iTunes has released the HD digital version of Prometheus today which features 4 new alternate and deleted scenes from the film. Below you can find a selection of exclusive images from said scenes, including the “The Engineer Speaks” and “Final Battle”. The other two additional scenes are “Skin” and “Janek fills Vickers in”. You can grab your copy of the film here or here at the official store.
Click on the read more button to see all the images.
This digital release also includes audio commentary from Ridley Scott as well as a “Transmission” featurette video (2:43 min) similar to the one released earlier this month.
The Engineer Speaks
Final Battle
Janek Fills Vickers In
I am on the side of the theory that the Engineers and the Elephantine Being are 2 separate races. Looking at the way the Engineer fashion the helmet to appear as the Elephantine Race points to 2 possibilities: 1) They stole/adopted./appropriated technology from the Jockeys 2) The Jockeys are the Engineer's God/Higher Power. The statues in front of the pilot room, the helmet are display of cult-like respect.
If He wasn't already behind her, seems a shadow behind the window.
Possibly just an extended ending scene with more dialogue between David and Shaw while at LV-223. That's the impression I got from the commentary.
Yeah, it has quite a few new bits.
maybe not, but plotholes like "no one mentioning what happens to shaw and the trilobite" are no longer plotholes.
vickers mentioned something to weyland like "the squealing thing right next door".
Nothing you specified really equates to "butchering" it. Most likely, he was thinking the same kind of thing which led to the cocoon scene's removal from 'Alien' - pacing and rhythm. Whether you agree with him is a different matter.
Honestly, everything I've seen, so far, just seems relatively trivial. There's nothing which completely changes a scene's interpretation or anything like that.
Worth looking for?
They talk about a lot of stuff from the early scripts. They mention a "Paradise" scene too. A deleted scene where Shaw asks David what it is that the Engineer said to him during their conversation (it seems like there were 2 script pages worth of Engineer/David dialogue). David tells her that the Engineer told him that they were not from there [LV-223] but "Paradise". This comment is made by Lindelof towards the end of the film when David contacts Shaw after having fought the Engineer.
Prometheus did triple the budget it's at 400 million now
The Thing from Another World (1951)
If not sure, take a look at this comparative between two frankymonsters:
Excelent final scene deleted between Engineer vs Rapace.
Considering our level of technology, all that time ago, that makes them a race of severely paranoid dicks.
I honestly haven't seen anything which needs inclusion. Nothing, so far, is a deal-breaker.
Don't know, but it didn't seem necessary. Makes the final confrontation a bit longer and that's about it. Some interesting Engineer reactions to what it finds, but... Eh. Nothing revolutionary.
Deleted scenes that NEED re-including:
Vickers and Janek: YES
Extended Engineer vs Weyland: YES
Extended Engineer vs Shaw: YES
Why the hell did Ridley remove the Engineer vs Shaw scene? It plays out like an echo of the dining room 'Ash encounter' from ALIEN (but with a jingling chandelier instead of bouncy toys!). I also love the way the Engineer is revealed to be not completely devoid of emotion and yearns for innocence, music, love when he stares at the giant viewscreen.
Plus, as @ThisBethesdaSea mentioned, the scene works so well because of the SILENCE. It almost has a 'The Shining' quality to it.
I guess a Special Edition is now inevitable.
They'll be on the blu ray though... so they will be public, and made public soon enough.
They are not supposed to be gods, just an advanced species.
Actually it's likely they are evolved humans.
Sounds plausible.
Pity no one from there helped the Hadley colonists.
Why they didn't terraform 223 is a good question, but maybe the intervening events of Prometheus (the death of all hands, including Weyland and daughter, and whatever scant information returns to Earth) and/or subsequent sequels could explain it. Or maybe they did and we just don't know it.
As for the Engineer, I inferred from the film that his mission had been to head to Earth and cleanse the planet and that, yes, he was outraged by the evolution of a species which, I suspected, was never intended to get that far before being harvested. When he saw humans had infiltrated his installation, he was infuriated; he attacks them, then gets ready to head off and complete the mission. As Scott said about the derelict in Alien over the course of so many interviews and commentaries over the years, the juggernaut is a bomber and the Engineer/jockey its pilot.
Since he was ordered to wipe out humanity 2000 years ago maybe that lash out was in fear. Fear that the children might be almost on par technologically with his own race. He sees what we are capable of, so maybe he is starting to imagine the weapons we have developed over the last 2000 years.
Maybe that evolution was what he was sent to earth to purposely disrupt. Seeing his failure the backlash is in pure rage.
I guess Z2R moved about 4 light years further away, and the gas giant gained another moon (and on that moon was the Derelict) in the intervening 30 years.
And WY and the ECA chose a much more difficult planet to terraform...
I agree here as well. We see a lot more of the engineer and to me it is a good thing imo. I think it is good to warm up to the engineer now, because I'm sure we'll see a lot more of them in the sequel interacting and doing more possibly.
Thought Engineer's were portrayed well in all cut footage.
Jupiter is already hightailing it out of the solar system as we speak.
Now we agree with Bethesda.
The end is nigh.
Bethesda, I actually...
And in the first two Karloff Frankenstein films, there was something going on his mind.
I can't see that... I just see more of the giant carrot man from The Thing From Another World and or Boris Karloff's monster.