RopeOfSilicon have got a fairly lengthy article up examining various aspects of the film. Definitely worth a look if, like the majority of us, didn’t really understand what was going on in the movie. They’ve also posted two new production stills of the Sacrifice Engineer.
Thanks to seeasea for the news.
those are all great btw. i love the diagram.
Apologies if this has been posted
Here's the half ass cut out transparent PNG if anyone wants it. You know to stick it in compromising situations.
LOL I nearly spit out my drink
Thats funny and creepy at the same time
I just died
That's why they're called space jockeys, mate.
I'd have much preferred they filmed in Terminator style and just had him be fully nude when he took the robe off. Why? Alien God's don't suffer shame.
It just looks kinda silly, and too... I don't know. It makes them look too familiar somehow.
Thank you.
Looks like some commercial for a male perfume.
... Also noticed that the Engineer in the film's intro who sacrifices himself in order to create life is also dressed in nothing but robes, similar to the description of "Jesus" type thing. The vessel was also more "flying saucer" style, which is a common report in ancient history on earth and "contact". So0o perhaps the vessels and Engineers we see on this particular planet were truly the soldiers of the race, unlike the intro's Engineer? Kind of like the death/life theory? What y'all think?
So i think the alien was around already - i mean - what was chasing them? what was the green goo on the visual ship log controls? It was alien goo!
I think the light eyes show that the engineers have emotion and compassion.
Pure black is too comical and just denotes "evil" and wizardry of some sort like harry potter.!
ooooh i like this theory! the saucer type spaceship at the beginning of the movie didn't seem biomechanical at all.
their technology obviously evolved in the almost 200.000 years, or whatever, since they created mankind
Is this supposed to be one of them deep thoughtful things that are supposed to mean something or just the director liking the look of the thing?
I like this. It makes sense for there to be more than one group of engineers. Something goes sour between them, cue a "war in heaven". That's always how i thought of the jockies pre-prometheus.
0/10, try harder next time.
Yeah a couple mates and I have gone over the faction thingie in a religious light. It's conceivable, seeing as Scott said the whole result of Alien was a "crashed bomber in a war" in the first place.
The lv 223 engineer is merged with his suit, you can tell mostly around the neck (mostly). I took it as showing the evolution of the engineers from organic life to biomechanics. Maybe they became "corrupted" when they began merging themselves with technology.
Or it could be the engineer at the beginning was just less technologically advanced and its race hadn't merged itself with biological technologies.
Did you see the engineer? He must work out.
Glad they stayed away from the Doctor Manhattan shade of blue as well. Because the last thing we heard him say was something about going off into the cosmos to create some life.
I agree - black eyes for the win. That and considering the rest of its body is in a sort of purified physical-function state, it would make sense the eyes would be physical-functional pure too, as in it is just one large hypersensitive pupil that goes above and beyond the typical eye in terms of reconstructing a visual image. That and it just looks a lot better - and makes the vibe and their purpose more ominous.
Anyways - totally agree.
I will say after reading about half of this article it has opened my eyes to look at the film in a different light. Very well written and informative so far.
Wait what? You... don't believe in evolution?
The only way anyone can make it work is to put it a science-fiction environment.
The operable word here being, 'fiction'.
I'm still 50/50 about the Engineer. Kinda would have preferred this:
Pitch black eyes FTW.