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Archive for the ‘AvP Requiem News’ Category

Survival of the Fittest, Discussing The First Draft of Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem – AvP Galaxy Podcast #164

We have just uploaded the 164th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download). We're taking a break from all the book and comic discussions as Corporal Hicks, RidgeTop and Xenomorphine reunite to discuss the first very draft of Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem! We discuss the differences between the first draft of the script ... [Read More]

Interview with Ian Feuer, AvPR Predator Performer – AvP Galaxy Podcast #63

We have just uploaded the 63rd episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Our latest episode features an interview with Ian Feuer. His may not be a name with a connection that instantly jumps out at you but Ian Feuer literally filled the shoes of Ian Whyte as the Wolf Predator (and pretty much ... [Read More]

Aliens vs. Predator Requiem Retrospective, A Chat with Liam O’Donnell – AvPGalaxy Podcast #60

We have just uploaded the 60th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! This Christmas marks the 10th anniversary of Aliens vs. Predator Requiem. Opinions on the film aside, AvP Requiem was an important film for this community as it saw an explosion in activity. The directors were posting on our forums and we had ... [Read More]

Inside the Alien vs Predator Halloween Maze

The Halloween Horror Nights event featuring an Alien vs Predator attraction is now under way at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida and Hollywood, California. The funhouse in Hollywood is based around AvP Requiem with a crashed Predator spaceship in a small suburban town and Orlando features a Weyland-Yutani laboratory. Some fans have been posting videos of the funhouse on YouTube. At first I preferred the Orlando funhouse ... [Read More]
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