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Concept Artist Daniel Burns Shares Unseen Alien: Paradise Lost Concept Art!

Happy Alien Day 2024 to the community! The first piece of news we see for today is the release of two never before seen images connected to the prequels, by Daniel J. Burns (@djb_art) on X:

Here’s a couple of test pictures for an unmade sequel to ‘Prometheus’. Happy Alien Day!

The first picture shows us a somewhat biomechanical and translucent Alien, though with 3 pairs of back tubes and a cranium ending in a point, akin to the Deacon or Neomorph. The creature seems to be surrounded by ribbed Juggernaut-like walls, definitely Engineer architecture, with a bright green glow emanating from an unseen source.

 Concept Artist Daniel Burns Shares Unseen Alien: Paradise Lost Concept Art!

The second image shows us a strange looking immense stone structure. Both the floor and ceiling seem to be curved with a great number of natural pillars, set at different angles, connecting the two. The same green glow is present, though with less intensity, as well as what seems to be a couple of explorers for size reference scale in Prometheus-styled spacesuits.

 Concept Artist Daniel Burns Shares Unseen Alien: Paradise Lost Concept Art!

Also on Daniel’s website are 2 other pieces of artwork under the album Alien: Paradise Lost, which was one of the earlier names for Alien: Covenant. One other piece depicts someone in a Prometheus expedition suit (Shaw, perhaps?) walking down a hallway, and the other shows a vessel having landed on the surface of a planet.

 Concept Artist Daniel Burns Shares Unseen Alien: Paradise Lost Concept Art! Concept Artist Daniel Burns Shares Unseen Alien: Paradise Lost Concept Art!

I don’t believe we’ve heard of Daniel’s involvement with Alien: Covenant before, but he is an Australian based artist who is perhaps best known now for his work on I.T, I Am Mother and the current Star Trek shows. You can check out Daniel’s other work on his website.

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Comments: 22
  1. Fulfected
    Spoilered because of plot details from the Alien RPG, which people might want to play without plot details being revealed.

    As noted earlier in the thread, the concept art has imagery very similar to the vision that a Fulfremmen imparts during the Heart of Darkness Alien RPG scenario.

    The RPG is really good at canon welding, and using material from Alien franchise media, including unused concept material. I'm thinking out loud here, but is it possible that the Prometheus saga would have concluded with something akin to the Fulfremmen and the Proto-Hives from the RPG, and that Shaw's fate in Covenant implies she might have been in the process of "Perfection".
  2. Imbrie
    Interesting pics - always good to see this kind of stuff.

    Now, what I'd really like is more detail on what was originally planned for the follow up to Prometheus.
  3. Immortan Jonesy
    Wow! 8)🙏 Superb publication! the Alien looks quite Deacon-like😅these images look visually beyond interesting. It's neat to learn what the sequel to Prometheus could have been☺️👍
  4. Slutty Badger
    A very similar image to the first is used to illustrate the Proto-Hive in Building Better Worlds. Plus, the "pillars" image looks similar to the Fulfremmen vision in Heart of Darkness, with the trees blocking out the sky.
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