Yesterday a potential plot outline for Scott’s Prometheus hit the net. A 20th Century Fox representative quickly debunked the story describing the leaked plot as “way off”. Instead, Fox has now released a brief synopsis for the film which you can find below:
“Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life’s ultimate mystery.“
In related news, is reporting that actor Ben Foster (Pandorum, X-Men: The Last Stand) has joined the cast of Prometheus.
That is criminal. It's one of those rare and truly frightening FPSes. Surely, the update with the seven saves helped alleviate tension, but since you didn't know where you were going with those, you would build up a new kind of stress of saving too much too early, or in the wrong spot.
Now, game magazines would whine about such a difficulty, and yet I think it made the solo shine even more.
Still, during the days of no saves, even the merest sight of a facehugger at a level's mid-lenght was really driving me nuts. If that damned thing managed to leap at me (and it made a scary noise btw), I had to restart all. Imagine that, a small piece of crap that instantly kills you. It's vulnerable, but absolutely deadly at the same time. Probably a form of absolute game balance I would have no shame to support in modern games.
avp 2000
don't forget the first avp game - which is still the scariest game to date. less scripts, more random alien encounters
Hey now, the first comic, and avp2 PC rocked. It's just all the other avp things which fail abysmally.
By the way, does anybody know 'A Strange Hour' by Recoil?
Just put on the window dressing and make it seem legit.
LOL...agreed. The ENTIRETY of the AvP world quivers with mediocrity.
We're talking about a level of technology that is very advanced and doesnt work like our currently decommisioned space shuttles did - it would be faster and way more efficient.
I only mention this as this would be how time dilation would factor into the plot in its actual way - and thats if the destination is Zeta 2 Reticuli and the ship doesnt end up drifting to it or whatever planet the ship will land on. As I work out all this hard scifi information, the less I see the film doing something like this - though maybe someone can pick this up for an Alien fanfic, eh?
Well the amount of energy would be alot(putting it lightly) but to CONTINUOUSLY accelerate for a year? sorry if i miss understood what you have put but would would you continuously need to accelerate? Once you hit that speed required you don't need to continue to apply that acceleration. There is no resistance in space that would slow the ship down to a hault. The only real issue for speed then would be gravity Plus a multi-ton weighing cargo ship would weight 0 n in space for there would be no conventional gravity to give it a weight
It has now been confirmed so many times that the film will take place in t he Alien universe... but it's NOT an Alien film in itself. So I don't know why people are complaining here and saying that a galaxy built for 20 years is being disregarded in this film. It's not, its simply a standalone film that will tie in with the first Alien movie (I still think it will not accept "Aliens", "Alien 3" or "Rez" as canon, it will redefine what we have known so far about xenomorphs. Don't expect "Hive", "Drones", "Queens" etc.)
Scott is using the first Alien film to create something bigger and more meaningful (If anything in that storyline that I just read is true). I can totally understand why he didn't want to make it an Alien movie, because the Xenomorph Alien is just one part of this gigantic universe that he is about to unleash on us.
Also Pn2501, I realise that Prometheus may not be Jockey-tech (we dont know either way yet), but to make a theoretical trip for near 40 years at a constant 10G accel/deccel cycle (the amount of fuel needed would be astronomical and theres the point of a set of drives with that acceleration) with a huge spaceship that'll reach near light speed to make the crew age just over 10 months instead of 40 years calls to mind some type of tech we cant build.
This makes me think that although the entire ship may not be a Jockey-ship, the drive tech might be (possibly some advanced gravitic drive will be used that doesnt need remass, just a source to keep it powered up).
Harlock, sorry if my post came off as that was not intended. I have edited it in order to delete my previous reference to "going back to school" for the advanced physics and relativistic field theory. Your use of the relativistic rocket / calculator was a good idea, and indeed, it does show that (in theory) the trip could be made within the lifetime of both the ship's crew (who would age slower) as well as the inertial observors in Earth's frame of reference. Cheers, and happy 4th.
A similar effect will happen by increasing the Gs of continual thrust to 12. To clarify, I'm talking from a scifi writers point of view - not an "I believe we can do this now" POV. I know we can never achieve something like this with our tech - for a start the amount of fuel would be horrendous, I dont even think we could get a rocket to accelerate that fast - but then with a Jockey-tech Drive on the Prometheus, the viewer can put all that aside.
Also, despite the fact I realise such a thing would be impossible by our technological stand-point, I really dont think they teach PHD Physics in high school
The Alien series is not a hard scifi series, I just wanted to use a time dilation calculator to show how a trip to LV-426 would work for a crew of actors to not be shown to age significantly on a near 40 year trip from Earth POV.
No doubt.
Well, then prepare yourself to suspend disbelief. Do you have any conception of how much energy it would take to CONTINUOUSLY accelerate a multi-ton spacecraft at 10G's for approximately a year? Forget about the fact that one would have to deccelerate the spacecraft at same rate, roughly half-way through the journey, in order to achieve closed orbit within target interstellar system.
The required energy output is WELL beyond the means of any current or postulated technology, even given the hypothesized accelerated advancement in state-of-the-art physics and technology.
I'll say how they can avoid a discrepancy about whether the Company knew about aliens before hand; the crew run up to the planet by pure incident... this could be from accidental damage leading to course-change to drifting until they reach it, communication not reaching the distance, theres quite a few ways for a ship to get out that far without comms reaching Earth with their destination.
This of course would mean the crew never get back to Earth or a report made never reaches Earth. Broken comms, busted ship seems most likely, or there are no survivors - I'll go with the first as it leaves room for sequels
As an aside, heres an interesting point about Time Dilation, I ran some numbers using this website;
Using the Long Relativistic Journeys calculator, setting a distance of 12 light years (to Zeta-Reticuli from Earth), if accelerating at 10Gs, time dilation makes the crew age 0.9 years in the space of the 12.2 year trip.
I think thats manageable for a film to keep the crew looking the same roughly as before and after a trip. This would also mean that the crew need to be kept in Event-Horizon style Grav-Couches (note - theyre not cryogenics!!) for the trip.
I'm not sure what this means for the ship - acceleration at 98.1metres per second is crazy fast and the ship would need to be light and carry alot of fuel - but if the Prometheus will be a Jockey-ship, I'm willing to suspend disbelief
Nice little theory, I might pick that manga up.
There would still be a discrepancy between those events and the ones in Alien 30 years later though.
We can expect the ship is going to travel a distance enough for time dilation to play a part, so I expect the ship may fly for years. Now a ship going for years with a crew needs alot of supplies. This is where you mileage may vary on matters;
Say the Prometheus is sent out as an exploration vessel, it is piloted and crewed by automated systems (androids?).
The actual people who will venture on new worlds are kept as donor eggs and sperm. These are then made into test tube babies once a planet is reached in orbit.
The android systems act as parents until the children are old enough to venture down to the planet. Very little resources will be needed, as the planet will be expected to sustain the humans when they go dirt-side.
I dont think this will happen in its entirety though!
Time dilation in the film will probably just justify the ship taking a long journey (of decades) whilst barely aging the crew and not turning it into a generation ship (as in the children of the original crew inherit the jobs of the old), mainly to the above post I have written about the ship supposed to be moving STL and planets that would feasibly hold extra-system alien races being more than a couple of tens of light years away.
Something to remember also, the Zeta-Reticuli binary system in RL lies about 12 light years away from Earth. Something to ponder on...
(Contact - Jodie Foster)
The alien timeline from various sources places Ripley being born on 2092 and the film Prometheus has been said by Scott himself to be thirty years before Ripley - that would place things at 2062.
I dont like the idea of faster than light travel either, but with Scott saying time dilation will feature, one would think near or STL will be involved in some capacity - saying that Avatar did space travel quite realistically for a scifi blockbuster. We also know nothing about Prometheus as a ship so far.
Hopefully when someone mentions a planet is a certain number of light years away, it will take the same number of years to travel that way - at least. If the world is 20 light years away - it best not take sooner than that (20 yrs) to reach it. Time dilation will keep the actors from physically aging if the dilation effect and distance travelled is totalled by someone who at least finds the Space Math Resources for Science Fiction Writers site.
Also I get a feeling, just from reading this new info, that if the Company and humanity would have had no idea of the alien in Alien, then possibly the Prometheus reached the planet by accident, say the ship got damaged and it gets pulled into the gravitational pull and orbit of the Jockey's world as its hopelessly drifting...
I think thats all I wanted to say here, I'm still new so thanks for reading. Comments welcome.
Humans find out we were made by spacejockeys and we find coordinates to their homeworld this ship is called "prometheus" when we get there the space jockies are happy to see us and give us tech but some dumb human abuses this and steals terraforming tech so the space jockies unlesh a deadly enemy I'm guessing the alien....that's it summed up
'I think any corporation that sends probes into unknown territory is going to think of the possibility of finding something new. I'm sure that the crew members on all its ships would have been briefed to bring back anything of interest. It would be part of one's job to bring it back. An alien, of course, would be of top priority. This particular corporation didn't have a preconceived notion that an alien would be found on this mission, much less the particular alien that is brought onto the ship. The idea of bringing it back alive would not have been on the minds of the corporate executives when they first received the alien transmission. They just had high expectations when they ordered the Nostromo to investigate - it was purely out of curiousity.'
It must be my dry wit that's got your knickers in a twist.
Your implying that Ash knows about the Alien through the events of Prometheus?
And if it's up for debate then it's a distinct possibility.
That's from the official plot synopsis though
I'm just pointing out that it's possibly got serious plot and timeline issue's if he's linking it with the Derelict. I could be wrong, it might all mesh together perfectly.
But putting the crash at the start, makes no sense to me at all.
" to discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life's ultimate mystery"
They stuck Ash, on a floating Oil Rig, to pick it up on the way back from work.
Not buying it.
Speculation. We have no idea what links this movie to the Alien franchise. Obviously there's a 99% chance it's the same ship.
If your saying The Company knew about the Derelict, people have had that debate before, it doesn't end up pretty ...
The more I think about it, there isn't really any need for the crash scene at all.
I'm not even sure I understand what your trying to say? Either that or you don't understand my post?
I see where you guy's are going with it, but it's treading in Phantom Menace waters there.
I don't see how you can use the galaxy established over 20 years, then disregard everything in it.
Then why bother whith the ship at all?
A while back one of the effects guys tweeted that he was working on the ALIEN PREQUEL. He said that the first scene would blow people away, and that audiences have been waiting to see it for over 25 years.
I mean, I could be wrong, but that sounds like the DERELICT crash to me.
Yeah I was thinking that. And we see the pilot live and well
It could even show a clip from the opening of "Alien".