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Movie-FX Magazine on AvP

In the latest issue of Movie-FX Magazine – a DVD format magazine devoted to special effects in films have featured some content that have a look at the creatures which Amalgamated Dynamics made for Alien vs Predator. The website has included two screenshots which I presume are from behind-the-scenes in AvP:

20040330_01 Movie-FX Magazine on AvP 20040330_02 Movie-FX Magazine on AvP

20040330_03 Movie-FX Magazine on AvP

If anybody knows anything else on this feature, email me.
Thanks to BuGsToMpEr for the news.

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Comments: 13
  1. Growler
    I'm 100% sure the bomb is on the left wrist, the blades on the right.  You can freeze that comp all you want, but keep in mind your right is his left when you're looking face to face.  Not all Predators can have the same dominate hand cause not all actors are right handed.  The pred's dominate hand all depends on the guy in the suit.
  2. Z
    No Chase, in predator 1 and predator 2 the wrist computer was on is left wrist, and i am 100%sure cuz i have predator1 and 2 on my comp and i can freeze the screen.And did you guys notice that there is now 5 screen on is wrist comp,beafor there was onley 4 in pred1 and 2, meaby now its a longer detonation cuz its a bigger explosion?
  3. Olopolip
    Wait a sec... The flip up thing on the wrist computer in pic two opens the other way, it must fit on the right arm instead of the left... maybe things have changed or something's wrong.   :-\  
  4. BuGStOmPeR
    Yo everybody!  glad ya like the info and pictures!   8)   The 1st picture is the understructure of the predators animatronics.. and the white dials on the predators wristarmour is perspex which later gets the 'lighting' touches.. any more info just ask..    ;)  
  5. kysgr
    pic one is a picture of the woochie latex pieces that are applied to the actor. the second pic shows a unfinished wrist control that the actor would wear with the rest of the predator armor... I'm going to get an issue myself   8)  
  6. Chase
    Well I might have to pick up an issue to get a better look at these. The first pic actually looks like one of the pred guys in makeup...and we all can guess what the second now question is if i can pick this up in Canada
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