Following on from the recent teaser trailer and TV spot, 20th Century Fox have now released the full trailer for Shane Black and Fred Dekker’s upcoming The Predator!
The new trailer gives us a much better look at the cast and characters and the Predators, including another shot of the Upgrade roaring!
In addition to the new trailer Fox have also released a brand new poster, showing off a Predator claw (given the red colouration I expect it’s the Upgrade) holding the masked skull of a Predator!
What do you think of the new trailer? Be sure to let us know down below! NECA will be revealing one of their figures for the film later today so be sure to check back in for that!
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How do you see, dude?
Same lol.
I'm still bitter about that
That's where I got it from.
I think his brother was actually in the Predator comic series, I think I have that in the house.
Then it kills them all.
The "You guys wanna see my dick?" line had me in actual tears. I cried laughing for a good 5 minutes at that.
KKBB is also brilliant. Val Kilmer, especially, is outstanding in it.
There's also a documentary coming out called Wolfman's got nards about the cult following of Monster Squad.
Black certainly has form for good-to-great cult movies; so if this turns out to be one of those, I'd be thrilled.
It's gonna take that long eh? I wouldn't doubt it.
The Predator trailers are frankly... Low juice. Low energy. Here's a shot, there's a shot. No real sense of a direction or a focus.
Theme, focus, rising, pay off. Regardless of the movie behind them, in their times these trailers got the audiences excited. Asses in seats.
The Predator trailers are meandering clip shows that don't have a central drive or a sense of building/rising tension/energy. Here's this character, here's this explosion, Predator shot, character shot, predator shot.
Just look at that Prometheus trailer. How many people white knuckled their office chairs watching that and going "Holy shit the old man has pulled it off!"
The Mummy, taking a nod from it's old universal days has the trailer narrator invite you. Why? Because this is going to be a film you don't want to miss.
300? "This is going to be one wild night." That's such a meta line, speaking to the audience, again. You don't want to miss this. It's going to be an experience.
One last one, for the road, again from the sister franchise:
Again, it's a cohesive rising action. Starting ominous, shifting to marshal atmosphere, rising tension, the choral cries, the motion tracker fading in, over lapping dialogue, rising still, motion tracker reaches pitch, overlapping dialogue turns to shouting, BAM, explosion still rising, until the reveal of the Queen Alien. ALIENS - This Time It's War. The tagline that's going to stick with you. It's all seamless end to end and it does not let the under current tension die from the start of the trailer to the end.
Though, I must admit a lot of my issues with The Predator trailer(s) are also issues I have with the way modern trailers are "generated."
I'm operating under 10th man protocols here.
If the marketing amps up in Late August/Early September and the reviews are solid this thing could open up to about 40-50 million domestically. I hope so anyways. I want to see more Predator flicks.
Calling it now, double to left field. (Shane bats switch)
Cue my reaction every time:
I agree
I think Captured getting wrecked early on serves to illustrate just how monstrous "Chad" is.
In the original draft, Captured was torn in 2 inside about 5 seconds of them meeting, IIRC.
I think this is something they'll run with as they're pushing the GM aspect in a big way now (latest trailer and poster etc.). So I think it'll go like so:
Captured shows up, wrecks everyone. Is eatablished as a mean bastard. Heroes struggle to take him down. Upgrade shows up and wrecks him in one go without so much as batting an eyelid.
Narrative is re-structured so that the big bad was just puny in comparison to Chad.
Tension and "oh shit!" factors are ramped up.
That's in theory, at least. Whether it works in practice is yet to be seen.
That's my main gripe with Captured in the script
Me too. I can hear that conversation now.
"You've had 20 years to reverse engineer something useful from their technology, and all you've got to show for a go-pro mount?"