The AvPGalaxy Quotes Thread

Started by OmegaZilla, Jun 26, 2010, 06:01:54 PM

The AvPGalaxy Quotes Thread (Read 357,719 times)

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

This is some pretty dark shit :laugh::

(21:06:08) Bad_Replicant: I'm eight years old
(21:06:20) Space_Sweeper:
(21:06:32) Space_Sweeper: Do you like plush bears, young man?
(21:06:43) Bad_Replicant: I live for plush bears
(21:06:54) Space_Sweeper: Do you like rides in vans?
(21:07:46) Space_Sweeper:
(21:08:02) Space_Sweeper: Hey little boy.
(21:08:09) Bad_Replicant: I like white vans
(21:08:12) Bad_Replicant: and candy
(21:08:26) Space_Sweeper: Holy shit, this kid is making this a walk in the park.
(21:08:29) Space_Sweeper: I mean
(21:08:41) Space_Sweeper: Here, breathe in on this rag.
(21:08:52) Bad_Replicant: LOVE strangers
(21:08:56) Bad_Replicant: Oh boy, a rag!
(21:09:14) Bad_Replicant:
(21:09:15) ChatBot: thespiderman209 has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:09:16) Space_Sweeper: I'm a candy sampler, and this rag contains a new kind of bubblegum flavor.
(21:09:28) Space_Sweeper: Just a bit more, sonny.
(21:09:35) Space_Sweeper: You like the taste?
(21:09:55) Bad_Replicant: It tastes like... sleep
(21:10:28) Bad_Replicant: auuuuugghhhhhh
(21:10:30) Bad_Replicant: .
(21:12:32) Bad_Replicant: where's the imminent child rape emoticon
(21:12:38) Space_Sweeper:
(21:12:51) Space_Sweeper: ...
(21:13:05) Space_Sweeper: -Suddenly-
(21:13:56) Space_Sweeper:
(21:14:18) Space_Sweeper: And the boy lived happily ever after. Until he turned 18 and shot himself.
(21:14:35) Space_Sweeper: The Aristocrats!
(21:15:24) Bad_Replicant: hey, that was fun
(21:15:30) Bad_Replicant: we should do it every wednesday
(21:16:10) Bad_Replicant: it could be like, our regular wednesday night thing
(21:16:13) Space_Sweeper: I agree, but the carnival is only open until next Tuesday.
(21:16:14) Bad_Replicant: IT WOULD BE CUTE
(21:16:36) Space_Sweeper: John Lithgow cute.
(21:16:50) Space_Sweeper: But then he reads to children at the White House.
(21:17:05) Space_Sweeper: And everything I saw in Dexter is forgiven/forgotten.
(21:17:20) ChatBot: Spaghetti logs out of the Chat.
(21:17:38) Bad_Replicant: he's so adorable
(21:17:44) Bad_Replicant: just look at that punim
(21:17:48) ChatBot: Avpboy logs into the Chat.
(21:18:41) Bad_Replicant: I wish John Lithgow was playing every character in Prometheus
(21:18:47) Bad_Replicant: Seriously
(21:18:56) Space_Sweeper:
(21:19:07) Space_Sweeper: I think he's cute as a button.
(21:19:46) Space_Sweeper: I want him to do naked push-ups instead of Charlize Theron.
(21:19:59) ChatBot: Avpboy has been logged out (Timeout).



Quote from: Space Sweeper on Aug 03, 2011, 04:33:47 AM
This is some pretty dark shit :laugh::

(21:06:08) Bad_Replicant: I'm eight years old
(21:06:20) Space_Sweeper:
(21:06:32) Space_Sweeper: Do you like plush bears, young man?
(21:06:43) Bad_Replicant: I live for plush bears
(21:06:54) Space_Sweeper: Do you like rides in vans?
(21:07:46) Space_Sweeper:
(21:08:02) Space_Sweeper: Hey little boy.
(21:08:09) Bad_Replicant: I like white vans
(21:08:12) Bad_Replicant: and candy
(21:08:26) Space_Sweeper: Holy shit, this kid is making this a walk in the park.
(21:08:29) Space_Sweeper: I mean
(21:08:41) Space_Sweeper: Here, breathe in on this rag.
(21:08:52) Bad_Replicant: LOVE strangers
(21:08:56) Bad_Replicant: Oh boy, a rag!
(21:09:14) Bad_Replicant:
(21:09:15) ChatBot: thespiderman209 has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:09:16) Space_Sweeper: I'm a candy sampler, and this rag contains a new kind of bubblegum flavor.
(21:09:28) Space_Sweeper: Just a bit more, sonny.
(21:09:35) Space_Sweeper: You like the taste?
(21:09:55) Bad_Replicant: It tastes like... sleep
(21:10:28) Bad_Replicant: auuuuugghhhhhh
(21:10:30) Bad_Replicant: .
(21:12:32) Bad_Replicant: where's the imminent child rape emoticon
(21:12:38) Space_Sweeper:
(21:12:51) Space_Sweeper: ...
(21:13:05) Space_Sweeper: -Suddenly-
(21:13:56) Space_Sweeper:
(21:14:18) Space_Sweeper: And the boy lived happily ever after. Until he turned 18 and shot himself.
(21:14:35) Space_Sweeper: The Aristocrats!
(21:15:24) Bad_Replicant: hey, that was fun
(21:15:30) Bad_Replicant: we should do it every wednesday
(21:16:10) Bad_Replicant: it could be like, our regular wednesday night thing
(21:16:13) Space_Sweeper: I agree, but the carnival is only open until next Tuesday.
(21:16:14) Bad_Replicant: IT WOULD BE CUTE
(21:16:36) Space_Sweeper: John Lithgow cute.
(21:16:50) Space_Sweeper: But then he reads to children at the White House.
(21:17:05) Space_Sweeper: And everything I saw in Dexter is forgiven/forgotten.
(21:17:20) ChatBot: Spaghetti logs out of the Chat.
(21:17:38) Bad_Replicant: he's so adorable
(21:17:44) Bad_Replicant: just look at that punim
(21:17:48) ChatBot: Avpboy logs into the Chat.
(21:18:41) Bad_Replicant: I wish John Lithgow was playing every character in Prometheus
(21:18:47) Bad_Replicant: Seriously
(21:18:56) Space_Sweeper:
(21:19:07) Space_Sweeper: I think he's cute as a button.
(21:19:46) Space_Sweeper: I want him to do naked push-ups instead of Charlize Theron.
(21:19:59) ChatBot: Avpboy has been logged out (Timeout).





Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jul 31, 2011, 09:24:37 AM
Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jan 23, 2010, 02:10:02 AM
Since I know TJ Doc and SpaceMarines are into this kinda thing...

Click for Hi-res version.

And then...

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jan 23, 2010, 02:24:57 AM
Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jan 23, 2010, 02:23:55 AM
I'm still wondering where my credit is! >:(
You were the sperm bank donor!  ;)

Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jan 23, 2010, 02:38:56 AM
This raises questions.

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jan 23, 2010, 03:11:04 AM
Me and your father didn't wan't to tell you!

Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jan 23, 2010, 03:29:35 AM
So... what am I exactly? ???

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Jan 23, 2010, 03:33:03 AM
The answers await you in this link: ENTER.

Quote from: SpaceMarines on Jan 23, 2010, 03:35:05 AM
You're dead to me. >:(

Visual effects - No one, it's f**king real! 




Beware for the most epic, revealing and thought provoking chat conversation of all time.


(18:34:03) ChatBot: Bad_Replicant logs into the Chat.

(18:34:22) Darwinsgirl: hello

(18:34:25) Bad_Replicant: what are you crazy kids doing in here

(18:35:21) Bad_Replicant: sup' homes

(18:35:30) Darwinsgirl: there are no goats in here sane or otherwise

(18:35:58) Bad_Replicant: dammit

(18:36:00) OmegaZilla: I'm fine.

(18:36:05) OmegaZilla: It's insanely hot here though.

(18:36:06) Darwinsgirl: OZ was explaining the mysteries of life

(18:36:07) OmegaZilla: Hey

(18:36:10) OmegaZilla: Bad Replicant, my man.

(18:36:12) Bad_Replicant: the one day I need some sane goats

(18:36:17) Bad_Replicant: oh, sweet

(18:36:33) Darwinsgirl: scanning your profile

(18:36:47) OmegaZilla: Mysteries of life: was Jones really on the Alien's part in ALIEN?

(18:37:40) Bad_Replicant: On the alien's part?

(18:37:47) Darwinsgirl: ???

(18:37:51) OmegaZilla: Rooting for the Alien, helping him.

(18:38:00) Bad_Replicant: Oh, oh

(18:38:03) Bad_Replicant: absolutely

(18:38:06) ChatBot: Keg logs into the Chat.

(18:38:13) Darwinsgirl: ya think?

(18:38:19) Darwinsgirl: hello keg

(18:38:20) Bad_Replicant: Jones laid the eggs in the derelict

(18:38:28) Bad_Replicant: that much is obvious

(18:38:54) OmegaZilla: Hey KEG

(18:38:56) OmegaZilla: My man.

(18:39:09) OmegaZilla: In reality, the cat is the deity of the space jockeys

(18:39:20) OmegaZilla: We'll see him in promiffeus.

(18:39:39) Bad_Replicant: A RIDLY SKOT FILM

(18:40:12) OmegaZilla: Wiff Noomi Velociraptor and the bride of the devil's advocate

(18:40:51) ChatBot: Keg has been logged out (Timeout).

(18:40:58) Bad_Replicant: I wouldn't mind seeing a movie about Jonesy's days on gateway station

(18:41:00) Darwinsgirl: Keg bailed

(18:41:06) Bad_Replicant: directed by McG

(18:41:10) OmegaZilla: Hahaha

(18:41:15) OmegaZilla: Fund it.

(18:41:42) Bad_Replicant: Starring Bryce Dallas Howard as Jones the cat

(18:41:50) Darwinsgirl: I wish I'd a copied hicks prometheus pics......

(18:42:01) OmegaZilla: And Christian Bale as Jones' owner.

(18:42:09) Bad_Replicant: They gone?

(18:42:16) Darwinsgirl: yes

(18:42:27) Darwinsgirl: the one with the jars

(18:42:28) Bad_Replicant: Took longer than I expected

(18:42:41) Darwinsgirl: & I forget the other

(18:42:54) Bad_Replicant: The gigery cave

(18:43:01) Darwinsgirl: ah..ty

(18:43:16) OmegaZilla: Ffffffuuuu.

(18:43:22) Bad_Replicant: I want that movie to rock my face so hard

(18:43:24) OmegaZilla: Good I saved some pics, too bad I didn't take the jars.

(18:43:25) Bad_Replicant: in 3D

(18:43:27) Bad_Replicant: .

(18:43:32) OmegaZilla: In 5D

(18:43:39) Bad_Replicant: YES

(18:43:40) OmegaZilla: It's Prometheus, it can be in 5D.

(18:43:57) Darwinsgirl: Ridley says he loves the 3D process

(18:44:03) OmegaZilla: 3D is prehistoric, go see it in 5D!

(18:44:30) Bad_Replicant: Just go see the stage play version

(18:44:49) Bad_Replicant: where actors in jockey costumes throw mysterious urns in to the audience

(18:44:51) Darwinsgirl: gentlemen.....have a fine day

(18:44:54) ChatBot: Darwinsgirl logs out of the Chat.

(18:44:54) OmegaZilla: Int. Derelict

(18:44:57) OmegaZilla: Oh

(18:45:00) OmegaZilla: Bai Darwin.

(18:45:02) OmegaZilla: Anyway

(18:45:06) OmegaZilla: Int. Derelict

(18:45:14) OmegaZilla: Space Jockey: I'm siiiingin in the space

(18:45:20) OmegaZilla: I'm siiiiingin in the space

(18:45:37) Bad_Replicant: lawL

(18:45:46) OmegaZilla: What a glorious feeeeling

(18:45:55) OmegaZilla: I'm happy agaaaiiin

(18:45:55) Bad_Replicant: I'ma singin' in da space'a

(18:46:00) OmegaZilla: -Alien sound-

(18:46:09) OmegaZilla: I'm laughing at stars

(18:46:17) OmegaZilla: So dark up above

(18:46:35) OmegaZilla: The sun is in my (second) heart

(18:46:51) OmegaZilla: And I'm ready for creating nightmareeeesss

(18:47:06) OmegaZilla: Let the stormy Aliens chase

(18:47:14) OmegaZilla: Everyone from the place

(18:47:22) OmegaZilla: come on with the spaaace

(18:47:37) OmegaZilla: I've a smiiiile on my face.

(18:47:47) Bad_Replicant:​Q3dpZSDcrc

(18:47:48) OmegaZilla: I walk down LV-426

(18:48:02) Bad_Replicant: Just reminded me of that

(18:48:09) Bad_Replicant: SO I POSTED THAT SHIT

(18:48:34) OmegaZilla: I'm in love

(18:48:40) OmegaZilla: I so have to watch those films again.

(18:49:03) OmegaZilla: Lol what the f**k

(18:49:38) Bad_Replicant: I lost part 3 god knows when and have been going through Mad Dog Tannen withdrawals ever since

(18:50:25) OmegaZilla: I have to pick up the BLU tri-pack.

(18:51:39) OmegaZilla: Aw yeah Christopher Lloyd

(18:51:45) Bad_Replicant: Only blurays I own are the alien flicks. I have very limited access to the HD tv in this house.

(18:51:54) Bad_Replicant: But one day

(18:52:03) Bad_Replicant: I'll have over 9,000

(18:52:18) OmegaZilla: Ditto

(18:52:36) OmegaZilla: I'll have two houses, one for me, one for my Blu-rays and my movie collectibles.

(18:52:43) OmegaZilla:  8)

(18:52:52) Bad_Replicant: And a third for the bitches.

(18:53:12) OmegaZilla: Naw

(18:53:24) OmegaZilla: I'll have one good, gentle, smart and hot wife.

(18:53:25) OmegaZilla: :D

(18:53:42) OmegaZilla: That likes Monster movies as I do.

(18:53:45) OmegaZilla: Aaaaawwww yeah.

(18:54:26) Bad_Replicant: I'm going to have three houses full of good, gentle, smart, hot bitches.

(18:55:01) Bad_Replicant: We'll have alien movie marathons every sunday.

(18:55:11) Bad_Replicant: And there will be champagne.

(18:55:18) Bad_Replicant: And, uh

(18:55:19) OmegaZilla: And chianti.

(18:55:25) Bad_Replicant: you know

(18:55:25) OmegaZilla: Nice chianti.

(18:55:31) Bad_Replicant: yeah, that

(18:55:40) Bad_Replicant: plus the secks

(18:55:45) Bad_Replicant: TEH SECKS, MAN

(18:55:49) OmegaZilla: lots, lots of secks.

(18:56:41) OmegaZilla: Careful man, you may end like Tom Lincoln.

(18:56:42) OmegaZilla:  :P

(18:57:44) Bad_Replicant: You mean I could be the father of a great emancipator?

(18:57:49) Bad_Replicant: Becuase that's my dream

(18:58:52) OmegaZilla: You may get liver issues, buy a clone, and get killed from him.

(18:59:01) OmegaZilla: *by

(18:59:01) OmegaZilla: *By

(18:59:13) Bad_Replicant: oh lord

(18:59:16) Bad_Replicant: oh LAWD

(19:00:17) OmegaZilla: And your clone will get the hot clone of a hot lady.

(19:00:57) Bad_Replicant: this is gold

(19:01:05) Bad_Replicant: my assistant's writing it all down

(19:01:10) Bad_Replicant: on her lil' pad

(19:01:14) OmegaZilla: Hm?

(19:01:47) Bad_Replicant: Nothing, I'm just being an ass

(19:02:22) OmegaZilla: Like this?

(19:02:23) OmegaZilla:​8293497xph.jpg

(19:02:40) Bad_Replicant: I demand to know

(19:02:48) Bad_Replicant: where you found this photograph of me

(19:02:55) Bad_Replicant: I burned all the copies

(19:02:59) Bad_Replicant: DUBYA TEE EFF

(19:03:08) OmegaZilla: You starred in that show, you're pretty mainstream.

(19:03:10) OmegaZilla:  :P

(19:03:57) Bad_Replicant: You mean I have, like, fans?

(19:04:00) Bad_Replicant: And money?

(19:04:07) Bad_Replicant: And a pool?

(19:05:07) Bad_Replicant: And money?

(19:05:15) OmegaZilla: Plenty of fans.

(19:05:21) OmegaZilla: Dunno about the money.

(19:05:23) OmegaZilla:  :P

(19:05:59) Bad_Replicant: Well, that's alright I suppose

(19:06:15) Bad_Replicant: I've been poor so long, it would be a hard adjustment to make a this point

(19:06:30) OmegaZilla:  ;D

(19:06:36) OmegaZilla: Im in ur base

(19:06:40) OmegaZilla: stealin ur rights

(19:06:48) OmegaZilla: and gaining money on em.

(19:07:46) Bad_Replicant: why you gotta throw me under the bus like dat, zilla

(19:07:53) Bad_Replicant: WHY

(19:08:26) OmegaZilla: Because mimicking FINAL DESTINATION is fun


(19:09:06) Bad_Replicant: RATED R

(19:09:20) OmegaZilla: RATED RRRRR

(19:09:27) Bad_Replicant: IN 5D

(19:09:32) OmegaZilla: Final Destionation 19: this time it's really personal.

(19:09:35) OmegaZilla: Of course!

(19:10:00) OmegaZilla: You can't view films in any other format. 5D is the only way to go.

(19:10:33) Bad_Replicant: 5D has been the only true format since the beginning

(19:10:41) Bad_Replicant: it's jsut that we're only realizing it now

(19:10:44) Bad_Replicant: just*

(19:11:24) OmegaZilla: Yup. Jeims Cammron kept to f**king prehistoric 3D, now RIDLY SKOTT will relieve us and present PROMIFFIUS in FIVE-DEE

(19:12:38) Bad_Replicant: thank you, Mr.skott, for delivering us from the dark ages

(19:12:47) Bad_Replicant: with some sweet 5D jockey action

(19:13:14) Bad_Replicant: and 5D rapace-o-vision

(19:14:31) OmegaZilla: In reality, Noomi Rapace is a reptilian, she's a Velociraptor, 'Rapace' is her nickname.

(19:14:47) Bad_Replicant:

(19:15:29) OmegaZilla: This is why she has no boyfriends, she eats them.

(19:15:34) OmegaZilla: Clever girl.

(19:16:15) Bad_Replicant: Even Nedry knew better than to mess with the Rapace fences

(19:16:57) Bad_Replicant: the fat bastard

(19:17:07) OmegaZilla: The Dilophosaurus was Charlize Theron, before the usual morning coffee.

(19:17:18) OmegaZilla: She was soooo pissed off.

(19:17:32) OmegaZilla: You know why?

(19:17:39) Bad_Replicant: ...

(19:17:41) Bad_Replicant: tell me.

(19:17:45) Bad_Replicant: now.

(19:18:23) OmegaZilla: She wanted to star in the film, but Nedry said 'ha-ha-ha, you didn't say the magic word!!' she attacked him while he was on Safari, Spielberg happened to be filming and kept that in the film.

(19:18:55) Bad_Replicant: OHMYGOOOOAAAAA

(19:18:56) OmegaZilla: He even said 'don't piss off a woman before the usual morning coffee' in one STARBURST article.

(19:19:19) Bad_Replicant: So Jurassic Park was, in fact, a documentary

(19:19:25) Bad_Replicant: and the events occured in real time

(19:19:49) OmegaZilla: Yup.

(19:21:10) OmegaZilla: Winona Ryder interpreted the Spinosaurus in the 3rd film.

(19:21:29) OmegaZilla: Sam neill had that bag she wanted sooooo bad. And so she chased him through the sets.

(19:22:16) Bad_Replicant: So ILM only did the catering?

(19:22:29) Bad_Replicant: They made sandwiches, not dinosaurs?

(19:23:01) OmegaZilla: It was allll a conspiracy

(19:24:18) Bad_Replicant: I'm learning so much from you today

(19:25:01) Bad_Replicant: I just want to live in a shed in you backyard and have you teach me about the mysteries of life

(19:25:23) OmegaZilla: Mysteries of liiiife.

(19:26:08) OmegaZilla: The male Tyrannosaurus in THE LOST WORLD was actually Jay Leno

(19:26:40) Bad_Replicant: Okay, that I always kind of suspected

(19:27:05) Bad_Replicant: I mean, he was such an asshole

(19:27:15) Bad_Replicant: I remember sitting in the theater and thinking to myself

(19:27:28) Bad_Replicant: "I'm pretty sure that dinosaur is actually Jay Leno."

(19:27:49) Bad_Replicant: "Yeah, that's him."

(19:27:51) OmegaZilla: The original sequence:

(19:27:52) OmegaZilla:​EjTGgVZMG8

(19:28:07) ChatBot: jevjnd2000 logs into the Chat.

(19:29:13) OmegaZilla:

(19:30:23) Bad_Replicant: He's clearly mistaken that research trailer for Conan O'Brien's tonight show set

(19:30:38) OmegaZilla: Yup, soooo raged.

(19:30:43) OmegaZilla: In the film he's even nastier.

(19:31:04) OmegaZilla: With the female Rex, Linda Hamilton.

(19:33:07) Bad_Replicant: And John Goodman as every human cast member.

(19:33:19) Bad_Replicant: That's how it should've been done.

(19:33:23) OmegaZilla: I betcha they were... a few goodmen.

(19:33:29) OmegaZilla: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

(19:33:54) Bad_Replicant: I award you six monkeys for that one.

And also

[after a convo about Harrison Ford in mountains with fire, octopi, Dinosaurs and Graboids]

(20:19:33) Shobidoo: YOU GUYS READY FOR THIS

(20:19:38) Bad_Replicant: No

(20:19:42) Bad_Replicant: but do it anyways

(20:19:51) MrSpaceJockey: I am in the going to the bathroom.

(20:19:56) MrSpaceJockey: ready to shit my pants

(20:20:00) MrSpaceJockey: when necessary.

(20:20:20) Shobidoo: Furrys on CSI!

(20:21:04) Shobidoo:​jpg

(20:21:25) MrSpaceJockey: FUUUUCK

(20:21:29) MrSpaceJockey: GRABOIDS

(20:21:31) MrSpaceJockey: AND OCTOPI

(20:21:35) MrSpaceJockey: AND HARRISON

(20:21:40) ChatBot: Taxemic has been logged out (Timeout).

(20:21:40) ChatBot: Abe has been logged out (Timeout).

(20:21:40) ChatBot: Taxemic has been logged out (Timeout).


(20:21:54) Bad_Replicant: I never knew something could be this... breathtaking

(20:22:03) OmegaZilla: HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

(20:22:16) MrSpaceJockey: PUT THIS IN THE QUOTES THREAD



About AvPR:

(18:52:51) Shobidoo: When they told him this AVP needed to be darker then the last

(18:52:54) Shobidoo: he took it literally



Quote from: Ghostface on Aug 12, 2011, 12:28:54 PM
In the evening, the real me comes alive


King Rathalos

King Rathalos

Quote from: RagingDragon on Aug 14, 2011, 05:17:42 AM
Quote from: Ghostface on Aug 12, 2011, 12:28:54 PM
In the evening, the real me comes alive


I clicked that spoiler it is 1:42 here I'm half asleep, and I nearly crapped myself.



Quote from: Hubbs on Aug 15, 2011, 03:51:37 PM
:o thats really tweaking the nipples of fate

Twin Drive Sigma Aquarion

13:02:00) Twin_Drive_Sigma: so, anyone have anything else interesting?
(13:02:11) OmegaZilla: I've got hands
(13:02:17) Twin_Drive_Sigma: ha
(13:02:18) OmegaZilla: AND eyes
(13:02:20) LadyZero: I have cereal
(13:02:28) Twin_Drive_Sigma: WOW!8o
(13:02:29) OmegaZilla: I'm completely cereal about it



Space Sweeper on MSN after a discussion on W-Y:

That's how I always saw W-Y.
-A husband and wife that were like:
-"Let's create a multi-national company based around really manipulative and opportunistic acts and structure; we have the money!"
-"Oh, what I great idea, dear!"
-"I'm so glad I married you!"
- ??? :S ???

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: Horhey on Aug 21, 2011, 05:14:08 AM
Quote from: Space Sweeper on Aug 21, 2011, 05:05:13 AM
Perhaps you could be a bit less of an obtuse individual and it'd be smooth sailing.

Right... Well Im not into mind games so you can take your pictures, videos, and sarcasm to some gay teenage dude who will play along.

What the f**k?  :laugh:



Your avatar really says it all.

Bad Replicant

Bad Replicant

Quote from: Horhey on Aug 21, 2011, 05:14:08 AM
Right... Well Im not into mind games so you can take your pictures, videos, and sarcasm to some gay teenage dude who will play along.


Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper


Sharp Sticks

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