Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 324,532 times)



Quote from: RagingDragon on Jul 07, 2012, 01:32:34 AM
^ Does that mean Charlize herself, or the film in general?

If it's Charlize, I don't think her death was necessarily what hurt the film, though it did seem almost pointless, as if they threw it in as a last-minute addition.  At the point she dies, there wasn't much more for her to do anyway, unless they set up some great fight scene with her, Shaw, and the Engineer.  It would've taken more exploration of her character and emotional situations that forced her to make decisions before the collision, imo.

They had some great scenes with her, but along with the rest of the movie, it just went too damned fast for much to be able to happen.

According to Ridley, the film is Oscar-worthy as it stands.  Millions of dollars must simulate the effects of mad cocaine very closely. :laugh:

How would a scene with Vickers and the Engineer go? I'm not sure she would've understood the significance of who is standing before her.



Could have made it a longer fight scene

Tough little S.O.B.

Tough little S.O.B.

That must be one of the worse movies I ever seen....



Now I know a lot of people are really disappointed by this film and too be honest it wasn't that bad, however it is bad compared to what we were all expecting it to be. Our expectations were just a little too high. Yes I realize the movie came out a month ago but I still felt I needed to way in.



Quote from: delsaber8 on Jul 09, 2012, 08:04:04 AM
Now I know a lot of people are really disappointed by this film and too be honest it wasn't that bad, however it is bad compared to what we were all expecting it to be. Our expectations were just a little too high. Yes I realize the movie came out a month ago but I still felt I needed to way in.

I agree. I think people just hyped it up way too much before it was actually released. And of course there's things to pick apart, but I feel like people's disappointment drives them to really dwell on it. It was a good, not great movie with interesting ideas that didn't pan out, and I don't think it deserves all the hate people heep on it.

Tough little S.O.B.

Tough little S.O.B.

The movie sucks big time:

WARNING, SOME SPOILERS (I have no idea of how to hide them. Sorry)

- So maybe the most expensive and important mision ever hires a bunch of stupids with no use, and they are only briefed once they arrive at the destination. This reminds me of Aliens: that briefing moment with the marines, with them not listening to Ripley, and her explaining so vaguely what happened, always made me unconfortable... but at least it was funny and they had the files with all Ripley testimonial etc. and some how, created tension and explained lots of the characters personalities.

In prometheus, is just...shit.

-They just happen to land NEXT to the silo that has the suposedly only living engineer? Where all the shit started? really?

- The giant squid....I mean...really? thats the legacy of prometheus? A GIANT SQUID??? I cant believe it...

-  the Scene on the med pod is fantastic, but all this suffer for showing a CALAMARI??? And after all the trauma Shaw and pain and everything she goes trough, pam! Weyland enters the scene and all is forgoten. " Oh sorry I just had a mini squid its somewhere int eh med room, but well, lets just forget it..."

- The whole weiland sub plot is weak, dumb, nonsense and just an excuse for making them go back to the damm silo....

- The stupid snake scene: Pot, stupid people doing stupid nonsense things in a place they didnt wanted to go on the first time but they get lost etc etc....who I am, a Transformers fan that you can feed me any kind of shit??

- Wich are the motives for them to suicide crashing into the juggernaut? Maybe, if only Janek does it, I can start to think about believing it, but the other two? Actually, there is one guy I havnt even seen him in the entire movie, and sudenly, he decides to sacrifice himself, and I have to belive it, and feel empathy??

- Fasbender is amazing doing David. But why david does what he does? Why they dont explain it? we just have to have faith? whats that, the Bible?

- What is the black goo thing? It just acts randomly and creates mutant monkeys or snake worms, or some-thing-that-if-you-f**k-your-girlfriend-will-make-her-have-a-stupid-squid-even-she-is-not-able-to-get-pregnant?

is there any logic in all that or is just for the sake of it?

- Who cares about fifield getting mutated and killing people that you dont know there the f**k they come from? whats the point of it all?

- Why the engineer gets all homicide with everyone? I mean, why not explaining it?

- What hapened to the engineers? why not showing it? It hapened only in that silo or also in all the others?

-The storm is one of the most stupid and lame mcguffins in modern cinema history. Actually the whole movie is an anoying succesion of horrible and lame mcguffins...

- Whats the point of killing vikers in such an stupid fashion just after she survived the crash?

etc etc etc etc etc , the list is just infinite...

and yes, you can read blogs about theories and interpretations and some can make sense...but because its all so open and unclear that you can make one milion versions of it, so much, that is just plain boring and nonsense.

Everything feels like they actualy filmed a passable movie (nothing too amazing, and with some really shity actors and shity monsters and some shity script) , but they cut like 2 hours of it and gave the editing to a drunk  monkey....

I hope is it and someday we see a directors cut that, at least, makes a little sense...

I hate AVP and AVP2 but if you separate them from the Alien world, they can be a plain stupid sunday movie.....prometheus is not even close to that. Prometheus is a nonsense of colosal proportions....

I just dont get it...

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: evfanjake on Jul 09, 2012, 08:29:11 AM
Quote from: delsaber8 on Jul 09, 2012, 08:04:04 AM
Now I know a lot of people are really disappointed by this film and too be honest it wasn't that bad, however it is bad compared to what we were all expecting it to be. Our expectations were just a little too high. Yes I realize the movie came out a month ago but I still felt I needed to way in.

I agree. I think people just hyped it up way too much before it was actually released. And of course there's things to pick apart, but I feel like people's disappointment drives them to really dwell on it. It was a good, not great movie with interesting ideas that didn't pan out, and I don't think it deserves all the hate people heep on it.
Expectations were high, it was hyped by fans... but I think Fox have to take most of accoutabilty for the overall hype. It was clear from the first trailer that this was going to be an Alien origin story (of sorts) and that type of connection (although downplayed by Scott) was always going to excite the fan community. It's difficult to know what the alternative would be other than making a film completly dissasociated from the Alien universe, or having a prequel with loads of eggs, facehuggers and xenos running about etc. Prometheus is a hybrid of the two... neither a true Alien moive, nor a true standalone movie... but one most guaranteed to create fresh appeal with the least risk to the financials... a no brainer from a business perspective.

Anonymous User

Anonymous User

Quote from: Tough little S.O.B. on Jul 09, 2012, 10:29:47 AMI hope is it and someday we see a directors cut that, at least, makes a little sense...

Director cut can only be good if the script was originally good and they mess up at editing stage. But if the script is rubbish, then any cut won't do any good unless you rewrite the script and re-shoot the missing scenes or modify already shot scenes. In that case, it is probably called a reboot than a director cut.



Quote from: Anonymous User on Jul 09, 2012, 10:47:20 AM
Quote from: Tough little S.O.B. on Jul 09, 2012, 10:29:47 AMI hope is it and someday we see a directors cut that, at least, makes a little sense...

Director cut can only be good if the script was originally good and they mess up at editing stage. But if the script is rubbish, then any cut won't do any good unless you rewrite the script and re-shoot the missing scenes or modify already shot scenes. In that case, it is probably called a reboot than a director cut.
It may still clear up some plot holes and answer some questions people are asking.



Quote from: Darth Vile on Jul 09, 2012, 10:40:54 AM
Quote from: evfanjake on Jul 09, 2012, 08:29:11 AM
Quote from: delsaber8 on Jul 09, 2012, 08:04:04 AM
Now I know a lot of people are really disappointed by this film and too be honest it wasn't that bad, however it is bad compared to what we were all expecting it to be. Our expectations were just a little too high. Yes I realize the movie came out a month ago but I still felt I needed to way in.

I agree. I think people just hyped it up way too much before it was actually released. And of course there's things to pick apart, but I feel like people's disappointment drives them to really dwell on it. It was a good, not great movie with interesting ideas that didn't pan out, and I don't think it deserves all the hate people heep on it.
Expectations were high, it was hyped by fans... but I think Fox have to take most of accoutabilty for the overall hype. It was clear from the first trailer that this was going to be an Alien origin story (of sorts) and that type of connection (although downplayed by Scott) was always going to excite the fan community. It's difficult to know what the alternative would be other than making a film completly dissasociated from the Alien universe, or having a prequel with loads of eggs, facehuggers and xenos running about etc. Prometheus is a hybrid of the two... neither a true Alien moive, nor a true standalone movie... but one most guaranteed to create fresh appeal with the least risk to the financials... a no brainer from a business perspective.

I see what you're saying, and it definitely makes sense. What I meant is that people, after seeing the trailer, filled in the gaps in their head with all sorts of awesome things, and when it's underwhelming, it just feels really disappointing. Disclaimer, I'm not saying that all people who dislike the movie are like that; just how the attitude can effect people. It's why I'm glad I avoided most of the trailers, lol.



Remember too, we're talking about the Alien fanbase. We are perhaps the most stuck-up group of film fans outside of Marvel and DC fans. If anything doesn't jive with us, some of us go absolutely batshit crazy and declare someone or something as lousy in every sense of the word.



Judging by the topics, I'm beginning to see that, haha. XD I can see how that would happen though! When one (or two, depending on who you ask) of your franchise's films are among the best of all time, there is a certain amount of pride in that. And when you have such high benchmarks, it's hard not to be disappointed!

Ya'll aren't too stuck up, though.  :) The poll has a lot of 4/5 votes, though, which is what I gave it.

Tough little S.O.B.

Tough little S.O.B.

Seems that in this forum you are only entitled to like (even if its only a little) the movie. If you hate it, find it absolutely nonsense and stupid and you say it, people jumps all over you.

For me this movie is 99% rubbish, and don't need to compared to other Alien movies for it to be.

People like to discuss about how much they liked it, or about what they loved on it, or about the unanswered amazing questions etc. but when you try to discuss how bad it is, how few things can be saved of it, and how nonsense all this unanswered questions are, people goes all crazy and say that we are killing this forum etc. Well..., its just a forum, not your group of best friends. (and if you people feel like that, better get a life...). So you shouldn't take anything you read here too seriously, and if the forum becomes boring, move on, no big deal. Its like geting upset over facebook....c'mon...

Me, and I think some of the rest of others that didn't liked the movie a bit, just want to talk and discuss it and maybe, luckily, find reasons for not hating it so much. But well, if our criticism is not welcome, we will just lose our spare time somewhere else. 

I loved all the anticipation, theories, leaks, etc. during the last months (its been the best part of the movie actually) but well, its clear that now all this is gone. Even people that says they liked it, its pretty clear that they are not really exited about it.


Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: Tough little S.O.B. on Jul 10, 2012, 05:54:48 AM
Seems that in this forum you are only entitled to like (even if its only a little) the movie. If you hate it, find it absolutely nonsense and stupid and you say it, people jumps all over you.

For me this movie is 99% rubbish, and don't need to compared to other Alien movies for it to be.

People like to discuss about how much they liked it, or about what they loved on it, or about the unanswered amazing questions etc. but when you try to discuss how bad it is, how few things can be saved of it, and how nonsense all this unanswered questions are, people goes all crazy and say that we are killing this forum etc. Well..., its just a forum, not your group of best friends. (and if you people feel like that, better get a life...). So you shouldn't take anything you read here too seriously, and if the forum becomes boring, move on, no big deal. Its like geting upset over facebook....c'mon...

Me, and I think some of the rest of others that didn't liked the movie a bit, just want to talk and discuss it and maybe, luckily, find reasons for not hating it so much. But well, if our criticism is not welcome, we will just lose our spare time somewhere else. 

I loved all the anticipation, theories, leaks, etc. during the last months (its been the best part of the movie actually) but well, its clear that now all this is gone. Even people that says they liked it, its pretty clear that they are not really exited about it.

I think it's about perspective. I think it's about recognising that most people actually seem to like it. Having that understanding gives us a better baseline to discuss its flaws and merits.



Quote from: Tough little S.O.B. on Jul 10, 2012, 05:54:48 AM
Seems that in this forum you are only entitled to like (even if its only a little) the movie. If you hate it, find it absolutely nonsense and stupid and you say it, people jumps all over you.

For me this movie is 99% rubbish, and don't need to compared to other Alien movies for it to be.

People like to discuss about how much they liked it, or about what they loved on it, or about the unanswered amazing questions etc. but when you try to discuss how bad it is, how few things can be saved of it, and how nonsense all this unanswered questions are, people goes all crazy and say that we are killing this forum etc. Well..., its just a forum, not your group of best friends. (and if you people feel like that, better get a life...). So you shouldn't take anything you read here too seriously, and if the forum becomes boring, move on, no big deal. Its like geting upset over facebook....c'mon...

Me, and I think some of the rest of others that didn't liked the movie a bit, just want to talk and discuss it and maybe, luckily, find reasons for not hating it so much. But well, if our criticism is not welcome, we will just lose our spare time somewhere else. 

I loved all the anticipation, theories, leaks, etc. during the last months (its been the best part of the movie actually) but well, its clear that now all this is gone. Even people that says they liked it, its pretty clear that they are not really exited about it.


As a mod, it pains me to hear you say that. Is there anyone in particular that's harassing you?

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