Scott: We are going to make another Alien movie

Started by 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯, Dec 04, 2017, 05:54:38 PM

Scott: We are going to make another Alien movie (Read 252,510 times)


Quote from: 0321recon on Dec 05, 2017, 03:26:28 AM
Quote from: DerelictShip on Dec 05, 2017, 03:10:26 AM
Honestly I would have rather had been left waiting until the third prequel film to see an Alien. I think the first two prequel films would have been accepted way more if they had not forced the Alien into it, and instead let it just progress. I think that's what Scott wanted but FOX forced him to do otherwise.

Imagine if they had followed that route and then we finally see the Alien in this next installment, people would be ecstatic, I feel pumped up just thinking about that...but of course none of that happened...

That's how imagined the prequel trilogy ending with David and Shaw discovering the engineers created the Xenos as dark angels to clean up unruly worlds. An engineer having pity on them helps them escape from a swarm of xenos unleashed by the ruling engineers when a queen facehugger attacks the engineer, and impregnates him. They escape on the juggernaut though in the process, he chestbursts and crashes on LV-426 fatally wounding Shaw and destroying David akin to Bishop in Alien3. The last thing Shaw does is sends the warning that is found in Alien. Though, like you said, that's not what we got.  :'(
And thank goodness for that.

Quote from: windebieste on Dec 05, 2017, 04:10:52 AM
2 more movies?  Easy.  Especially if the next ALIEN movie embraces firepower vs an infestation controlled by an AI.  If it works out, a 2nd movie is all but guaranteed. 

Scott's idea of Epic expands well beyond what some fans comprehend.  There are some really short sighted people in this community that border on bigotry in the form of 'Cameronism' and can't see beyond 1986.  They need to move on. 

Think of it this way.  'PROMETHEUS' was a prelude. It has all the qualities of one.  It lays the basic grounding for upcoming chapters.  It introduces themes and elements that will have greater significance in later installments.  'ALIEN: Covenant' is Chapter One.  It has all the strengths and weaknesses of a first chapter.  It brings the major character into play, sets up the major narrative situation and has an obvious lead into...

You guessed it... Chapter Two.  Of course we know nothing about the next movie but who ever heard of any work that just finished at the end of Chapter Two..?  Chapters Three and Four are definitely on the cards.  Maybe 'ALIEN' will ultimately serve as an epilogue?  Who knows..?

No one here does.  That's the only certainty at the moment - but these movies are definitely part of a much greater Whole - and we've only seen the first 2 parts.  It's not possible to judge what the entire finished Epic will be like.  No one here is in a position to make claims but simply saying 'We need to return to old school 'ALIEN' and 'ALIENS' is only part of the answer.

And honestly, that's not how modern popular cinema works any more. 

Not sure about that. After the underperformance of Covenant I wouldn't be surprised if this next one was the last one.

Quote from: skhellter on Dec 05, 2017, 05:57:26 AM
The next film needs to clean up and finish the David plot.

It most likely wont do very well at the box office.

There's no central shared hero character to these prequels
and killing Daniels off will most likely just lead
to people giving even less of a f**k about the next film.
That just depends on how you market it. If you tell people to root for the mad android in the movie, they probably will, but if you set the movie (but more importantly the marketing for the movie) up to be a more generic alien movie with a female lead etc. then people will have their expectations betrayed.


Quote from: SM on Dec 05, 2017, 01:12:18 AM
They made Prometheus and people say 'Where are the Aliens?'
They made Covenant and people say 'Where are the Engineers?'

1. I and a lot of other fans completely didn't mind lack of Aliens in Prometheus. That wasn't the issue. Its story was weak and unconvincing.
2. Covenant is sequel to Prometheus and people who watched Prometheus knew that Shaw and David were heading towards Engineers' planet. Question where are the Engineers? is on the spot. Don't see anything wrong with it because originally it was planned to be story of Shaw and David. Like she says at the end: My name is Elizabeth Shaw, last survivor of the Prometheus, and I'm still searching. That's the clear message to the viewer that next movie is gonna be about her and perhaps Engineers. It's kinda logical.

Prometheus and Covenant are decent movies thanks to their execution but not story-wise.

PS. Another reason how weak Covenant's story is is the fact that survivors don't ask question like: what is this place? who were those being? Sure, they ask question like: is it safe here? but that's all. Seriously? Walter as only synthetic who is responsible for the crew doesn't even ask that question when he meets with David for the first time (flute scene). Even Oram as captain doesn't ask David about it. None. Null. Zero. It's not nitpicking. It should have been addressed in very convincing way. But it wasn't. The drama factor is completely gone. It's just one example of bad writing in those two movies.


Quote from: Ingwar on Dec 05, 2017, 12:09:15 PM
Quote from: SM on Dec 05, 2017, 01:12:18 AM
They made Prometheus and people say 'Where are the Aliens?'
They made Covenant and people say 'Where are the Engineers?'

1. I and a lot of other fans completely didn't mind lack of Aliens in Prometheus. That wasn't the issue. Its story was weak and unconvincing.
2. Covenant is sequel to Prometheus and people who watched Prometheus knew that Shaw and David were heading towards Engineers' planet. Question where are the Engineers? is on the spot. Don't see anything wrong with it because originally it was planned to be story of Shaw and David. Like she says at the end: My name is Elizabeth Shaw, last survivor of the Prometheus, and I'm still searching. That's the clear message to the viewer that next movie is gonna be about her and perhaps Engineers. It's kinda logical.

Prometheus and Covenant are decent movies thanks to their execution but not story-wise.

PS. Another reason how weak Covenant's story is is the fact that survivors don't ask question like: what is this place? who were those being? Sure, they ask question like: is it safe here? but that's all. Seriously? Walter as only synthetic who is responsible for the crew doesn't even ask that question when he meets with David for the first time (flute scene). Even Oram as captain doesn't ask David about it. None. Null. Zero. It's not nitpicking. It should have been addressed in very convincing way. But it wasn't. The drama factor is completely gone. It's just one example of bad writing in those two movies.

I agree with you, but funnily enough they sort of act this way in Alien. I think Dallas even say's "Alien life form, been dead a long time"... almost like it's not a surprise its an Alien.

One other thing I noticed whilst trying to identify what Scott did well with Alien was the silence. There are a lot of scenes with just sound effects or very faint instruments and it really draws you into the scene.

Such a classic. I guess we should be grateful he made such a masterpiece.


Everyone knows Ridley says a lot of things, many of which turn out to be inaccurate. He speaks honestly (which is refreshing) but very much in the moment. This is why he ends up contradicting himself so often.

And of course the Alien would be in it, hes referring to the focus of the story being AI which is no difference from the previous two movies.

The important part for me is Ridley saying they are making another. Thank god, I cant wait to see it. Just don't take too long about.


f**kin Ridley Scott. Another "muh David" pseudo-intellectual shitfest.

I'll pass.



Would rather a "psuedointellectual shitfest" that aimed for the stars than a "Muh Newt!" "Muh Hicks!" "Muh pulse rifles!" 'Member? CRINGE!                                                                           A deranged, Wagner loving A.I. pouring his/its twisted psychosexuality into creatures via ancient alien technology has so much potential and I think Scott should go for it. We've already seen the perfect Alien film and its excellent sequel already, time for something else.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Can we give up with this "muh" whatever crap? It's getting particularly tiresome.



I said before but the point still stands:

I'll be glad when The David arch is over and fox has to put out a statement that none the prequels are canon but Ridleys opinions of things. Because if you want the franchise to have any long term viability, that's what's going to have to happen. The parallels between this and the stars Wars prequels is uncanny. Fox seeks out original director of a popular franchise to make prequels. First film comes out and is at best considered divisive among fans. Second film comes out and is probably the lowpoint in the series.
      We've yet to see what episode 3 will be but it can't be worse than 2. And like Lucas, rather than take responsibility for the poor direction of his prequels, scott doubles down and blames the alien by saying the beast is cooked. Wouldn't shock me if scott comes out and attacks fans here shortly for not understanding his vision.
     But alien isn't Star Wars. Star Wars despite disappointing prequels was still immensely popular. Alien as a franchise has lost a lot of mindshare and I fear if scott is not reigned in will do more permanent damage to a franchise that fox may not be willing to invest in to repair. The jedis using midichlorians was dumb and upset fans but didn't retcon all Star Wars lore.
     David creating the xenomorph is a dangerous retcon for this series because the alien is the main draw. It's not what fans wanted and it erases 20 years of fan theory's and expanded universe ideas because it was all predicated on the idea that the engineers/space jockey made the alien, not a damn robot. It's origin should be somewhat ambiguous because it's an alien! It's supposed to be a mystery. Star Wars could shake off small retcons like that because it has so much going on, alien not so much.
     Fox can't be thrilled that guy they gave the key to the kingdom to is out there saying the beast is cooked. My guess is they have blomkamp on speed dial and praying Ridley steps in it again. Disney save us.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 05, 2017, 08:27:03 AM
I hope they didn't. While I may really enjoy David, I do think Scott has wasted the potential of the Engineers/Jockeys with Prometheus and Covenant. I hope there are some out there somewhere, for someone with more interest to play with. I think Scott might be more at home making Blade Runner films.

i wonder how ridley scott handled all the good press about br2049 and that villeneuve had done a better job


If the fan theories and expanded universe ideas were all proved wrong I see that as a good thing.

He hasn't retconed anything because those things were only theories in the first place. The more Ridley subverts expectations the better because most of those theories were all lame anyway.


Can we also stop generalizing people if they don't like where this prequel series is going? If someone speaks against it they're automatically said to be a drone who wants pulse rifles and aliens


Quote from: Jonesy1974 on Dec 05, 2017, 04:05:49 PM
If the fan theories and expanded universe ideas were all proved wrong I see that as a good thing.

He hasn't retconed anything because those things were only theories in the first place. The more Ridley subverts expectations the better because most of those theories were all lame anyway.

Try to tell that to the fans. That's why were having outcry with Covenant.

Quote from: Whos_Nick on Dec 05, 2017, 04:16:48 PM
Can we also stop generalizing people if they don't like where this prequel series is going? If someone speaks against it they're automatically said to be a drone who wants pulse rifles and aliens

You have a point, though they're some who might be in the vocal minority that criticize the series that automatically bring up that up. Read through various comment sections on movie webpages or Facebook itself and those comments pop out.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 05, 2017, 08:27:03 AM
"While it's unclear if these particular comments came during principal photography on All The Money In the World or during the recent reshoots..."

I think it's from the same interview that EW conducted with Scott about two weeks ago during the re-shoots. So reasonably fresh.

Does Fox know Ridley is planning to do another Alien movie yet?  :laugh:



Quote from: trilobite on Dec 05, 2017, 04:00:09 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 05, 2017, 08:27:03 AM
I hope they didn't. While I may really enjoy David, I do think Scott has wasted the potential of the Engineers/Jockeys with Prometheus and Covenant. I hope there are some out there somewhere, for someone with more interest to play with. I think Scott might be more at home making Blade Runner films.

i wonder how ridley scott handled all the good press about br2049 and that villeneuve had done a better job

I doubt Ridley Scott read the press about br2049 and denis. And remember Ridley is so busy: he was working in 3 films at the same time.

Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 05, 2017, 04:37:15 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 05, 2017, 08:27:03 AM
"While it's unclear if these particular comments came during principal photography on All The Money In the World or during the recent reshoots..."

I think it's from the same interview that EW conducted with Scott about two weeks ago during the re-shoots. So reasonably fresh.

Does Fox know Ridley is planning to do another Alien movie yet?  :laugh:

FOX knows. Remember Stacey Snider from FOX talked about a possible and new ALIEN film by Ridley Scott.

Even if Disney bought FOX with 60 Billion USD nobody is losing their jobs. I just read the article: Disney ISN'T firing anyone and is one of the conditions for the merger.

Denton Smalls

Kind of curious about this.

It's clear Ridley doesn't have the same passion for the creature itself anymore, so I would personally prefer the next Alien film featuring the xenomorph be directed by someone with more love for the monster.

That said, Ridley earned the right to finish his story on his terms, so I welcome the opportunity to see what sounds like a truer sequel to Prometheus, which I think is what Ridley originally wanted Covenant to be.

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