Following on from 2019’s adaptation of William Gibson’s second draft of Alien 3, Dark Horse has just announced (via The Hollywood Reporter) that 2020 will see them adapting another unused Alien film script. However, it’s not going to be tackling another Alien 3 (sorry folk, no visualize of Eric Red’s take), Dark Horse are turning their sights back to the very start; back to Dan O’Bannon’s Alien – formerly known as Starbeast!
The adaptation of O’Bannon’s screenplay comes courtesy of Cristiano Seixas and Guilherme Balbi and follows in the footsteps of Dark Horse’s successful 2018 series, William Gibson’s Alien 3, which adapted the original screenplay for David Fincher’s third movie in the series, restoring material excised in the final version of the script.
Seixas and Balbi’s five-issue miniseries similarly follows O’Bannon’s original version of events, heavily rewritten by Walter Hill and David Giler before production, and is described simply by the publisher as “an alternate line of events.” Among the differences? In the very first version of the story, the spaceship isn’t the Nostromo but the Snark…
Cristiano Seixas has taken up scripting duties for Dark Horse’s newest adaptation and Guilherme Balbi will be providing the visuals. Seixas has not working within the Alien universe before, but Balbi has previously worked on the Predator side where he did the pencils for A Predatory Life, the prequel comic to Predators that focused on Royce. You can see some of his work for Alien: The Original Screenplay below!
The new series is due to make it’s debut on the 22nd of April, just days before 2020’s Alien Day! I’m not going to lie, I certainly wasn’t expecting this but I’m excited none-the-less!
Thanks to Whos_Nick for the heads-up! Make sure you stick with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest Alien and Predator comic and novel news! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
Seems that people need to stop moaning about Marvel as much and aim the criticism towards the industry on a whole.
...the only thing they had to do was trace this
This dishonest practice seems to have branched out like cancer. It's a sick industry, which is sad.
For real. This would've been the perfect opportunity to use this stuff:
And although the Alien itself wasn't copied, and looked good, I also would've preferred seeing something born from this design:
What we got with the creature in the comic was not too far removed from the Alien we know.
Same. RT does a heck of a job spotting this stuff.
I bring up this very point in the podcast. It's said in the forward that they were trying to get away from Cobb and Moebius, but then we have all these ship exteriors and interiors we've seen before mashed together. At least give us some early underrepresented designs like the Foss stuff if you're going to be copying those elements.
You nailed it exactly.*ZIdGwptSXvk8rSLAAlZp9g.jpeg
Take a guess why...
The monsters from Pitch Black, kinda remind me of... Alien.
The design for the Alien was different enough. It did feel a little bland. Kinda reminded me of the monsters from Pitch Black.
The Space Jockey design was very cool. Yorick.
I would honestly love to see a continuation of this story. But unfortunately never will.
Overall it felt like there was a touch of what the Prequels did mixed with the original film.
I got my HC and final issue at the weekend. A strong one for Dark Horse to go out on with Alien. Another fantastic art team (all 3 of the last series have looked fantastic IMHO). Had some minor pacing issues - more so than Gibson's A3, I think - but otherwise a good adaptation!
True that. Charlie Holloway could have been a descendant if anti-maskers.
If I recall correctly though, some of those original concepts WERE just blobs though...
A was hoping for the unused ending where the Alien kills Ripley/Roby and talks in her voice. But I get that it's not in the script.
Art is as great as the rest of the series.
Im hoping for some nice extras in the hardcover, but I won't hold my breath.
I get that, but I'm still with Hicks here. Much like the Boss Film Predator, if there was any visual medium that could make the Cobb creature work, it would be in the still art paneling of comics. And I would have loved to seen that!
Try to do that with Covenant
Most is non-sense with the exception of:
"Tomb different sides life and death"
I don't think someone should be too dissapointed by that. I have hard time imagining the damn thing moving properly let alone being a viable threat. I always found Cobb's take to be plain goofy
Dammmmmnnnnnn at some of the death artwork too. Looking forward to the conclusion. Definitely going to sitdown and re-read the script and then the comic together soon too. Need a refresher.
I went back to #2 to try translating the text on the wall. It's just non-sense unfortunately, and even looks like some of the Engineer script was flipped around. Shame, that could have been fun.
I may be wrong, but it seems like a few changes were made. A couple of scenes seemed to play out differently than I remember.
Preview for tomorrow's issue 4
To be fair, it's based on the script and at the point in development, it's said that the creature designs were uninspired.
But. Saying that. I love the Space Jockey here.
You have this amazing opportunity to illustrate the awesome story of Alien,
but with a brand new look, and most creatures so far have just been tentacle blobs.
I thought it would be obvious the hire an illustrator that is really into creature design and such, (I admit there is more to Alien than that) such as a bernie Wrightson type of artist or something.
Ive seen some images of the adult, and it looks interesting though.
The Chestburster sequence would be my only grip. In principle there is nothing to fault other than expectation, but it would have been nice if it was more focused.
Liked the ending and where it leaves us for the beginning of issue 4. Always wanted to see the food locker sequence with the traditional Alien.
Also, I can't remember if the "wear protective suits" thing was in the original. Can anyone else?
Yeah man.
Read it this morning. Comixology.