Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 326,085 times)



Quote from: Novak 1334 on Jun 22, 2012, 07:37:00 AM
The fact that Shaw, after her lover being infected and burned and her though being "barren" somehow is impregnated with a squid, doesn't burst into the room with the intention of cutting somebody'd head off and instead goes with them to the ship and confronts the Engineer screaming as to why they hate us when she should be more concerned of her own race and it's creations f***ing her over.

Defend it all you want, its just another exampe of a piss poor script, with lazy inconveniences to benefit and otherwise uninspired, disappointing story

I found the fact that she was yelling a bunch of shit at the engineer to be kind of weird. I mean, she knew that they spoke a differrent language. She was in the room with the head where they see the hieroglyphics on the wall. Also she just heard david speak to him in his own language.



She was in pain, anguish, and most of all desperate. I think it's perfectly justifiable that she just started talking to it, trying to finish what they came there for and head home.

Novak 1334

Novak 1334

First of all BLAIN, I can only assume that you are a fan of Prometheus, so I'd like to apologise for so many of my posts about Prometheus on here and other threads being extremely negative, but as not just an Alien fan, as a film fan as well I was  very disappointed with this film.  It boils down to how badly written it was, especially Shaw, as a protagonist she was very poorly written, to the point where I actually hate her.  This is mainly due to just how rushed the film becomes in the final third, think about it, Holloway dies, she finds out she is pregnant with a squid, she almost kills two crew members, she "gives birth" to a squid, staples a gaping hole up in her stomach, finally realises the"Engineers" are a bunch of dicks, gets suited up, screams at the awoken engineer, runs away, convinces the only good character in the movie to sacrifice himself, nearly gets squashed by a spaceship, has a brief fight with a very pissed of engineer before she releases Junior, collects Davids head, gets on another ship and takes out, without thinking of food, provisions or what the atmosphere of whatever planet they are heading to.

And as for the moment when she lools at her ring, I can see what they were trying to do but it was poorly executed in the middle of too much stuff going on



The unthinkable happened.  I went to see Prometheus again yesterday and I actually like it more now.  Before I continue, I would just like to say that some of the things I had a problem with before are still big issues to me but, overall, the film is more enjoyable.

I have to be honest, I think seeing all the footage released prior to the movie played a huge part in me having mixed feelings the first time around.  I don't know what they were thinking releasing so much footage prior to the film's release.  Whoever thought the trailers and all other official footage and content didn't contain lots of spoilers was wrong:

- I knew that Milburn would have an unfortunate run-in with a Hammerpede.
- I knew that Holloway would get infected.
- I knew that Vickers would use her flamethrower on Holloway.
- I knew that Peter Weyland was on the ship.
- I knew that Shaw was going to have an emergency procedure in the Med-Pod to remove an alien lifeform.
- I knew that Fifield would mutate.
- I knew the Space Jockey in Prometheus would be an engineer in a suit.
- I knew the Prometheus would crash into the Juggernaut and since the captain goes down with his ship, and since there was footage of Janek screaming, there was little doubt of what was to come.
- I knew that Vickers would use an escape pod at some point.
- I knew that Vickers and Shaw would attempt to outrun the crashing Juggernaut that was rolling in their direction.
- I knew that there was a chance Vickers could meet her end in that very sequence as there was an official behind the scenes photograph released of Vickers lying on the ground with her hands covering her face as if something was about to fall on her.
- I knew that there would be a struggle between a creature and one of the engineers.

I know that I could have avoided the trailers but who would think that a film that was so secretive would actually be spoiled largely in the trailers, featurettes and TV spots?  This can't be blamed on people who watched the official footage released - this is the mistake of the marketing department and whoever greenlit the trailers.

Anyway, I think if there was just a single trailer released, it would have serviced this film better.  Believe it or not, even in this day and age, some films do only get one trailer.  And it works out for the best.  There was more than enough footage in Prometheus that didn't contain spoilers that they could have used to cut a far better, and far more mysterious, trailer.

So back to my improved Prometheus experience.  I went with my sister and brother-in-law who had recently seen Alien (mostly because I begged them to give it a chance, lol).  They enjoyed Alien and they had only seen one trailer for Prometheus.  And I think because there was a significant gap between them seeing the trailer and seeing the film, they had forgotten some of the spoilerish moments from the trailer.

This time around I could focus on the smaller moments and the smaller details and I found myself appreciating everything more.  And watching my sister's and brother-in-law's reactions was a treat.  They were getting immersed in this world and I loved seeing them writhe in their seats during the Hammerpede and Med-Pod scenes.  And then I envied them because if I didn't know that was coming, I too could have experienced the same intensity they had.  When my sister recognized certain elements from Alien, I was grinning from ear to ear.  She instantly recognized the Space Jockey seat, she noticed that the Trilobite was like a giant face hugger, she got the sense that the Deacon was a baby Xenomorph or that it related to it in some way, she recognised the helmet the Engineer wore in the seat.  She's very selective when it comes to sci-fi.  In fact I wasn't even sure she'd like Alien or Prometheus.  And both her and my brother-in-law loved the film.

One thing they weren't aware of was the fact this takes place on a different planet.  I thought about it and it makes sense.  The film wasn't clear enough on the fact that it takes place on a planet different to Alien.  I'm not sure how they would express that but it needed to be clearer.  There was a crashed Juggernaut/Derelict.  There was the Space Jockey and the famous seat.  To anybody not familiar with all the details prior to Prometheus, they could assume it was the same planet, just seen in a different light.

A few of the things we all agreed on:

- The film felt short even at 2 hours.  The editing felt rushed.  It needed a longer cut.
- Milburn is an idiot for attempting to befriend a strange creature on an Alien planet, especially when it looks like something that could be dangerous on Earth.
- David is creepy and Michael Fassbender gave an amazing performance.
- The film had the right amount of gore.  Not too much but just enough to put you on edge.
- There should have been more than one human survivor.  It just felt like they tried to go the whole Ripley route at the end again.

I guess you could say me seeing it again and having time to soak in the smaller details, and having excitement from fresh pairs of eyes rub off on me, made me appreciate the film more.  I'll even go so far as to say that Holloway was less annoying this time around (but still the most annoying character).

I really can't wait for that extended cut and I look forward to seeing some of my favourite shots that were cut back in the film and I'd also like to see extended versions of many of the shots we didn't get time to appreciate.  And then of course entire scenes that weren't included before and that could possibly greatly enhance the film.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Jun 24, 2012, 10:57:52 PM
Quote from: demonbane on Jun 24, 2012, 03:15:08 AM
Lazy to read through entire thread, so here is my complaint.

I found it weird that Janek would just listen to Shaw and sacrifice himself along with his crews. I felt there was not enough convincing character development that they would gladly sacrifice their lives to stop Engineer. Even with how other crews turned into mutants, I don't think that would convince them that Engineer could wipe out humanity.

Personally, I enjoyed it, but it was one of the things that I can understand why others wouldn't like it.
Some people claim that ads were misleading as we don't see origin of humanity(Or they didn't understand the opening.)
It basically screams the sequel, but not in a proper way.

I think seeing what happened to Holloway is what convinced them. If that can happen to one man, what happens when millions are exposed sort of thing. But yeah you're right, there was a serious lack of development.
I am starting to feel this is another Kingdom of Heaven where much of character development is put into director cut.
I hate that kind of thing.



Quote from: Novak 1334 on Jun 25, 2012, 06:45:39 AM
First of all BLAIN, I can only assume that you are a fan of Prometheus, so I'd like to apologise for so many of my posts about Prometheus on here and other threads being extremely negative, but as not just an Alien fan, as a film fan as well I was  very disappointed with this film.  It boils down to how badly written it was, especially Shaw, as a protagonist she was very poorly written, to the point where I actually hate her.  This is mainly due to just how rushed the film becomes in the final third, think about it, Holloway dies, she finds out she is pregnant with a squid, she almost kills two crew members, she "gives birth" to a squid, staples a gaping hole up in her stomach, finally realises the"Engineers" are a bunch of dicks, gets suited up, screams at the awoken engineer, runs away, convinces the only good character in the movie to sacrifice himself, nearly gets squashed by a spaceship, has a brief fight with a very pissed of engineer before she releases Junior, collects Davids head, gets on another ship and takes out, without thinking of food, provisions or what the atmosphere of whatever planet they are heading to.

And as for the moment when she lools at her ring, I can see what they were trying to do but it was poorly executed in the middle of too much stuff going on
Fair enough. It does go by quite quickly, and I can reasonably see why you would fault it there. I guess that's just where we differ. I thought the fast pacing was really awesome. It kept me on the edge of my seat, and didn't let go until Shaw was hurt and whimpering on the ground.

As for the atmosphere, come on man: they have a structure with an artificial atmosphere of air cleaner than earth's and breathable for humans. I would assume, then, that these are the conditions they need to survive, and therefore the conditions they would have evolved in on their home planet.
As for food, I would imagine she could have David instruct her in the workings of the cryotube, or she brought some food from Vickers' room, which had to have been stocked with food, as it was built to last away from the ship for two years.

Oh, and Vickers : That's a great post, and I tend to agree with all of it.  :)

Novak 1334

Novak 1334

I'm hoping that the Director's cut might flesh a few things out that i felt the cinema release was lacking, I still have hope!

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

Quote from: Vickers on Jun 25, 2012, 07:58:29 AM
The unthinkable happened.  I went to see Prometheus again yesterday and I actually like it more now.  Before I continue, I would just like to say that some of the things I had a problem with before are still big issues to me but, overall, the film is more enjoyable.

I have to be honest, I think seeing all the footage released prior to the movie played a huge part in me having mixed feelings the first time around.  I don't know what they were thinking releasing so much footage prior to the film's release.  Whoever thought the trailers and all other official footage and content didn't contain lots of spoilers was wrong:

- I knew that Milburn would have an unfortunate run-in with a Hammerpede.
- I knew that Holloway would get infected.
- I knew that Vickers would use her flamethrower on Holloway.
- I knew that Peter Weyland was on the ship.
- I knew that Shaw was going to have an emergency procedure in the Med-Pod to remove an alien lifeform.
- I knew that Fifield would mutate.
- I knew the Space Jockey in Prometheus would be an engineer in a suit.
- I knew the Prometheus would crash into the Juggernaut and since the captain goes down with his ship, and since there was footage of Janek screaming, there was little doubt of what was to come.
- I knew that Vickers would use an escape pod at some point.
- I knew that Vickers and Shaw would attempt to outrun the crashing Juggernaut that was rolling in their direction.
- I knew that there was a chance Vickers could meet her end in that very sequence as there was an official behind the scenes photograph released of Vickers lying on the ground with her hands covering her face as if something was about to fall on her.
- I knew that there would be a struggle between a creature and one of the engineers.

I know that I could have avoided the trailers but who would think that a film that was so secretive would actually be spoiled largely in the trailers, featurettes and TV spots?  This can't be blamed on people who watched the official footage released - this is the mistake of the marketing department and whoever greenlit the trailers.

Anyway, I think if there was just a single trailer released, it would have serviced this film better.  Believe it or not, even in this day and age, some films do only get one trailer.  And it works out for the best.  There was more than enough footage in Prometheus that didn't contain spoilers that they could have used to cut a far better, and far more mysterious, trailer.

So back to my improved Prometheus experience.  I went with my sister and brother-in-law who had recently seen Alien (mostly because I begged them to give it a chance, lol).  They enjoyed Alien and they had only seen one trailer for Prometheus.  And I think because there was a significant gap between them seeing the trailer and seeing the film, they had forgotten some of the spoilerish moments from the trailer.

This time around I could focus on the smaller moments and the smaller details and I found myself appreciating everything more.  And watching my sister's and brother-in-law's reactions was a treat.  They were getting immersed in this world and I loved seeing them writhe in their seats during the Hammerpede and Med-Pod scenes.  And then I envied them because if I didn't know that was coming, I too could have experienced the same intensity they had.  When my sister recognized certain elements from Alien, I was grinning from ear to ear.  She instantly recognized the Space Jockey seat, she noticed that the Trilobite was like a giant face hugger, she got the sense that the Deacon was a baby Xenomorph or that it related to it in some way, she recognised the helmet the Engineer wore in the seat.  She's very selective when it comes to sci-fi.  In fact I wasn't even sure she'd like Alien or Prometheus.  And both her and my brother-in-law loved the film.

One thing they weren't aware of was the fact this takes place on a different planet.  I thought about it and it makes sense.  The film wasn't clear enough on the fact that it takes place on a planet different to Alien.  I'm not sure how they would express that but it needed to be clearer.  There was a crashed Juggernaut/Derelict.  There was the Space Jockey and the famous seat.  To anybody not familiar with all the details prior to Prometheus, they could assume it was the same planet, just seen in a different light.

A few of the things we all agreed on:

- The film felt short even at 2 hours.  The editing felt rushed.  It needed a longer cut.
- Milburn is an idiot for attempting to befriend a strange creature on an Alien planet, especially when it looks like something that could be dangerous on Earth.
- David is creepy and Michael Fassbender gave an amazing performance.
- The film had the right amount of gore.  Not too much but just enough to put you on edge.
- There should have been more than one human survivor.  It just felt like they tried to go the whole Ripley route at the end again.

I guess you could say me seeing it again and having time to soak in the smaller details, and having excitement from fresh pairs of eyes rub off on me, made me appreciate the film more.  I'll even go so far as to say that Holloway was less annoying this time around (but still the most annoying character).

I really can't wait for that extended cut and I look forward to seeing some of my favourite shots that were cut back in the film and I'd also like to see extended versions of many of the shots we didn't get time to appreciate.  And then of course entire scenes that weren't included before and that could possibly greatly enhance the film.

Excellent post Vickers, and I'm glad you enjoyed it more this time. I agree that too much was shown in the trailers, though thankfully I managed to avoid a couple things (I didn't know Weyland was on the ship, nor did I know for certain it was Fifield who mutated). I too can't wait for an extended version, and I look forward to introducing the movie to new fans as well (alongside Alien, of course).



I'm hoping the second viewing will change my mind as well, if it's still out in theaters. Once you know what happens, you can see what you missed and spend more time connecting the dots. For me, that's the case.



Quote from: Vickers on Jun 25, 2012, 07:58:29 AM
The unthinkable happened.  I went to see Prometheus again yesterday and I actually like it more now.  Before I continue, I would just like to say that some of the things I had a problem with before are still big issues to me but, overall, the film is more enjoyable.

I have to be honest, I think seeing all the footage released prior to the movie played a huge part in me having mixed feelings the first time around.  I don't know what they were thinking releasing so much footage prior to the film's release.  Whoever thought the trailers and all other official footage and content didn't contain lots of spoilers was wrong:

- I knew that Milburn would have an unfortunate run-in with a Hammerpede.
- I knew that Holloway would get infected.
- I knew that Vickers would use her flamethrower on Holloway.
- I knew that Peter Weyland was on the ship.
- I knew that Shaw was going to have an emergency procedure in the Med-Pod to remove an alien lifeform.
- I knew that Fifield would mutate.
- I knew the Space Jockey in Prometheus would be an engineer in a suit.
- I knew the Prometheus would crash into the Juggernaut and since the captain goes down with his ship, and since there was footage of Janek screaming, there was little doubt of what was to come.
- I knew that Vickers would use an escape pod at some point.
- I knew that Vickers and Shaw would attempt to outrun the crashing Juggernaut that was rolling in their direction.
- I knew that there was a chance Vickers could meet her end in that very sequence as there was an official behind the scenes photograph released of Vickers lying on the ground with her hands covering her face as if something was about to fall on her.
- I knew that there would be a struggle between a creature and one of the engineers.

I know that I could have avoided the trailers but who would think that a film that was so secretive would actually be spoiled largely in the trailers, featurettes and TV spots?  This can't be blamed on people who watched the official footage released - this is the mistake of the marketing department and whoever greenlit the trailers.

Anyway, I think if there was just a single trailer released, it would have serviced this film better.  Believe it or not, even in this day and age, some films do only get one trailer.  And it works out for the best.  There was more than enough footage in Prometheus that didn't contain spoilers that they could have used to cut a far better, and far more mysterious, trailer.

So back to my improved Prometheus experience.  I went with my sister and brother-in-law who had recently seen Alien (mostly because I begged them to give it a chance, lol).  They enjoyed Alien and they had only seen one trailer for Prometheus.  And I think because there was a significant gap between them seeing the trailer and seeing the film, they had forgotten some of the spoilerish moments from the trailer.

This time around I could focus on the smaller moments and the smaller details and I found myself appreciating everything more.  And watching my sister's and brother-in-law's reactions was a treat.  They were getting immersed in this world and I loved seeing them writhe in their seats during the Hammerpede and Med-Pod scenes.  And then I envied them because if I didn't know that was coming, I too could have experienced the same intensity they had.  When my sister recognized certain elements from Alien, I was grinning from ear to ear.  She instantly recognized the Space Jockey seat, she noticed that the Trilobite was like a giant face hugger, she got the sense that the Deacon was a baby Xenomorph or that it related to it in some way, she recognised the helmet the Engineer wore in the seat.  She's very selective when it comes to sci-fi.  In fact I wasn't even sure she'd like Alien or Prometheus.  And both her and my brother-in-law loved the film.

One thing they weren't aware of was the fact this takes place on a different planet.  I thought about it and it makes sense.  The film wasn't clear enough on the fact that it takes place on a planet different to Alien.  I'm not sure how they would express that but it needed to be clearer.  There was a crashed Juggernaut/Derelict.  There was the Space Jockey and the famous seat.  To anybody not familiar with all the details prior to Prometheus, they could assume it was the same planet, just seen in a different light.

A few of the things we all agreed on:

- The film felt short even at 2 hours.  The editing felt rushed.  It needed a longer cut.
- Milburn is an idiot for attempting to befriend a strange creature on an Alien planet, especially when it looks like something that could be dangerous on Earth.
- David is creepy and Michael Fassbender gave an amazing performance.
- The film had the right amount of gore.  Not too much but just enough to put you on edge.
- There should have been more than one human survivor.  It just felt like they tried to go the whole Ripley route at the end again.

I guess you could say me seeing it again and having time to soak in the smaller details, and having excitement from fresh pairs of eyes rub off on me, made me appreciate the film more.  I'll even go so far as to say that Holloway was less annoying this time around (but still the most annoying character).

I really can't wait for that extended cut and I look forward to seeing some of my favourite shots that were cut back in the film and I'd also like to see extended versions of many of the shots we didn't get time to appreciate.  And then of course entire scenes that weren't included before and that could possibly greatly enhance the film.

You've summed up why I avoided the Prometheus board almost entirely prior to release. Glad you enjoyed the film even more!



Thanks, guys.  Glad you appreciated the post.

Lesson learned the hard way for me - I will try to remain as spoiler-free as possible for all films I'm looking forward to in the future.



Quote from: Novak 1334 on Jun 25, 2012, 02:59:08 PMI'm hoping that the Director's cut might flesh a few things out that i felt the cinema release was lacking, I still have hope!




I personally didn't think it was terrible, I just didn't necessarily like its connection to the Alien universe.  Wasn't an all time classic like Alien or Blade Runner either.

I suppose my biggest gripe about the film is that if Scott and company wanted to make a movie with its own mythology, why not just make something original.  I've always hated when people try to go back and retcon older stories to fit newer ones.  The connections I find, are usaully to weak to justify the crossover retcon anyways.

It wasn't bad, it just didn't go the way I, or a majority of other fans expected it to.  I'm interested in seeing what Spaights and his mostly Alien oriented draft looked like.

It also pulled an Alien 3 and had to many characters.  There are like three people unaccounted for at the end of the movie (that must've died in the crash) that weren't even given any screen time before the impact. 

Vickers death was also pretty f**king stupid.



I am seeing (no pun intended) bits and pieces of the movie at work.. It's awesome until Shaw gets the c-section and then since they re-enter the temple/Juggernaut.. I get it that there are several ways to the med-pod area, however, whole crew knows that a) Vickers suite is near and she don't want to see anybody there and b) almost everybody (except Shaw and Holloway) is loyal to Weyland (the person/the company). But, why nobody mentions squid baby? From this, I get feeling that they realized this "plot hole" after the principal photography wrapped and then tried to fix it in the editing room, thus replacing Fifield's rodeo, to make it look like everybody is concerned about the events with Fifield instead of squid baby.

The future will tell..

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: Zenzucht on Jun 30, 2012, 10:10:54 PM
I am seeing (no pun intended) bits and pieces of the movie at work.. It's awesome until Shaw gets the c-section and then since they re-enter the temple/Juggernaut.. I get it that there are several ways to the med-pod area, however, whole crew knows that a) Vickers suite is near and she don't want to see anybody there and b) almost everybody (except Shaw and Holloway) is loyal to Weyland (the person/the company). But, why nobody mentions squid baby? From this, I get feeling that they realized this "plot hole" after the principal photography wrapped and then tried to fix it in the editing room, thus replacing Fifield's rodeo, to make it look like everybody is concerned about the events with Fifield instead of squid baby.

The future will tell..

I think it was probably the opposite i.e. moving the Fifield attack sequence probably necessitated dialogue being cut/edited out to quicken the pace. I wouldn't be surprised if a bit of dialogue discussing what to do with the squid got axed.

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