As some of you already know, Dark Horse plans to reboot the Alien, Predator and Alien Vs. Predator comic series and create a single universe that all four comic franchises, including the yet to be initiated Prometheus comic series, will share.
Below you can find the recently revealed covers for the first issues of all the new series:
If you want to learn more about the Dark Horse’s relaunch, make sure to check io9’s interview with Dark Horse editor-in-chief Scott Allie.
I think the new covers are fantastic and the internal art is even better. Any thoughts?
The idiot - you are still feeding it.
This is the cover:
I rather like it. I wonder if that's a Deacon mural or a live Deacon recessed into the wall.
LOL no
His statement boils down to "You're misrepresenting"
Without an explanation of how I'm misrepresenting, it has no substance. It's merely a claim with nothing to back it up
Whatever the coward says
It puts my mind at ease, I'll say that. And I hope it stays that way..
Oh my God, did we just agree on this?!
Ridley could give less a shit about the Predator species, let alone the franchise.
Given the fact that he's admitted that he doesn't know, and isn't an authority.. I highly doubt we'll see that. And that is a question which I would like to remain unanswered.
I agree. I highly doubt they'll go in the direction of having the Predators be Engineer creations. More than likely we'll get some back-story indicating that they either had a war thousands of years ago, or that the Predators stole technology or xenos from the Engineers. Despite that, I do like to point out that a few lines from Predator: Homeworld from back in 1999 speculates that alien intelligence might have moved the proto-yautja off of Earth to a planet where they could evolve to their full potential. I just love how that one line of speculation from such an old comic has taken on new meaning since Prometheus came out.
And yup, I have stopped by your blog a few times and liked posts!
If they did it would explain why Predators look so human and yet at the same time look like failed abortions.
It's clear the Engineers aren't big on anything that isn't either an animal or a weapon.
So either they created the Predators and saw them as another failure and likely a ship on LV223 was meant to make a stop at Pred-Planet or The Predators evolved on their own.
I've considered asking Sebela on somethings, but with these questions.. they're hit and miss. I have considered on asking if the Engineers also created the Predators (which if they did... I won't be pleased about that). I think that's an answer I don't want to know at the time being.. But at the same time I also want to know. Hmmm..
"Well, there's gonna be Predators. And there's gonna be Aliens. And at some point they will versus the bejesus out of each other. "
They really want to keep this under wraps.
That is very true, and a good point. On the other hand, their current epic, 12 issue Terminator series has been pretty poor so far. I'm optimistic, but I can't help but have some level of dread.
This is scarier than anything that was actually in Prometheus. I'm not even being facetious here.
Jesus christ.
He is not my God.
All hail Ridley.
LOL yes
See I can be redundant without making a point as well.
Or at least... I hope I don't.
Ehhhh the Alien being at point-blank with Lambert pretty much eliminated Parker's use of the flamethrower. I kinda see what you're getting at, but I definitely don't agree with your conclusion.
Well sure, the "short lifespan" thing got retconned out by the later movies. But even if we drop that, the Alien was still being really passive in the shuttle until Ripley literally forced it out of hiding. There were numerous moments where Ripley had her pants down (literally!) and it could have mugged the shit out of her, and instead it just kinda hung out. I always chalked the Alien being in the shuttle to being a really bad coincidence.
I mean, I don't really think the Alien grasped that that particular part of the ship could detach from the rest of the Nostromo and would be the only way it could survive the self destruct. That sort of precludes that the Alien understands what a self-destruct is, what the shuttle is and what it can do, and that Ripley was headed there.
The Alien could have placed itself in any manner of ways jumping Parker and Lambert but placed itself in such a way that Parker couldn't use the flamethrower.
The Narcissus probably makes the most sense as there were no alarms blaring all over the place. But only if you take the first movie as a kind of standalone film. We know the Aliens can last longer than 24 hours because of the second film.
Its just pretty convenient.
The Alien being on the Narcissus I chalked up as an unfortunate coincidence - the Alien wanted to be in a secluded area (to die, if we go by the movie's original intent), unfortunately for Ripley it ended up choosing the shuttle.
The Alien placing itself between Parker and Lambert was pretty easy when the two of them were against the walls on opposite sides of the room.
I won't disagree with this.
Power being out in areas they supposedly fixed, the cat in the locker, the Alien placing itself between Parker and Lambert, it ended up on the Narcissus.
Don't forget one of them managed to get to the escape pod and was very close to escape Auriga and find his way to new environment.
LOL no
Yes I feel the Xenomorphs need to act stranger.
Meanwhile, the ones in 'Aliens' cut the power, found creative ways into Ops, ambushed the shit out of the Marines in the Hatchery, and managed to disable the Marines' means of escape (the dropship).
And the ones in 'Alien Resurrection' set ambushes and traps on several occasions (ambushed the soldier with the liquid nitrogen, set a trap for Elgyn, set the underwater trap with the facehuggers, grabbed Ripley as she was investigating a grate).
At best, the most "cunning" the Alien in 'Alien' seems to be is when it's stalking Dallas in the air vents, and even then Dallas was at an enormous disadvantage of being in an unfamiliar environment with questionable intel (Lambert panicking, the motion tracker being unreliable).
When there's grating left and right of it ,where it would be easier for it to spit acid from the back of the ladder and not put itself in harms way.
Yet Kane's son, within days tried to resemble a box, posed as Christ and moved gracefully with a certain purpose.
For all we know, the Alien in the context of "Alien" alone could've had a greater understanding of the universe than even we do.
And no, the Aliens in Resurrection (If you can even call them as such) and Aliens respectively were more human not necessarily more intelligent. They imitated humans instead of being Aliens in Resurrection, instead of being "Alien." (Climb ladders, push buttons etc)
In Aliens they were intelligent but more animalistic. (Charging tactics)