Alien Covenant had its premiere in London’s Leicester Square last night and despite some technical difficulties with the live stream, we managed to see some of the stars hit the green carpet. In attendance was Ridley Scott joined by many Alien Covenant actors including Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterstone, Billy Crudip and Danny McBride.

Ridley Scott
Here’s a select few tweets from fans and journalists who were lucky enough to see Alien Covenant last night. From what I’m hearing the vibes are generally quite positive; people are finding it scarier than Prometheus; the cast and characters are good but the film isn’t without its problems. Particularly regarding the Alien mythos and what was already established in Alien and Aliens.
Well, a little overwhelmed, #AlienCovenant is more of the same and yet I loved it. Thank you for the evening @20CenturyFoxUK @AlienMoviesUK
— Ben Jennings (@BJ667) May 4, 2017
So lucky to go to the #AlienCovenant premiere great intro from the cast. Definitely a thrill ride and super gory
— Big Matt (@matterose) May 4, 2017
#AlienCovenant is definitely better than Prometheus, bringing back the needed horror into the franchise. Deadly beautiful and mysterious
— Jordan Samuel (@JordanESamuel) May 4, 2017
Just out of Alien Covenant… it has been marketed as a more Alien like film… it's actually a straight sequel of Prometheus, very much so
— Carlos Adama (@Carlos_Adama) May 4, 2017
Scared out my nut, jumped wayyy too many times out my seat, add The fact I had my teeth clenched 😬through the whole film too #AlienCovenant
— Pandora (@pandoratweets) May 4, 2017
Alien Covenant is fantastic and fun and scary #RidleyRules
— Michelle Marks (@teamschreier) May 4, 2017
Was at the premiere of Alien covenant tonight. Scary stuff! Very good out of very good. Need to…
— Keith Lemon (@lemontwittor) May 4, 2017
@jonah_salomon_ @AlienAnthology I very much did! Can't say too much because of the embargo but it's very dark, very bloody and very Alien-y; hope you enjoy! #AlienCovenant
— Jamie Thistlethwaite (@SuperJamieeeee) May 4, 2017
Quint from Aint It Cool News:
Short version: I liked Covenant, didn't love it. Fassbender still rules. New lead cast is great…
— Eric Vespe (@EricVespe) May 4, 2017
Paul Shirey, editor at
#AlienCovenant is an intense, strange and nightmarish continuation of the franchise. A great companion to Prometheus & the Alien mythos.
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) May 4, 2017
I don’t think everyone will love Alien: Covenant. Some will probably hate it. It’s a complex film and one you’ll be talking about after.
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) May 4, 2017
Curtis Moldrich, an senior writer, at
So alien covenant. Goes as you'd expect, but the execution is messier than you'd think.
— Curtis Moldrich (@Khurtizz) May 4, 2017
And of course our own Aaron Percival was at the premiere last night and saw the movie. You can see his initial reactions below:
First impressions. More satisfying than Prometheus. Last act little messy re: the Aliens. Loved the cast and characters. #AlienCovenant
— Aaron Percival (@_CorporalHicks) May 4, 2017
The official review embargo for Alien Covenant ends at 8:45PM PST on Saturday so that’s about 4:45AM Sunday UK time. Aaron will have his official review published shortly thereafter. Alien Covenant will hit UK theatres on May 12th while Americans have to wait a week until May 19th.
Keep an eye out on Alien vs Predator Galaxy on Sunday morning as we will have our roundup of all the web’s Alien Covenant reviews as well as our own review.
Also I've locked this thread. The review thread is now open with actual information about the film.
To create, one must first destroy. The Engineers might've been petrified but guess what? Their genetic material has been deconstructed and someone like David can reconstruct them into the Alien.
Talking about yourself in the third person is quite annoying and arrogant, but let's get to the subject at hand, shall we?
First of all, the black goo MO is all over the place, starting with the worms, them Fifield, then Holloway/Shaw 'spawn', then finally the Engineers in Paradise... The latter were petrified, they did not become bigger (like the worms) nor more distorted and feral like Fifield... They were just killed instantly, as their statuesque bodies attest... They did not become distorted monsters tearing eachother out nor increased in size... They were just killed instantly... You do not die on your feet when you are killed, you fall and die... These Engineers bodies were petrified while standing, crawling... Fifield fell on the black goo and did not petrify... Ridley keeps changing the goo's properties as a deus ex machina ploy, as a convenient narrative placeholder...
Its not nonsense. Its not better that what u got. Its what you're GONNA GET.
^ check David's workshop out. Look at the poster with 3 heads. Its literally an Engineer devolving into a Xenomorph.
Remember Fifield turning into an Alien after the black goo?
David turns the Engineer into the xenomorph with the black goo here as well.
The black goo turns organic life into ALIENS.
You know, it actually sounds better than what we really got. But it's still nonsense.
They're not remaking the alien movie and the prequels will lead to the original Alien movie so guess what? David will be an integral part of the xeno origin whether you like it not. If you think otherwise that A:C aliens are not the xenos from ALIEN then Ridley must be wasting his damn time making A:C because it does not lead to the creation of the xeno...
Never... Unless they remake the ALIEN movie, it is chronologically impossible, not to mention spitting in the face of all Alien fans... David created THESE Aliens AT BEST and even that would not be credible unless David knew where to look... Accidentally bumping into them would be farfetched and lazy writing... Which David already is... Having an unrealistically emotional android recreating Xenos and creating all this mess is nothing BUT lazy writing... It destroys the uniqueness of the Xeno, and if watched chronologically, the prequels spit on everything of the original quatrilogy... Prequels are supposed to show the genesis of later events, not rewrite them... That is why it is far more difficult to write prequels than sequels... Prequels need to take EVERYTHING that happened into consideration and not digress nor diverge from it creatively... in a sense, it is like translating, you need to stick to the original and not be creative about it... Ridley just went creatively overboard and the original stories (NOT the movies, mind you) suffer from it because logically, the prequels set in motion things that eventually happened in the originals, which means that STORY-WISE, later events and their genesis will ultimately clash with what came first (prequels)... Prequels can be messy, but Ridley outdid himself in these... If only David just had stumbled upon these eggs and things would have been so much different...😁🤔
Alien Runner uses deductive reasoning to reach theories and conclusions.
The Prometheus movie shows us that the black goo deconstructs DNA structure to create new life.
David drops black goo on Engineers.
What happened when Fifield ingested the black goo? He turned into a humanoid alien looking creature.
The black goo reverse engineered Fifield Human's DNA into an alien creature.
Guess what? The black goo does the same with the Engineer. Well, in the case of the intro in Prometheus, the Engineer regressed into a primitive human being after ingesting the black goo. David probably accelerated the regression process from Engineer to Human to XENOMORPH. He saw the Mural. He realized that the Engineers were worshiping their ancient ancestor, the Ultramorph.
It all comes full circle. David is playing god. He is going to be god by surpassing the Engineers and in order to do that, he needs their power. But how can he control them? The only way is to regress them into their primitive state, which are the Xenomorphs. With that under his control, he can destroy Humanity and carry out the Will of Engineers.
If Aliens is cannon then the colonist that went into the derelict came back with the facehugger on his face, and gave birth to the xeno with the tubes, is most likely that David never invented them, he just recreates, following an old recipe.
And Alien Runner, you can't possibly know all that, it's not true.
The Xenomorph is an ancient ancestor of the Engineers. David reverse engineers the Engineer's DNA with the black goo.
I hear them lot are usually incorrent about stuff
Yeah, I could use an official name so I can put a proper name on its wiki page, so far I have had to dub it "Xenomorph (Covenant)"
I too hope that he just merely found information and recreated something that already existed, thankfully,
Who know maybe The Art and Making of Alien: Covenant book reveal "those" thing name.
or prequel book show that he david find recipe/information and he try to re-create its
Why not? I find that ironical about David creating them (if it's true of course). Besides, Aliens being an ancient species is also simple and cliche.
Read Alien Runner's theory on origin of xeno. David is not the creator.
Didn't Hicks warn you about trolling?
Origin of the Alien is all well and good, such a story can be told without resorting to a simple android having to create the most deadliest species ever.
Just read your review
Yeah I hate those rumours as well, I am actually starting to think people are doing it on purpose to anger the more serious Alien fans.
Oh I agree about the life-cycle speed thing regarding the facehugger in your review, that is disgusting, one of the reasons I am not fussed on Defiance at the moment is because they did exactly what happened in the movie.
What has happened to Ridley?
I couldn't say the same
The film doesn't imply that. They're the Alien. They just look different. We know that the films are going to eventually leave into the biomechanical aspects entering their design but they're not a completely different creature at all. It's just how the Runner is different, how the Auriga Aliens are different.
I f**king hate those Protomorph rumours.
That's because they working their way up to what we will see in Alien.
Judge from Hicks review.
Well, according to Ridley Scott, we have not yet arrived to the point of the true,unhinged Xeno. I imagine that Xeno becomes AWAKENED in the next movie titled 'Awakening'. Just a thought. Ridley not making that clear through the film and rather simply being something stated during an interview might have been an oversight. I won't see the film until the 18th so I will see if any if this makes sense!
Spot on and well put - bravo! *sincere applause*
I think for some it does end Ripley's story. Resurrection isn't even worth considering.
Alien 3 was absolutely beautiful. The colors, the way it was shot. Interesting characters in a very beautiful interesting place. Even the story wasn't too bad. Maybe I'm biased because it happens to be the first one I saw in theaters.
*hand wave* Just leave 'em back there, smouldering in last Century woes. They're never going to be happy.
Each new iteration of 'ALIEN 3' gets better each time it hits the home entertainment circuit. That last BluRay version was the meat!. As for classic..? I can't tell you one other Sci Fi movie released in 1992 that even gets talked about any more.
'ALIEN 3' had to fight to get the recognition it now deserves. I'm all for it being recognised as a classic. Earned its place, it has.
I'm not sure if you are trying to be tongue-in-cheek with this comment, but people were saying the same thing a decade ago. It's not horrible, though, and should have ended Ripley's story IMHO. Oddly enough, ALIEN 3 contains THE MOST iconic single frame from the entire franchise though.
This is spot-on. I have guesses as to where the scores are eventually going to settle, but right now I think it is easy to pick and choose reviews to fit your preconceived notions about how the film is going to pan out. The "this film is going to be awesome" crowd will get reviews to back up their thoughts and the "this film is going to suck" crowd will as well.
7 out of 10 is Force Awakens, competent fan service with layers of nostalgia for non super fans including old actors appearing.
9 out of 10 is Rogue One, new ideas layered into existing story with a different but similar vibe to the earlier films
I would be happy with 7,8 or 9 but that's from an Alien fan who would say Alien 3 is a 7 and Resurection a 6. Of course Alien and Aliens are a 10
It usually means something is entertaining enough to rewatch, but maybe a little too generic or predictable to be considered a classic. A film like this should really be aiming for at least an 8/10.
Have a feeling many of us will eventually be saying, "Yeah, it was fun, but..."
Not according to the Creature Supervisor I asked about that.
No different to other film makers sagas. George Lucas springs to mind with his Ewok/Wookie switch or his prequels. In the words of Lawrence (which David should have quoted) "nothing is written"
"If we're fortunate enough to make more 'Prometheus' films, you could make ten, and not link up with the Alien franchise, or you could do as Ridley's suggested and make two more," explained Michael Ellenberg, one of the executive producers on the film. "From the beginning, what Ridley was passionate about was not making a prequel that would tell you who Ellen Ripley's mom was, or how exactly that ship got there, that was never what he was interested in. He was interested in much larger questions about the nature of life itself, who we are, how we got here, and what he saw was a larger idea in the franchise that had never been explored: who would make such a horrible creature and why? And in looking at that creature, it came to look at the origins of ourselves."