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  1. RoaryUK
    Quote from: BANE on Oct 01, 2012, 06:23:07 PM
    Chris, you're missing the point entirely.

    It was Rick Grimes playing the engineer. His penis is so huge that it would've meant zooming out to get the whole thing in, or a whole shit ton of prosthetics to reign the puppy in.

    As is, a loincloth with a tie-back is the cheapest option. That or sling it over the shoulder, but Rick only does that on weekends, and they shot that scene on a Monday.

    If you're talking about the Sacrifice Engineer, that was Daniel Twiss at the beginning....if not just ignore me!!   8)
  2. BANE
    Chris, you're missing the point entirely.

    It was Rick Grimes playing the engineer. His penis is so huge that it would've meant zooming out to get the whole thing in, or a whole shit ton of prosthetics to reign the puppy in.

    As is, a loincloth with a tie-back is the cheapest option. That or sling it over the shoulder, but Rick only does that on weekends, and they shot that scene on a Monday.
  3. ChrisPachi
    Quote from: LarsVader on Oct 01, 2012, 03:48:05 PM
    Quote from: ChrisPachi on Oct 01, 2012, 12:19:15 PM
    The Engineer at the beginning of the film wears a loin cloth, which means that he has junk that he wants to cover for modesty. You don't get any less alien than that; he's on an alien world about to sacrifice himself and he still wears a nappy to protect his actors privacy and get a pg13.
    ^^ Fixed.

    You aren't seriously suggesting that they wrapped a towel around the actor's waist in order to hide his rude bits from the camera? Of course you aren't, that would be stupid. ;)

  4. ChrisPachi
    Quote from: zuzuki on Sep 26, 2012, 09:30:18 AM
    Quote from: ChrisPachi on Sep 25, 2012, 01:23:20 PM
    Quote from: BANE on Sep 23, 2012, 04:42:53 PM
    QuoteInstead, it turns into the Hulk - which makes any inference of moral superiority a mockery.
    As morality is subjective this is entirely debatable.
    But "They are us"?
    That doesn't mean they have the same moral values as us. And they didn't say ''they are us''. they said their dna precedes ours

    The DNA of the magic goo precedes ours, not the DNA of the Engineers, but whatever.

    The Engineer at the beginning of the film wears a loin cloth, which means that he has junk that he wants to cover for modesty. You don't get any less alien than that; he's on an alien world about to sacrifice himself and he still wears a nappy to protect his privacy.

    And furthermore, if he is a he and he is cultured then there are cultured shes which means that their society is based around pretty similar core values to our own. Perceived 'morality' is merely a function of making that setup work.

    So my equation is thus: Alien Loin Cloth = Human-like Morality.

    Think about it.


  5. Darth Vile
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Sep 22, 2012, 12:41:26 AM

    The Engineer was only told of some of that, via David 8, though.

    And even if he/she/it could have understood the entirety of what Weyland says, the reaction is completely over the top and nonsensical. Could've just gone, "No." Instead, it turns into the Hulk - which makes any inference of moral superiority a mockery. By contrast, Weyland's being sensible, not smug.

    As others have said, the Engineer tries killing everyone, but regardless of that, I really can't agree. :)

    What's so special about synthetics which made them some form of cultural red line? This is what I don't understand and the 'Alien' films, themselves, make it clear that they don't really lead to anywhere special. The entire industry apparently just falls apart, economically. Anyone trying to apply Skynet-like philosophies to this film is contradicted by the continuity.
    I agree... For better or worse we don't why the engineers were heading for Earth and why the engineer reacted like he did. Some clarity woukd be good... but we don't get that from the deleted scenes... it just makes the engineers reactions more illogical.
  6. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: zuzuki on Sep 19, 2012, 01:27:37 PM
    you forget the fact that the engineers visited earh many times and are shown in various cultures around people. surely they teached the people their language. also the language they are using in the film was indo-european or something like that, a real reconstructed language. there is nothing ''hand-wavey'' about that.

    It was hand-wavey from the point of story-telling, IMO. So were Lucas' ewoks and they had a language especially thought up for them, too. :)

    Quotemy belief is that the engineer get's insulted because he comes from a culture that welcomes death, doesn't run from it, in a way similar to tibetan monks-they love live, but don't try to live forever,they welcome their death. weyland was just a smug human, who thinks he has the right for longer life just because he created something, and even called himself a god. and because of his arrogance and his demand he gets punished for it.

    The Engineer was only told of some of that, via David 8, though.

    And even if he/she/it could have understood the entirety of what Weyland says, the reaction is completely over the top and nonsensical. Could've just gone, "No." Instead, it turns into the Hulk - which makes any inference of moral superiority a mockery. By contrast, Weyland's being sensible, not smug.

    Quote from: Snowblind on Sep 19, 2012, 02:41:37 PM
    I didn't say compasion, although pity is close, you are correct. Poor wording on my part; I mean't the engineer saw David as something which shouldn't exist, like a greek god seeing a man weilding fire, something ''wrong'' which had to be erased. I see some significance in the fact he only kills David ... do you?

    As others have said, the Engineer tries killing everyone, but regardless of that, I really can't agree. :)

    What's so special about synthetics which made them some form of cultural red line? This is what I don't understand and the 'Alien' films, themselves, make it clear that they don't really lead to anywhere special. The entire industry apparently just falls apart, economically. Anyone trying to apply Skynet-like philosophies to this film is contradicted by the continuity.
  7. Virgil
    Quote from: MrSpaceJockey on Sep 21, 2012, 12:17:05 AM

    If he opens his mouth again, shoot him.

    I'd also better chip in on this topic somewhat constructively before I disappear to giff hell. Personally I don't think the Engineer speaking is really needed, though I really do enjoy Weyland's piece of dialogue towards him. I'm pretty sure there's a middle ground that can be reached if anybody a) feels the same way and b) is making a fan edit.
  8. Nightmare Asylum
    MrSpaceJockey, the kind of control you're attempting simply is... it's not possible. If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh... well, there it is.
  9. Virgil
    Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Sep 20, 2012, 11:55:21 PM
    Quote from: whiterabbit on Sep 20, 2012, 11:42:50 PM
    Engineers look at us in the same way as we look at cows. Food!

    Man makes cows. Man eats cows. Cows then evolve. Cows challenge man. Farmers lose all.

  10. zuzuki
    Quote from: Promethée on Sep 19, 2012, 04:38:52 PM

    -Well, on the other hand, notice that David was in the same room and after the crash he seems to be in the same place near his body, like nothing has moved during the crash...

    Nope, David isn't in the same place. When Shaw runs he is on the platform near the chair. When Shaw returns after the ship crashes, David's head and body are between the platform and the wall. And weyland body is missing
  11. whiterabbit
    Having that scene where Davids head was said to having been bouncing around the room would have cleared things up. However that blow the Engineer delivers Ford is death. For the other guy it's possible that he is still alive, all be it with a broken back. However I think the punch was meant to look more powerful that what ended up on film.
  12. fiveways
    Quote from: Kol on Sep 19, 2012, 04:07:15 PM
    so and why didn't she get her ass off that f**king ship?

    If this is in reference to ford, even if he didnt kill her she is probably pretty f**ked up. 

    Every try to walk off a massive concussion?  Yeah....that works super well.  Or broken ribs if you have never encountered that sort of pain before [most people haven't].  It is more realistic that if she isnt dead she just lays there delirious and dies from the impact of prometheus hitting the ship and it rolling and crashing.
  13. Darth Vile
    Quote from: Promethée on Sep 19, 2012, 04:38:52 PM
    Well all the inconsistencies in the movie makes me feel that way, like there is not a big plan they are following.
    I'm almost certain that R.Scott doesn't even know how the story will end.

    I might be wrong, but it feels that way.

    You mean the bigger story planned to be told in 2 or 3 movies? If so... yes probably. Broad brush stroke ideas with nothing more. I think they probably had a clear vision of a tight 1st act movie which introduces the concept of the engineers (Prometheus) with some tonality of Alien, and a sketchy 2nd/3rd movie which is more to do with engineer home word and technological warfare (lots of fighting and stuff a la Aliens/Avatar).
  14. T Dog
    Quote from: Darth Vile on Sep 19, 2012, 04:25:13 PM
    Quote from: Promethée on Sep 19, 2012, 08:24:54 AM
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Sep 19, 2012, 02:01:47 AM
    1: "Maybe" strongly indicates this is one of those things he just added in there for the sake of mystery, without having a clear idea, himself. Shame.

    2: That explanation makes no sense... The Engineers expect us to personally have learned their language? If we're considered as inferior, wouldn't the Engineer be insulted at humans, themselves, speaking to them, too?

    This is confirming to me just how hand-wavey and nonsensical this scene ultimately was, sadly.
    Really, it's sad but I really think he/they don't have a clue where the story is going.
    R.Scott doesn't have a plan in mind, they just put the story together as they go.
    I really don't think they "put the story together as they go"... I think it evolved/changed, but it's not like they started principle photography with a blank piece of paper.

    I think at the end of the day Ridley Scott pussied out to Tom Rothman.

    He cut all the good character stuff out of his movie and thought that he was going to make a ton of money and be hip with the kids like his buddy James Cameron.
  15. Promethée
    Quote from: Snowblind on Sep 19, 2012, 03:26:23 PM
    I stand corrected. But he actually only dispatched David imediately, he just swept the others away. Ford didn't seem dead immediately impact ...

    We actually don't know if she died or not, but she got knocked off for sure.
    If she is not dead from a broken thorax then she died in the spaceship crash, because she was unconscious and there is no way she had time to get out.

    -Well, on the other hand, notice that David was in the same room and after the crash he seems to be in the same place near his body, like nothing has moved during the crash...

    Quote from: Darth Vile on Sep 19, 2012, 04:25:13 PMI really don't think they "put the story together as they go"... I think it evolved/changed, but it's not like they started principle photography with a blank piece of paper.

    Well all the inconsistencies in the movie makes me feel that way, like there is not a big plan they are following.
    I'm almost certain that R.Scott doesn't even know how the story will end.

    I might be wrong, but it feels that way.
  16. Darth Vile
    Quote from: Promethée on Sep 19, 2012, 08:24:54 AM
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Sep 19, 2012, 02:01:47 AM
    1: "Maybe" strongly indicates this is one of those things he just added in there for the sake of mystery, without having a clear idea, himself. Shame.

    2: That explanation makes no sense... The Engineers expect us to personally have learned their language? If we're considered as inferior, wouldn't the Engineer be insulted at humans, themselves, speaking to them, too?

    This is confirming to me just how hand-wavey and nonsensical this scene ultimately was, sadly.
    Really, it's sad but I really think he/they don't have a clue where the story is going.
    R.Scott doesn't have a plan in mind, they just put the story together as they go.
    I really don't think they "put the story together as they go"... I think it evolved/changed, but it's not like they started principle photography with a blank piece of paper.
  17. Snowblind
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Sep 19, 2012, 09:37:25 AM
    Wouldn't that be contradictory? If you feel compassion for something, why would you then act violently aggressive toward it?

    I didn't say compasion, although pity is close, you are correct. Poor wording on my part; I mean't the engineer saw David as something which shouldn't exist, like a greek god seeing a man weilding fire, something ''wrong'' which had to be erased. I see some significance in the fact he only kills David ... do you?
  18. zuzuki
    Quote from: Promethée on Sep 19, 2012, 08:24:54 AM
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Sep 19, 2012, 02:01:47 AM
    1: "Maybe" strongly indicates this is one of those things he just added in there for the sake of mystery, without having a clear idea, himself. Shame.

    2: That explanation makes no sense... The Engineers expect us to personally have learned their language? If we're considered as inferior, wouldn't the Engineer be insulted at humans, themselves, speaking to them, too?

    This is confirming to me just how hand-wavey and nonsensical this scene ultimately was, sadly.

    Really, it's sad but I really think he/they don't have a clue where the story is going.
    R.Scott doesn't have a plan in mind, they just put the story together as they go.

    you forget the fact that the engineers visited earh many times and are shown in various cultures around people. surely they teached the people their language. also the language they are using in the film was indo-european or something like that, a real reconstructed language. there is nothing ''hand-wavey'' about that.

    my belief is that the engineer get's insulted because he comes from a culture that welcomes death, doesn't run from it, in a way similar to tibetan monks-they love live, but don't try to live forever,they welcome their death. weyland was just a smug human, who thinks he has the right for longer life just because he created something, and even called himself a god. and because of his arrogance and his demand he gets punished for it.

    is the full engineer scene available somewhere, the full 4 min?
  19. Marlowe
    Quote from: DaddyYautja on Sep 19, 2012, 11:04:30 AM
    You guys discussing the why and how of this scene should remember that this stuff could be from another version of the movie that was built differently than the released version. So all that stuff shown doesnt necessarily tie or add anything to the theater release.

    Vickers & Janek scene seems to me the only necessary scene for now.There are some elements that could be involved in the final cut.
  20. DaddyYautja
    You guys discussing the why and how of this scene should remember that this stuff could be from another version of the movie that was built differently than the released version. So all that stuff shown doesnt necessarily tie or add anything to the theater release. 
  21. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: Barringer on Sep 19, 2012, 02:52:33 AM
    That Weyland created David without there being sacrifice might be viewed as a religious or cultural taboo.

    Firstly, the Engineers must have been making stuff without sacrifice, before they got to the level they're at. Secondly, how does it know Weyland didn't make sacrifices to create David?

    Quote from: Snowblind on Sep 19, 2012, 08:25:51 AM
    The big ''why did the engineer go apeshit'' question ... well, I think he just pitied David and Weyland, he doesn't have anger in his stare until he decides to erase this abomination. He only ''kills' David.

    Wouldn't that be contradictory? If you feel compassion for something, why would you then act violently aggressive toward it?
  22. Snowblind
    Every artist has a right to his or her own vision of his work, and should be respected for it. That being said, I think I'll prefer the extended edition, with all this material left in. I'm liking all this  :D

    The big ''why did the engineer go apeshit'' question ... well, I think he just pitied David and Weyland, he doesn't have anger in his stare until he decides to erase this abomination. He only ''kills' David.

    Anyway, looking forward to the BRRip blueray  ;D
  23. Promethée
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Sep 19, 2012, 02:01:47 AM
    1: "Maybe" strongly indicates this is one of those things he just added in there for the sake of mystery, without having a clear idea, himself. Shame.

    2: That explanation makes no sense... The Engineers expect us to personally have learned their language? If we're considered as inferior, wouldn't the Engineer be insulted at humans, themselves, speaking to them, too?

    This is confirming to me just how hand-wavey and nonsensical this scene ultimately was, sadly.

    Really, it's sad but I really think he/they don't have a clue where the story is going.
    R.Scott doesn't have a plan in mind, they just put the story together as they go.
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