Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 277,585 times)


Yeah that one.

It really is good.

War Wager

Plot: 85%

A former spy (Liam Neeson) travels to Paris intent on finding his daughter after she is kidnapped there. She was taken by an illegal group of immigrants that capture young travelling woman, put them on drugs and turn them into prostitutes. Using all the skills he's developed over his long career, the one-man army quickly and brutally ascends up the ladder of scum, driven with the incredible power that is a father's love.

VFX: 83%

I really love the sleek, modern look this movie has. The action scenes are shot wonderfully and the overall cinematography keeps the movie going at a tense and knuckle biting pace.

SFX: 77%

Everything sounds great. Gun fire is loud and realistic and the car chase is rip roaring assault on the ears. An excellent and emotional soundtrack too.

Acting: 94%

Neeson is quite excellent here. He really creates a tough, hard edged but instantly likable character with ease. Supporting cast are very talented too, but Neeson definitely steals the scenes.

Violence: 72%

The brutality here is just visceral. You really feel that this guy is a skilled, no nonsense ass kicker that would kill you in a second if you got in his way.

Overall: 88%

Definitely the one of the best movie I've seen in a long time. Liam Neeson's performance is both powerful and captivating and you really get into the story because of this. I honestly think he should be considered for Best Actor. It's violence pulled off so elegantly and the overall mature mood of picture makes it one definitely not to be missed.



Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone Review

Plot: 78%

If you see the anime then you know what happens and this movie is a remake of the first six episodes with some stuff added into it. The story is takes place in 2015 that has suffered do to a mysterious disaster known as second impact that occurred in the year 2000 killing off much of the world life then a unknown monster called "Sachiel" appears in Tokyo 3 and it is apart of a race called The Angels. The protagonist of the story is a whiny teenaged boy named Shinji who is summoned by his estranged father to Tokyo 3 (Tokyo 1 and 2 got destroyed) to save the Earth from Evil. His father is the head of the organization Nerv which was made to protect humanity against the angels. Later in the early part of the movie you see that Shinji is informed much to his surprise that he is to pilot what appears to be a giant purple robot called "Evangelion" to fight against the attacking angels. Unless you want to be spoil what happens next then my best choice is to see the series or look it up on google. Since this is a remake that means things have been change around like any other remake since we don't see the second half of this battle through Shinji's flashback and it happens all at once like in the Manga which is better and cooler too. I also feel like the story feels rush in the second half  of the movie since they remove the part where how Touji finds out he's a pilot since he wanted to beat him up for hurting his sister that was killed in the city during the battle with Sachiel. Overall the story is great and it has a few flaws but not enough to ruin it for me or anyone else that seen the series but newbies might have a problem with it though.

VFX: 97%

The animation for the movie is amazing and everything look fantastic such as the layout designs, how backgrounds look and the overall animation looks great. The movie also fused with 2D animation and 3D animation also which they did so great that most movies failed at.The only flaws I had with the animation was that a few scenes where to bright that made a few scenes hard to see.

SFX: 92%

The music is almost is the same as the original and most of the music that they used in the original series is still added into their as well with the sound effects. The movie also has a new ending song called "Beautiful World" from Utada Hikaru (A Japanese pop artist) which was chosen from her single Beautiful World/Kiss & Cry. She also provided a reprised remix of the series original ending theme "Fly Me to the Moon". The movie is  composed by Shiro Sagisu who also did the score for the original series and the popular anime called "Bleach". Nothing else to say other then the music is great and Shiro did it again as the composer.

Acting: 60%

Nothing to say about the acting other it voice acting and the movie has all of the voice actors from the original series return for the movie. I seen the series in subs before and I never care about the Japanese voices before but I'm used to them from playing the video games. Not bad voice acting but I never care for them anyways.

Violence: 77%

This movie is violent and has good amount of blood in the movie such as Evangelion Unit 01 rips Sachiel arm off then their is red blood coming out, Evangelion Unit 01 gets hit in the head then the blood is squirting outside it head, a small amount of blood on Rei Ayanami hand and the final battle with Ramiel has a large amount of blood then it spurting everywhere outside it body then you see a large amount of blood cover across on Central Dogma after that. Their is also a few nudity scenes in the movie and I would not not recommended for children under 14 or 15 years of age. This movie got a PG rating here in the United States and I was suprise a lot by this since people should be responsible and cautious when choosing whether or not to let children watch a movie like this or most recent one like Watchmen without knowing the source material.

Overall: 91%

Overall this movie was great and I really love it since I have been waiting two years for this movie, and it was worth the wait. This might be the best 2D animation movie I seen in a while now since they stop making a lot of 2D movies now, and we get a bunch of crappy 3D movies like Fly me to the Moon and Star Wars: Clone Wars. For those who are new to the series, I quite sure this will serve as an excellent starting platform into the series and might want to check this out first or rent the original series on DVD. If you're fan like my self then you will enjoy this movie a lot since it lot easier to understand the plot and intention of the characters, and with all the plot making more sense than the original series, and not to mention that the action scenes are much better too. I was lucky to see the movie today and it was a great experience I had at the movies in a long time next to The Dark Knight. If you get a chance to see this movie then check it out at a movie screening or wait for it on DVD this fall. If you want a movie with a great story, beautiful animation, fast action and a movie that has science mixed with some reglion, check this out.


^Thanks, I might check that out.  I wiki'd Evangelion just to see what it was about and I was surprised how deep it seemed in terms of themes, characters and plots, etc.

(US version, not German version)

Script 90%

Don't expect complex dialogue, this is all based on fantasy except for a few scenes but those are only to tell the story.  It's actually a very good script because it gets across what it needs to and does so with the right emotional punch.

Now I know this adapted from a book.  I haven't read the book, so sue me.  It's a good movie, it might not be a good adaptation of the book though.

VFX 95%

If you can get past the obvious matte lines and other dodgy 1984 effects, there are some spectacular shots here that really bring the world of FANTASIA to life.  The creature and puppet work is also really good - the giant rock guy, the huge turtle, the evil wolf and all the other creatures are memorable.

Score 100%

The score for this is KICK ASS.  Awesome.  I love it.  Probably the one of the best fantasy movie scores. 

Then there is the song at the beginning which I love.  Damn that song is awesome, timeless even.  I listen to it often.

Acting 95%

Normally I hate child actors but these ones are likeable.  I can identify with the kid - he ain't annoying and same with Atreyu and that Empress. 

Violence -

It's a children's movie, it's not violent but there is strong scenes like when the horse dies, you see a knight get vaporised into a skeletal corpse and some kids may be frightened by the wolf character.  It's like a fairytale, almost, you have fantasy and there is some darkness and danger in there.

Overall 100%

CLASSIC.  Yep, I said it. 

Though I saw it when I was a kid, it was perfect nostalgia for me to grow up with this movie which brings light to darkness.  Because basically it's about keeping your imagination and that the world is full of endless possibilities.  The NOTHING, which is what is consuming Fantasia, is what happens when you lose your imagination.  It is such an awesome movie, I don't need shit like Harry Potter because that stuff is LAME.

The best fantasy is either written by JRR Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, old tales collected by The Brothers Grimm, the Zelda series or THE NEVERENDING STORY.  Hellz yeah.



Quotehttp://^Thanks, I might check that out.  I wiki'd Evangelion just to see what it was about and I was surprised how deep it seemed in terms of themes, characters and plots, etc.

Yeah since the whole series deal with allusions to biological, military, religious, and psychological concepts and you can say it much 2001: A Space Oddessy of anime. It not a kiddie anime like Dragon Ball or Pokemon for sure. It a anime that will f**k up mind for sure.



Well here is another review and Happy 10th Birthday to The Matrix.

The Matrix review

Plot: 87%

The story is about an guy named Thomas A. Anderson (also known as Neo), lives an ordinary life then leads into a secret life as a hacker under the alias "Neo", and wishes to learn the answer to the question "What is the Matrix?". Cryptic messages appearing on his computer monitor and encounters with several sinister agents lead him to a group led by the mysterious Morpheus, a man who offers him the chance to learn the truth about the Matrix. Neo accepts by swallowing an offered red pill, and abruptly finds himself naked in a liquid-filled pod then he finds out that it is 200 years later, and the world has been laid waste and taken over by advanced artificial intelligence machines. So Neo must save the world and find out the truth about his world by shedding light on the dark secrets that have troubled him for so long. The movie has a great story and it was one of it kind at the time. Movies like Total Recall and Dark City do have similar ideas but The Matrix in my opinion had more fun of a story.

VFX: 90%

Amazing visual effects and everything in this movie look amazing for it time and the visual effects still look great today even though some of it CGI looks a bit dated. I remember I saw this when it came out and I was blew always on how everything look because it feel so real and it was nothing anyone buddy seen before. The movie used Bullet Timing which was new for it time and it made a zoom in shoot of a gun bullet then it make it very slow. The slow monition for the movie is great and it still works well today.

SFX: 82%

The music used in the movie where awesome and the songs used in the movie fit well with the movie also since the movie has a soundtrack from Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson and Rage Against the Machine. The film's score was composed by Don Davis (Warriors of Virtue, Star Trek: The Next Generation) and he does a good job on the score too, but I did not really care for the score in the movie since I was too busy watching the action and story then the music it self.

Acting: 73%

The acting is good and all the actors in the movie do a great job in the movie for their roles. Nothing else to say really then it average and nothing amazing but still very good. Keanu Reeves (Speed, The Devil's Advocate) does a good job for the lead role since he is offend wooden in his movies but he pulls off very well to become the next biggest action hero in histroy. Laurence Fishburne (Event Horizon, Boyz n the Hood) and Carrie-Anne Moss (Forever Knight, Suspect Zero) where also good. Not to mention Hugo Weaving (Babe, Bangkok Hilton) was great and plays yet another villain that will become apart of movie histroy.

Violence: 12%

Nothing violent at all other then a small scene of blood and a lot of Melee fighting. Their is a lot of gun shooting but their is no blood or gore when they shoot each other at all. This movie should have been PG-13 then R but the people at MPPA can be idiots at some points.

Overall: 87%

Overall The Matrix is still a great movie and the movie still hold off very well today. I remember it when cameout back in 1999 and it was no like movie I seen before since it give me nostalgia feeling of the movie and how everything look. It give science fiction a new look forever and the movie really did change movies now these days. Too bad the sequels ruined the series with a awful ending that made very little sense and it should have been a stand alone movie. I hope James Cameron Avatar will have the same nostalgia feel that The Matrix did 10 years ago by giving us a science fiction movie that change movie history.


Day of the Dead 2008 review

Plot- 50%
Standard fare. Zombies take over small town. Army chick, her brother, army guy, good zombie and evil scientist try to survive. That's it. The zombies aren't like most zombies- the infected people freeze in their tracks, grow lesions, and have the ability to run on walls and be superhuman in general. Uh huh.

The makeup is kinda neat. The gore was obviously fake, but still kind of cool. Funny how that works. Some car stunt work, sort of. People jumping from windows. Car running into zombies. OK, not great, but entertaining.
CGI- 15%
There was ONE good instance of CG in the movie, and it was super-cliched. A zoom in to the blood cells inside of a zombie as the DNA is changed. All the CG blood in other shots, or fire or gunshots or ricochets looked really really fake to me. The blood defied physics. The wall-crawling zombies were really fake as well.

Sound and Music- 30%
Nothing memorable here at all with the music. Standard suspense stuff. Nothing great. I expect more from Tyler Bates. Sound was OK, but the effects for the gunshots sounded... meh.

Acting- 49%
Also, nothing memorable. Ving Rhames has a very short role. I didn't care about anybody. Salazar was a Jar-Jar type of stereotype. When somebody says, "nice spear", he replies "You see a black man with a sharp stick and you think it's a spear." He also doesn't seem to care much about the horrors going on. He has one good scene, where he's holding a gun in the face of a newly-bitten. His dialogue, though, is just bad.

Camera Work-
I have to review this part. Mainly because it's the kind of camera work that has you thinking, "they can do better." It's not even bad enough to say "it's the best they can do." It looks competent. They can do better.
And the coloring! That was awful! Punisher War Zone neon but with even less thought put into it! Oh, their in an air shaft! ALL YELLOW! And there is never a definitive black. The darkest it gets is dark blue.

As a remake- 1%
How is this related to Day of the Dead at all? "Zombies." The zombies? They are not the same at all. In the Romero classic, did zombies scream as they jump twenty feet and crawl on a wall at speeds Spiderman would envy? "Some characters have names from the original." So why were they completely different? "Bud." Bud? You mean your attempt at Bub that misses the whole point? Bub was to show that zombies can be tamed through memory. Bud is a weakling soldier who is bitten, turns into a zombie, has a crush on the army chick, and sits in the backseat of a military vehicle for the majority of the movie before being nabbed by other zombies, fire a few shots at a zombie and missing, and being ripped apart? The one who does nothing but annoy us? The one with so much missed potential?
"Well, we tried." Shut up, no you didn't, go away.

As a film in general- 39%
Entertaining yet stupid. If you were to edit it as I am right now and cut out as many stupid parts as you can, tighten the pace, change the colors, you might get a 60%. But then it would lose over 20 minutes. Mine has.


I'm no critic, but I want to see one of you review "The Game"




Jason X

Plot - 21%:

It just had to happen,Jason Voorhees in space,Jason escapes captivity at Camp Crystal Lake Research Facility(wow),only to be frozen along with another scientist for nearly 400 years,and Earth is somehow a non-habitable wasteland,such a high budget film

VFX: 35%

Being that its in space,and its supposedly a Friday the 13th film,there should be enough low budget crap for you.

SFX: 23%

If the crappy atmosphere of the film doesn't help,how 'bout some PS1 game music.


A bunch of random dips you never heard of and will probably never see again,random old mumbly dipshit there to waste screentime,that doesn't help to move the dead plot in anyway,check.


Some low-grade gore effects,I have to admit the liquid nitrogen kil is the only exciting one.


You get some awkward nipple pinch scene that helps in no way at all,and two chicks with their tits out towards the end in a scene where Uber-Jason(Robo-Jason) is put in a virtual-reality Crystal Lake,circa 1980.


The film trys to start off "scary" and whether intentionally or not,turns into a comedy,with no suspense or horror elements at all,towards the end of the movie it just feels like a low grade sci-fi flick with someone that distantly resembles Jason Voorhees,the horror element died somewhere along the way,the lame sets and quick cheap score job from otherwise great Harry Manfredini doesn't help either.


What do you think of the concept of having Jason in space?

War Wager

War Wager

^ The concept sucks ass, it's just a gimmick for franchise's that run out of stream. Jason belongs at Camp Crystal Lake that's all there is to it.

Plot: 76%

A small band of actors are hired to play roles in the movie version of the book 'Tropic Thunder' written by war veteran 'Four Leaf'. The director can't control his actors and the whole movie looks set to go up in flames. Determined not to be made a fool out of, Four Leaf tells the director to take his actors into the real jungle and shoot the whole movie guerrilla style. Unfortunately, everything that happens in the script really does happen for real.

VFX: 80%

The jungle looks great on screen, looks like more than just your typical war movie. Some great comedy camera work too (eg having stuff happen in the background while your attention is meant to be else where).

SFX: 88%

Sound is crisp and clear and is what you'd expect from an action movie of it's quality. The score is really well done too, a lot of rock tracks in there.

Acting: 73%

It's a good mix of talent and it's interesting that some play their characters seriously and some don't. Either way they end up being funny anyway. Robert Downey Jr. is exceptional Sgt Osiris. He really created a great comic icon and the stuff he comes out with is just hilarious. The voice is just brilliant. Tom Cruise, love him or loathe him, is outstanding too.

Violence: 59%

Intentionally meant to be silly and unrealistic, this is apparent from the start. All in good fun though.

Nudity: 20%

In the Directors Cut theres a quick flash of some tits in a magazine, literally for seconds.

Overall: 88%

A controversial and original movie than nobody saw coming. The storyline isn't to everyones taste and one could probably be easily offended, but it's all in good nature. Theres never a dull moment and the whole movie is packed with laughs that never seem to get old, some classic stuff here. Definitely one of the best comedy's ever made.

Plot: 7/10

It's far in the future and the world has fallen far into decline. Unemployment rates are sky high and violence is even more acceptable than before. A new form of entertainment called the 'Death Race' is set up on a prison island that pits the inmates against each other in races that they are free to kill each other in. Winning a certain number of races allows an inmate to walk free.

VFX: 8/10

Gritty and stylish are the words that come to mind because the state of the world is captured brillaintly within the prison walls. The races are terrifically shot and their fast cuts and swift camera moves really pump up the adrenaline.

SFX: 10/10

The movie really does sound amazing, this is proven not only it's catchy, cool soundtrack but in the races which are loud and realistic.

Acting: 6/10

Not bad. None of the actors are bad, it's just not all of them work with lame ass dialouge that well.

Violence: 7/10

Nice violence that works well on the whole. Not over the top, but can excagerate a little if it wants too.

Overall: 9/10

I really think Anderson out done himself here. It's common knowlage that he sometimes reffered to as 'the worst director in history' but he's far from it. The script is actually quite good, best he's done, but he still has a nack for cringe worthy dialouge. He also seems to have an obbsesion of trying to cram in lots memorable quotes into DR, but when he comes up with stuff like 'Okay cocksucker. F**k with me and we'll see who shits on the sidewalk' it makes you wonder why he even bothers. I though Resident Evil was decent and AvP was good, but I find this quite excellent. You don't need an amazing script to make a good movie and this movie proves it. Theres no denying the story isn't exactly deep, but it's gritty tone and rip roaring action well than make up for it.


Quote from: Secret Hero on Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM
there is one rule: Review ONLY Movies, not series. Okay?

Let me tell you last thing before making your review. THE VERDICT. The Verdict is composed of 5 categories:

VisualFX - What does it looks like? Isn't it realistic? Does it have problem in the making?

Storyline - Is it satisfying and cool to watch? Is it complicated? Cool? Or a pain in the eyes?

SoundFX - Does the movie make you crank up the volume? Nice ka-booms and blast? Or it's just a pain in the ears?

Violent Factor - How violent is it and how much blood spilled? Is the movie gory enough?

Overall - The final verdict! What can you say about the film? Is it AWESOME? Or Lame?

The Scores:

90 to 100% - Tippety top! Cream of the Crop! If heard about it, then buy this movie on DVD!

80 to 90% - A great movie. If you like the effects of it, you should watch it!

70 to 80% - Cool enough but a little lacking. Still, if you really want to watch it.

60 to 70% - A movie scuppered by an annoying flaw or two. Shame.

50 to 60% - Above average but only just. Spend your cash in a videogame!

40 to 50% - Quite simply not very good.

30 to 40% - Oh dear. Perhaps the producers, should watch some cool 'films'.

20 to 30% - What the..!? This looks awful!

10  to 20% - Not a movie at all but a film of mental torture! AHHH!

0 to 10% - Like dangling your diddlies in a mincing DVD player!
(NOTE: After reviewing, make sure that in the Overall percent score, you must add up the percent scores of 4 categories then divide it by 4, so we can know the Overall score = VisualFx + SoundFx + Storyline + ViolentFactor then divided by 4. Get it?)

Let's start, shall we?

I'll start:

Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

VisualFx: (82%)
- VFx is cool. With the first scene of RotS, war above Coruscant, the VFx is awesome. Especially the lightsabers, the Clones, Gunships, and AT-TE. Very cool and splendid.

Storyline: (88%)
- The story continues to this one with the protagonist become the famous Lord Vader. And the birth of Luke and Leia. The story was sorrowful, that I can totally say YES! (Not sorrowful for me, but to others) The Jedi will be extinct! Sith will rule the galaxy! HAHA! <---- Sound like Emperor Palpatine. But it's a SW special.

SoundFx: (93%)
- The SFx is uber-cool. With the blast of the Gunships to the battle droids with Ka-BLAM!! Cool, magnificento! Grin With the lightsaber still sound the same, w00t! Especially newly performed voice of the droids!

Violent Factor: (17%)
- The SW movies will not be more violent than others so kids can really watch the movie with not parents! YES! Uber-cool!

Overall: (70%)
- The final saga, the final movie. I'll miss you SW. But hey, I do have it's DVD though! Oh, getting Off Topic here. Grin The movie is cool but goes deeper to the dark side of the force.

I totally agree with you I enjoyed Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. it was excellent. it had awesome space battles and i enjoyed the ultimate lightsaber duel ever which is between Anakin Skywalker now named Darth Vader vs his former master Obi-wan Kenobi. i also love the duel between Obi-wan and General Grievious and also the duel between Jedi Master Yoda vs Darth Sidious or better known as Emperor Palpatine. It was also great seeing Peter Mayhew back as playing the awesome Chewie. the musical score by John Williams was excellent as always. i give Star Wars EP3 5 stars!!!


Quote from: Secret Hero on Mar 08, 2008, 12:00:23 AM
First movie to be made of AVP. Maybe this movie IS the best than AVP2 after all.

VisualFx: (96%)
- Even with the old Vfx, the mask of the Predator still is the best from the old movies, especially the Aliens suit or even the face is truly the one that is cool. In AVP2, the Aliens chin is like being stretched a little. And the Predator's mask for the mouth is a little too long. That's how AVP is still the best than AVP2.

SoundFx: (96%)
- Same rate with the Vfx, the Sfx has cool sound and some original shout-sfx of the Predators. And background music when the two species faces is good. Very good.

Storyline: (99%)
- The story really takes on the ancient times of how the people really built something from the teachings of the Predators, but when every 100 years the Preds come back and expect a ritual-sacrifice. But when all fates was change, the Aliens almost rule the whole pyramid. Still Predators are there to take care all the problems. The story is cool and easily understandable.

ViolentFactor: (47%)
- VF of this movie is not above it's average. Cause we always see the blood of the Aliens and Predators. Even the inside organs of the Aliens. And I recommend that you watch this movie with your parents, if you're 13 years below.

Overall: (98%)
- From the director of Resident Evil, Paul Anderson, created this masterpiece by combining and making a new rivalry of species. Alien Vs. Predator, a magnificent masterpiece.

I dont see what so great about AVP. it totally sucks!! paul anderson is the most sorriest piece of garabe of a director i have ever seen in my life. all his movies sucks and i dont know why in the hell did fox let him screwed up what was supposed to been a great movie. the movie doesnt have the feel of either ALIEN, ALIENS, or the Predator movies. i love all the alien and predator movies but both avp movies suck.

first of all the storyline sucks having it on Antarctica with a pyramid supposedly built by humans on Antarctica a long time ago. paul anderson never studied ancient history because humans never built anything on Antarctica because it was a frozen waste land when man started to walk the earth. man appeared 10 million years ago and Antarctica was a frozen waste land but it was once freed of ice but that was back in the late Cretaceous period when dinosaurs was still ruling the earth.

2nd the look of the aliens and the predator was horrible. ADI cant make the alien look like the alien anymore and even both alec and tom who worked on aliens and predator with the greatest make-up effects artist the late great Stan Winston and they still cant get the aliens and the predators to look right. at least in AVP-R the predator looked a bit more like the Predator from both Predator and Predator 2. I wish ADI went back to Giger's design instead of making it looking so stupid.

3rd i hated the f*cking cast in both movies. the cast is horrible and they were so damn boring even Lance Henrickson who i am a fan of even his character as Charles Bishop Weyland was horrible. i hated the idea of both female leads to be bacially a rip off of Ripley. when anyone in both movies started to get killed off by either the Aliens or the Predators i just didnt care about them but in the earlier movies from ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN 3, ALIEN RESURRECTION, AND BOTH PREDATOR AND PREDATOR 2 the cast in those movies were awesome but its hard to care about the characters in Alien 3 because they're prisoners.

4th the special effects and the CGI of AVP and AVP-R was really dumb. the cgi of the aliens looked so fake and it looked too cartoonish. Paul Anderson said he hates using CGI but he prefers practical effects. he had so much CGI used in AVP and the queen looked horrible and she looked so much like a cartoon character.

i give AVP and AVP-R no percent since both movies sucks. I dont see how AVP is a damn masterpiece but i can say its a master piece of sh*t!!!



Dragonball Evolution Review

Plot: 9%

The movie is based on a popular anime with the same name and the movie is about a young high school kid named Goku that has a crush on some girl named Chi Chi and on his 18th birthday that he gets a Dragon Ball but mean while a evil alien named Piccolo arrives at Goku house then kills Gohan as Piccolo plans to use all seven dragon balls to take over the universe. Goku later meets a girl named Bluma that is also looking for the Dragon Balls also as they travel to find Master Roshi, and get training to save the world from evil. The movie makes very little sense and the movie does not tell how Piccolo came from or  tell who Mai (Piccolo henchmen) is. They don't even mention her name and the movie has no character development at all. The only good thing about the story that has some good homages to the original series and the story intro for the movie was cool.

VFX: 28%

Some of the visual effects look cool but everything looks so outdate which makes you think this movie came out in 1998 or 1999 since the Lava looks like something from a PS1 game and some of the ki blast look like bad lighting then energy blast. I did like how some of the fight scenes look such as the battle with Piccolo which look cool. Shenron (The Magical Dragon) looks fake and does look like something from a cheap TV movie since I seen better visual effects in Godzilla movies. I wish they work on the visual effects a bit longer and the movie looks so outdated.

SFX: 70%

The movie score was composed by Brian Tyler (Rambo, Eagle Eye) which I think he did a great job at. The movie opening theme was very good and most of the score was well done. The score is the one the very few good things about the movie and the movie also has a song played called "Rule" by Japanese singer Ayumi Hamasaki. Overall the score is pretty good and it not too bad at all.

Acting: 40%

The acting in this movie was not bad or good but somewhere between the two since Justin Chatwin (War of the Worlds) played Goku which was a awful choice since he act nothing like Goku at all, and he is a big idiot then he is in the anime. Other actors/actress in the movie such as Emmy Rossum (Mystic River), Jamie Chung (I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry), and Texas Battle (Final Destination 3) where wooden and feel like they where not trying enough when acting as their roles. They even have Chow Yun-Fat (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) in this movie as Master Roshi and I don't know why he wasted his time on this movie since this movie might end his acting career in the United States seeing how awful he acted in this movie. The movie has two good actors which are James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) which he plays as Piccolo and Joon Park (Speed Racer) which he plays as Yamcha. Joon Park pulls off the role Yamcha very well since he acts like Yamcha from the show a lot and he even sounds like him, James Marsters did a good job on Piccolo but too bad that he had very little screentime in the movie. Even Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters) is in this movie as some Guru but I don't why they had him as that role in the movie. Overall the acting is mixed in the bag and their is only a few good actors in the movie.

Violence: 14%

The movie has no blood at all and the movie is Rated PG which means it ok for kids. The movie has very fast hand to hand combat and scene where Chi Chi gets cut in the arm which is the only violent thing in this movie. This movie is safe for anyone and nothing to worry about.

Overall: 60%

Overall Dragonball Evolution is one those movies where it so stupid that it can be fun to watch. The movie has flaws but the corny factor makes me enjoy this movie and I will be buying this movie on DVD. The movie give me those nostalgia feeling seeing that I'm a big Dragon Ball fan that I found this movie to be  enjoyable and doesn't ask anything serious from the audience. The movie sucks as a Dragon Ball movie and the movie is a good popcorn flick as a Action Movie. Overall the movie was so bad that I almost enjoy it, and the movie is worth checking out on DVD for a good laugh.

Secret Hero

Quote from: XENOMORPH ALIENS on Apr 17, 2009, 03:46:39 AM
Quote from: Secret Hero on Mar 08, 2008, 12:00:23 AM
First movie to be made of AVP. Maybe this movie IS the best than AVP2 after all.

VisualFx: (96%)
- Even with the old Vfx, the mask of the Predator still is the best from the old movies, especially the Aliens suit or even the face is truly the one that is cool. In AVP2, the Aliens chin is like being stretched a little. And the Predator's mask for the mouth is a little too long. That's how AVP is still the best than AVP2.

SoundFx: (96%)
- Same rate with the Vfx, the Sfx has cool sound and some original shout-sfx of the Predators. And background music when the two species faces is good. Very good.

Storyline: (99%)
- The story really takes on the ancient times of how the people really built something from the teachings of the Predators, but when every 100 years the Preds come back and expect a ritual-sacrifice. But when all fates was change, the Aliens almost rule the whole pyramid. Still Predators are there to take care all the problems. The story is cool and easily understandable.

ViolentFactor: (47%)
- VF of this movie is not above it's average. Cause we always see the blood of the Aliens and Predators. Even the inside organs of the Aliens. And I recommend that you watch this movie with your parents, if you're 13 years below.

Overall: (98%)
- From the director of Resident Evil, Paul Anderson, created this masterpiece by combining and making a new rivalry of species. Alien Vs. Predator, a magnificent masterpiece.

I dont see what so great about AVP. it totally sucks!! paul anderson is the most sorriest piece of garabe of a director i have ever seen in my life. all his movies sucks and i dont know why in the hell did fox let him screwed up what was supposed to been a great movie. the movie doesnt have the feel of either ALIEN, ALIENS, or the Predator movies. i love all the alien and predator movies but both avp movies suck.

first of all the storyline sucks having it on Antarctica with a pyramid supposedly built by humans on Antarctica a long time ago. paul anderson never studied ancient history because humans never built anything on Antarctica because it was a frozen waste land when man started to walk the earth. man appeared 10 million years ago and Antarctica was a frozen waste land but it was once freed of ice but that was back in the late Cretaceous period when dinosaurs was still ruling the earth.

2nd the look of the aliens and the predator was horrible. ADI cant make the alien look like the alien anymore and even both alec and tom who worked on aliens and predator with the greatest make-up effects artist the late great Stan Winston and they still cant get the aliens and the predators to look right. at least in AVP-R the predator looked a bit more like the Predator from both Predator and Predator 2. I wish ADI went back to Giger's design instead of making it looking so stupid.

3rd i hated the f*cking cast in both movies. the cast is horrible and they were so damn boring even Lance Henrickson who i am a fan of even his character as Charles Bishop Weyland was horrible. i hated the idea of both female leads to be bacially a rip off of Ripley. when anyone in both movies started to get killed off by either the Aliens or the Predators i just didnt care about them but in the earlier movies from ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN 3, ALIEN RESURRECTION, AND BOTH PREDATOR AND PREDATOR 2 the cast in those movies were awesome but its hard to care about the characters in Alien 3 because they're prisoners.

4th the special effects and the CGI of AVP and AVP-R was really dumb. the cgi of the aliens looked so fake and it looked too cartoonish. Paul Anderson said he hates using CGI but he prefers practical effects. he had so much CGI used in AVP and the queen looked horrible and she looked so much like a cartoon character.

i give AVP and AVP-R no percent since both movies sucks. I dont see how AVP is a damn masterpiece but i can say its a master piece of sh*t!!!

Well, everybody got different point of views. So, you can't judge them if they like it or not. Same as the "Twilight" movie. <_< What's so special about that movie, anyway?

As for the topic, I request someone to review "Evil Dead".

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