In Search Of Tomorrow, an upcoming documentary focusing on the seminal science-fiction from the 80s, has added Aliens’ Carrie Henn (aka Newt) to its line-up which already features Aliens and Predator alumni Bill Duke, Shane Black, Jenette Goldstein and Alan Dean Foster!
Carrie Henn is joining #InSearchOfTomorrow to talk about her iconic role as Newt in ALIENS! Back now to be the first to receive the documentary, get your name in the credits, and receive exclusive rewards. #80s #SciFi #movies #CarrieHenn #Aliens
— 80sSciFiDoc (@80sscifidoc) April 26, 2020
The upcoming documentary from the same production crew behind In Search Of Darkness smashed its funding goal on the first day, but the campaign is still live for another 15 days. If you’re interested in helping support In Search of Tomorrow, you can head on over to Kickstarter to find out more and donate.
Alien vs. Predator Galaxy previously had the pleasure of speaking to Carrie Henn for our Alien Day 2019 episode of the podcast, and she was an absolute joy to chat to! We’re looking forward to seeing her again in In Search of Tomorrow.
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