Aliens: An Analysis

Started by Scorpio, Jan 27, 2018, 02:12:52 AM

Aliens: An Analysis (Read 49,728 times)

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: caffeine4671 on Jun 25, 2023, 04:28:07 PM
Quote from: Necronomicon II on Jun 25, 2023, 03:16:27 AMNo what leaked into the floor contained fluids/discharge, which eventually formed into those creamy iggs 🥚🥚🥚. However I changed my view re the egg(s) on the sulaco to it being a hypersleep nightmare mixed with literal events lol

Fair enough! Would've been pretty easy to implement with a view insert shots of a bubbly-giger substance but the people doing the reshoots and adding the eggs never bothered.

Quote from: Local Trouble on May 03, 2023, 04:34:19 AMChatGPT has written it all out:


Ripley, inside the Power Loader exoskeleton, battles the furious Queen Alien. The Queen, having torn herself free from her egg sac, has a gaping wound in her abdomen, with her innards partially exposed.

As the intense fight continues, a microscopic, undeveloped egg is unknowingly dislodged from the Queen's abdominal cavity. It drops onto the grated floor, virtually invisible to the naked eye, appearing as nothing more than a tiny, harmless blob of slime.


The minuscule, slimy egg slips through the grates and sticks to the subflooring beneath the hangar bay. There, hidden from sight, it slowly starts to congeal and take root. The resilient Xenomorph life form begins its development process, growing and expanding as it clings to the floor.


Ripley, still engaged in her life-or-death struggle with the Queen, manages to open the airlock. The vacuum of space sucks the Queen Alien out of the Sulaco, leaving Ripley victorious but completely unaware of the danger that remains hidden on the ship.


The once-microscopic egg has grown to full size, pulsating with life. Unseen by the crew and still attached to the subflooring, the egg awaits its opportunity to unleash the next Xenomorph nightmare.

As the Sulaco continues its journey, the egg senses the presence of potential hosts nearby. It slowly opens, revealing the Facehugger within, poised to strike.




Quote from: Local Trouble on Jun 25, 2023, 04:40:33 PM
Quote from: caffeine4671 on Jun 25, 2023, 04:28:07 PM
Quote from: Necronomicon II on Jun 25, 2023, 03:16:27 AMNo what leaked into the floor contained fluids/discharge, which eventually formed into those creamy iggs 🥚🥚🥚. However I changed my view re the egg(s) on the sulaco to it being a hypersleep nightmare mixed with literal events lol

Fair enough! Would've been pretty easy to implement with a view insert shots of a bubbly-giger substance but the people doing the reshoots and adding the eggs never bothered.

Quote from: Local Trouble on May 03, 2023, 04:34:19 AMChatGPT has written it all out:


Ripley, inside the Power Loader exoskeleton, battles the furious Queen Alien. The Queen, having torn herself free from her egg sac, has a gaping wound in her abdomen, with her innards partially exposed.

As the intense fight continues, a microscopic, undeveloped egg is unknowingly dislodged from the Queen's abdominal cavity. It drops onto the grated floor, virtually invisible to the naked eye, appearing as nothing more than a tiny, harmless blob of slime.


The minuscule, slimy egg slips through the grates and sticks to the subflooring beneath the hangar bay. There, hidden from sight, it slowly starts to congeal and take root. The resilient Xenomorph life form begins its development process, growing and expanding as it clings to the floor.


Ripley, still engaged in her life-or-death struggle with the Queen, manages to open the airlock. The vacuum of space sucks the Queen Alien out of the Sulaco, leaving Ripley victorious but completely unaware of the danger that remains hidden on the ship.


The once-microscopic egg has grown to full size, pulsating with life. Unseen by the crew and still attached to the subflooring, the egg awaits its opportunity to unleash the next Xenomorph nightmare.

As the Sulaco continues its journey, the egg senses the presence of potential hosts nearby. It slowly opens, revealing the Facehugger within, poised to strike.


The filmmakers would have a bit more work cut out for them. I meant more like a simple insert shot of something /like/ that, but involving the lower half of bishop, combined with shots of it dripping into the subflooring.

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: caffeine4671 on Jun 25, 2023, 04:43:34 PMThe filmmakers would have a bit more work cut out for them. I meant more like a simple insert shot of something /like/ that, but involving the lower half of bishop, combined with shots of it dripping into the subflooring.

Like this?


The lower half of BISHOP'S BODY lies in eerie stillness on the cold metal floor. A long trail of WHITE SLIME extends from the body, disappearing into the grating beneath.



Beneath the grating, the slime has congealed and adhered to a SUPPORT STRUT. The slime is no longer just slime - it's pulsating, transforming.


A barely perceptible movement within the pulsating mass. The slimy substance trembles, reshaping into the unmistakable form of an ALIEN EGG. It grows, fueled by unseen energy, already half as tall as the strut it clings to.




Quote from: Local Trouble on Jun 25, 2023, 07:16:46 PM
Quote from: caffeine4671 on Jun 25, 2023, 04:43:34 PMThe filmmakers would have a bit more work cut out for them. I meant more like a simple insert shot of something /like/ that, but involving the lower half of bishop, combined with shots of it dripping into the subflooring.

Like this?


The lower half of BISHOP'S BODY lies in eerie stillness on the cold metal floor. A long trail of WHITE SLIME extends from the body, disappearing into the grating beneath.



Beneath the grating, the slime has congealed and adhered to a SUPPORT STRUT. The slime is no longer just slime - it's pulsating, transforming.


A barely perceptible movement within the pulsating mass. The slimy substance trembles, reshaping into the unmistakable form of an ALIEN EGG. It grows, fueled by unseen energy, already half as tall as the strut it clings to.


That's more like it.

You'd have to work the tail-payload-delivery into the script, like regular xenomorphs being able to inject the black mutagen into victims, and queens being able to create 'royal' mutagenic spores from their tail when there's no egg sacs. Not quite a terrible survival mechanism actually, as a royal spore would guarantee an neuter alien warrior and a female alien queen to quickly regenerate a hive. And even if the queen died, the xenomorph could eventually generate enough eggs to bring forth a new queen down the line.

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Still so much we don't know about their ecology. Bees, man.



Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Engineer on Jun 19, 2023, 10:51:12 PM
Quote from: City Hunter Yautja on Jun 19, 2023, 07:11:04 PMIs there armor in the Aliens verse that would be resistant to the acidic blood of Xenomorphs? I am thinking of MJOLINER armor for the colonial marines.
There were in some EU materials...
Aliens Genocide is the first thing that comes to mind...

The Labyrinth prologue too. Splashback?



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 26, 2023, 02:41:53 PM
Quote from: Engineer on Jun 19, 2023, 10:51:12 PM
Quote from: City Hunter Yautja on Jun 19, 2023, 07:11:04 PMIs there armor in the Aliens verse that would be resistant to the acidic blood of Xenomorphs? I am thinking of MJOLINER armor for the colonial marines.
There were in some EU materials...
Aliens Genocide is the first thing that comes to mind...

The Labyrinth prologue too. Splashback?
Splashback is the name!!
Good call on that one!



Quote from: Necronomicon II on Jun 26, 2023, 05:12:18 AMStill so much we don't know about their ecology. Bees, man.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 26, 2023, 02:41:53 PM
Quote from: Engineer on Jun 19, 2023, 10:51:12 PM
Quote from: City Hunter Yautja on Jun 19, 2023, 07:11:04 PMIs there armor in the Aliens verse that would be resistant to the acidic blood of Xenomorphs? I am thinking of MJOLINER armor for the colonial marines.
There were in some EU materials...
Aliens Genocide is the first thing that comes to mind...

The Labyrinth prologue too. Splashback?

Small correction. It's "backsplash" not "splashback" lol close enough

Necronomicon II

Necronomicon II

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 26, 2023, 02:41:53 PM
Quote from: Engineer on Jun 19, 2023, 10:51:12 PM
Quote from: City Hunter Yautja on Jun 19, 2023, 07:11:04 PMIs there armor in the Aliens verse that would be resistant to the acidic blood of Xenomorphs? I am thinking of MJOLINER armor for the colonial marines.
There were in some EU materials...
Aliens Genocide is the first thing that comes to mind...

The Labyrinth prologue too. Splashback?

I'm generally pretty harsh on the EU but I quite enjoyed Labyrinth. I'm due for another dip.



Labyrinth was nightmare fuel for me as a kid, I don't blame you. Well-written story that was.

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

What happened to ralfy?  Did SiL finally vanquish him?



Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 02, 2023, 10:19:31 PMWhat happened to ralfy?  Did SiL finally vanquish him?

ralfy... ralfy... nope, doesn't ring a bell... 🤔 #dreamsequence



Quote from: Acid_Reign161 on Jul 02, 2023, 11:49:00 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 02, 2023, 10:19:31 PMWhat happened to ralfy?  Did SiL finally vanquish him?

ralfy... ralfy...

three more times



Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 02, 2023, 10:19:31 PMWhat happened to ralfy?  Did SiL finally vanquish him?
See "demoralized" gif above



Quote from: kwisatz on Jul 03, 2023, 12:07:02 AM
Quote from: Acid_Reign161 on Jul 02, 2023, 11:49:00 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 02, 2023, 10:19:31 PMWhat happened to ralfy?  Did SiL finally vanquish him?

ralfy... ralfy...

three more times

I put them on ignore because they give the same wrong arguments each time. It's worse for Local Trouble, who has resorted to trolling, and I don't think he'll stop doing that.

In your case, if you post a new point about the issue that I can consider, then let me know. As far as I'm concerned, I've dealt with the topic considerably:

There's character contradiction when it comes to Ripley, who knows that the only evidence she has to prove her story is the location of the landing ship, but she raises it only after she's sentenced. She adds to that by not questioning van Leuwen's ridiculous excuse for not investigating the location.

Burke is obviously not working alone for multiple reasons: the company and government has a significant background in investigating and monetizing such findings, and the evidence is spread out in the dialogue of two movies; the claim that he wants all of the earnings from himself makes no sense as the government has full surface rights to the rock (and the company mining rights); resorting to authority of the author (Cameron says so) makes no sense because the two movies show otherwise, and doing so makes this thread pointless. That's basically it.

The point about Bishop looks intriguing: according to one manual, he's supposed to work for the Marines, but according to the movie, he gets his orders from Burke. If both company and government work together (one to monetize findings and the other to gain from development of those findings into weaponry and other tech), then that's probably not a contradiction.

I was going to say that he could have accomplished that had Burke not released the facehuggers, but I just remembered that he had to leave to align the antenna before that happened, so he never did. In which case, following the possibility that W-Y creates such synths to serve their (company and government) interests, as seen in Ash, then one wonders if there was something that he did off-camera to do so, even with behavioral inhibitors in place.

Some more points in light of that:

The whole mission makes no sense if you think about it in light of that singular goal, which is to retrieve alien organisms and technology. As Ripley points out, Burke would have never been to get them past quarantine, and as revealed in the movie, there are risks in trying to smuggle them by infecting human beings. In which case, what could he have done? Let's consider that and include the point that Ripley doesn't ignore the single piece of evidence mentioned earlier.

In this case, the board would have suspended the hearing given Ripley's insistence that she be considered innocent until proven guilty (i.e., her story might be true) and call for an investigation of the landing location. One can consider some internal struggle in her, as she realizes that that investigation would prove her story but would also allow the company and government to discover and monetize alien tech, but at the same time she's helpless because they would do so whether she insisted on it or not.

They mistakenly send a wildcatter because he's the only one available, and goes against protocol by entering the ship and becomes infected. Everything else seen in the movie follows except Ripley's sentencing, and she's now approached by Burke and Gorman, who asks for her help. Realizing that she's partly at fault, she agrees to accompany them, but insists on assurance that they will destroy the alien ship and all organisms, even though she knows that they won't. She figures that if she comes along, she might find a way to stop them.

In this case, we can figure out that Burke, Gorman, and Bishop know the real purpose of the mission, with Gorman given the instruction of rescuing survivors while letting Burke and Bishop work independently. From there, we can only imagine that Burke has a way to smuggle the aliens pass quarantine, but could no longer do so with Bishop leaving them to fix the antenna and all of them trapped. Given that, the rest of the movie follows, with Burke acting in desperation and trying to have Ripley and Newt infected, etc.

This leaves us with one more question: why the rush? The government has full surface rights, which means the alien ship belongs to them. They can only access it with the help of the company which operates the colony facilities, and only the same company can develop bioweapons, etc., from the tech, so both of them aren't competing with each other, and there's no other competition, except maybe from factions depicted in other works. And since the colony has never discovered the alien ship after two decades of operations, it's very likely they never would.

In which case, send several teams of techs and soldiers and secure the landing location, with the colony acting as a command base.

Now, that would be a very interesting compu--- I mean movie. ;D

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