Science fiction movie network Scified is claiming that they have insider information relating to the creatures we can expect to see in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus sequel, Alien: Paradise Lost:
“The movie will have 2 Monsters, one is new and both are different yet similar to the Xeno DNA. The NEW Monster is a New Event, so it’s nothing created before the Events of the end of the First movie…. it’s created by an event in the movie… and this New Monster is going to be based off of the Original Concept that Alien drew influence from, and this idea is something they had planned with Spaights’ Ultramorph and so Gigers Necomonicon 4 is the starting point. This Monster will be transparent like a Jelly Fish to a degree…. and it’s hinted that David plays a part in its creation.”
The Deacon would ultimately replace the Ultramorph in Prometheus as released. The Ultramorph was an Alien born from the last surviving Engineer in Spaiht’s original version. Whilst it never appeared transparent in those earlier drafts, it was a concept that was explored in Alien and ultimately abandoned.
As always with this kind of report, take it with a grain of salt.
I'm going to be a little bit disappointed if we don't see the Engineer(s) in some form or another.
There's actually a cut scene from Alien 3 right before Clemens dies that does the same thing; why it was removed, I don't know.
This is a cool design I came across:
That moment of terror when you see the events unfolding in front of you and you know what's about to happen....but can't do a damn thing about.
Pure terror at its finest.
This is kinda fun.
Maybe the mutated human, having interacted with the goo, like Holloway and Fifield more so, eventually becomes that creature in the mural. And then the Trilobite facehugs that creature and THAT makes the alien.
We still don't know how the adult Deacon reproduces.
The eggs are also supposed to be weapons :
The mural crucified creature seems to have another genetic program. Here is the recipe :
You recognize the trilobite, which will impregnate this alien creature, head between knees, and leads to this mural creature.
If you want the explanation, here it is :
From what we see it Prometheus and what you explained in your post :
Then :
From what we learn in Alien :
So how is the egg created ?
Yes , this infected creature will lay infected eggs containing facehuggers, the same way infected Holloway and Shaw gave birth to the trilobite !
Note that this creature is very similar to the usual xenomorph (thorn on the elbow, excrescence near the shoulder...) but hasn't got the penis head.
I know it is difficult to distinguish the thight but the iliac crest is visible and it may go downwards, that's why I think this PRE-xenomorph creature infected by a trilobite would give birth to the mural crucified creature
Many people wonder if the goo is made by alien DNA or if xenomorphs are created by the goo. My explanation is the latter option, Damon Lidelof hints it here, also in the audio commentaries of the movie.
Now will Ridley stick to that for the sequels is another story.
Douchebag becomes infected by David and his sperm impregnates Shaw.
Shaw creates squid thang!
Squid thang impregnates Engineer.
Engineer births Deacon.
So what other routes or shortcuts would the Engineers have found to create the Deacon?
The only thing that might make sense is that the black goo is derived from an original Deacon and the new one created at the end of Prometheus is more evolved?
We've seen the inner jaws used hundreds of time, but only Alien went out of its way to show just how visceral and disturbing they really are. Scenes like this could really bring back the horror, even if we know what the creature looks like.
Prometheus suggest you that if you want an aesthetically pleasing creature to be made, you have to choose with care the organism to infect with the black goo, and the host as well. It's hardly a stretch to say that all the creature you mention were formed randomly.
Just make a good Alien movie!
We had chance to chat to 3 of the 4 writers. Their interviews are up in our interviews section.
"The movie will have 2 Monsters, one is new and both are different yet similar to the Xeno DNA. The NEW Monster is a New Event, so it's nothing created before the Events of the end of the First movie.... it's created by an event in the movie... "
The way this is worded leads me to think that the other monster, the one that's not "new", could be the Deacon.
That would be a dream come true situation *fingers crossed*
He does fantastic work! Another treasure of the community.
I am glad I can provide something of use!!
Xeno alpha did a great job on that article. There is also something about holography and lambert.
Important thing is you can see clearly where some of the ideas in prometheus came from. Unused ideas. That's clear from his comments in that article. Thanks xeno aplha.
Corporal Hicks
That would be great if they used the giger design.
Perhaps its a stretch but it might be where the idea for david roaming the ship and looking after everything came from. Just a thought.
What do you mean?