Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 277,587 times)

War Wager

Plot: 52%

Set 2 years after the first bloody outing, THHE2 bases itself around a group of trainee National Guardsmen in a routine training mission. Guess what happens... This movie really does have one bloody cliche' after another and it does get tiring fast. You'll find yourself mapping out the whole bloody movie way before it finishes. The 'concept' of having trainee soldiers fighting the mutants is actually quite good but it's so poorly executed in the movie.

VFX: 75%

Like the first movie, theres a lot of nice open shots of the surrounding hills which creates a nice isolated environ that works well. They don't give it an 'epic' feel but they're bloody nice to look at, especially on Blu-ray.

SFX: 74%

The score is heavily influenced on the first movie which is a good thing considering how bloody good it was. Apart from that theres nothing really that stands out from an audio standpoint other than the sound of gun fire and screaming echoing throughout the hills.

Acting: 30%

Bad stuff. What a leap from the first movie. You're introduced to many gorgeous men and woman that you'll probably not give to hoots about. The characters are so one dimensional and poorly acted they're bloody beyond caring for.

Violence: 87%

You may have noticed the word 'bloody' mentioned a lot, this movie is. Guts spilling and blood splattering for the sake of it. I think the movie actually goes a bit far and borders on tasteless. This is apparent from the opening in which a woman graphically gives birth to a mutated baby. Theres a lot of sexual violence too. If enjoy like random killing and cringe worthy gore, this will be right up your alley.

Overall: 24%

Not suprising at all, but this a classic example of a shitty sequel. What has happened to Wes Craven these days? He used to be one of the top names in horror, but he's been producing some rather lackluster/shit horror. I actually thought this would be 'good' as I thought 2006's movie was pretty brillant. Oh well, another series killed...



The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms Review

Plot: 70%

The movie is about a explosion that awakens a 10 meter tall, 30 meter long fictional carnivorous dinosaur known as the Rhedosaurus, thawing it out of the ice where it had been hibernating for 100 million years. The monster starts making its way down the east coast of North America, sinking a fishing ketch off the Grand Banks, destroying another near Marquette, Canada, wrecking a lighthouse in Maine, and crushing buildings in Massachusetts. The monster's rampage causes the death of 180 people, injures 1,500 and does $300 million worth of damage. Now the military must stop the monster from destroying more of the city and also stop a  prehistoric germ, which begins to contaminate the populace of the city. The story is simple and it not Oscar winning or anything but it for it time, this was the first movie that had a Giant Monster destroying a city. So I will give it credit for giving something new for it time.

VFX: 78%

For it time, the visual effects where great and they where nothing that people seen before. Creature effects were assigned to Ray Harryhausen, who had been working with Willis O'Brien, the man who created King Kong. The puppet for the Monster looks great and the visual designs for the movie look very good as well.

SFX: 73%

The music was done by David Buttolph and he had scored over 300 movies in his career. He is best know for the composer of the original 50's version of House of Wax and David does another great job on the music score. The sound effects used in the movie where good for a 50's movie and everything sounds good as well. Nothing worth talking about.

Acting: 60%

The acting seems cheesy now since it a old movie but for a movie at the time, it was pretty decent. Most of the casting is unknown but the movie has some good actors like Paul Christian (Who was in a movie called "Skullduggery" which was based on the French novel Les Animaux dénaturés by Jean Bruller) and Paula Raymond (Blood of Dracula's Castle). Most of the cast members are dead and not too many people know them today.

Violence: 6%

Nothing is violent at all other then a scene where the monster eats a person and some scenes where the Army try to kill the Monsters with bombs. It Rated PG here in the USA and it should be find for your kids to watch (I saw the movie when I was like six or seven).

Overall: 78%

Overall this movie is a great classic movie and yet another awesome done by Ray Harryhausen. I grew up watching movies done by Ray Harryhausen and I still enjoy this movie today. This movie was first of it kind since it  was the first movie to feature a giant monster awakened or brought about by an atomic bomb detonation to attack a major city. The movie became so popular at the time that even it was a inspiration for Godzilla which spawned movies from 1954 through to 2004. I think people today will skip this movie as a B movie but the movie is still a great movie and you might want to check it out.

War Wager

Plot: 57%

Set in the distant future, a deadly virus has spread across the world turning people into 'Hemopheges' or Vampires. These infected people have all the classic traits you would associate with Vampires: fangs, the need for blood, extreme agility and power etc. As the years go on the government (which is viewed in the movie as some evil cooperation) has essentially wiped out these 'other people', but a few still stand strong and fight back. One of these Hemopheges, and the one the movie follows, is Violet (Jovovich pretty much reprising her Alice role from the RE series). She finds out that a cure for her 'disease' has been discovered and comes in the form of a mysterious human child called '6'. She despises the human race, but forms a close friendship with '6' and feels the need to protect him. The government now want the child dead and, of coarse, Violet takes the fight to them and kicks some ass.

It's kinda complicated but the plot is interesting none the less. Similar to Aeon Flux.

VFX: 85%

Being based on a comic series, the movie does a terrific job of creating a futuristic, visually stunning world. They done something to the whole movie, like they've 'smudged' all the colours together, it's kinda hard to describe. Definitely a good visual experience.

SFX: 72%

The music is quite original and the main theme sounds very heroic, modern and suiting to the character. The sound effects else where are very good, the action scenes sound brilliant.

Acting: 50%

Average really. Milla Jovovich is a decent actress, it's just I don't think she gives the character as much depth as she should have.

Violence: 27%

From memory a few bloody wounds, gun and swords fight, nothing in-your-face. 'Clean' basically.

Overall: 55%

This movie did not do well and I'm aware it's not critically appreciated either, but all it is is entertainment. It tries to get a story told, but it does get a little confusing at times, if a little boring. It does look unique though and has some nice action. Worth a look.



Transmorphers Review

Plot: 3%

The movie is about a race of aliens that pilot robots has conquered the Earth and forced humanity underground. After three hundred years of domination, a small group of humans develop a plan to defeat the mechanical invaders in the ultimate battle. The movie is nothing original at all and it takes ideas from I Robot, The Matirx, 12 Monkeys and Transformers. I seen ideas from a third grader that can make a more of a original plot then this.

VFX: 10%

The CGI for the robots look awful and the way they are design are so terrible looking. The way how the background and the art direction looks so cheap. The CGI in this movie makes Jason X look like The Dark Knight and that really saying something since Jason X it self looks like a direct to video movie. The Robots in this movie look like something from a old Xbox game that came out over six years ago.

SFX: 33%

Just average really since their nothing worth mentioning. The robots in the movie do sound decent and their is a few sound errors where the robots will sound like a totally different character.

Acting: 7%

The acting in this movie was so terrible and everyone in this movie can't act at all even if their life was put on hold. Most of the time the actors will over act and will make things laughable to watch. None of the actors in this movie are good and their all from TV movies and shows like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and Boa vs. Python. Most of the actors in this movie are reused actors from the other studio movies like The Apocalypse and 9/11 Commission Report. Matthew Wolf (Who did the voice of Thor in Hulk vs. Thor and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End) is the only famous actor in this movie and not even him can act. The movie has such awful lines like "We fight Machines not People" which is one the most awful thing to write down in a movie screenplay.

Violence: 12%

From what I can remember their was a few blood scenes and a nude scene. Nothing to worry about but I would not even let kids see this movie since their better off with a better movie like Transformers.

Overall: 4%

Overall this movie is.....Just AWFUL! Oh god. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. Everything about this movie was so crappy that I was not able to finish it since the acting and CGI made me want to stop. If you see this movie on DVD or TV then skip it and watch a better movie. I seen B movies like Raptor Island which are way better then this and Raptor Island is Best Picture of the year compare to this piece of garbage.


Someone requested this review, so..


Plot/Script -

This is based on the highly rated graphic novel by Alan Moore.  On many "best of" lists, I haven't read it, but from the reviews it seems to have stuck pretty closely to the comic.  The major change was the ending - no squid.

Anyway - this has a highly complex plot and alot of characters but it just doesn't skillfully weave it all together to make a 100% coherent film.  But I'm not rating on it until I see the extended edition, as granted there are alot of issues condensing this graphic novel down to a 2 hour and 40 minute film without completely changing it.  

Time will tell.

Visuals 94%

The CGI is great but the cinematography I did not find that awe-inspiring especially after the great work on The Dark Knight.  

Of course the film is full of memorable images like the pyramid in Antarctica, the naked blue "god-man", Rorschach with his constantly shifting ink-blot mask - classic images from the comic that are well brought to life.

Sound 70%

Score - the soundtrack wasn't that great, I mean they could've chosen some better period music but maybe it was a rights issue.

Acting 81%

Huge cast of unknowns here so I'll go by character:

Rorschach - this guy really made the movie for me, he really nailed this character who was kind of like a mix between Dirty Harry and The Punisher.  Great performance.

Dr. Manhattan - understated performance of a god-man was kind of surreal.  Another great character.

Nite Owl II - "the normal guy" his main arch that he can't get it up unless he's playing superhero.

Silk Spectre II - uber-slutty is the word, I can't say I liked her character that much and didn't really care for her story.

The Comedian - very small part for this guy, we don't find out much about why he turned from a rapist/killer to someone with a conscience.

Ozymandias - did not like this guy, his delivery is a bit flat and he looks like a pretty boy.


Lots of blood, people exploding, stabbings, mutiliations, attempted rape - it's all very over the top, though.  Not as bad as Snyder's 300 but very comic book style.


Alot of sex, surprisingly.  Frankly, I did not like the sex scenes, the one in the ship was a little ridiculous.

Overall 85%

I did like this movie, it's even in my top 10 comic book movies but not anywhere near the top of the list.  It's main problems for me were an incoherent structure, some boring or stupid scenes and bad dialogue.

However, it's interesting to me that it is about moral ambiguity and drawing grey lines around such things as false flag terror attacks and covering up the truth at all costs.  I'm sure the Illuminati will love this movie.

Now I compare it to other comic book movies I liked:

*It definitely wasn't straightforward in it's narrative - but it didn't handle the complex narrative well.  If you like more straightforward stuff than I recommend something like Iron Man.

*It went for some realism, but The Dark Knight far succeeded in that department.

*X Men 2 managed to deal with the emotional issues in a less forced way.

*The production design didn't go for real world, terribly fantastic or gritty.  Slightly noirorish, but it didn't have as much character as such films like TMNT (1990) or Batman (1989).  And TMNT was set in New York but every shot of NY in Watchmen felt like it was filmed on a stage or computer generated (Ghostbusters is another great NY movie).

*Rorschach was a badass and beats out pretty much any other anti-superhero IMO besides Marv who could plainly kick his ass.

*Dr Manhattan is the ultimate naked superhero dude, better than Silver Surfer.

*The idea, though is original and I think Moore is a genius.  


Quote from: gameoverman on Mar 12, 2009, 04:14:41 AM
*Dr Manhattan is the ultimate naked superhero dude, better than Silver Surfer.

Pfft, nah.


Quote from: Aeus on Mar 12, 2009, 10:21:34 PM
Quote from: gameoverman on Mar 12, 2009, 04:14:41 AM
*Dr Manhattan is the ultimate naked superhero dude, better than Silver Surfer.

Pfft, nah.

SS doesn't have penis.  Nuff' said.



Night of the Lepus Review

Plot: 20%

The movie is about a person that serum for disrupting the breeding cycle of rabbits. However, their daughter Amanda has become attached to the rabbit that has become the serum's test subject and switches it with a rabbit from the control group. Now these Rabbits are over 7 feet tall and out of control to eat people. Just your average B movie. Nothing worth mentioning.

SFX: 15%

The Rabbits sound good but that about it. I never pay attention to the score since I was too busy laughing at this movie.

Acting: 9%

The acting in this movie is laughable as hell and everything they said in this movie will make you laugh. The actors try to act scared from the Rabbits in this movie will make you laugh even more and it more funny how they act when they get killed. The movie does have some actors like Stuart Whitman (Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as a child molester in The Mark.), Janet Leigh (The 1980 movie of The Fog), Rory Calhoun (Pure Country) and DeForest Kelley (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan). DeForest in this only good actor in this movie while the others are just awful.

Violence: 50%

This movie is Violent and does have a good amount of Blood and Gore. There is a scene (Yet funny) where a guy get his head rip off from a Rabbit and a scene where they are discovered a dead women body which is brief and bloody. There is a scene where a guy get has arms and legs cut in half. The blood looks very fake though.

Overall: 12%

Overall if you want a movie to laugh and get drunk on a Friday Night then see this movie. Everything in this movie is funny and bloody that makes this movie a wild ride. Yeah the acting sucks but it the actors in this movie makes this movie pure comedy gold, and I never laugh this hard at a old B movie since Killer Klowns from Outer Space. It rare to find on DVD but the movie should be on Youtube to watch for free though.

War Wager

Message: 100%

A documentary about the oldest inhabitants of the seas. The great thing about this doc that totally stands out from the others is that it packs a strong emotional punch. Really gets to you that without sharks we're basically screwed. They've been conveyed as monstrous, bloodthirsty wraiths for decades (no thanks to Jaws, great movie but damn, look what it's done) but in real life sharks are just acting on instinct, and most of the time it's our own fault we're the menu.

VFX: 80%

Stunning camera work here, captures some impressive stuff. Really makes you see how gorgeous the ocean really is and how everything down there coexists together perfectly. A totally different world from up above.

SFX: 92%

The score is excellent. Nuff' said.

Violence: 30%

A lot of footage of fishermen killing sharks. Cutting off their fins, silting their throats, throwing them back in the water and sailing off. A lot of other innocent animals being slaughtered too. Sick.

Overall: 83%

The message from this masterpiece is clear. Not only does it convey an extremely important issue, it's good entertainment too and quite thrilling in some places. If you like beautiful cinematography, fast moving entertaining and Planet Earth, check this out.



Punisher:War Zone Review

Plot: 32%

The movie is about Frank Castle (Ray Stevenson) who is an six years into his vengeance-driven zeal as the Punisher and arrives at a person house then kills everyone for no reason at all. Then later that Billy Russoti (Dominic West) has escaped to his recycling plant hideout by Detective Saffiotti (Tony Calabretta) who along with Detective Martin Soap (Dash Mihok) then brief fire fight between Castle and he ensues, ending in Russoti being thrown into a glass-crushing machine which ends up leaving the gangster hideously disfigured. Then later he doesn't die, but all of his skin tissue is removed then leaving him permanently disfigured. Billy attempts to restore his former beauty, but the plastic surgeon doesn't help much. After killing the surgeon, he chooses to remain focused on killing the Punisher, going under the name "Jigsaw". Nothing else really since this movie is more about the action then the plot which is a bad thing since I don't have a clue what is going on and the movie has very little origin story for The Punisher. I like the story in the 2004 movie much better since it was based on the Graphic Novel "Welcome back Frank" while this movie is based on the MAX comics which is not a bad thing since I love the comics but this movie really lacks in story.

VFX: 80%

Some great visual effects and I like the dark feel that the movie has since it feels like a Slasher superhero movie. The makeup effects that where good too and The Jigsaw (Not be confused with the villain from Saw since this Jigsaw came out first) look cool, and look like the one from the comics.

SFX: 72%

The movie is composed by Michael Wandmacher and it not too bad really for a person that never really composed music for a movie for the first time. The movie does have a great music soundtrack with bands like Rob Zombie, Slipknot, Slayer and Rise Against. Also a song called "Take Me Away" by 7 Days Away which is a good song and it a band that made a song for a movie then won the contest that they had back in late 2007.

Acting: 58%

The movie does have a good cast of actors like Ray Stevenson (Who is best known for playing Titus Pullo in the BBC/HBO television series Rome), Dominic West (Chicago, 300), Julie Benz (Saw V, and also well known for her role of Darla on Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Dash Mihok (The Day After Tomorrow,  Romeo + Juliet), and Doug Hutchison (Con Air, The Green Mile). Their all great actors and Ray Stevenson pulls off a good Punisher but the way they act makes the movie so dull to watch since they act like they care less about what is going on and T. J. Storm (Bloodrayne) was awful in the movie. I wish Ray Stevenson as The Punisher would had more lines to talk in the movie since it would make the movie more fun to watch.

Violence: 87%

Talk about over the top violence in this movie and the violence fit well with the movie since it a Punisher movie that is about a Superhero that kills people for revenge since gore and blood fit well with the movie of coruse. Their is scenes where The Punisher gets stab in the eye with a chair, a person gets punch in the face then it face breaks in half, cuts a man's throat, breaks a woman's neck then Billy falls into a large vat of glass bottles that are being crushed up for recycling. Their is no sex at all but their is a lot F words used in this movie and this movie is not for kids at all.

Overall: 68%

Punisher War Zone is mixed in the bag for me and it not a bad movie or anything but it not as great as most people said it is. The  dialogue is rather crappy and Their was not enough scenes of The Punisher since the story try to make it based on the other characters then The Punisher it self. The action scenes where fun to watch in all but their was not enough of them, and that we get boring (but yet dull) scenes of the other characters in the movie that you would care less about it. If you'r a Punisher Fan or like action movies then you might like it, but overall it not the Punisher movie that everyone has been waiting for and the first movie is just a bit better which is not saying much.


Well the first Punisher film is the best out of all of them anyway. >_>



Yeah it is and I do like it more then I did the first time.

War Wager

Plot: 10%

In a secret lab in the middle of no where, the pharmasudical gaint Wexallhall is illegally doing research on giant Anacondas. The movie really isn't clear why, but somehow the snakes are immune to some sort of poison and thus are able to provide a cure for cancer or some shit. The facility houses a 60ft long mutated Anaconda and a 'Queen' Anaconda which is even larger. The two snakes escape into the wild and a rag-tag group of hunters are hired to take 'em out. 

VFX: 23%

Holy hell. It could just be that I'm too used to big budget Hollywood-style graphics, but the effects in this movie are real bad. Quite laughable actually, a scientist is impaled through the chest with a tail (ya, the Condas have spiked tips on 'em) and the blood that flows out look like something out of some 90's PS1 game. The snakes themselves are hideous looking too, they too look like things from some cheap video game.

SFX: 30%

The score is so darn cheap it's unbelievale, quite horrible actually. The Condas sound like a cheap mis mashes of a dinosaur, a hawk and a Predator.

Acting: 37%

It's amazing these people were actually paid. Rotten stuff overall and some nasty line delivery (not that the lines are even good anyway). The only two that save this movie from being a complete turd is John Rais Davis who plays the company executive and The Hoff who plays the main hunter dude.

Violence: 66%

Pretty silly and over-the-top, especially at the beginning. Some of the deaths are quite funny, intentional or not I'm not sure.

Overall: 26%

Gawd damn does this suck. Can't help but watch some of it though, mainly just scenes with his Hoffness.


The blood in that impaling scene totallys reminds me of something from Conker's Bad Fur Day.


Quote from: severen76 on Mar 26, 2009, 10:29:18 PM
Well the first Punisher film is the best out of all of them anyway. >_>

Are you talking about the one with Dolph Lundgreen? 

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