After premiering earlier today, the embargo lifted earlier and reviews are starting to pour in for The Predator. And if the early reaction tweets weren’t a good enough indication, the film is generally being received as quite mixed with scores around the 3 out of 5 mark.
As of publishing (but we’ll try to keep this updated as we update with new reviews) The Predator is currently sitting at 64% on Rotten Tomatoes. Update: Now up to 86% from 67%. Update 2: Now down to 64% from 86%. Update 3: Now down again to 41% from 64%.
- Mr_H Reviews
- JoBlo (7/10)
- The Playlist (B+)
- Roger Ebert (3/4)
- /SlashFilm – 6.5/10
- Digital Spy (3/5)
- Games Radar (3/5)
- Hollywood Reporter
- IGN (6.5/10)
- ComiConverse (3/5)
- AvP Galaxy (6/10)
- Collider (C+)
- Splash Report (C-)
- Variety
- Den of Geek (1/5)
- Dread Central
- SciFi Now (2/5)
- Nerdist (2/5)
Keep checking in with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on The Predator! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
My review is now up. Some minor spoilers.
Well I was minding my own business checking out the reviews, but you got 7 posts in here (no reviews) trying to decipher if the movie is bad or good off the first reviews. So it's kinda hard to get past your live review tracker.
I love second movie, and It's my personal favorite out of franchise and maybe my personal favorite movie of all time. But I don't think it's quality vise better then "The Predator". Just objectively it's a lower level quality movie. Second movie was torn apart by critics and failed financially. It got some love from fans, but over all it's not so welcomed in the franchise.
Maybe you could it. I dunno, seems like a good way to get a feel for it ya know.
or wait another 8 minutes see if any more positives come in. Maybe 12 minutes if you're feeling super patient.
It will end between 60~70%. Which is good.
Average Rating: 6.2/10
Reviews Counted: 6
Fresh: 4
Rotten: 2
To be fair, Mr_H and I were on the same track. The ending was one of my 2 big groans. Honestly, I'm working on it now. Trying to write it at work.
When will it be up Hicks ?
thank you, appreciate the kind words
Great breakdown and review as always from Mr H, I trust his judgment and expecting to really enjoy the majority of this. But that ending, dear god. What an absolute lore killer.
I don't like what I have been reading though, I mean Predator has never been as gritty as Alien in tone and realism (at least the first Alien films) but this movie seems way over the top. You even got a kid with autism which is probaly going to automatically mean he can figure out the Predator tech and save the day. Not many people like special snowflakes, Mary-sues and its male equilavent.
I might be pleaseantly surprised by the movie though, I have not seen it but almost everything I heard and read about this movie is made me want to shake my head and sigh.
IGN - 6.5/10
''A fun, flawed return to the Predatorverse.''
Not entirely true. First of all, you're the one employing the word "parody" here. You don't actually know if that's how you will feel about it just yet.
And movies can very well have different tones throughout a franchise. Take a look at some Marvel films, the Thor ones for example. First one has plenty of humor, but the tone is that of a fantasy film that has its chunks of humor. Now we get to Thor: Ragnarok, that's a comedy. It's admittedly a comedy. Now I don't know if you like Marvel films or not, that's a different discussion, but the general consensus out there - which I happen to agree with - is that Ragnarok, the one who goes all out with the comedic tone, is by far the best out of those films. Meaning for nearly everyone that tone shift worked.
I'm not saying The Predator will be an all-out comedy in the veins of that film, not at all, I don't know that and neither do you. I've only seen the Fugitive vs Upgrade scene of The Predator, and this I know for a fact: in that brief clip that I saw, there wasn't a single joke. What I get from this reception is simply that The Predator is a genre entertainment film that dares to admit it is a genre entertainment film. But, again, I don't know this just yet. Gonna have to wait and see.
Variety review - not so positive
Well said.
perhaps 1 in 10 claim it's a "parody" so it's which you choose to see it as
What you're hearing is mixed-to-positive reception, my friend. Which is the very same reception that every single Predator film, including the first one, had. Except for maybe 2, that was mixed-to-negative. So far, most people DO like the movie. And yes, every single one of them converge that it has tons of humor, and obviously that's gonna be a major polarizer here because if film is subjective, humor is even MORE subjective. For some people it will work 100%, for others it will work less, for people who didn't want humor at all it's probably not gonna work - unless they keep an open mind. Everybody knew what this was going to be from the start. Shane had said it, countless and countless times. For me, personally, that's what I want, because it's a Shane Black movie, so it better own it. I have 3 other perfectly good movies that I enjoy in this franchise if I want something with less humor - this I want to be hysterical. But hey, that's me. Maybe that's not you, and that's fine. But then again, it's not a problem with the film, it's a problem with what you want from it. You knew what it was going to be. They prepared you for it. So no, I don't believe for a second that the film is "not good at all".
Or maybe the film is not good at all? I'm a predator fanatic but from what I'm hearing so far Black has made a predator parody and not a true sequel.
exactly. zero credibility. adored by the Predator fanbase
Breaking embargo too, eh? Just couldn't wait to shit on it. Gives them lots of credibility.
contains spoilers obviously
I was expecting an action comedy but I'd hoped that the humour would fade as the film went on, but doesn't seem that way. Oh well, not gonna take it serious and just go in looking for a fun time!