Old school predator (Spoiler)

Started by Milan, Mar 19, 2010, 12:40:27 PM

Old school predator (Spoiler) (Read 58,095 times)



QuoteI wouldn't call these ppl fanatics
I wanted to express this

Quoteidentified themselves with it,
and when they lost value of their stocks, it was like they lost their reason to live.
Yes. It's their life imo, so obviously they think as themselves as part of the hunt; especially a hunter.When they can't change it and proven to be weak, they kill themselves.

QuoteThey seem to have rules, a twisted code of honor
I think they have rules, and it's important in their lifes. Though what more important is the way they think, a diferent way to us, humans. For them it's obvious not to kill some weakling and it's obvious not to kill a warrior that has defeated one of our kind and is seriously wounded. I see preds practical creatures. They have rules, and they obey them-as a pack. But an individual, no matter the rules bound him, he won't brake them because those rules exist, but because his standards meet the rule.
Honor- well, I'm not keen on with that. Calling preds honorable makes them look a bit like human. They do their things like that because they think it's okay. It's a normal activity, not honor.
I think they dont hunt for honor, and not for sport also btw.

Harrigan did the same thing the Predator is known to do, the Hunter uses "Hit and Run" tactics.
And Harrigan attacked Pussyface on the roof top and before that he sought the Predator out, the Predator didn't know how he found him, only that he was being hunted and found...
The Predator could only change this by killing Harrigan before he escaped, that fight have to end with Harrigan dying in order for the Predator to assume the Hunter role, not Harrigan escaping.

We dont agree here. Harrigan was screaming and he tried to escape. It wasn't hit and run. But my point wasn't that one scene, but the concept behind the whole: hunter and hunted can be changed during a hunt. Anytime.

QuoteWell, I think that if anytime would have wanted to he could jump down from that roof top to the ground to kill a target standing there. Or he could have bounced from the wall.

We have the same 'technical' disagreement here. If what you say is true, your points are valid, and I'm not right. But still, I think that was too high for him. Preds are good jumpers, strong and graceful indeed (oh, p1 :D), but that was too much to deal with imo.

It doesn't make sense, "Anytime" was dying, so that's picture perfect. There was no going back.
"Pussyface" was hanging from a roof top, all he had to do was to pull him self up.
But he activated his wristbomb instead...
Why activate the wristbomb if the roles change, constantly, and it's ok?

That's what I was saying. They activate it when it cannot be changed. When they are defeated and dying. In that moment it cannot be changed anymore, so they kill themselves. But during the whole hunt it can be changed. And I saw the hunter in p2 desperate. I don't think he could have pulled up himself (with one hand he was grabbing Harrigans arm), but more importantly, what the matter is what the hunter thought. As I think he was desperate, and though he'll die there. Hence the activation.

Big game is prey who can hurt or kill the hunter, a duck ain't big game, but a lion or a bear is.

So they can change their situation.

QuoteXenos are the ultimate prey because they are extremely difficult and dangerous to hunt, as hunters they are equal if not better, but the Predators would never give the title "Hunter" to any other species but theirs

Yes, I think they wouldn't call other species hunters, since they don't live for the hunt. But it's a title. While during the hunt hunter and hunted are roles. And they can be changed.

QuoteAnd to clarify things...

The Alien skull in Predator 2 didn't make path for the AvP comics, they were released before the movie.

The guy playing Pussyface was explaining that Pussyface was a douche, he even refereed him as a "Bad blood", you'll have to read the comics to understand what a bad blood, unblooded, young blood and blooded Predator is, cause they don't talk about it in the movies.
Like some movies have zombies in them but we won't hear the characters call them zombies...
...but they're still zombies.

A bad blood is a Predator who breaks the code...
All predators live by the code.
A bad blood is viewed as game for other Predators.
Breaking the code is always punishable by death.
Killing while cloaked is against the code and punishable by death if the Predator gets caught doing it.

Yes, I know the books and comics very well :) According to the other ending of the movie, when the elder kills the defeated  hunter, the bad blood expression seems valid. Or: the defeated hunter, that couldn't destruct himself deserves death. Still, I think the bad blood idea is logical (assuming there are criminals in their society). But calling the hunter in p2 a bad blood is a bit strong to me. Yes, he was over confident, and kinda douchebag, but bad blood? Don't think so. And bad bloods are not game for the other preds. They are dangerous elements, which has to be destroyed. At least that's what I get from 'Bad blood'.
It's not the place and time (and topic) to debate the blooding ritual, so just one thing. I think every community exists as a cult community as well (I hope I expressed myself correctly ???), so everyone who becomes a new member needs an initiating ceremony. So I agree with the blooding, but not exactly how it's shown in the comics.



Quote from: Danger Close on Mar 21, 2010, 06:24:10 PM
Quote from: RakaiThwei on Mar 21, 2010, 06:44:13 AM
Quote from: Raptor on Mar 19, 2010, 04:50:20 PM
They have honor thats all,that doesnt make them any less cold blooded killing machines.

You actually believe the honor concept?

Glad to know I am not alone.


Your noe Alone. I thought it was common knowledge that Preds are a honorable race. The end of P2 is a great example.

Yea but predator 2 was horrible, the much better version of the predator movies(the first one) had a much cooler ending. Showing how much they really dont give a shit about honor and would rather be a jackass for fun by nuking themselves after there pethetic foe killed them.

The predator taking off his gear in the first one to fight arnold in a close to fair fight didnt look honorable, to me the predator just looked to wanna have him some fun!



How so? In P2 there was nothing honorable.



QuoteKilling while cloaked is against the code and punishable by death if the Predator gets caught doing it.
P1 and P2 Predators did it a lot.



if a bad blood is fair game to other preds then why didnt the others kill pussyface when he returned to the ship? and kev p hall didnt refer to pussyface as a bad blood he said hes a bad boy. and then he joked hes been a real naughty boy this time round i have the special edition and checked to make sure cos when he says it you see a shot of him in the slaughter house in costume wearing a cap backwards whilst hes getting ready for a scene. You also said yourself they dont mention bad blood concept in the movies only comics which are seperate so keep the seperate.



Quote from: Adey on Mar 23, 2010, 08:44:35 PM
if a bad blood is fair game to other preds then why didnt the others kill pussyface when he returned to the ship? and kev p hall didnt refer to pussyface as a bad blood he said hes a bad boy. and then he joked hes been a real naughty boy this time round i have the special edition and checked to make sure cos when he says it you see a shot of him in the slaughter house in costume wearing a cap backwards whilst hes getting ready for a scene. You also said yourself they dont mention bad blood concept in the movies only comics which are seperate so keep the seperate.

Okay, maybe you're right I don't remember the source, only remember being surprised that he used a term, that sounded like "bad blood" however I think that people "missunderstand" the whole code and honor thing with a the Predator...
And about the others not killing Pussyface for being a Bad-Blood:
A Predator have to be caught breaking the code to be labled as a Bad-Blood.
I don't think Pussyface got caught.

The thing is when you read the code it pretty much let the Predator do and act whatever way he wants,
the "not kill while cloaked" rule has an exception to it that would let the Predator kill whoever he wanted while being cloaked, that's why I think they prefer to go after a group of ppl cause they don't have to confirm who's the main target within that group before starting hunting them.
The Predator only have to show himself to the last man standing, the others can be killed while being cloaked.
If a predator gets beaten or admits defeat then the sueside rule jumps in, but even that rule has an exception, if the Predator accept his opponent as an equal then he doesn't have to commit sueside.

But the reason why I made this topic is that I'm worried about how they will portray the old school predator, cause I think that the new ones will take over future Predator movies, I got a feeling that "Predators" it's a farwell party to the old ones like Anytime and Pussyface and a welcome party for the new ones like Black Super Predator.
At this moment I'm neutral, I'll try not to judge before I've seen the movie.
But still I'm worried that the "old school predator" will have more in common with Scar than Anytime,
I hope I'm wrong but it looks that way from reading the leaked script.
But then again, maybe they have changed it...

Dark Passenger

Quotethe reason they commit suicide with a bomb is so that human scientists dont use them in experiments and dont reverse engineer their tech, its nothing to do with honor

thats possible...but lets look at it this way. both times in predator 1 and 2 the predators activate theyre wrist bombs when the person (dutch, harrigan) that is trying to kill them is well within the bombs range.

I see it like this, predators are naive hunters who's dont care about anything other than being a great hunter and earning respect among each other, and when they are defeated by lesser being (humans) they may feel humiliated and in a sore-loser aspect try to kill themselves and the would be killer before he can finish the job.

sorta like pulling the pin of a grenade when you are surrounded by enemies as so they cant get to you first.



Quote from: Ijapa on Mar 21, 2010, 05:32:28 PM
You both are wildly speculating. Comics and games and movies depict the Predators differently. The only thing we know for sure (based on the first two films, say) is that Predators hunt humans and that at least one clan or hunting party respects good sport.

We have to remember Predators aren't Jasons or Pumpkinheads. They're highly advanced extraterrestrials: they're not mindless monsters ... and each Predator is themselves an individual. It's totally believable that a Predator will respect Brody saving him.

ya theres probably dishonorable predators in mostly honorable tribes and honorable predators in mostly dishonorable tribes if the whole honor thing applies at all, i mean honor is pretty relative, i guess predators are more honorable than human duck or fox hunters but they still go around surprise killing less advanced species



 I see the whole thing similar to Openmaw. Think about what human hunters do: they sit in trees with piss on themselves and blow deers' hearts out through their chests from 500 yards with bullets specifically designed for maximum killing power.

Then they come back and show their buddies the thing's ten point rack and everybody "oohs" and "ahhhs."

Then there are some hunters who'll use a compound bow because guns are too easy.

Either way, Predators (the clan or clans we've seen anyway) are depicted as hunters and not as ancient samurai who issue challenges and meet at such and such place at such and such time and have a duel. That's not a hunter-prey dynamic.

Sure, the Elder gave Harrigan the pistol, but that's not honor, that's the equivalent of a human hunter shooting an albino lion and missing and then saying, "Hell, you're somethin' special, maybe you deserve to be free and regal and beautiful and, uh, alive."

Free, regal, beautiful, alive

By inserting a make-believe code you're making them more Scar-like than Anytime like. Predators, insofar as we've seen, appear to relish inducing panic and inflicting pain. Predators are big pussy-faced crybaby sore loser assholes.

And I love it because it makes them great villains. So would a wounded, defeated, bruisy-ego'd Predator accept help to get revenge? Hell yeah it would, just like it's so resentful of losing a fight it'd blow itself up. All that said, some Predators are probably actually out-and-out nice Predguys. They're a galactic-faring species, someone has got to be a philosopher or some shit.



Quote from: Sso02V on Mar 19, 2010, 03:03:25 PM
Quote from: Milan on Mar 19, 2010, 12:40:27 PM
Anyway, In the sneak peak/trailer we get to see a glimpse of an old school predator hanging in a three, being captured by the new ones.
This what you're talking about?

we also see it in the trailer running from fire in full Armour and mask.weather he gets free and finds hias mask or it was showing how he got captured i don't know. wonder if he will were the mesh body suit.



Quote from: Ijapa on Mar 24, 2010, 04:19:46 AM
I see the whole thing similar to Openmaw. Think about what human hunters do: they sit in trees with piss on themselves and blow deers' hearts out through their chests from 500 yards with bullets specifically designed for maximum killing power.

Then they come back and show their buddies the thing's ten point rack and everybody "oohs" and "ahhhs."

Then there are some hunters who'll use a compound bow because guns are too easy.

Either way, Predators (the clan or clans we've seen anyway) are depicted as hunters and not as ancient samurai who issue challenges and meet at such and such place at such and such time and have a duel. That's not a hunter-prey dynamic.

Sure, the Elder gave Harrigan the pistol, but that's not honor, that's the equivalent of a human hunter shooting an albino lion and missing and then saying, "Hell, you're somethin' special, maybe you deserve to be free and regal and beautiful and, uh, alive."

Free, regal, beautiful, alive

By inserting a make-believe code you're making them more Scar-like than Anytime like. Predators, insofar as we've seen, appear to relish inducing panic and inflicting pain. Predators are big pussy-faced crybaby sore loser assholes.

And I love it because it makes them great villains. So would a wounded, defeated, bruisy-ego'd Predator accept help to get revenge? Hell yeah it would, just like it's so resentful of losing a fight it'd blow itself up. All that said, some Predators are probably actually out-and-out nice Predguys. They're a galactic-faring species, someone has got to be a philosopher or some shit.

I think the hinor thing is not quite true. It's a humanization that makes preds look the good guys. The whole thing makes preds less imo. There are things that can be seen as honor from human perspective, but I doubt it is honour for them.
But they are not like human hunters, that's for sure. Even the first movie shows, that predators are different them 'shoot the motherf*cker, than show how great I am'. And according to the first movie (at least in my books) the last scene is a duel. But it has to do nothing with samurai. But I don't see why it'd break the hunter-prey dinamyc.
Predators are not the good guys. But I don't see them crybaby sore losers too. Perhaps because they are no villain for me.

Dark Jester

Dark Jester

I prefer my Predators to be brutal bloodthirtsy bad-ass hunters. This is what I liked about RR's Predators after reading the script, non of that honourable Predator BS, these new Predators enjoy killing and they enjoy terrifying the shit out of their prey before killing them!! RR's Predators dont give gifts to the best Prey! Any human that kills one of their own, becomes 10x more valuable as a trophy to them!!  I hated the scene in P2 when the Elder gives Harrigan a gun. Yes, he may have been impressed that Harrigan defeated one of his own kind but instead of giving him a gift he should have gave him 10 minutes to run and then hunted him or may be take a leaf out of Mr Black and kidnap him and them dump him on a hunting reserve.



Quote from: Ijapa on Mar 24, 2010, 04:19:46 AM
I see the whole thing similar to Openmaw. Think about what human hunters do: they sit in trees with piss on themselves and blow deers' hearts out through their chests from 500 yards with bullets specifically designed for maximum killing power.

Then they come back and show their buddies the thing's ten point rack and everybody "oohs" and "ahhhs."

Then there are some hunters who'll use a compound bow because guns are too easy.

Either way, Predators (the clan or clans we've seen anyway) are depicted as hunters and not as ancient samurai who issue challenges and meet at such and such place at such and such time and have a duel. That's not a hunter-prey dynamic.

Sure, the Elder gave Harrigan the pistol, but that's not honor, that's the equivalent of a human hunter shooting an albino lion and missing and then saying, "Hell, you're somethin' special, maybe you deserve to be free and regal and beautiful and, uh, alive."

Free, regal, beautiful, alive

By inserting a make-believe code you're making them more Scar-like than Anytime like. Predators, insofar as we've seen, appear to relish inducing panic and inflicting pain. Predators are big pussy-faced crybaby sore loser assholes.

And I love it because it makes them great villains. So would a wounded, defeated, bruisy-ego'd Predator accept help to get revenge? Hell yeah it would, just like it's so resentful of losing a fight it'd blow itself up. All that said, some Predators are probably actually out-and-out nice Predguys. They're a galactic-faring species, someone has got to be a philosopher or some shit.




Quote from: Ijapa on Mar 24, 2010, 04:19:46 AM
I see the whole thing similar to Openmaw. Think about what human hunters do: they sit in trees with piss on themselves and blow deers' hearts out through their chests from 500 yards with bullets specifically designed for maximum killing power.

Then they come back and show their buddies the thing's ten point rack and everybody "oohs" and "ahhhs."

Then there are some hunters who'll use a compound bow because guns are too easy.

Well, both types fit the Predator quite well, the first one his the one who kills his prey with the plasma caster while being cloaked from a three or roof top, the other is the one who walks up to the prey uncloaked and kills the prey with the wristblades.

QuoteEither way, Predators (the clan or clans we've seen anyway) are depicted as hunters and not as ancient samurai who issue challenges and meet at such and such place at such and such time and have a duel. That's not a hunter-prey dynamic.

That's why I think people missunderstand the whole honor and code thing.
I think that the Predators have more in common with an indian hunting than a Samurai following the Bushido code.

QuoteSure, the Elder gave Harrigan the pistol, but that's not honor, that's the equivalent of a human hunter shooting an albino lion and missing and then saying, "Hell, you're somethin' special, maybe you deserve to be free and regal and beautiful and, uh, alive."

That's why I think that the trophies are something that's tied to their life, the trophy is a "get out of death card", Harrigan might have seen that gun as a gift, but I think it's valued as a trophy in the eyes of the predator. Giving Harrigan the gun was the Elders way of letting Harrigan live.

By inserting a make-believe code you're making them more Scar-like than Anytime like. Predators, insofar as we've seen, appear to relish inducing panic and inflicting pain. Predators are big pussy-faced crybaby sore loser assholes.

But the code doesn't really change anything, there's so many exceptions in it so they can break every rule and get away with it...

Quote...So would a wounded, defeated, bruisy-ego'd Predator accept help to get revenge? Hell yeah it would, just like it's so resentful of losing a fight it'd blow itself up.

This is where our opinions go different ways.
A Predator accepting help from it's prey, I think that's something the Predators have nightmares about,
it's a situation that's beyond humiliating for them...because of their ego and status.
The Predators we have seen in the Predator movies all tried to commit sueside when losing,
This hunter-prey thing is far too important, they'll die trying to keep it intact.



QuoteI hated the scene in P2 when the Elder gives Harrigan a gun. Yes, he may have been impressed that Harrigan defeated one of his own kind but instead of giving him a gift he should have gave him 10 minutes to run and then hunted him or may be take a leaf out of Mr Black and kidnap him and them dump him on a hunting reserve.

I have totally different opinion about this scene. I think that Elder was very surprised seeing that Pussyface f**ked up and lost his fight. IMO he so was shocked that didn`t wanted to just kill Harrigan when he was extremaly tired and wounded. I interpreted this situation as preserving very good genetic material for future preys.

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