A few days ago we reported that filming on Prometheus was taking place in the Isle of Skye, Scotland. Now Skye Guides, a company hired for the shooting and specialised in providing high quality professional mountain guiding and climbing instruction on the Isle of Skye, has published several location pictures from the set of the film. Noomi Rapace is also featured in one the photos. According to Skye Guides:
“A bitter wind was ripping across the slopes removing any heat from the sun & she (Noomi Rapace) looked very glad when her scenes were finished & she was whisked away in a chopper”.
You can find more pictures here and here. Thanks to LarsVader for the links.
In related news, Fox Thailand has now released a title-less HD version of the Prometheus teaser trailer from last year. You can watch it here.
Is "starrer" even a word?! Surely that sentence should read as "This upcoming motion picture, starring Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender..."
"...is a project which Scott is very excited about."
"The high profile director is confident that the popular 3D format being used for this film has a bright future within the filmmaking industry."
Um, CG effects are a type of special effect. This should read as "Prometheus is to primarily utilise practical special effects, as opposed to a heavy usage of CGI."
"Perfection", not "perfect"!