Ridley Scott has apparently talked about the connection between the first Alien movie and Prometheus in an interview with IC Press. The news arrives via Hungarian website Mozinezo.hu, revealing some spoilery and yet to be confirmed details about Guy Pearce’s role in the film. According to them, Ridley stated the following (translated via Google, courtesy of APN):
“When the first ‘Alien’ movie and ‘Blade Runner’ were made, I thought that in the near future the world will be owned by large companies. This is why we have the Tyrell Corporation in ‘Blade Runner’, and Weyland-Yutani in ‘Alien’. They sent the Nostromo spaceship.
The Prometheus is owned by an entrepreneur called Peter Weyland, and is played by Guy Pearce. That’s the connection between the two films, and nothing more. Prometheus is a new film, a new world, and is full of new ideas. And of course new monsters as well.“
This January Guy Pearce revealed to MTV Movies that he will be in the film “only for a minute“. Thanks to APN for the news.
Update: This has been now confirmed via a viral promotion for Prometheus.
It doesn't help that Fox has so far ignored all efforts from press when trying to confirm the news. Hopefully it will get clarified soon.
It was my point. I was just riffing one meaning from what he wrote.
I don't think that was ChrisPachi's point at all.
It's just been a frustrating couple of months since the trailer
Are these people lazy or stupid or illogical or all of the above?
There are quotes from multiple actors in this movie saying that it is part of the ALIEN franchise.
So please do some independent research and come up with a new question to pose to people here or else don't type anything.
Seen 'em, been involved in them. Hence my rage.
You obviously haven't seen all the numerous topics that have been taken over by the "Is it a prequel or not?" debate, that exists solely because of Scott's double-speak such as this.
Yes I understand all that and have been willing to think this way up until now, but the double-speak surrounding this movie has reached far past infuriating. I am surprised that there isn't more fan backlash against this ridiculous 'marketing' campaign. Maybe if there was we would finally get some intelligent commentary from the film makers.
Where does this guy fit?
I wouldn't let it bother you to this extent. I feel that Ridley is being advised to play down the connection by Fox because whilst it's long been called a prequel it doesn't play to type the way most sequels/prequels do. He's not disrespecting anyone, he just giving out information to the general movie going public and probably thinking (via Fox advice) that he has to underplay A L I E N because of the sequels which are a more recent memory. At one time Ridley said that anyone who is a fan of A L I E N will recognise familiar things in Prometheus. He's also said it connects only with the first and doesn't have any connection with the sequels.
Just accept the subterfuge as part of the marketing game that he is having to play. It's true he wants it to be a mystery and for there to be plenty of new surprises - given that, why would he want to confirm anything that kills any suspense?
That's right, he does know, which is why his latest comment (if legit) shows complete contempt for the fan-base. His statement that the only link between the two films is the company who owns the spaceships is a balls-out lie. Either he doesn't know that the trailer was even released, is so senile that he can't remember what he did or said yesterday or thinks that his fans are all such morons as to swallow any horseshit that comes out his mouth.
So far I have been sucked in pretty badly by all of the secrecy, but this crap is getting on the nerves. I understand that they want to keep the debate raging for as long as they can, but its getting stupid now. There's are good chance that most of the spin about this film has been bullshit all along, especially in light of this latest contradiction from the man in charge.
I was referring to the continuity between all the films as opposed to what Ridley knew.
I was thinking of Peter Bishop as well when I heard the name Peter Weyland.
And it's Peter Bishop in Fringe.
It's Charles Bishop Weyland in Alien vs Predator
It's Peter Weyland in Prometheus
It's Bishop the Synthetic Person in Aliens (and also Alien3)
It's Michael Bishop At the end of Alien3
It's Rook, the Synthetic Person in Aliens: Colonial Marines
It's Karl Bishop Weyland in Aliens vs Predator (the 2010 video game)
I was thinking of the AVP guy.
Peter Weyland would come before Charles B since this movie takes place 30 years before Alien(which Bishop appears in). Bishop is likely the nephew or cousin of Peter Weyland.
Ridley wouldn't even know who Karl Bishop Weyland was.
I wonder who has more power in the company; Peter Weyland or Karl Bishop Weyland?
MTV: Since this is a prequel, will you need to make the ships more primitive-looking than in "Alien"?
Scott: It's set in 2085, about 30 years before Sigourney [Weaver's character Ellen Ripley]. It's fundamentally about going out to find out 'Who the hell was that Space Jockey?'
MTV: And is the Weyland-Yutani company in existence at this point?
Scott: It's Weyland. Weyland hasn't joined Yutani yet, so they go and see Weyland. [The film] is about the discussion of terraforming — taking planets and planetoids and balls of earth and trying to terraform, seed them with the possibilities of future life.
My thinking, here, is that Sir Ridley was speaking to "John Q. Public" and the unwashed masses
I suspect he knew that it was one of the most discussed and debated issue within "fandom".
But, of course, I could be wrong.
Clearly, he didn't read Aliens Original Sin.
Well seems he lives in an alternate reality at all
EGE: So you are linking this directly with the Alien films?
RS: Not at all.
EGE: Not at all?
RS: No.
EGE: No?
RS: I mean, you could actually say, and there's a quote I did, a pretty good quote: By the end of the third act you start to realize there's a DNA of the very first alien, but none of the subsequent aliens. To tell you what that is is a pity, and I'm not going to tell you, because it's actually pretty good, pretty organic to the process and to the original. But we go back, we don't go forward.
EGE: The official synopsis from Fox says that this revolves around the "Alien Gods", the "Space Jockey" from the first film.
RS: Yeah, so there you have that. I was always amazed that, I mean, I've only done two science-fictions, but I was always amazed that no one asked who the hell the Space Jockey was. He wasn't even called the Space Jockey. During the film they started to call it the Space Jockey. I don't know who started that one off. I always thought it was amazing that no one ever asked who he was, and why was he there? What was all that about? I sat thinking about this for a while and thought, well, there's a story! And the other four [films] missed it! So, here it is.
Scott has either been completely mis-quoted/translated, didn't actually say anything of the sort at all or is talking straight out of his ass (as he has been known to do). If the latter, this is just the same smoke and mirrors bullshit that has surrounded this film since the beginning, only with this latest quote we know that Scott (or his press department) is talking complete and utter rubbish.
We shouldn't even be debating this. It is misinformation.
This is me hoping that Peter Weyland is Australian.
Really? Do you have a link?
I have to say I'm not too pleased with the overall new bio mechanical look in Prometheus, either. It looks more cybernetic than bio mechanical. You can tell everything is made from some sort of alloy whereas, in the original ALIEN, it looked as though it were made from the bones taken from some bizarre creature. THAT is bio mechanical. The new look is lacking that Giger feel. And that bothers me. A lot.
f**king. Awesome.
Oh God yes. That, and the bombastic shite spawned by the unholy "Brothers Strause".
For example we might not see the creation of the ALIENS and the EGGS in Prometheus, but we may be given information in the course of the movie that will allow us to create a reasonable and plausible theory in our minds to how they came about.
a literary or dramatic work whose story precedes that of an earlier-written work.
Just because it's not "the adventures of young Ripley" doesn't mean it's not a prequel.
No, because Dracula was written first. The Blade trilogy can, however, be viewed as a sequel to Dracula, as the events of that book form part of the history of Blade's world, as well as Dracula actually featuring in the third film.
It is, it's not exactly a big secret.