Estimates on Trailer Release?

Started by ace3g, Nov 28, 2017, 04:30:05 AM

Estimates on Trailer Release? (Read 126,444 times)



Quote from: funk_master_chunk on Apr 03, 2018, 05:51:44 AM
Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Apr 02, 2018, 09:12:07 PM
The two emissary preds are sent to earth to negotiate with humans in order to get rid of a group of preds who the upgrade belong too. These upgrades are highly mutated with many different DNA (not only human) and want to "invade" earth by force because the predator planet is dying due to global cooling. That is why part of their DNA splicing is from humans, to better adapt to earth long-term.

The normal preds are against their methods and want to take shelter on earth but not by force, thus ending in conflict with the upgrades. The captured pred is fleeing the upgrade who chases him through space and on earth afterwards, for the same reasons.

Voilà !

PS : I must add that apparently from the test screening, the whole
DNA splicing aspect has been tuned down so, we'll see how it goes.

Fantastic that the gene-splicing has been toned down. And thanks for clearing that up. Still not sold on the plot but this looks like it could be a hish/yautja thing? Or just another Predators effort. Hope fully not the latter.

Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on Apr 03, 2018, 02:18:09 AM
Haha 😂 I just hope it's not too cringy .. but yeah it's not going to be winning any awards any time soon .

One element of the script I do like however is the predator home world dying , it might mean we get a proper look at their home world . Iv always wished  they would make a film set on the predators planet , and while it's not exactly what I had in mind , seeing their planet on film , in theory should be pretty cool .

Literally, thanks to global cooling.

I would like to add that the two emissaries aren't the main preds at all in the script. The captured one is. The upgrade is the second one. Or maybe they're equally present. But the captured one is badass and agressive, has a fair amount of kills, and is not "friendly" to anyone.

The upgrade is badass too, but is a f**king psycopath lol.

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 03, 2018, 10:07:51 AM
Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on Apr 03, 2018, 09:52:24 AM
Corporal Hicks , do you not think regarding predators wearing our clothes and shooting our weapons , fox are trying to humanise them too much .

Look I'm not being funny , there are 7 billion people on this planet ,  do we really need to start making them like us ?  Where's the originality?  They are aliens and it should be kept that way . It's just laziness and sloppy script writing in my opinion.

I don't think it humanizes them. I think within the context of what we know of the story - that those particular Predators are here, working with some of us to hunt down the Upgrade - that it makes some sense. Do the shoulder cannons have finite energy? Are they able to recharge them from our power sources? It'd make sense they'd supplement their own limited resources with something available locally to them.

Perhaps these particular Predators actually like the weaponry? It shows character. Would you be complaining if they were using some sword or something that they'd taken from someone?

Like I said, the pants are a strange design choice and not one I'm keen on but applying the same logic - the Predators might get cold. Their own loin cloths might have been damaged in previous battle and the Predator bosses aren't willing to fork out on FTL costs just to send a couple of agents some new underwear. It's not inconceivable for reasons for why.

QuoteJust because it worked in print doesn't mean it will on the big screen , anything can work in a comic that's why comic books are so successful, that doesn't mean the big screen will work , look at friendly little scar from avp i almost could reach out and hug him , I don't want super hero predators Its not good !!!

That's execution, though. There's more to the team-up in AvP. Less to the simple notion that a Predator uses a gun. Lex didn't deserve the team-up in AvP. For me, it didn't work in AvP purely because she didn't deserve it. What she did shouldn't have earned her Scar's respect but on paper the concept of a team-up is fine by me.

Again, we don't know how it's going to be executed. That the Original Predator's conceive the Upgrade a big enough threat to want to work with us isn't a bad idea. It'll just depend on execution.

QuoteAnother  area I have to disagree with you hicks on is predators , back in 2009/2010 the whole script was leaked , photos of the predators was leaked , it was marketed as a revival land it was a complete failure, and I'm sorry but those same things have happened again , and of course it's up to fox to keep a lid on leaks . I'm not going to be an apologist for their sloppiness. And lastly why are predators seemingly becoming weaker and weaker by the film ?

It did leak. Which, again, led to people have the completely wrong ideas about the finished film. The Predators in Predators weren't the Super Predators. Pictures may have leaked but that was, again, the action of individuals. Are you suggesting that Fox should have all their phones confiscated? The computer usage of everyone who works on those films monitored? Those people are under contract and I would imagine they'd be very much punished if discovered, what they do they do of their own will. Fox have things in place to dissuade that behaviour.

Predators was intended to the test the water and it did fail. Doesn't equate to The Predator though. The Predator isn't (apparently) being made on the cheap. It isn't being rushed out. Yeah, they may want the same result from both but different efforts are being put into it.

I dig your possible interpretation on why they would wear human clothes and use our weapons. If it is well introduced and played in the movie, it could somehow work i guess.


Saying I'm skeptical is putting it lightly .. but ultimately hicks is right , it's all about execution. All of this might sound terrible on paper , but the final product might be great .. I usually go with my gut instinct  however , and I think we have a three star out of five film on our hands .  I expect it to do the same as alien covenant at the box office , so while not a failure it can hardly be called a success either . Only time will tell .. anyone wanna start placing bets now ? 😂

Original Predator

Gotta be with "A Quiet Place" right??

Corporal Hicks

That's already out, isn't it?



"A Quiet Place' opens in the US this upcoming weekend, the 6th. I'm not sure we will see the trailer drop with it though since it's pg13 but maybe?

I'm guessing the trailer drops by itself online on the 10th. I feel like a lot of trailers release on Tuesdays.



I'm not seeing the reason for all the "Preds in pants" hooplah.  Sure it's kind of weird seeing them outside of a loincloth, but seriously - they've been on another planet for months/years.  It stands to reason that at some point in time they'd change.  Earth is probably colder than their home planet too.

Original Predator

Quote from: Hollywood on Apr 03, 2018, 02:39:43 PM
"A Quiet Place' opens in the US this upcoming weekend, the 6th. I'm not sure we will see the trailer drop with it though since it's pg13 but maybe?

I'm guessing the trailer drops by itself online on the 10th. I feel like a lot of trailers release on Tuesdays.

My fault, good call.  I was thinking next Friday/13.

Petr Švancara

Petr Švancara

No, I totally dont agree with this, no. You can say "it depends on execution" numerous times if you want, but some ideas are over the top already, and you dont need to see them on your own eyes just to convince yourself. Btw. we already see their look also with the so called cargo pants, so? Why even think about any execution of this nonsense when we have physical evidence already? I dont understand why there should be any chance to accept this BS. . Predator in every possible "pants" is super silly, really silly concept that should rather never exist. It is the same like see an Alien with jacket or something, just no. . seriously. Or is there someone who can say. . oh, "Alien with jacket could be cool". . give it a chance and lets see how they execute that? Guys, are you serious here? When is something just too weird. . than its just weird, and we dont need to dance around it. I have tons of Predator figures, I dont want a Preds with pants in my collection, I have only Arnold in pants here, lol. . thats enough. If you guys really like the idea of Predators in pants, then you guys should maybe start thinking also about their purpose, because as I said before, they really dont need them, its BS. We have Predators with all their equipment without pants all the time. . and now we get them boots, pants, t-shirts, hats and our weaponry, well. . just because it depends on execution? Im too old for this conversation, this is just too much. Next time expect the Terminator in swim suit. . how sexy, damn.  :-X


Petr I agree with some of what you have said there bro , but when I said it's all on execution I wasn't talking about predators in human clothing, and it is silly no two ways about it . But I was talking about the script . And I think hicks is right on that one , execution can make a good idea bad , and a bad idea good . My main problem is how ridiculously over the top everything sounds , and the fact it's choosing to reinvent the mythology,  there are elements in this film that I do like, like the predator planet dying etc,  but a lot of it for me sounds way out of tune for what we have come to expect from a predator film . But still despite all of that , execution is incredibly important, especially considering everything Iv mentioned above .



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 03, 2018, 09:47:51 AM
The fact that one of those designs - intended for Predators who have apparently been on Earth for a while - includes some human clothes isn't going to absolutely ruin a film for me if I enjoy more aspects of it.
But I don't know that yet. I need to watch the film first.

Quote from: Wysps on Apr 03, 2018, 02:49:39 PM
I'm not seeing the reason for all the "Preds in pants" hooplah.  Sure it's kind of weird seeing them outside of a loincloth, but seriously - they've been on another planet for months/years.  It stands to reason that at some point in time they'd change.

I agree 100%. This is why leaked unofficial photos are a thorn in the side of the movie industry. Look at the first leaked pics of Bane from TDKR:

I can imagine the fandom screaming about how it looks nothing like Bane. "The mask is all wrong! He isn't big enough! No venom tubes! He looks like a reject from Mortal Kombat! Nothing like the comic!" In the film, however, I wanted to see more of him.

A few of the leaked pics of the predators last year? Same thing, it will look fine on film. And honestly, it makes sense considering it's already hard to tell these guys apart when they're running around in combat, so what they wear is important for distinction.



Wysps .. that makes no sense at all pal ,

the predator home planet is dying because of global cooling , and they want to find a warmer climate , why would they then want to come to earth if it's colder ? I'm not following that logic at all. .

Hollywood seems to have really put all his eggs in one basket with this film , any valid criticism , he very quickly dismisses... seems pretty bias from where I'm standing , there are plenty of reasons to be concerned, and I mean plenty .

If you like idea of predator in human clothes running around with human guns , and to go against the established mythology that's cool , but for the majority of us , it's corny and unnecessary. And I believe if these elements are not cut from the final product , it will hurt the franchise as a whole .



Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on Apr 03, 2018, 04:08:11 PM
Wysps .. that makes no sense at all pal ,

the predator home planet is dying because of global cooling , and they want to find a warmer climate , why would they then want to come to earth if it's colder ? I'm not following that logic at all. .

Hollywood seems to have really put all his eggs in one basket with this film , any valid criticism , he very quickly dismisses... seems pretty bias from where I'm standing , there are plenty of reasons to be concerned, and I mean plenty .

If you like idea of predator in human clothes running around with human guns , and to go against the established mythology that's cool , but for the majority of us , it's corny and unnecessary. And I believe if these elements are not cut from the final product , it will hurt the franchise as a whole .
I'll tell you a secret they are interested in Africa)))


Really ?



Quote from: Hollywood on Apr 03, 2018, 04:00:08 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 03, 2018, 09:47:51 AM
The fact that one of those designs - intended for Predators who have apparently been on Earth for a while - includes some human clothes isn't going to absolutely ruin a film for me if I enjoy more aspects of it.
But I don't know that yet. I need to watch the film first.

Quote from: Wysps on Apr 03, 2018, 02:49:39 PM
I'm not seeing the reason for all the "Preds in pants" hooplah.  Sure it's kind of weird seeing them outside of a loincloth, but seriously - they've been on another planet for months/years.  It stands to reason that at some point in time they'd change.

I agree 100%. This is why leaked unofficial photos are a thorn in the side of the movie industry. Look at the first leaked pics of Bane from TDKR:

I can imagine the fandom screaming about how it looks nothing like Bane. "The mask is all wrong! He isn't big enough! No venom tubes! He looks like a reject from Mortal Kombat! Nothing like the comic!" In the film, however, I wanted to see more of him.

A few of the leaked pics of the predators last year? Same thing, it will look fine on film. And honestly, it makes sense considering it's already hard to tell these guys apart when they're running around in combat, so what they wear is important for distinction.

True, regardless of the functional aspect for storyline purposes, it could just boil down to this exactly. 

And as far as "global cooling" - Earth has drastic variations in temperature depending on continent.  They could easily need more bulk depending on where they're at.  Seems logical to me...maybe they're looking at one particular part of Earth instead of a whole.  Maybe their entire planet has one temperature range (hot, humid) unlike ours.  Could also be that they just wanted to change their clothes after rolling around in them for years. :laugh: I'm just throwing stuff out there because I never read the script nor have any desire to.  Despite some of the ridiculousness of the original plot, I will give the film it's fair shot.  Pants is a non-issue for me...just don't care either way.  It'll probably look stupid, but for me there are more important things to worry about.



Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on Apr 03, 2018, 04:24:15 PM
Really ?
Nope. Actually they think that we will soon have a catastrophic global warming.

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