Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 277,475 times)



^You forgot to add the movie poster.

Max Payne Review

Plot: 35%

The movie is based on a video game from Rockstar and the movie is about a guy named Max who is investigating and finding the murderer of his wife then he must find this drug that is giving the people to make them high so they can see some demons from Hell. So then he is to solve a series of murders in New York City that are a DEA agent whose family was slain as part of a conspiracy and an assassin out to avenge her sister's death. I never played the game but this movie made very little sense because I feel like the whole movie had a bunch of stuff left out and I hate how the movie changes the plot by investigating the murderer to finding some drug. I also I did not understand what was the deal with that guy at the end of the movie? The movie feels like a giant mess in a person bath room that should be clean but their too much to clean up. Overall the story sucks and it simple as that.

VFX: 75%

The visual effects where pretty good and I like how the movie was trying to keep the feel of the video game but the snow in the movie looked fake, the bullet time used in the movie did look awful though. I did like how the demons looked in the movie and how the final battle was made in the movie which look really cool too.

SFX: 62%

Not bad but nothing worth talking about really since there is nothing really unique or special about the sound design in the movie. They did had a Rob Zombie song played in the party scene though.

Acting: 70%

Mark Wahlberg was a great Max Payne and he pull of the role very well which is a good thing since he looks like Max Payne, and fox hireling him was the best choice they did with the movie. The other actors such as Olga Kurylenko (Quantum of Solace) and Beau Bridges (Jerry Maguire) where pretty good in the movie too, also Chris O'Donnell (The kid that played Robin in Batman Forever and Batman & Robin) is also in the movie but his role is pretty small though.

Violence: 20%

The movie has a very small of amount of the blood and most of the violence's in the movie is shooting but you don't see that much action in this movie though. Not a movie that I would see my kids under 7 to see but a kid over 11 would able to see the movie fine.

Overall: 52%

Max Payne is better then most video games movies such as BloodRayne, Wing Commander and Resident Evil but that not saying much since the movie is not very good at all. The movie was boring, the story made very little sense since the movie had a bunch of plot holes and theĀ  movie was made for a "PG-13" rating instead of an "R" rating which is stupid because the game is rated M. I never played the games before but didn't the game had lots of action because this movie had like three or four action scenes in the movie while the movie had more drama and pointless humor then action. Overall the movie is worth a rental nothing else.


Quote from: Kaworu on Jan 29, 2009, 02:02:49 AM
^You forgot to add the movie poster.

No...  I had to disable image dithering so no poster.  I'm on a wireless plan which means limited monthly downloads.  Wireless is really primitive here, I only get 6000 MB per month unless I get prepaid as well.



Halloween (1978)

Plot: 90%

The plot for this movie is one you will most definitely recognize. It has been rinsed and repeated over and over again in the form of pretty much every slasher ever made. This is because this is effectively that first one, the one that pioneered the genre. However, I don't give it it's credit because it was the first, I give it because it is the best. Here's the story:

Michael Myers has been locked away in Smith's Grove - Warren County Sanitarium for eight years after the murder of his sister Judith on Halloween night in 1963 (when he was six). Treating him all the while has been Dr. Loomis who eventually comes to suspect that Michael is nothing more than pure evil. Myers, escaping in a stolen car when he is about to be taken to be tried for murder as an adult, returns to his old home Haddonfield, Illinois where he begins to terrorize and kill the resident teenagers.

Direction: 100%

John Carpenter made Halloween with only two films behind him (Dark Star (1974) and thriller Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)) and a tiny budget, but he made it to the best that it could be. Halloween was one of the first horror movies to be filmed in Widescreen format and Carpenter uses this to full advantage as the wide vista gives him ways to unbalance the composition with places Michael could jump out of, leaving the audience nervous and constantly guessing. The opening scene is a credit to Carpenter's skill as a director with the P.O.V shots adding a haunting voyeuristic feel to the murder of Judith Myers, and the way it is flawless executed proves itself to be a perfect of example on how to effectively use Steady Cam. His direction in this movie created the formula for which almost every slasher film would later use.

Score: 100%

Carpenter composed the score for Halloween himself and it is fantastic. I simply cannot imagine the film with any other score and is no wonder that it has become iconic. It is used to excellent effect in the movie, ratcheting up the suspense that extra notch every time it oozes its way on screen telling you that Michael is somewhere near. This is something only used to a greater effect in Jaws in my opinion. Here's the score here.

Violence: 60%

Unlike other films of the genre, Halloween doesn't have buckets of gore. In fact it has barely any. However the way in which Michael kills his victims is incredibly visceral and brutal, especially when he kills the girl in the car. I think this is more effective as where most slashers do the cheap thing of simply disgusting the viewer with gore, Halloween takes you out of your comfort zone with the realistic violence that really gets under your skin making it all the more terrifying.

Acting: 80%

The acting in this film is remarkable for the genre. Each actor puts in a decent performance but Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasence really shine as the conservative Laurie Strode and the obsessive Dr. Loomis. It also wouldn't be fair to not mention Nick Castle, who played The Shape/Michael Myers. He truly creates an inhuman character who chills you to the core. The only characters who irritated me were Laurie's friends at first, but they quickly grew on me.

Overall: 90%

Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Scream and many others all came to be because of this film. They're all great in their on regard but Halloween truly stands on it's own when it comes to the quality of the film. It is an incredible ride of ever increasing suspense and nerve shattering scares. I recommend this to anyone who likes the slasher genre, the horror genre or just plain great movies and landmark cinema: you do not want to miss the night HE came home!




Direction 90%

I don't know how these people do this since it's only one camera but it all must be well planned.  It was pulled off very well.

Script 81%

A very simple plot that mimics The Birds in that people's personal problems reflect some larger event.  The thing is you care about the character's little dilemmas more against a cool backdrop so it works.  I'm not criticising it.

The lines are good - some humour and no cheese.

Visuals 92%

This is not about perfectly framed shots but visceral action, all hand-held cameras that's like you are experiencing the action as it happens.  They did it very well - seamless, actually.  You will be taken in by it.

You will find some similarities to real life amateur footage taken of disasters, especially 9/11.  This was admitted in one of the special features on the dvd.

Acting 72%

They are acceptable actors, but I think the main reason they were chosen was for pure eye candy.  Unnaturally attractive people at that.

Score -

No score since this is supposed to mimic real amateur footage.  There is music over the end credits, though.

Overall 95%

Cloverfield is an original take on movies like Godzilla.  What would it be like to experience that first-hand?  It's very clever in how it's made and the special effects are very good.  It's like a roller coaster ride and this movie may be a classic 20 years from now. 

I like it, I think it's one of the best movies I've seen in ages out of hollywood.


95%? Ew.

War Wager

You're right, it doesn't deserve 95%.

More like 99%.


You forgot the decimal point between the two 9's. Horrible film. IMO.

Predator King

Predator King

Underworld Review

VisualFX: Overall, what visuals this movie had, were pretty good. The suit work was great, especially with the Lycans (werewolves). The highlight for this movie probably has to be its stylish, Gothic horror look and set designs were really terrific and looked pretty realistic. The makeup and suit work for Viktor in his newly awakened state was really, really good. Overall really good. The flaws in visuals would probably have to be the transformation of human to Lycan. You can easily tell that it's a work of visuals. I would have preferred it more if it was live-action. Another downfall is definitely the Lycans crawling on the walls or ceilings. It looks so ridiculous and because of this has a comical effect. Shame really!
Verdict: 65%   

Storyline:The biggest highlight of this movie. The plotline is really interesting and it kept me interested, though I doubt it'll keep general audiences the same as me. It is slightly predictable at times, but the back-story of how the Lycans and Vampires first came at war is really fascinating. While the plotline is quite simple, the dialogue style can make it difficult to understand at times, but nonetheless, overall really good.
Verdict: 84%

SoundFX:The SoundFX is pretty good, but that's all I have to say. It is not a pain in the ears, nor does it make you crank up the volume. The roars, shrieks and howls of the creatures are pretty much the same as other versions of them in different types of films and TV series and whatnot things like that. On the other hand, the score was mediocre. While I liked the Gothic, horror styled score, the modernized music dubbing over certain sequences made it awkward, but this film is cross between old and new, so it's nothing really drastic, that's just my opinion.
Verdict: 66%

Violent Factor: It is a Vampire vs. Werewolf film, a literal death match, of course there is blood split and gore. Loads of blood and gore, but most deaths are implied off-screen. If you have a weak stomach, you may not want to watch this movie as it is gory, but not on Saw level gore.
Verdict: 75%

Overall: Cool enough and pretty original, but still it is very lacking in terms of character development, in the sense that some characters are just there for cannon fodder. Contrary to that point, there are some characters that are really, really good and bad ass, yet they are underused, for example Raze or in the case of Lucien (Lycan Leader) and Viktor (Vampire Elder/Leader) suffer the worse deaths- in my opinion, they have been killed off far to quickly and could have been saved for sequels. Still I recommend you watch this.
Verdict:  72.5%


Direction 43%

It's "ode to my wife".  Yes, he has his wife in it, and it's sappy sentimental stuff. 

Script 34%

A mix of plotlines that doesn't make any sense, the dialogue is cringe-inducing and the overall message is simplistic.

Visuals 46%

Aside from the space scenes, the visuals really aren't that great.  The conquisitador stuff is way too lavish and OTT.  The scenes in the present are boring.  The vision of him in the space bubble is kind of ridiculous.  I love movies with weird visual imagery but not when they make little sense.  Some dude drinking semen out of a tree - crap!

Acting 21%

I just didn't like these people.  I didn't care at all about them. 

Score -

Can't remember the score.

Overall 24%

It sucks.  It's boring, pretentious, preachy, overly sentimental...  I can't believe why anyone would compare this with 2001.  2001 was a visual masterpiece about humanity's place in the universe.  This is just some crappy message about accepting death and one man who can't let go of his dead wife. 

I liked Pi, though, but even that just took the easy way out in the end.  Requiem for a Dream was so ridiculous in showing that people who do drugs get committed, get their arms amputated or are forced into doing hardcore acts in strip clubs.  A little ridiculous, as is this movie.


Direction 100%

Jonathan Demme really knows how to get good performances and tell a good story.  On the dvd the actors praise him plus he managed to make a classic movie on a low budget with little prior experience in this sort of genre.

Script 100%

Based on the acclaimed novel by Thomas Harris.  A great adaptation.  The dialogue just pulls all the punches.  The characters are great.  The plot moves along at quick pace with lots of twists and turns.  Hannibal's escape is somewhat of a departure from the main story, but it is very exciting and well done.

Visuals 93%

This is not a movie about perfectly framed shots - the camera focuses on the actors, because this is an actor's movie.  But the settings, a rural town, Lecter's prison, the FBI HQ in West Virginia, all give the film an atmospheric quality.

Acting 100%

Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter - badass (that guy is brilliant in everything, but everyone knows about Hannibal Lecter because of Hopkins).

Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling - she does great in a difficult role.  Her character goes through alot of crap in this movie (getting semen thrown on her face, etc) She is very tough and determined yet very sympathetic.  There is no love interest for her or anything like that (everyone in the movie hits on her, though), she just goes through the movie, despite being small and a woman in a man's world and you believe in her.

Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill/Jamie Gumb - really creepy villain.  Most people talk about Lecter but this guy is way more creepier.  The scene with him dancing with his penis inbetween his legs - holy shit.

Score 96%

A good orchestral score by Howard Shore, who also scored the Lord of the Rings movies.

Overall 100%

A classic.  Still holds up today because of the great acting and the story.  Of course it's Hannibal Lecter that made this film so famous, but there's much more to it than that.



Coraline Review

Plot: 70%

The movie is based on a kids novel from Neil Gaiman (The creator of Sandman) and the movie is about a girl named Coraline Jones (Voice by Dakota Fanning) moves into the Pink Palace Apartments in Oregon and with her loving but distracted parents. As she move in she would later found a stray black cat (Voice by Keith David) that is familiar to the neighborhood and finds a small door that Leeds into another world based on her life and encounters beings who claim to be her "Other" Parents who are more social and nicer then her real Family. The Other World prove to be much more interesting and as she wants to live their more then the real world but she later finds out it a trap. I won't spoil the rest of the movie but the story is good, dark for a kids movie and overall simple. Nothing mind blowing but the movie has a good story never less.

VFX: 95%

The visual effects in the movie are amazing and I love the art direction used in this movie. Everything looks like wired, cool and lovely at the sametime and Henry Selick (Nightmare Before Christmas) direction used in this movie made everything look so perfect. Their are a few flaws but it does not matter though.

SFX: 80%

The music used in the movie was good and I never really cared for the score used in this movie. The music was done by a French composer named "Bruno Coulais" and has done the score for popular movies outside the USA like Don Juan in 1998. This is his first American film that he compose the music for.

Acting: 88%

The movie has so solid voice acting and the screenplay for the movie was very good, everyone in the movie did their lines right for the movie. The movie has voice actors such as Dakota Fanning (Cat in the Hat, War of the Worlds), John Hodgman (Baby Mama and appeared in the episode "No Exit" of Battlestar Galactica), Teri Hatcher (Tomorrow Never Dies, 2 Days in the Valley) and Keith David (Who did the voice of Spawn in the HBO Spawn Animated Series in 1997). Overall the voice acting is great and everyone did a great job.

Violence: 0%

No Blood or Gore at all, nothing in this movie is violent to watch but their are a few scenes in this movie which may scared Small Children.

Overall: 88%

Overall the movie is a great movie and I really enjoy it. I would give it a 90% but I saw the 2-D version and the movie does have a few flaws like it was too short and the final act in the movie was too simple really since the movie should have been longer and had some more story devoplemt. The movie has a great art direction, a nice story, solid voice acting cast and creepiness from the beginning to the end. Check out the movie if you get the time.

War Wager

Plot: 30%

You're usual slasher plot that takes place in another smaller camp not far away from Crystal Lake. It follows the same cliche' rules; you have sex - you die, you do drugs - you die, you don't turn your brain on - you die. The movie ends up with your usual 'final girl' and after a long chase sequence she finally kills Jason. (mwhaha)

VFX: 62%

Director Steve Miner takes the helm once more after of the success of Part II and makes the highest grossing movie of the series (minus Freddy Vs Jason) The visuals aren't terribly interesting but the theatrical release was in 3-D and this is obvious even when watching the normal version. The re-realeses on Blu-ray don't have the 3-D except the US versions. (Which is also apparently the only part of the world that's getting the Blu-ray version of Part 1)

SFX: 75%

Why they decided to turn the theme into some techno disco music is beyond me, but it sounds quite funky. Not scary, but it captures the movies B-movie theme well. The classic 'ki ki ki ma ma ma' is used a lot but I ain't complaining. It still sends shivers up my back.

Acting: 24%

If you want cheese, you got it. It's really hard to take any of the performaces seriously, especially with the lines some of 'em are given. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. It just makes you want Jason to kill 'em sooner which is part of what makes the movie so fun.

Violence: 70%

Not a gory movie, but prides itself in packing in a lot of stabbings, impalings and head squishings.

Overall: 65%

I've only seen this and the far superior remake, but from what I've heard this is meant to be one of the best of the 80's series. Theres a lot I didn't like about it; a lot of the teen scenes were a little boring and predictable and the editing is usually quite bad. I really didn't like how they tried to recreated the dream ending of the first movie, it really has no 'oomph' to it and it's just a silly homage. They shot another two endings that would have worked much better. I see that Stan Winston designed a face for Jason, would have preferred that that made it into the movie. I did overall enjoy the movie though, it's one of those 'so bad, it's good' scenarios.




Plot 100%

Most people don't have a f**king clue that this movie exists.  Well, neither I.  But first thing I noticed was the cover and I thought wtf is this?

Hmm, it's got a cover with a dude holding dynamite.  And that dude is played by Christian Slater.  I'm not a big fan of Christian Slater but he was in one classic movie that I liked called HEATHERS.

So I read the back to see what the plot is and have never heard of any movie like this before.  Completely original plot.  So I did not hesitate to buy it.

Script 100%

Well, after watching it I was completely BLOWN AWAY by how well developed the script is.  The writing is total genius, so much subtlety and multiple layers.  You will have to watch it more than once to pick up on everything in it.

To say the tone of this movie, would be a dark comedy/drama.

Acting 100%

Which leads to the acting.  Christian Slater TOTALLY DISAPPEARS into the role of Bob Maconel.  You cannot even imagine anyone else playing him.  Perfect comic timing and delivery of dialogue.

Great support is given by William H. Macy (guy is a solid actor), Elisha Cuthbert who is not a dumb bimbo but plays a very mature and complex role and the rest of the cast who are also great.

Visuals 80%

This is more of an actor's movie than a visual masterpiece which is cool.  Not every movie has to have great visuals as long as you can f**king see the thing *ahem*.

Some people have bitched about the cgi.  Well, the cgi isn't supposed to be realistic because it exists totally in the character's head as a fantasy so I can forgive the dodgy cgi (it isn't that bad, really).

Score 95%

The score is perfect for this movie, it has a great soundtrack of songs I've never heard before that fit perfectly.


Violence - low
Swearing - yes, quite a bit of swearing ("Those f**king bastards are dead")
Nudity - yes, some female nudity in this
Gore - none

Overall 97%

This movie has cult classic written all over it.  It's way under-recognised for what it is - a low budget, independent movie.  But it kicks ass and it's the most original movie I've seen in years.  It's also one of the blackest comedy/drama I've ever seen.  Besides another black comedy/drama classic called The Young Poisoner's Handbook (also check that out it's awesome). 

It's also got great entertainment value.  A fun movie filled with good performances.  And realistic in that you may be able to recognise many of the characters and situations (or even stereotypes maybe).

DO NOT watch the trailer btw.  It makes it out to be a happy love story which it is definitely not.  Probably trying to appeal to the "chick flick" demographic.



Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla Review

Plot: 68%

The story of this movie is a  direct sequel to the original Godzilla and it takes place 48 years after the Original Godzilla was killed in 1954. One day, A new Godzilla attacks Japan in 1998 and then again four years later in 2002, the Japanese parliament decide to commission a robot constructed from the original Godzilla's bones and had made a new MechaGodzilla called "Kiryu". One day Kiryu's soul is awoken by Godzilla's roar, and goes out of Control then begins to attack Japan with out Warning then a lonely female soldier, tries to settle matters involving another pilot and stop Kiryu. Not a great plot but the idea of Godzilla soul inside of a Robot was a cool idea and the story is pretty simple nothing Oscar wining or anything but the overall plot of the movie is good and it different from the other Mechagodzilla movies that we seen in the past.

VFX: 75%

One the best things in the movie is the visual effects and the movie does have some film movie shoots (Like the sun rise scene of Kiryu) used in this movie where great. Their are a few scenes in this movie that where very nicely shot and some of the visual effects used in battle against Godzilla look pretty decent from the other three Godzilla movies that came out a few years before like Godzilla 2000. The visual effects are not at Lord of the Rings level at the time but their good for a Monster film like this one. The outfits that they used for Godzilla is not too bad and it looks like his G2k (Godzilla suit) that they used in Godzilla 2000 (1999) and Godzilla vs. Megaguirus (2000). Kiryu himself looks great for a guy in a suit that plays as robot and most outfits like that look fake and something that you would seen in a ABC family TV movie but this look pretty good and the design for the Monster look awesome too. You got the love cannons that the monsters has on it shoulders.

SFX: 73%

The sound effects that they used in the movie for the battle scenes where nothing special since I did not really care for them since I watch the movie for the story then sound effects or the way that the actors talked in the movie. The music is not too bad at all Michiru Oshima did a good job in the movie as the Composer and has been best know for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube.  first Godzilla film since The Return of Godzilla not to feature any of Akira Ifukube's themes and it not a bad thing since Michiru Oshima did a great job with the music and it nice to do a different theme then the same old Ifukbe's themes that we hear before.

Acting: 24%

I have not seen the movie in subs and the dub for the movie was pretty awful. The voices that they used for the actors where awful and it seem like the actors did not care for the movie when dubbing the movie. I seen voice acting dubbing in the older Dragon Ball Z episodes made in the 90's then this which is really saying something since that dub was awful.

Violence: 5%

The movie has no blood or gore at all, the movie has nothing to worry about when it comes to violence's since it a Godzilla movie and all the Godzilla movies have been Family safe since 1956 when the Godzilla first came out in the United States. The only violence's that you would see in this movie is two monster hitting each other back and Kiryu using his cannons to kill Godzilla.

Overall: 72%

Godzilla Against MechaGodzilla also know as Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla III from fans and most people call it like that since it the 3rd main film with him as the lead role (Unless you count Terror of MechaGodzilla) is my second movie in the Millennium series and the movie overs a good story, and some great visual effects that used in the movie. Once you get the past the awful dubbing then the movie does have a great conpect that was pretty new for the Godzilla film series and good action scenes that are both silly and fun to watch. Not a great movie but I enjoy it for begin a better movie then the other two Godzilla movies in the Millennium series like Godzilla 2000 (1999) and Godzilla vs. Megaguirus (2000). Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001) was a much better movie though and this movie is not too bad to rent on a rainy day. If your not a fan then skip it but if you're fan that has not seen it then check it out.



I was going to do a Watchmen review but I will wait later once the movie has been out longer since it hard to a review with spoilers.

Planet of the Dinosaurs Review

Plot: 50%

The movie is about a group of people where in outer space and they crash into a unknown Alien planet with Dinosaurs on it. Now the remaining eight people aboard the ship decide that survival is their primary goal and begin to explore the planet that they have landed on. The story is very simple and nothing amazing really but I will give it credit for giving us the first Dinosaur movie in Space.

VFX: 70%

For a movie that came out in 1978, the visual effects look nice and all the dinosaurs look very good too. Other then the Dino's used in the movie, the Cinematography looks very good and the art direction used in the movie was not too bad. Movies at the time like Superman and Alien do have better special effects but this movie has some decent stuff for a 70's movie. The significant amount of stop motion dinosaurs where great and it even won a Saturn Award in 1979.

SFX: 62%

The music is not too bad and the Dinosaurs in the movie do sound nice. Nothing else to say other then music score was decent and the music is done by a person named John O'Verlin.

Acting: 15%

The acting is the worst part of the movie and the all of the actors where awful. The only famous actor in this movie was Max Thayer and he has been know for movies such as The Man Who Wasn't (written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen) and he must be the only one with the most experience amongst the other actors in the movie.

Violence: 9%

Other then a few Dino's fight scenes and a scene where a person gets eaten by a T-Rex, their is no blood or gore at all. This movie is safe for all ages.

Overall: 58%

Overall for a low budget B movie it not bad at all and their is a lot of things that should have been better like the acting and the overall story should have more depth. If you want to watch a Dinosaur move or a movie for a bad laugh then check this one out since it pretty rare. It worth a rental but you are better off watching a older Dinosaur movie like 10,000 BC or The Lost World (1922).

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