Aaron Carter from the LA Comic Con has just emailed me with more details regarding the AvP Requiem presentation at the upcoming convention on the 4th of November:
“Admission to the SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2007 COMIC BOOK AND SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION is only $8.00, five years and under are free, with a hand stamp and ticket allowing you all day access to the show. You can go out to lunch and come back to shop! EARLY ADMISSION is available for $10.00, and this ticket gets you in early starting at 9:20 A.M. instead of the official opening time of 10:00 A.M, so you have access to the room just like the Dealers in the morning! A PREMIUM ADMISSION is $20.00 and you receive items that are limited in supply which will be announced as the show date gets closer.”
Sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty fun day. The Los Angeles Comic Con takes place on this upcoming Sunday, the 4th of November. You can visit the official LA Comic Con site here. Read on for the entire press release.
EDIT: Turns out the footage will be new and it won’t be released online.
Full Announcement
Guests will include:
Colin and Greg Strause, Directors of Aliens Vs. Predator – Requiem
Brothers COLIN and GREG STRAUSE make their debut as Directors on ALIENS VERSUS PREDATOR-REQUIEM, and on stage in this EXCLUSIVE 20TH CENTURY FOX Presentation they will screen special film clips, discuss the making of the film, and take questions. This is the only Con appearance by the brothers STRAUSE to discuss the making of AVP-R. It’s expected that 20TH CENTURY FOX will have give-aways from AVP-R, and that the Directors will sign autographs after the presentation while their schedule allows. Check the program schedule posted on the day of the Con for details. ALIENS VERSUS PREDATOR-REQUIEM is RATED-R and no-holds-barred, the iconic creatures from two of the scariest film franchises wage their most brutal battle ever–in our own backyard.
THE CONVENTION IS LOCATED AT THE SHRINE AUDITORIUM EXPO CENTER, 700 WEST 32ND ST. IN LOS ANGELES, 90007. The Shrine Auditorium is just North of the USC Campus and is near the cross streets of Jefferson & Figueroa. There is plenty of parking located near and around the Shrine Auditorium as well as plenty of restaurants.
Admission to the SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2007 COMIC BOOK AND SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION is only $8.00, five years and under are free, with a hand stamp and ticket allowing you all day access to the show. You can go out to lunch and come back to shop! EARLY ADMISSION is available for $10.00, and this ticket gets you in early starting at 9:20 A.M. instead of the official opening time of 10:00 A.M, so you have access to the room just like the Dealers in the morning! A PREMIUM ADMISSION is $20.00 and you receive items that are limited in supply which will be announced as the show date gets closer.