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Recollections of Alien

Jon Sorenson, one of the miniatures effect artists on the set of Alien, has created a website called Recollections of Alien. The website includes a collection of his photos from the set and his own personal recollections (as per the title of the website!):

17082013_01 Recollections of Alien

It’s a fantastic read and there’s some really cool shots of the miniatures in his gallery. Thanks to Hudson for the news.

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Comments: 15
  1. Darwinsgirl

    A thoroughly enjoyable read and a joy to see a part of ALIEN that is not usually available to the public (personal not commercial images).

    The attention to detail of the ships in ALIEN goes way beyond nose cones,fins or blinking lights to create reality for the viewer.

    Thank you Mr. Sorenson for sharing your personal photos & having the foresight to take pictures as camera's were not carried with us like wallets or watches then. For me...seeing the bell bottoms...beards & Afro's was a bit of time travel. (I had an Angela Davis afro at one point  ;) )

    5 stars  * * * * *  Mr. Sorenson!
  2. Hudson
    The coolest shots are the engine room. That miniature seems to be the most elusive thing ever. I don't remember seeing pictures of it anywhere and it lasts about half a second in the movie.
  3. saintssinphony
    The craftsmanship on those miniature sets and the way they were shot is a testament to how amazing the first ALIEN was.  It seems like everyone who contributed gave 100% on their jobs and the result is the movie we have.  Thanks for the link I thought that was really interesting to see the models up close. 
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