The AvPGalaxy Quotes Thread

Started by OmegaZilla, Jun 26, 2010, 06:01:54 PM

The AvPGalaxy Quotes Thread (Read 357,837 times)



Quote from: Space Sweeper on Nov 25, 2011, 05:48:43 AM
We get it, you have amazing tastes.

Sweepers top-of-the-page sarcastic frosting.





Unspeakable Cosmic Horror says
Who the hell came up with ALIENS ON ICE...

Rishon Marrell Cox says
Somebody on ice.

Unspeakable Cosmic Horror says

Rishon Marrell Cox says


Rishon Marrell Cox says
you sure know how to alienate a guy/gal, I'll give ya that.

Unspeakable Cosmic Horror says
Cthulhu fhtag-- I don't know what you're talking about.

Rishon Marrell Cox says
you and your fhtaganistanian gibberish



QuoteJokerJohn35 « Reply #17 on: Nov 25, 2011, 07:00:57 PM »QuoteI think we need Morgan Freeman and Samuel L. Jackson for a new AVP movie. "I have had it with these motherf*cking Aliens on this motherf*cking ship!"

Very cute  :laugh:

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: Gunflyer on Nov 30, 2011, 06:33:38 AM
Long and short? Christina Hendricks is so sexy that I would like to have sex with her. I would die a happy man if she would suffocate me between those boobs. My face would be frozen in rigor mortis with this expression  ;D

Quote from: AvatarIII on Aug 11, 2010, 08:31:05 AM
Juliana Emerson sounds really good actually. it rolls off the tonge nicely, and has a nice beat

Bat Chain Puller



Announcer: "Enemy Cobra inbound."
*Ghost Rider takes out his Stinger*
Ghost Rider: "Come at me CoBRAH!!!"


Crazy Rich

Crazy Rich




Quote from: Master Chief on Dec 06, 2011, 08:10:57 PM
We all came from fish and we'll soon go back to being fish (It started already because I've been wanting to swim a lot lately).  Cats, however, evolved specifically from catfish.

Master Chief never lets us down  :laugh:

Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper

Quote from: The Ghoul on Feb 14, 2010, 12:41:57 PM
Chapter 3


   Nate Williams was getting up from his bed late in the night. Next to him sleeping was some other grunt he met in the bar. She had long black hair that was let down. Tight fit form, small tits. There's really not that much to do around this place when you have lay down time. He got ran his hand up Sophia's spine and she quivered. Yep Nate still had it. He grabbed his coat and walked out into the hallway. He then took the stairs down and walked outside.

   In the warm night air he felt relaxed. It was after all a beautiful night. The stars were out and shining brightly. He could see a near by pink nebula towards the western sky. He then saw something strange. Twenty balls of light falling towards the relative area of the base. They were falling really fast. He saw four of them go right over his head. They all landed at least thirty klicks from the base. He knew this couldn't be a meteor showered and all twenty of the balls of light made it down. No way that could happen. He quickly hit his comm and contacted Colonel Creed.

   John quickly woke up as he heard his comm ring like a mad man. He got out of bed from his wonderful lover and gone to the comm, half asleep. He didn't know what time it was but it was too damn early to get his ass up that for sure. He answered the annoying noise maker. "What is it?" He said barely loud enough.

"John, get your team together, we got a situation. Get your combat gear on." It was Creed and he rudely hung up. That wasn't good.

   John held his head. He was thinking: you got to be kidding me. John quickly walked towards the light switch and turned it on. He saw Kelly cover her shut eyes. He walked over to her and shook her up. "Kelly, got to get ready. We need to get suit up." John said. She made a groan.

"Ah, I don't want to. Can't Creed wait till morning?" She whined.
"Sadly its early morning and no. Now come on gunny get up." He ordered.
"Yes sir." She sat up from the mattress. She then rubbed her head. "How much did we drink last night?"
"I little too much." John smiled.
"Oh your smiling cause I got a hang over." She laughed. "Ow."
"Yeah its amusing when your cranky. Makes you into a mean devil dog like a marine should be." John laughed quietly.
"Well I think I'm too tired and hung over to dress myself major. Can you help?"
"What you can't adapt?"
"Not when I have you to help me out." She grinned.
"Fine ok, I guess I got to be the parent."
"You're more then that." She stood up unsteadily.

   John smiled and looked around the room for her underwear. He didn't know why he was doing this. It was defiantly a first for him, maybe she was testing his parenting skills. He found her matching black and pink undergarment and went to her. He helped her with her bra and buckled it nicely. Then came the really weird part. He helped her with her thong and got it on. It made him feel good. He always liked how she plays with his head at strange moments. He then helped her with her pants and shirt. He could see she was clearly enjoying her self. John knew she had him wrapped around her finger. He got her finally dressed. He then began to put on his on clothes while she did her hair and the other girly things. He finally got his shirt on and then moved to the closet. He put his hand on the biometric scanner pad and it opened up. Inside the closet was two sets of full battle body armor. Then behind the armor were two fully loaded M41A pulse rifles. He began putting on the armor. A few seconds later so did Kelly. They helped each other to buckle the straps to the armor. John then stuck a tactical combat helmet on Kelly's head. He pushed the helmet forward so it covered her eyes. She laughed and hit him. Then she corrected the helmet. John meanwhile got his helmet on. Kelly then found a pulse rifle and slung it over her shoulder, she then found a combat knife and stuck it in her armored boot. John did the same. "Oh John. You look so good in that outfit." Kelly bit her lip.

"Yeah and you look better out of it gunny." John was now in "Officer" mood.
"I like it when you call me by my rank." She teased more.
"Cut the chatter and lets move out. We got to be on time." John ordered.

   Kelly marched with John side by side. She liked when he got into his rank. Although she liked everything he does. She couldn't help but wonder why Creed would call so early in the morning. The sun wasn't even close to be seen yet. Hopefully its just a nice hunt in the dark. They were walking to Creed's briefing room. When they entered they saw the others and the other patrol captains. Creed was at the head of a big table. He motioned everyone to take a seat. Kelly took a seat next to John. She could tell everyone is tired and wants to go back to sleep. Creed's eyes were blood shot and his black hair was a mess. "I got a call this morning from Lt. Williams." He motioned to Nate. "He was one of the four marines who saw twenty meteors  crash thirty or so klicks away." He took a deep breath. "I think its easy to tell that they really weren't rocks for none of them burned up."

"So what are they sir?" Jason spoke.
"We don't know but my best guess is that they are pods of some kind."
"Where did they come from sir?" Captain Johnson spoke, he had a rough face but was fairly good looking.
"That's the thing. Gates has reported no ship in orbit, dark side or light side."
"So these pods are ghosts sir?" Rick spoke.

   Creed's face got firm and a faint expression of hearing something stupid. "No, If they were they wouldn't have been on fire." He remarked. "It is where they came from that's ghostly Lance Corporal." Rick felt embarrassed, it was clear Creed was cranky.

"Here, how about I ask the best question here?" John started. "What do you want us to do about it?"
"About time someone here had some brains." Creed smiled. "Well major, we're going to send the patrol teams and your team out to find out what they are."
"Ok what 'pod' are we assigned to?" John used the term "Pod" lightly.
"You my friend will secure the closet one which is surprising a mere six klicks, the others are around thirty. That's the only pod we're looking at, the patrol captains will run tighter patrols and look out for anything unusual." Creed then remembered something. "Major, not to raise alert to the enemy that we are heading to the pods, your team and you are going to drop from high drop." Creed finished and motions for every one to leave.

   When John got out of the room he took a deep breath and looked at the others of his team. They knew why Creed ordered for a high drop. High drop was a tactic used by the Orbital Marines of Delta Sunterra system. The men were suited up in a experimental armor. The armored suit was big with a fuel cell on the back. The armor was treated to ward off heat and the suit also had a cooling unit in it. The marines in the suit had a massive rocket board. They rode it like a surf board. The board was also a massive heat shield. These Marines would jump from a ship and re-enter the atmosphere of the planet. The armor prevented burn up and the cooling unit stop them from boiling in the suit. Then when they broke through they would ride the boards to the target area. Being held onto the board by powerful magnets and clamps, they would accelerate to mach two. The board was also an explosive. When they reached the drop off zone, they'd launch off the board on jump packs. The board would hit a target and explode. So the enemy was taken off guard and hurt while the marines moved in and finished them off. Seventy five percent of the marines trained to do this maneuver die in training. After training the remained are so trained that doing this was fun to them.

   John remembered when he was a Navy SEAL and was called in to the General's office. He said that the joint chiefs of staff and the president, as well as colonel Williams requested him and ordered him to become a colonial marine, to command Fire team Foxtrot. Foxtrot was a team of military personal trained to do the impossible. It was part of a program called Fury. This program recruited trainers and DI's to train the men to be in USCMC black ops, they were giving the name Jackals. Named after the Egyptian mythology of the guardians of the after life. Foxtrot is a team formed of these hell hounds. They were specialized to do the amazing and the impossible and it was clear that Creed wanted proof for not to himself but to the rest of the base. John is going to give it to him.

   Kelly was in the drop bay of the drop ship taking them into orbit. She was in her sliver mirrored like armor. The suit was big enough to fit over the combat armor she wore underneath. Although the suit looked bulky it was very flexible and allowed good movement. She didn't put on her helmet but she wore her combat helmet at least. The drop bay wasn't much to look at, just a dark gray color and big enough to fit an APC. Nate was at the other side sitting down on a bench, chewing tobacco. Rick was smoking another cigar while Jason and John were checking there heat shielded weapons and incinerators. It sounded pretty stupid to have a flame thrower on this type of thing but they were specialized to ward off heat. So it wouldn't explode. Five rocket boards were laid against a bulkhead. They had to keep their magnetic boots online for the drop ship was too small to create enough artificial gravity to move around easily with out hitting the ceiling of the drop bay. "Ok devil dogs, get your helmets on. Going to depressurize the hold in thirty seconds." The co-pilot spoke.

   Kelly quickly fitted the large suit helmet over her combat helmet and connected it to the collar. She then began the oxygen flow. Blue lights lit up the inside of the helmet. She then played her left hand over the wrist computer to power up the suits cooling unit and jets. She then activated the heads up display (HUD). In the transparent face shield readings appeared showing: oxygen level, altitude, compass, motion tracker, fuel cell power, cooling energy, and then on the bottom left corner showed five life signs, her own and the others. When she looked at John, a little name spelled out as John appeared over his head. All of their suits were wirelessly monitored by each other and they used a secure comm line to communicate. Kelly then heard the bay depressurize. In a few second the depressurization was done. The bay then lowered down to reveal a blue green planet below. Kelly looked at the magnificent sight. It made her wanting to sit down and open a bottle of champagne and drink it with John. Of course with the bay pressurized and some sort of wall between them and hard vacuumed. "Nate did you forget to spit out your gum again?" Jason snickered.

"Crap I did. Damnit!" Nate swore.
"Well lets hope you don't choke on it. Sallow it if you can." John said. The comm was strong and sounded like they had there helmets off.
"I'll try sir." Kelly heard a sucking sound. "Yuck! I can't too much again." Nate whined.
"Nate. I swear you're my second in command and the best trooper I've seen and but if you die because of a piece of gum, I swear I'm going to bring you back and then kill you myself." John said harshly.
"Understood sir, I'll keep it against my gums and my mouth shut." Nate said back.
"Good and I plan to stick to my promise." John said with a smile back at Nate. Nate quickly nodded. "Ok marines! Lets fly!" John voice was filled with enjoyment.

   Kelly them saw her HUD up load the targets location. Then she saw John grab a board and jumped out of the bay. "Heeeha!!!" John shouted over the comm.

   Kelly quickly followed after him. "See you on the ground boys!!! WooHoo!!!" She shouted over the comm.

   Kelly felt the rocket board's clamps onto her boots to hold her on. The magnets were working too but its always good to be attached. She felt the board push forward with rocket thrust. The boards were powered by fuel cells as well so liquid fuel was unnecessary. Kelly watched John following his every move. Kelly was the best of them at this type of maneuver but John always liked to race her down. She saw John lean back on the board as the thrust cut out. He brought the bottom of board to bear in front. The bottom was one big heat shield. She saw him polarize his face shield and brought down the blast shield. It blocked the face plate from getting charred. Kelly then saw streams of ion form a wake behind John. She then leaned back on hers and did the same as John. She took a breath and braced her self for the pushing force that was going to happen soon. She looked and saw streams of ionic partials fly around her. She was in the ionic sphere. Then she felt the pressure trying to push her back. She then activated the auto correction so she wouldn't be tossed out into the void. Kelly then saw the friction ignite and flames formed around her board. She watched the material glow red. Then her armor caught fire as well and began to glow. That's when she felt the heat, it was hell of hot but low enough to keep her conscious and alive. She watch herself and her board turn into a fireball as it entered the atmosphere. She was now in comm black out. She couldn't see a thing because of the flames. She crossed her arms and rested her fists on her shoulders. She could feel her body vibrate. She began to breath fast. Her eyes were a flutter the sheer intensity of the drop was overwhelming. Then her HUD turned red. Warning cool cell one is damaged and is spreading. Recommend eject fuel cell before damage spreads to cell two. The words ran across her face plate. She took her left hand moved it towards her right wrist. She pressed the cool cell one release. She felt something fly from her back. The heat temp rose but stopped at the red line. It held. Only a minute and thirty seconds and then the friction and fire will stop. She had to stay conscious. The minute passed by like hours to her. She then felt a kick and the fire stopped. She then pushed forward on the board and leveled it. Her armor was glowing red. It was day time. She removed the blast shield and cleaned the screen of her wrist computer. She then pressed a blue button. Under the board wings shot out. She now had control over it in the atmosphere. She read her speed. Point-nine-mach. She saw John in front of her. He waved his hand while not turning back, or the movement might launch him off of the board. Kelly activated her rear camera. She saw Rick, Jason, and Nate behind her. Kelly then pressed her right foot forward and made the boards thrust increase. She came along side John and then passed him. "Sorry Major Love, I got to pass you, your too slow! Good for bed but bad for everything else!" Kelly joked. She heard every one laugh.

"Well, I guess ladies first then. Ok every one listen up ETA to drop point is in thirty seconds!" John said.

   They all where deseeding downwards. Kelly could see tree tops and they got bigger and bigger.  Soon they were about hundred feet above the trees. They soared over the base. She looked up and saw the crash site coming up fast. She hit the eject and suddenly she was launched into the air off of her board. The others did the same. Ever since the explosives in the boards weren't armed they stuck out of the ground like sticks put in the ground. Kelly was now in a free fall and was going forward at the same time. She was heading towards the bare ground of the crash site. She then activated her jump pack and used its jets to slow her fall. She landed on her feet perfectly and dropped into a crouch. She reached back grabbed her pulse rifle and cleared the muzzle. The others landed a few seconds later and did the same.
   Kelly found herself in awe at the unknown metal pod. It was made of some alloy she has never seen before. The pod looked a lot like a flower. The metal was dark. It had some unknown writing on it. In all manners the pod spoke alien all over it. She noticed there was a square hole in the pod and a leathery growth slumped over. At the top it looked like a opened flower pedal. She could see inside it and it was empty. She wondered what came out of it. She then heard John say strip the suits. They all took turns on watch while the others removed the their suits.

   Kelly felt good to be out of that thing. It was like being in a flexible coffin. It felt good to have the jungle air flowing through her lungs. "Come on Kelly take off your top, give us a show. It'll give us something to check out beside that metal dildo sticking out of the ground." Jason joked.

"Hey private!" Nate called Jason.
"Shut the f**k up! Only men get that pleasure not boys." Nate ordered and joked at the same time. Crass as ever.
"Yes sir." Jason said quietly, obviously disappointed.
"I can't hear you!"
"YES SIR!" Jason shouted.
"Nate." John called.
"Sir." Nate said.
"Take Jason and scout out the left flank. Make sure there's nothing behind that thing."
"Sir!" He tapped Jason and moved to the left flank of the pod.

   Kelly was glad Nate stepped in and got Jason to shut up, she was about to hit him with the butt of her rifle. She didn't like to be asked to do a strip tease and especially by Jason. Surprisingly though Rick hasn't said a word. Most of the time Rick and him stuck together.

Nate liked to call them lovers. Personally she liked how Nate was an officer and had a sergeant personality. Then there was her knight in shining marine battle armor, John the best officer she has ever met. He wasn't stuck up like most of them and has a sense of humor. She was glad all of them came down ok. John then made a hand sign for them to move forward. Kelly saw Nate wave his hand in the air left to right and back. He liked to do that for all clear. When Kelly got close to the leathery growth it made her a little sick. It had slime all over it and it smelled like a dogs ass. It was clear something came out of it. "I think we should burn it." Kelly spoke.

"Yeah it might smell better, I know for sure burnt flesh smells better then this shit." Rick said holding his nose. "No telling what micro-organisms are in that thing." John gave the go ahead for it.

   Kelly slung her rifle and grabbed the incinerator. She turned it on. A blue flame was at the tip. She then squeezed the trigger and felt the weapon push a bit as it spewed out blue and yellow flames. The jelly shot from the flame thrower stuck on the growth and burned it. It started to shrivel up and collapse. Black smoke was coming from it. Rick was right it did smell better. Kelly then heard a soft pitter-patter she looked up and saw a huge yellow spider. It jumped at her but it was shot out of the sky by John. Its yellow blood fell on her helmet and began to make the helmet sizzle and pop. Kelly threw her helmet off of her head and let melt away. "Did you just see that! It's blood is eating my helmet!" Kelly shouted.

   John looked at the helmet and then at the yellow spider. It had a big hole from the bullet from his side arm. He then remembered the dream. The blood. The same yellow blood. That ate Kelly away. He looked at the spider closer. He was looking at its legs, long and bony. Then the texture of it; well he thought it was skin. More like a hide of some sort. It looked a lot alike the growth in the pod and some relation to the dragon in his nightmare. He saw that the thing had a fleshy ovipositor or tube like thing coming from a hole in its underside. It reminded him too much of a girls vulva. Great a pussy with a dick that comes out instead of in. he thought quietly to himself. He then looked at its abdomen which had two sack like membranes. So it has nuts too, great. John didn't like this thing. It was creeping him out. He was glad he shot it dead before it jumped on Kelly, no telling what that thing might of done to her. Looked like it was going to rape her mouth. That's right no one or thing touches my girl's mouth like that but me. John kicked it aside. 

   Jason was disappointed that the blood didn't hit Kelly's chest so she'd take her top off but hey sometimes it never happens does it? He couldn't help about thinking with his dick at the moment. Doing that type of drop gave him such a big rush it was amazing and gets his dick hard. He loves to live off adrenalin . It gets him up. He hoped no one could see the bulge in his pants thinking about Kelly without her top. God the major was lucky to have her. Jason really wasn't impressed about the alien pod.  His mind then raced about how could the major handle a girl like Kelly. He figured Kelly would be a hurricane in the sack. He liked the way she fired her gun to, he couldn't help but think of her shooting his gun off. That made him chuckle to himself lightly. He knew a girl like Kelly was too young for the Major. John is like thirty and she's like twenty. Then Jason remembered something scary about the major, he was a Navy SEAL. One of the best too. Jason went into about fifty hot zones with John and it still scared him on how he can kill. John was quick, and heartless when it came to battle. Jason heard a rumor that John never misses either. Jason hoped if Kelly ever came to him that he wouldn't be in John's sights. No wonder Kelly likes him, John is by far the toughest sonvabitch in this squad.

   Jason decided to finally touch the pod. It was cold to the touch, like ice cold. Some how the metal remained cool. He ran his hand over the runes of the metal. Then he felt a bullet slam into his shoulder. He instinctive gone down to his belly making him a smaller target. "We got company!!!!" he shouted. "At my six!"

   When Nate heard the gun shots he crouched down behind an out cropped boulder. He could feel bullets pounding into it. Terrorist patrols this deep in our territory unlikely, must be an assault team for the base. He peeked his head over from cover and saw the shots came from a few meters in the jungle. Nate was lucky to duck for a bullet flew right pass his head. Nate laid his rifle on the ground and unsung the miniature rocket launcher from his back. Its meant for anti-personal and he always had it on him. Right now though he wished Rick brought a pack with a sentry gun in it but this would have to do. The rocket launcher had clip of mini rockets sticking from the middle of the launcher. He made sure it was in tight. He had seven shots. He propped up the side scope. The scope scanned for warm bodies. Six of them dead center. "Take this and shove it up your goat f**king asses." Nate fired.

   The rocket soared through the air and slammed a terrorist in the chest making him explode into a blaze of flaming chunks and sent a fragments of bone into two others as well as making them slam into tree trunks. Nate was about to fire another shot at the others but he saw something strange through the scope. Something black grabbing one of them. It then bit his chest and dragged the poor man screaming away. Nate had no clue what that was, but he took the shot at the remaining two. It exploded and sent the remaining two man flying into more trees. Nate then made a quick scan for any movement or warm bodies. Nothing. "All dead!" He shouted.

   When the shooting started Rick saw Kelly pull the Major down faster then he could do it on his own. Man she liked him. Then again if the major got hit, we all might be screwed. Then a few more seconds Nate took out the bad guys with a rocket launcher. Classic macho action move style for sure. Rick was lucky to have the pod in front of him so he was covered completely. Yep it was just another action movie to Rick, the good guys blow shit up and don't die. Classic.

   Kelly had John on top of her. She pulled him down hard and mistakenly had him on top of her. Or was it? She giggled. She felt John keeping his body to cover her as a shield. She admired him. She then heard Nate firing his rockets. Good old Nate always ahead of the pace when it came to fire fights. She then felt something warm fall onto her lip. It tasted like blood. She looked at John's shoulder. The bullet hit his shoulder between the protective plats. She looked up at John, he had his face down but he was awake and it seemed like he didn't even realize he was hit. Then the firing stop. Kelly quickly pushed John off of her and laid him on his back. He smiled. She removed the shoulder padding of his armor and got a better look at the wound. Nothing major, just a small nick. Most of the bullet was deflected into the shoulder pad, for it fell out. She got out the small piece of lead that was in his shoulder though. She was scared if it was major. John smiled and kissed on the her lips, and then got up after Nate said all clear. That kiss made her blush. She then snapped out of it and got up and waited for orders.

   John's shoulder was burning with pain but he shook it off. He's the CO of this team and must maintain uninjured for the sake of moral. He hid his pain well. John motioned everyone to form up. John saw Jason was hit but his armor protected him. That's good. "Ok every one listen up we're going to get out of here. Clearly there's nothing out here but that pod and that spider. Someone pick that thing up and take it back with us. Rick call for pick up." Everyone nodded.

   Rick walked back a bit and then switched to another comm channel. "This is Fire team Foxtrot! We need pick up! Hostiles have been reported in area. Repeat pick up."

"Foxtrot. This is Big bird. What is your location?" The pilot spoke.
"Six klicks West. The closest meteor that crashed last night."
"Copy that. ETA six minutes. Stand by. Over." The pilot ended the transmission.

   Resh-Desh was amazed to see a group of humans re-enter the atmosphere on some type of board. Very dangerous maneuver indeed. Resh preferred pods. It was clear that the humans have gotten bolder the last time he hunted them. His ship didn't land to far from where the humans touched down. Resh watched the five them closely. He was of course high up in a tree and cloaked along the edge of the crash site. He made quiet noises to himself in curiosity. He watched how they moved. He could tell they were trained in a higher intensity then their other kind. The way they walked, looked around. Resh could see fellow warriors like himself. He found himself drawn to their leader. He was taller then the rest of them. When he spoke all of them listened. Then Resh noticed the female was emitting some type of pheromones when she looked at him. Resh's mask showed the chemical makeup of it. Resh found that the female was attracted to the alpha male. Resh knew now that there leader is an alpha male of the humans. He noticed the other males. The youngest one was clearly turned on towards the female. Resh's mask picked up a high amount of blood intensity in his pants. This made Resh laugh lightly. Resh then scanned the one with some type of explosive launcher on his back. Resh's mask showed readings on his armor and weapons. Resh then noticed they all were the same type of armor. The armor is strong but not strong enough to take multiple hits from his plasma casters anti-personal mode. Then Resh heard human weapon discharges.
   Resh saw one of the alpha's men fall down. The rest of them headed for cover. The female pulled the alpha down to protect him from getting killed. The alpha laid on top of the female to protect her. Most interesting. Resh then looked at the jungle on the other side. Some enemy humans were their shooting. Six of them. Then Resh saw the one with the launcher tube fire a explosive and killed three humans. Then Resh saw something else. Like the shadows come to life. Resh quickly switch vision modes to electro. The area turned a dark green and in bright green was a honor prey. The honor prey emitted a high electromagnetic field, one of the only way of finding them. It quickly grabbed a man and dragged him away screaming. So the honor prey have transformed already. Then the launcher human fired another round and killed the remaining enemies. Resh then saw the female treat an injury to the alpha. He then pressed his mouth against the female. Some sort of ritual of love Resh figured. Then he got up.

   Resh watched the alpha speak. Resh quickly activated his translator and zoomed in on the alpha male. He was telling them to prepare for pick up from a ship. Resh couldn't let that happen. Resh then saw the one called Rick move away and activated a comm channel. Resh triangulated the transmission to the east. He looked and saw some sort of craft moving towards the group. Resh scanned its speed. It would arrive here in six minutes. Resh had to take care of this. He quickly opened his wrist computer and switch his plasma casters setting to anti-vehicle. This setting fires a different form of plasma that's much bigger but it raises the temperature of the caster so it needs to cool down before to be fired again. So this setting is almost pointless to use against anti-personal, not unless they are in a big group. The tiny weapon swirled on Resh's shoulder tracking the target. To fire the weapon all Resh needs to do is pump his right fist. Resh watched through his mask as the computer locked on. A red triangle formed over the left side of the ship. Resh waited a little bit longer to get the best shot. It came. He pumped his fist and felt his shoulder get hot and a slight push. He watched how a small plasma ball grow to the size of his chest in an instance. The blue plasma soared through the sky at alarming speed and impacted the side of the human ship.   

   John was shocked to see the drop ship get hit by a massive blue ball of plasma. The armor of the ship melted and bubbled. Then it began to catch fire. John saw the pilot and co-pilot eject before the drop ship erupted into a ball of flame and crashed into the jungle. John saw the two crew men's parachutes open and landed five meters from them. John quickly gave the move in hand sign towards the crew men. John stayed behind and looked for where that ball of light came from. John shouldered his pulse rifle and looked into its scope. He found some sort of distortion in the trees. Like a trick of the light. Shift suit. John fired his weapon.

   Resh saw the alpha male aiming its weapon at him. The human fired. Resh felt bullets hammer into his chest plate. Resh quickly jumped from the tree. He then took cover behind it. Resh then looked down and saw a green glow on the ground. He was hit. Resh felt more bullet hammer into the back of the tree. Resh then heard seven weapons firing in his direction. Resh's plasma caster was still too hot to fire. He quickly reached behind him and removed a metal disc. The disc increased in size. He put his finger threw the holes in it. Resh then threw the disc as he stuck his body out from the trunk of the tree. The female saw it coming and ducked and a male from the ship got cut through the middle. His torso slid off of his lower half in a slow motion spraying blood up and down. The man was clawing at himself to stay to together and then he screamed and bled. The disc then came back to Resh and he caught it. When all of them looked at horror at their disfigured comrade he made his escape. He didn't want to kill them all off to quick. He wanted to enjoy it.

   John looked at the poor marine. He was screaming and his guts were fallen out of the bottom part of himself. John could see the mans legs right next to his chest kicking. John quickly pointed the gun at the mans head and blew his brains out. John didn't want to watch him suffer any more. John was glad Kelly ducked when she did or that man would have been her. John hoped the marine will rest in peace.

   John then felt everyone's eyes upon him. He looked at them. They all were a little shaken at what happened, except Nate, he saw him aiming at the forest. At least some one was keeping watch. John looked at the others, they all understood what he did and nodded. John then quickly activated his comm. "Base Tango! Do not send a any drop ship for pick up. My team and me are walking back. Unknown enemy presences in area be on watch. Over." John reported and cut the line. "Lets move out!" John ordered.

   Rick was hanging around the pilot of the drop ship. The man seemed scared but he held his pistol firm. They were walking through the jungle heading east towards the base. With all the jungle trees and leaves the bright light of the day was a green and shadow. Cooler in cover at least. Rick figured they would make the base sometime at night. It was a hard ahead anyways, they are in the west part of the jungle the thickest of it. Lots of roots and bushes. Also the terrain was uneven. "Hey pilot. What your name?" Rick said.

"Jeff." he said back shaken.
"Hey Jeff, calm down. You're here with the best ok. We know this jungle no worries. Now tell me where ya from bro?"
"Ares, Mars."
"Mars. Cool, nice place been there once."
"Nights are still cold sadly."
"That mars for ya. Earth is always hot. Even at night unless your in Russia or Antarctica."
"Yeah I was on earth for boot camp. It is hot."
"You get used to it. Now you got any family book home?" Rick was trying to calm the man down.
"Yeah, I have a wife and kids. Also my mom."
"What are your kids names Jeff?"
"Ah, Sara, Jason, and Catherin after her mom."
"Your wife, is she nice, hot, ugly? You know that type of thing."
"She's hot very hot, but she can be some what of a bitch though, although she can suck pearls off an oyster." Jeff smiled. Rick laughed.
"Yeah, I had this one girl friend, but damn. She was hot but kept on breaking my head over for such small things."
"Been there done that.'
"So how old are your kids?"
"Ah...Catherin is seven, Sara is eight, and Jason is ten."
"That's good man, I hope your proud of them."
"I am."

   Rick then caught site of something. Like a trick of the light. Rick knocked Jeff down and fired at the thing in the tree. He was firing quick bursts of automatic fire. He then saw white/blue light come at him. He quickly rolled to his left, dodging it. He continued to fire. The thing was just standing there taking it. Then the others joined in and fired. Then Rick lost sight of it. It jumped. Then suddenly Rick felt something strong grab his throat and lift him off the ground. He looked down and saw the shimmer holding him. Rick brought up his gun and slammed it down on top of the things face, hard. It then chuckled an evil laugh of amusement. He did it again and again. He felt the grasp get tighter, then Rick was thrown into something hard. He had to have flew about a good twenty feet. He felt his ribs crack.

Quote from: The Ghoul on Feb 14, 2010, 12:41:57 PM
When John saw Rick get picked up and thrown like a rag doll he opened up on full auto. The thing was fast, it ran to the left. The shift suit it was wearing was almost prefect even when it was moving. John followed his gun on it and kept on firing. Damn it was fast. It then ran and jumped up against a tree and flipped over John's head. John quickly ducked and rolled dodging some type of bladed weapon. John then saw Nate open up on full auto at the thing in the shift suit. The thing turned around and aim some type of side arm. It fired. A net flew and hit Nate sticking him up against a tree. The net started to tighten and cut Nate. He quickly put his gun in front of him stopping him from getting turned into tiny pieces. John then saw Jason open up on his flame thrower. The yellow flame soared threw the distance between John and the cloak thing. It let out a massive scream of pain. Then suddenly the image became whole. It was a massive armored humanoid figure. It had to be at least a head taller then John. Its dreadlock hair, that looked more like flesh then hair, snapped back when it turned to face Jason. Jason fired again burning the things chest. It still kept on walking towards him. It wasn't human John knew that or it would have been dead already. Its fleshy skin was like a think hide. "Jason increase the focus on the thrower!" John shouted while he fired at the armored figure.

   Jason quickly tightened the focus of the thrower. The flame was now more intense and narrower. He aimed at the monster's stomach. Its mesh like armor was glowing red. Jason tightened the focus again. The flame boiled the armor and shot into its hide like flesh. He burned a hole straight through the monster. It screamed in fury and pain. Then suddenly Jason saw something swirl on its shoulder. It fired a blue light and hit him dead center in the chest, making him fly off of his feet. The monster then fell to the ground dead.

   John quickly ran to Jason's side. Jason was on his back breathing hard. John quickly removed the breast plate. The armor has a big hole in it and under it was Jason's burnt flesh. His flesh was blackened, it also boiled a little. John quickly grabbed into his pack pulled out a can of health foam. The foam repairs damaged cells and kills infection. John then took out a spray bandage and sprayed on Jason's burn. It quickly solidified. John then pulled out a small injection of strong pain killers, it also had a white blood cell booster in it. John slammed the little needle into Jason's neck and pushed down on the button. He then removed it. "God Major, your the fastest doctor I ever met." Jason smiled. John smiled and propped Jason on his back up against a tree trunk.

"Hey can some one please get me down from here?" Nate asked. He was stuck to a tree trunk.

   John motioned to Kelly and she ran to Nate and pulled a knife. When she tried to cut the wires of the net the net cut the blade in half. "What the f**k?" Kelly swore.

   John found a knife on the monster's armored boot and pulled it out. He quickly walked to Nate. "Maybe this will cut it." The alien knife cut the wires like it was paper.

   Clearly the knife was all one piece of metal just made into wicked sharpened piece of unknown alloy. It was clearly sharpest thing John has ever held. Nate fell out of the net like a caught fish. He yelped has he hit the ground hard. John walked back to the armored alien and removed the knife's sheath and strapped it to his boot. John looked closely at the knife again. He noticed that the blade had two points and were heavily serrated edges. Yeah it was a wicked looking knife. It was double edged. He looked at the edges. Clearly cut by a very focused laser. John quickly tried to cut a branch from the tree. The branch was as think as a baseball bat and the knife cut through it like it was flesh. Yeah sharp. John sheathed the knife. He didn't dare touch any more of the hardware on the alien for it might be booby trapped. John then remember Rick.
   John found Rick laying on his side knock out. John saw the back of his armor was dented inward. That thing really thrown him hard to do that. Rick then slowly woke up with a grunt. "You ok Rick?" John said.

"Yeah. Just a few. Ow." He yelped. "Cracked rips." He still managed a smile, that was good.

   John careful got Rick to his feet and tightened his chest plate to hold his ribs in place. "Just don't breath to strong Rick ok?"

"Aye sir." He nodded and limped around a little, trying to walk off the pain.

   John knew with Jason and Rick hurt like this was going to slow them down. They still had four klicks to go. Which was about two and half miles going threw the thickest part of the jungle. Who knew how many more of those armored alien where out here and worse, that monster in his nightmare. He knew that spider was related to it some how. "Pilot! Jeff right? Take Rick's rifle and give him your pistol." Jeff nodded and traded weapons with Rick.

   John checked his watch. It'll be dark soon. They'll need to make camp soon. "Ok Nate, help Jason. Jeff stay close to Rick. Kelly watch our six, and I'm on point. Let travel at least one more kilometer, then we set up camp. Ok?" They all nodded and understood. "Oh some one give Rick a pain killer. Or some booze." Jeff gave Rick a flask and smiled, Rick chuckled lightly trying not to cause more pain.

   Its been about a few hours and its dark. They made a low camp fire with just some ambers glowing and a small flame. Soon they were going to put it out. John wanted to give them some comfort so he let them make one. Nate was happy enough to take the first watch. He was a few feet away from the fire in the dark with spook eyes on. Every thing he saw was in a sharp blue contrast. John bet Nate could see the nuts on an ant with those on. Jason was asleep and Rick was drunk. Jeff was playing a game with cards with himself while Kelly laid her back against John's chest with there guns over her lap. John could smell the shampoo in her hair. Smelled like lavenders. John allowed her to lay down. All of them needed to relax a little. They have been through a lot. John looked at his watch. He then nodded to Jeff. Jeff then threw a helmet full of dirt on the fire and then poured some water on it. The fire went out. Bed time. Surprisingly it was very dark. John couldn't see a thing. He then felt Kelly grab his hands. She didn't have her breast plate on so she shoved his hands up her shirt and under bra. John laughed lightly. Kelly you minx. She then looked up and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then she made herself comfortable and drifted off to sleep. John held his hands on her bare breasts. The soft flesh was nice to feel after today and Kelly was clearly enjoying it. She made soft moans under her breath. Then John got a text message on his cell phone. It was from Nate. It read: You go major! You are such a player!! OWOOOOGA!!!!!  John laughed at that. John replied that Nate should get back to work. John then felt Kelly tense about why his hands were gone. John knew she had him wrapped around her finger, he returned his hands and tried to get some sleep.

   Nate was enjoying himself while he was on watch. When he was a sergeant and before project Fury. He was a patrol guard on the night shift for the base he was stationed at. At first it was boring but after a few times you get used to it, and even enjoyed it. It gave him time to think. He loved the smell of the jungle night. Nate knew those armored aliens were out there watching. He could feel it. Actually one stooped on a branch a hundred feet away. It was just watching him and the others. Nate wondered why? Maybe they have some thing about attacking the enemy while they were sleeping. As long as it stayed away and not attack with that gun of its, Nate has no problem. The others needed rest. Hell Nate even waved at it. Its masked face turned side ways in curiosity. It still remained there and didn't move. Then Nate suddenly realized about them, they moved a lot like a predator does, like a lion. They stay hidden and stalk their targets. Nate decided to call them predators. Why else isn't it attacking? Because it's spotted. Also Nate noticed the hardware they had, lots of weapons and cloaking technology. If they were a form of black ops Nate and the others would be dead right now. Only people that Nate knows that carry lots of hardware and tech that can hide ones self were hunters. Nate figured it all out now, he was sure of it. They were hunters and people are their prey. After all why else not shoot him dead right now?
   Resh was on the branch looking at the only human on guard. Resh saw it wave at him, he wondered why he did such a thing? Resh then realized that the human was communicating it could see him. The human didn't fire though? Most humans would shoot. Resh figured it was cause he wanted the others of its kind to rest and gain their strength back. Resh knew if he attacked the human would attack as well, or if he moved out of sight at all. Resh also knew if he approached the human would fire. Resh then realized he was making a truce at the moment. As long as Resh didn't do anything aggressive the human won't attack. A part of Resh told him to kill the human and its company for they killed Sulk-Rash. Sulk-Rash overestimated the humans and ended up dead for it, Resh knew that. Although the violent side of Resh demanded blood. Resh's other side was telling him to wait take his time. It would make the hunt more grand and worth it. Resh agreed with that side. He would wait and take his time, for he had all the time in the world. The longer he waited the more pleasurable the kills will be.

   Resh then looked at his true target. The alpha male of the humans. Resh was also had honor prey to hunt as well but at the moment they didn't pose of interest yet... or at least not more then the human alpha did. Resh zoomed in the human through his helmet. He then modified the vision to add detail to the humans face. It cleared. Resh looked over his looks carefully. Even when the human was sleeping it glowed of danger. Peaceful at sleep and yet still able to give off fear to the enemy. A worthy prey indeed. Resh then looked at the human next to his prey. She was beautiful in the humans respect. It was only natural that the alpha male gets the worthiest female. Resh understood this for he was the alpha of his clan. The strongest and smartest. Resh has survived the harshest of battle and hunts. He also showed a great amount of patience. The real reason why he attacked the female was to try to excite the alpha male to attack him in anger and rage. He wanted the alpha's skull. Resh attack proved futile for the female was also a skilled warrior and avoided the disc. Resh was thinking on how to get the human to come after him. Resh then realized did this human really prove its worth yet to him? No it hasn't Resh was attracted to its looks and effect on the others of its kind. Resh didn't know anything about its combat abilities. So far only the youngest one killed a fellow hunter. Resh decided he will wait until he saw proof that the alpha male was as dangerous as he looks.
   Resh then heard something in the tree next to him. He looked and switched vision modes. Right when he switched to electro a Honor prey leapt at him and knock him off the branch. Resh landed hard on the ground with the drooling dragon on top of him. Its elongated head raised to his face level. It had no eyes, and just a sharp set of teeth. It opened its mouth slowly. Resh watch the inner jaw open. The prey shot the piston like jaw outward at incredible speed. Resh moved his head to the left and grabbed the jaw with his hand. He made an evil chuckle and tore it from its mouth. The honor prey quickly pulled backwards clawing at its mouth in pain. Resh punch it hard in the chest, it flew off of him. It made a painful shriek. Resh then got up, he didn't use any weapons. He wanted to kill it with his hands.

   Nate was surprised to see some type of black animal attack the predator with such anger. Nate watch it knock the predator out of the tree. A good fifty feet from the ground. The predator landed on it's back with the thing on top of it. Nate then got a good look at it. The animal was black but it had spines growing out of its back. It had a banana shaped head. No eyes what so ever, yet it saw some how. Nate noticed it had a spine like tail which ended in a sharpen blade of its own. Nate knew it was the thing that dragged away that terrorist. This monster put fear in the deepest part of Nate's gut.

   Nate then saw the monster shoot something out of its mouth. The predator moved his head out of the way and grabbed it at the same time. Nate then saw it was a second jaw that the monster shot out. The jaw was extend on a square shaped type of flesh maybe bone. The predator yanked it clear out of its mouth. Nate saw some blood flow out of its mouth as it gone backwards clawing at its mouth. The predator then punched it in the chest and shot it clear off of him. Man the predator was strong. The predator then got up and didn't draw any weapons. Instead it just stood there waiting. Nate was surprised how tall the monster was. It was as tall as the predator maybe taller. An easy three meters tall at least. Nate realized it was another alien, he didn't remember running into those things before. Nate also saw it was very slender as well. Then the alien crouched down and brought it tail up like a scorpion. Nate then heard a hiss from it, even from here. Its tail had to be another three meters long for it swung right over the predator's head. Then the alien swung the tail low and hard. The predator caught it and tugged on it hard, completely pulling the alien into the air as the predator swung it like a massive hammer. The alien collided into a tree trunk so hard Nate saw the trunk crack and was about to fall if it took another hit. The predator kept on swinging the alien around into more trees. The alien was giving out massive shrieks of pain and fury. Nate was surprised no one has woke up yet. Then the predator snapped the alien's tail clean off during a swing and sent the alien flying into a tree trunk. Nate saw the aliens blood spray out from the broken part of its tail. Nate saw the ground sizzle, acid. Nate then knew that spider was related to that thing!

   Resh was enjoying himself. He also liked how the human was watching in awe at his work. The honor prey then got up. Its bloody mouth and broken tail flowing pressurized acid. Resh then let out a loud roar. The honor prey charged again with its sharpened claws out. Resh gave it a fistful of pain when he punched it square in the teeth. He felt the armored teeth crack and crumble. The honor prey's head shot backwards and it staggered. Resh then decided to end this. He quickly pressed a few buttons on his wrist computer. A metal gauntlet unfolded around the Resh's fist. Resh then socked the alien dead center punching through its armored hide. He grasped one of its hearts and yanked it cleanly out. His armor was immune to the acid blood. The honor prey then clawed at its gaping wound. Blood flowing out of it like a water fall. It let out a massive dieing shriek before it fell to the ground. Resh laughed loudly and then let out a massive roar in victory! His blood thirst was satisfied for now. This will be a grand hunt!

   Nate was completely blown away. He had a hard time comprehending what just happened. He knew for sure this predator was a lot tougher then the one Jason killed. Nate just realized they were clearly out gunned here. He realized he was at the predators mercy no way he could take out that thing. Nate then thought of his rocket launcher. He quickly dropped his rifle and brought the launcher from his back. He kept it rested on his shoulder. Ready to pop up and fire at any moment. He knew he should take the shot now but he didn't know how strong the predator was. Hopeful it'll keep it from attacking him and the others. He hoped.

   Resh turned around and saw the human had his explosive launcher at the ready. The human wasn't stupid, it clearly was frightened but not stupid. Resh knew he couldn't take a direct hit to that weapon. Resh then saw the other humans wake up and grab their helmets. He saw the alpha get up first and aim its rifle at Resh. Resh had to leave his kill. He quickly cloaked and turned and ran. A smart hunter knew when he was out matched. He wasn't running just falling back to a better and safer position. He heard human weapon fire as he ran. In a few seconds Resh was gone and hidden from threat. The only thing in Resh's mind was that this hunt will be a great one.

   John didn't hit the armored alien. He then saw the thing laying on the ground and he went cold. It was the monster from his dream. This one was dead, clearly killed by the alien. Nate then heard him call it a predator. He said the predator killed it. So John now has a name to call the humanoid aliens now. John quickly walked towards the dead creature on the ground. It was obviously another alien. John saw the blood eat the ground that it fell on. It was real. Now John had two

things to worry about. He quickly checked his watch. It was four am. I guess they would have to move out. John wondered why Nate stayed on watch then get some sleep. Then John realized, he was watching the predator. He didn't fire at it because he didn't need to. John was glad he put Nate on watch, if it was any one else they would of fired and most likely killed us all in the process for the predator would of attacked back. John marched back to camp. "Good job Nate. You saved our lives tonight." John admired Nate's tactical thinking.

"Thank you sir." He said back.

   John quickly started another fire. He needed some light. The spook eyes were annoying to him. John grabbed his incinerator and made it spew a flame on the wood in the stone circle. He then grabbed some fresh wood and put it on the fire. He removed his spook eyes so he didn't get blinded looking at the fire. He saw Kelly just now wake up. He smiled to himself. With all the racket and she remained asleep. She was clearly a little dazed. John heard the others laugh lightly. She then noticed John wasn't where he was and looked around. She then saw him looking at her and smiled. "You look dazed gunny." John said.

"Yeah I was having a nice dream and then I woke up after feeling the heat of a thrower." Kelly said heavenly.

   John sat down next to the fire and heard Kelly crawl to him and laid her head on his lap. John knew if Creed or any other officer saw this he'd be in deep shit. He didn't mind Jeff and the others cause well they been through the same thing. Being chased by aliens. "Hey Nate come over here and relax. I don't think we'll be attack right now." John started and Nate joined them. "Ok we'll eat our breakfast and then move out. Still got three klicks to go." Every nodded and dug through their bags for meals ready to eat (MRE).

   Kelly was still half asleep but managed to grab a MRE. She opened it up. Took out a the box inside and bag poured in some water to heat the bag by a chemical reaction, took the food bag and water bag shoved it in the box and let it cook. Yum the smell of stale food. She pulled a small green bottle of liquid green pepper. She poured a few drops into the rice and beans. She mixed it with the fork it came with. She then began to eat. The spice helped a lot. She smiled when she realized that John loved MREs. She saw him eating it happily. He said he loved all types of food. The others asked her for her bottle. She gave it to Jason to pass around. She rubbed her hair. It was clearly in a mess. She'll fix it after she's done eating. She then realized the front of her bra was unbuckled and her shirt was partly open. The buttons unhooked when she put John's hands up her shirt. No wonder everyone wasn't talking, they were looking at her chest, except John who was busy eating. She quickly closed and buttoned her shirt. She heard every one but John moan in objection. Kelly felt a little shameful, hopefully it brought up moral a little. Then she got a funny idea. She flashed them once more and then closed her shirt shut for good. Every one laughed and she saw John saw it and laughed as well. "Nothing better then a flash to make your day." John said making a joke.

"Hey I was just bringing up moral major." Kelly smiled.
"Made my moral go up." Jason added.
"Thank you." Kelly said. Every one laughed.

   John was glad to see Kelly bringing up moral although she flashed her boobs at everyone. He didn't sweat it this time. They needed a good picture in there head after they seen that marine got sliced in half. Then John got another text message from Nate. It read: Maybe you and Kelly should find a bush and have a ride. John almost choked on his food when he read it. Good old Nate always making him laugh. It was a good idea, John wouldn't mind really. Then he realized he'd have his guard down if he did. Right now he had to keep his guard up. He still laughed though.

   Kelly could feel her sex drive cry for her to take John behind a tree or a bush. It was funny how under the possibility of death, one wanted to have sex. She ached for it, but she put it in the back of her mind. She focused on eating. She shouldn't have flashed them, it made her sex drive worse. Come on just eat. Stop thinking about getting filled. She was going crazy. She hoped the next three kilometers will go by fast. Once when she gets to that nice comfy room again, she's going to give John the ride of his life. She shook her head. Stop thinking about that! She then finally focused on eating and her mind calmed down again. Then she realized what she really wanted to eat. There she goes again.

   Kelly had to distract her self, so she walked towards her armor and began to put it on. It helped. She finally got it all on and her sex drive resided. Good.

   They were finally on the move. Jason was looking forward to the base. His chest hurt like a mother f**ker and Rick was in the same boat. Luckily they both kept up pace. Jason noticed they all wanted to be back at the base. Jason didn't have a breast plate to protect his chest from a blast from another one of those plasma balls. He didn't like the thought of it. Hopefully he wouldn't be the one to get shot again. It was hot and Jason was miserable. He wanted to be back at the base, in a med bay and hitting on the hot nurses. Chicks dig injured men, makes them all wet. Now that type of thinking brought up Jason's mood. Jason decided to think sexy thoughts to help him get over the pain and the long agonizing walk.

   Jeff was walking with the team minding his own business. He thought about his kids happily and think they just might get through this. Then saw movement and turned to face it. Then all he saw was a blue white light.

   Rick saw Jeff's head explode in violent gore and turn and fired on the distortion. The alien de-cloaked and charged him. The others turned and fired but they all were close together. The alien hit Jason in the face knocking him out and kicked Nate into a tree and then bitch slapped Kelly. Rick charged and fired at the monster but it turned and elbow him and he fell into darkness.

   John got up and faced the armored figure. It was a head taller then him. John faced it. He was wondering why it didn't kill him yet. Then it dropped into a combat stance. It wanted to fight him man to man? John saw it flick its right wrist and these long serrated blades shot out from the bracer it had on. John knew a challenge when he saw one. He drew the alien knife from his boot. It was as long as his fore arm. He inverted his grip on the knife so it pointed from the bottom of his hand. He then took a basic semper fu stance. He learned semper fu from the training in the USCMC, it was what they called their martial arts.

   The Predator took a wide swipe at John. He jumped back barely dodging the blades. John charged in and sliced a chunk of the predator's armor off. It growled at him. They circled each other. Its helmet revealed nothing about its thoughts. John realized the helmet was made triangular to strike fear into its enemies. Too bad it didn't work on John. John knew the predator was heavier then him and stronger so he had to fight defensively and precisely. He needed to get the knife into its heart or brain. Luckily he proved that the knife can cut through their mesh like armor. The predator took another swiped. John ducked and pushed off the ground slamming the point of the knife into its gut. He then twisted the knife and pulled it out. The predator screamed. Then John gave a sharp elbow to its chin making it stagger. John then charged again but the predator regained its footing and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground. It then brought its bladed arm back. Aimed the points at John's gut. John quickly took the knife and slammed the point through the front of its helmet. It cried out and dropped him. It was grabbing at the hilt of the knife. John wondered why it wasn't dead yet, clearly they could take brain damage better then humans. John quickly grabbed his pulse rifle. He then shoved the barrel threw the visor in its helmet. He squeezed the trigger. The back of its head exploded outward. John saw that its blood glowed a bright green like a glow stick. It felled over backwards. John then removed the knife and sheathed it. Then he noticed a shadow above him high up. He pumped the over under grenade launcher. Aimed upward and fired at the branch where another predator was.

   Resh quickly jumped to another tree and then another and then another, when the alpha noticed him. The branch the alpha shot exploded. Clearly the human had an explosive launcher on that weapon. Resh had mixed feelings about what happened. Ra'Tesh was dead, one of his best hunters dead. He was happy, angry, and sad all at the same time. Angry and sadness for the lost of Ra'Tesh and the happiness that the alpha male was deadly and more then capable. Resh was sure if he didn't react as fast as he did, he would have been badly injured. This alpha male is a special sort of prey. The way he moved, he never hesitated. He was cold and heartless. An efficient killer. Most humans when grabbed by the throat would feel fear but this one was different. Although his men were the same but the alpha was more intense. The way he cut Sluk-Tesh was thoughtless. Like pure instinct. Resh saw that the alpha had a powerful killing instinct. Resh also noticed that he enjoyed it too. This human was much like himself. Resh then realized that the human was like him, a predator. Resh wasn't hunting prey he was hunting a predator. A fellow hunter like himself. His skull will be the most prized for times to come. Resh knew it. Resh then realized he needed to get the other hunters to attack the human base and get the honor prey more provoked to attack the base as well. There is much to be done.

   John cursed to himself. John also knew it was the same one from last night. He didn't like the way it was playing its sick games with him. John knew this one was different from the others. It wasn't overconfident. John had a feeling that it won't be the last time he'll see him. John was confident that the predator was indeed male. John then realized he should look over his men. He was sure enough Jeff was dead. John quickly ran to Kelly. Kelly was out cold but ok. He shook her awake and then moved on to Nate. Nate was spiting drool on the ground. He was kicked in the stomach but seemed ok for he still was cursing. John checked on Rick and Jason. They both were out cold. Clearly the predator just wanted to fight him. Killed Jeff to make us jump and knock out the rest and fight me. John hated being played with. John wanted to be treated seriously, if one can come in here and catch us off guard John deserved death. John then decide to get serious if they want to play, John was going to show them not to mess with team Foxtrot. "Every one listen up!" John said strongly.

   John felt everyone look at him. "This is the last time these things are marching in here! I want all of you alert! See anything f**king move, blast it! Now lets move out!" John said harshly.

   Kelly was surprised to see John so angry. Clearly he's mad. He's right to, we were too easy. We gotten cocky and soft. Now we were paying the price for it.

This makes Fatale looks like a fruity-ass fan-fic. ;~;



Quote from: AliceApocalypse on Dec 07, 2011, 06:04:14 PM
Quote from: Master Chief on Dec 06, 2011, 08:10:57 PM
We all came from fish and we'll soon go back to being fish (It started already because I've been wanting to swim a lot lately).  Cats, however, evolved specifically from catfish.

Master Chief never lets us down  :laugh:



Space Sweeper

Space Sweeper


Omega= Unspeakable

Just went back in the chatlogs and nearly died laughing at this.

DJ Pu$$yface

DJ Pu$$yface

Quote from: Dowly on Dec 12, 2011, 07:25:28 PM
QuoteThe Town is beside the Forest, the Sewer is underneath the Town

Rebecca Black's new hit single right there.  :laugh:

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