably an ideal candidate for an Eaglemoss release, actually. 

    They seem to be very interested in releasing the lesser known characters.


    What's weird is they did a multi-player character skin for a predator (serpant hunter) but not the actual main character of the game. And only that one character from the game. I would like to see them make more of the characters. Such as Dark, Rookie, and the Specimen 6 I mentioned. I mean if they are remaking old kenner preds at Neca I'm sure they can do these.
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