NECA has announced today that a series of special Aliens 2-Packs will be arriving to stores in the coming months. Three different ALIEN 2 packs will be released this year, the newest one being the “Genocide” Aliens 2-Pack which was inspired by the ’90s Dark Horse comic book series. The other Aliens 2-Pack include Hicks vs Warrior and Hudson vs Warrior. Further information about NECA’s upcoming Alien releases for this year can be found after the cut.
They even put the Canada flag on his arm!
something got autocorrected into liar
not sure what i originally meant to put
I mean firstly I didn't present what I said as a fact, secondly when it comes to news SSF is a little more reliable/up to date than we are most of the time since that board is specifically meant for figures and the like.
If they're wrong though I don't mind because it just means more colonist fodder.
It's in necas calendar for 6/16
Meaning we can get it from tru around then, and necas eBay a few days earlier
I am thinking the new marine is drake just my guess and I'd hope the sdcc is burke
I actually heard on another forum that the lost wave was cancelled due to a lack of pre-orders. From what I've seen though in my local stores the Aliens themed stuff goes fastest and Alien 3 went the second fastest. Prometheus stuff moved the slowest by far, they had the engineers on the shelf when I worked there in a seasonal spot in 2014.
I'm worried that the X Club exclusive will be Aliens themed.
I think JWP's right though. The next marine might be Deitrich.
It doesn't worry which series is next, actually. Looking forward to it all. Can't afford any of it. lol.
series 12 is an aliens series, and it will contain a new marine
i think 13 is kenner and 14 is resurrection at this point
this comes from neca
we should get the reveal at sdcc
i think the sdcc exclusive will be aliens themed as well
And I hope there's a Bourke SDCC exclusive this year!
I read series 12 was going to be Aliens themed again, I'm guessing we'll get the Hadley's Hope sign as a delixe prop like the trophy wall/temple pillar. I'm wondering what other characters we'll see though since nothing's been announced besides the weapons pack?
If the series ends up being all humans I'd hope it includes Drake, Deitrich and Goreman.
Glad to see they included the control computers for the sentry guns.
This is a 7 inch figure.
I'm planning on using the older Hicks and Hudson figures to make some other, generic marines.
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I really like that you didn't have to pare down the neutral head to get the helmet to fit.
I used a flathead and pried up around the sides popping the glue then dremeled the peg like Mister Skeezler. I don't like he screaming heads either so I'm using them for customs. I know they were going for a certain scene with Game Over Hudson but I honestly wish he had a more neutral expression.
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My only problem is that my helmeted Hicks' head is a little cross-eyed. Since I have both previous releases, I was thinking about trying to remove the helmet and put it on the un-helmeted head. Anyone have any success doing this, and if so, any tips? I don't mind detroying the head that is currently in the helmet.
But don't you think this "plastic" looking skin is actually made on purpose, so that they look sweaty ?
Noticed this on my Vasquez figure, looks great IMO.
For the most part the set is great, my only complaints are that the armor is missing the black wash of the first release and that the weathering on the armor seem's to have been done haphazardly on both my Hudson's shin armor. Both of these are easy fixes though.
On another forum I read someone mention "gummy" weapons (like Frosts Flamethrower) but all the weapons I received are fine. The weapon slings and the piece of armor that hangs from the back of the helmet are a softer plastic though, which works for those parts imo.
Besides the new flesh tone plastic I think the best part is Hudson's more accurate helmet. Even if they didn't paint his helmet band, I'm really glad they fixed all the other parts of it for this release.
I think the main reason people have complained about poor face paint is due to the fact that these guys come in the new flesh colored plastic. quirks in the paint of the eye's and other area's can be more easily seen on it than the previous releases, but I got mine online via Toys R' Us and only got one head with eye's that seemed wonky.
I'm at work so I can't post the picture but it includes
Sentry gun - 2x
Sentry ammo box (?) - 2x
Flame thrower - 1x
Pulse rifle - 1x
Hicks shotgun - 1x
VP70 - 1x
Knife - 1x
Flash light - 1x
Helmet - 1x
Medic/Equipment bag - 1x
Flamethrower effect - 1x
Unknown firing effect - 1x
The creature pack at my comic shop is $20.99, and a deluxe predator is $28.99. I'm guessing it'll go for just under $30
Has anyone seen the pictures of the new auto turrets? Someone on another forum I go to shared a picture NECA shared on twitter. I'm unable to post it myself right now (still at work) but it looks great.
Edit: Home now, here it is
Honestly, I do like when they do this for collectors who want the figures but don't want to pay extreme prices for earlier sculpts, especially for those who want to open to display but don't want to ruin the package...
Looks like flesh colored molds like Vaz and hudson has the right helmet.
I'm sold on two.
With this guy I wanted the top decal (Big Bad Wolf) to look as if it was a sticker, kind of like Frost's "Nuke'em" sticker.
The wolf head is something I like, but that was the best I could cut it sadly. I may try to "tear" little chunks out of it to make it looks worn and beat to make up for the sloppy application
I wouldn't worry much about the graffiti you put, at this scale you did pretty well, though I would have added a little white "make-up" around the "Big Bad Wolf" to hide the contours you cut, to make it look like a cartoon explosion or something like that. I would have dissimulated the hole in the shoulder armor too, (looks "Hicksy").
I guess I already told you that, but if you find the graffiti not satisfying, you may try model kits nose art decals (1/72 scale), they would fit right on. You can also consider customizing or accessorizing the helmet in the style of Full Metal Jacket .
Good job anywway !
McFarlane Connor head/Arm band on Hicks's body. I may also put the other arm band on his other bicep.
A $100 price tag like we had with the Queen and Power Loader would be too much. The Queen at $100 is fair I think, but the Loader (and the Predator Blade Fighter) should have been priced closer to $75.