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Marvel Announces Predator vs. Black Panther Series!

Following the successful and popular Predator vs. Wolverine series, Marvel Comics has announced that the next Predator series will see our favourite luminescent blooded extra-terrestrial hunter go up against the guardian of Wakanda, the Black Panther himself!

Predator vs. Wolverine scribe Benjamin Percy is returning to pen the Predator’s second crossover with a Marvel superhero. Speaking to io9, the Percy spoke about the success of the previous crossover and why the Predator was now heading to Wakanda.

I put all of my creative poison into Predator vs. Wolverine, so it was extremely gratifying to see the reader and retailer response—for the floppies and for the collected trade. The strong sales encouraged the idea of expanding the storyline. If the first installment was about the hunt for a man, it made sense to elevate the stakes and make this book about the battle for a kingdom. There are a number of reasons that Black Panther makes for a great adversary and Wakanda makes for great stage (including the fact that the perimeter shield, when locked down, creates a hunting preserve). But then you throw vibranium into the mix, and you’ve got a really interesting (and fresh) Predator narrative. The Yautja covet their weapons and trophies—and the kingdom’s vast stores of this rare cosmic metal would be impossible to resist.

 Marvel Announces Predator vs. Black Panther Series!

While Percy is naturally keeping the details of the story close to his chest, he did reveal that Predator vs. Black Panther would include some form of Predator royalty:

What’s the Black Panther story people are most familiar with? The battle over the throne between T’Challa and Killmonger. I’m channeling something similar to that here—except on a cosmic scale. This Predator King has two sons who are at war with one another. Vibranium might be the weapon that determines their claim.

Joining Benjamin Percy will be Chris Allen on the interior artwork, making his Predator series debut. You can check out an example of his artwork from the series below.

 Marvel Announces Predator vs. Black Panther Series!

The first issue of Predator vs. Black Panther is currently slated to hit comic book stores August 21st! The trade paperback for Predator vs. Wolverine is also currently out and you can snag a copy from Amazon (US/UK).

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Comments: 36
  1. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: happypred on Jun 09, 2024, 08:57:00 AMSome of the strongest portrayals are in some of the novels and comics (and sometimes specific to certain predator individuals), where they display at least high-level aim-dodging against modern human firearms and it's implied you need to spray them with depleted uranium rounds to put them down effectively.

    I don't agree when people say that they're aim dodging. If anything, John Schaefer, who has had multiple encounters with them has stated and this might be verbatim: "Those things are fast enough to dodge bullets, if they see them coming, and even if you hit them, they're damn near bullet proof."

    There's quite a few instances in the comics, and even the novels where they've dodged bullets after they've been fired. One which comes to mind is Cold War, and they've even been stated to be fast enough to attack faster than the human eye can comprehend.

    South China Sea (which I haven't even read) had the CRAZIEST Predator but I found this in a Predator Feats thread elsewhere.

    "Although the creature's reflexes were so freakishly fast that Gustat doubted it, not without a headshot sans helmet."

    Quote from: happypred on Jun 09, 2024, 08:57:00 AMA writer could easily low ball or high ball the predators' power level to fit the story, or do something in between like have an elite predator performing on a much higher level than novice or average preds. To some extent, you could adjust the aliens' power level similarly.

    Sounds about right.
  2. happypred
    Predator "power level" vary

    They're an alien race, not one individual

    On top of that, they've been handled by different writers over decades

    One of the weakest portrayals is probably Falconer getting mutual-killed against the Yakuza man in Predators

    Some of the strongest portrayals are in some of the novels and comics (and sometimes specific to certain predator individuals), where they display at least high-level aim-dodging against modern human firearms and it's implied you need to spray them with depleted uranium rounds to put them down effectively.

    A writer could easily low ball or high ball the predators' power level to fit the story, or do something in between like have an elite predator performing on a much higher level than novice or average preds. To some extent, you could adjust the aliens' power level similarly.
  3. Mr.Turok
    Quote from: SiL on Jun 01, 2024, 05:25:57 AM
    Quote from: Mr.Turok on Jun 01, 2024, 04:31:46 AMJH was dodging minigun fire in the first film. They can shoot fast as 2,850 feet per second and there were enough rounds to make a clearing in that jungle. There is no way one any human can dodge that in a few yards, and even he was grazed despite successfully escaping.
    Jungle Hunter was shot through the leg by Mac's M50 and was long gone when the minigun was deployed. He was also probably in the trees; all the soldiers are shooting at ground level.
    Oh yeah, that's right! Regardless, dodging bullets from a mere few yards away is still something.
  4. SiL
    Quote from: Mr.Turok on Jun 01, 2024, 04:31:46 AMJH was dodging minigun fire in the first film. They can shoot fast as 2,850 feet per second and there were enough rounds to make a clearing in that jungle. There is no way one any human can dodge that in a few yards, and even he was grazed despite successfully escaping.
    Jungle Hunter was shot through the leg by Mac's M50 and was long gone when the minigun was deployed. He was also probably in the trees; all the soldiers are shooting at ground level.
  5. Mr.Turok
    Quote from: RakaiThwei on Jun 01, 2024, 03:16:57 AMAlso Predators were able to dodge bullets, if they saw them coming. Hell, in AVP: Thrill of the Hunt, the Young Blood Predator was running towards gatling firing and dodged most of the rounds taking only one in the shoulder as he was going towards it.

    Comic book feats are weird.

    JH was dodging minigun fire in the first film. They can shoot fast as 2,850 feet per second and there were enough rounds to make a clearing in that jungle. There is no way one any human can dodge that in a few yards, and even he was grazed despite successfully escaping.

    Quote from: RakaiThwei on May 24, 2024, 07:38:16 AMCrossovers generally aren't canon. There are a few exceptions though but this one ain't one of them.

    I guess he wants to treat it as soft canon, which doesn't seem to contradict anything before so I guess its there for those who want it:

    Quoteio9: When writing a story about characters that originated in a movie series like Predator, do you have to adhere to any canon? If so, who do you talk to about that and if not, is there any limit in terms of character or mythology you put on yourself?

    Percy: Those who read Predator vs. Wolverine will know that I adhered to canon in a dancing-between-the-raindrops kind of way. Is it officially canon? I honestly don't know. But I'm treating it like it is, because I want people to feel like the story matters, like the Yautja have been in the 616 all along, hunting.

  6. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: SiL on Jun 01, 2024, 02:53:59 AMConcrete Jungle has several Predators killed in a gunfight.

    I remember, I have the comic, it's boxed up somewhere but I have it.

    Also Predators were able to dodge bullets, if they saw them coming. Hell, in AVP: Thrill of the Hunt, the Young Blood Predator was running towards gatling firing and dodged most of the rounds taking only one in the shoulder as he was going towards it.

    Comic book feats are weird.
  7. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: SM on Jun 01, 2024, 01:00:29 AMWouldn't that be a given since it's where vibranium comes from?

    Well, yeah but it seems like they're going with the prep-time route ala Batman Prep.

    The suit, as near impervious as it is, can be cut-- but only along the grain of the fabric/material. Though whether or not a Predator can do that... remains to be seen.

    Quote from: SM on Jun 01, 2024, 01:00:29 AMAnd wouldn't Black Panther be able to kill a Predator with one punch anyway? No need to super charge him.

    I don't know. With, Marvel Predators, I really don't know.

    but I do know Dark Horse Predators were insanely durable. In Hell Come A Walkin', one Predator tanked a civil war era cannon. And in Dark River, another survived a near point blank proximity explosion from a rocket launcher, and only came away with a broken mandible.

    Doubt Marvel's Predators are that durable like DH's Predators.
  8. SM
    Wouldn't that be a given since it's where vibranium comes from?

    And wouldn't Black Panther be able to kill a Predator with one punch anyway? No need to super charge him.
  9. Darthwall275
    Great, can't wait to see the Predator job to another OP Marvel character with plot Armor. Also didn't Marvel wright this awful comic where some random butch chick kills like 20 Predators while looking for her dad or some shit? Truly atrocious stuff.

    I'm thinking if they put him up against Kraven (his most logical matchup), he might actually be in with a chance to win, as much as I like Kraven, Marvel seem to consider the character a D-lister, (they even killed him off in the recent disappointing Spider-Man sequel game) especially with Sony's upcoming movie inevitably doing significant damage to him and reducing him to a lolcow in the same vain as his Morb-ier counterpart.
  10. Mr.Turok
    Quote from: RakaiThwei on May 23, 2024, 06:44:29 PMAlso, one Predator clan even has different grades of this metal. The Dark Blade clan in Concrete Jungle learned to improve and refine their metals with plasma forging and one weapon was specified to have unbreakable strength.
    But Predators wanting Adamantium and Vibranium? Well... I guess it would be interesting to see if they get their hands on it.

    I am curious if Benjamin Percy knows about this stuff or doesn't. Willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

    Well to be clear, that unbreakable plasma forged metal is exclusive to the Dark Blade Clan, seeing how they are the most technologically advanced clan out there in their lore, seems like not every clan out there can have such a metal or the know about of making them. So perhaps Adamantium is a new find for Predators outside the DBC.

    I'd argue that Vibranium has more practical use than Adamantium for Predators purely on the fact that Vibranium can additionally absorb kinetic energy, so the applications has so much possibilities. Armored boots made from Vibranium that can not only absorb long falls but also silence movement for even more stronger stealth. Parts for machines that can strengthen use for longer time periods, like spacecraft.

    I would love to see a Pred that made it out with some kind of new Vibranium upgrade though. Would help make a new unique Predator that can keep coming back and/or perhaps star it is own stories on other worlds.
  11. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: SiL on May 23, 2024, 10:47:02 PMIt would be the way to do it that didn't get people's panties in a twist, even though it's functionally the same thing. When you have multiverses you don't actually need "what if"s.

    Pretty much, yeah.

    The only crossover that I know of that is mutually canon to Marvel and DC is Justice League/Avengers.

    But as far as Marvel/Alien-Predator goes... Well, assuming it's a universe in the Marvel Multiverse, they could take the risks anyway.

    As for people getting their panties in a bunch, well... that's gonna happen anyway. As someone who debates with a lot of superhero fans, I have seen Superman stans lose their shit when Godzilla put the Big Blue Boyscout down, even when DC said that was an Elseworlds.
  12. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: SM on May 23, 2024, 10:27:29 PMI don't know who any of those people are - suffice to say they aren't top tier super heroes.

    The WildCATS were Image's answer to Marvel's X-Men. They were fairly popular in the 90's, enough to even get a cartoon alongside side Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as part of CBS' Action Zone block.

    As for Law, we'll, you're certainly right about that. Agents of Law only had six issues, the last one featuring the Predator serving as the end. Dark Horse decided to end their in-house superhero lines with that one until they revived it a few years back.

    Quote from: SM on May 23, 2024, 10:27:29 PMBatman, Superman, even Judge Dredd all won against the Aliens.  A Predator is not going to ultimately come out on top over Black Panther.  No matter how cool it would be to see a Predator take on the mantle.

    I'm not contesting that. Not entirely at least. The only part I am contesting is when you said never. I say it's UNLIKELY to happen but it could.

    Hell, DC recently had killed off Atom Smasher and Guy Gardner in Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong. And Godzilla nearly offed Superman in that one.

    The monsters CAN win.. if the writers let them.

    Quote from: SiL on May 23, 2024, 10:29:18 PMThey need to slap a nice juicy "WHAT IF" on the crossover titles to really mix it up a little and explore the idea of the heroes losing.

    That would be one way to do it but I think it would be more impactful if it happened in the crossovers as is. It's not like their 616 canon anyway.
  13. SiL
    They need to slap a nice juicy "WHAT IF" on the crossover titles to really mix it up a little and explore the idea of the heroes losing.
  14. SM
    I don't know who any of those people are - suffice to say they aren't top tier super heroes.

    Batman, Superman, even Judge Dredd all won against the Aliens.  A Predator is not going to ultimately come out on top over Black Panther.  No matter how cool it would be to see a Predator take on the mantle.
  15. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: SM on May 23, 2024, 09:49:46 PMA super hero isn't going to get beaten by a monster in a crossover like this. It's a given.

    Except.. there is an example where a monsters did win. WildCATS/Aliens. The Xenomorphs killed the Stormwatch team, and made the WildCATs realize that saving the space station was a lost cause.

    And that crossover was canon to Wildstorm at the time and is the direct reason why The Authority was created.

    And another example is Agents of Law #6 as part of Dark Horse's Predators Attack storyline. The main character Law was killed by a Predator, which also ended the book series.
  16. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 23, 2024, 06:28:11 PMWith the multiverse there's really no genuine reason they can't or shouldn't. 

    I want an Alien-Predator multiverse.

    But the Marvel fandom is bigger, more vocal and well... the feats for some characters is INSANE.

    So more often than not, especially with plot armor, the Super Heroes will win.

    Unless the Predators are experienced enough and get the upgrades to better their chances.

    But... I think Predators in some cases are nerfed. Hear me out, because they have their own super metals which can rival Adamantium. One metal is called Dlex and it was in the Steve Perry AVP books and molecularly treated to withstand Xenomorph acid.

    Also, one Predator clan even has different grades of this metal. The Dark Blade clan in Concrete Jungle learned to improve and refine their metals with plasma forging and one weapon was specified to have unbreakable strength.

    But Predators wanting Adamantium and Vibranium? Well... I guess it would be interesting to see if they get their hands on it.

    I am curious if Benjamin Percy knows about this stuff or doesn't. Willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
  17. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: SiL on May 23, 2024, 09:23:55 AMThe concept isn't new, no.

    SM linked that.

    A lot of that information is from fan presumption regarding Prince, NECA's backstories (which do have more presence but I largely disregard toy backstories because they're, you know, TOYS), and Rage War, which has the most weight of them all.

    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 23, 2024, 10:10:16 AM
    Quote from: SiL on May 23, 2024, 09:23:55 AMThe concept isn't new, no.

    My first thought was Robert Rodriguez's old Predators script.  :laugh:

    After how much I enjoyed P vs. Wolverine, I'm happy to take another crossover. They even mentioned having planned the next. Which is cool and all! But the Predator has to win one of these. Surely.  :laugh:

    Quoting Dutch in regards to the Rodriguez script: "I'm trying to forget!"

    As for Predators winning against Marvel characters? As much as I would love to see a Predator holding Spider-Man's head, I know that won't happen. Marvel won't dare have any of their flagship characters die at the hands of a Predator.
  18. Mr. Joe
    After Predator vs Wolverine give Aliens vs Weapon X, Deathlok vs Aliens, Punisher vs Aliens, Blade vs Aliens   
    Future Cable vs Aliens, Predators, Engineers  ;D    Bishop vs Aliens,  ;)
  19. SM
    I'm not really that au fai with Predator lore but I think a lot has happened in the 21 years since Extinction.

    A king-ish Predator doesn't seem terribly out of left field though IMO.
  20. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: SM on May 23, 2024, 07:23:20 AMI don't think he was a "king" but he was a leader who was pretty high up and older.  There was another one in the Life & Death comics.

    I never read the Life and Death comics either. Everything post Three World War, except for intercompany crossovers I avoided.

    But I do know that in some materials, specifically AvP Extinction mentioned the Council of Ancients, and it was fairly ingrained in the story of the Predator missions.

    I mean, we do know that Predators have clans and Elders that lead. The Council of Ancients, to my understanding consists of heads of a variety of clans that dictate the laws of the hunt and ceremonies in Predator society.

    I know NECA aluded to this Council in some of their backstories for their line unless it's the Mandela Effect at play here. But NECA doesn't really count in the larger scheme.

    The word King being applied to Predators just irks me, as their a clan based society and not a monarchy based one unless there's something (and I probably did) I missed.
  21. SM
    I don't think he was a "king" but he was a leader who was pretty high up and older.  There was another one in the Life & Death comics.
  22. RakaiThwei
    Just read the article and it talks about a Predator King. But.. Predators don't have a King. Their government is dictated by a Council of Ancients according to numerous Predator and AvP sources.

    Where in any of the EU has there been any mention of a Predator King or hints of one? Where did it even come from?

    No, AVP2 doesn't count as Prince's name was more of a moniker or designation given to him by Rykov.
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