I was just randomly searching on Google and found a new interview with Colin and Greg Strause on DWScifi. It was posted Jan 15 but I guess we all missed it.
What did you think of the original Alien Vs. Predator?
Colin Strause: Like most of the fans we weren’t crazy about the last film. It didn’t deliver enough suspense and tension, which I think are the key elements to making a good Alien Vs. Predator film. Requiem begins with the aftermath of the last film, where we see how the Aliens arrive back on earth, especially our Pred-Alien, along with a lone Predator warrior.
Greg Strause: AVP was actually, from a financial standpoint, the most profitable of all of the films – from either franchise. I think Fox was really wise, though, in realising that even though the last film was a financial success, the hardcore fans weren’t crazy about the film. We’re on the internet message boards all the time, keeping in touch with the fans, and the fans felt that AVP left them cold and unsatisfied. We’ve taken a whole different approach with this film.
Colin Strause: We feel the pressure to make up for the last film; to regain the fans’ trust.
It’s quite an interesting interview. Be sure to check it out.