The Rage War: A three part Alien / Predator epic by Tim Lebbon

Started by Perfect-Organism, Nov 18, 2014, 10:44:01 PM

The Rage War: A three part Alien / Predator epic by Tim Lebbon (Read 243,564 times)


That is... kind of weird but cool.. Weird but.. cool. Putting this under spoilers to be safe..

Though I would think that Yautja blood already sort of did that in the old EU. Remember when Li Yat Sen found the dead corpse of a Predator, and he had his rib cage broken in from being beaten by villagers? Also, there is the case of Hunter Borgia, who was a sickly infant until he got splashed with Scarface's blood. So I wouldn't think that's nothing new.

Also, as to Predators having healing capabilities.. Well, we discussed that a few pages ago but in the old EU.. It was mentioned that they had done their healing in a meditative like trance. At least from what Dachande was able to do when he was using those three days to mend his broken rib cage. Also, I think in a novel, that it was stated that Predators could regenerate lost limbs or re-attach them with some medical device but they seldom used them because they considered scars to be prize worthy of telling stories.

Been years since I read the old stuff.


Quote from: RakaiThwei on Oct 13, 2015, 06:12:53 PM
Also, there is the case of Hunter Borgia, who was a sickly infant until he got splashed with Scarface's blood. So I wouldn't think that's nothing new.

It also unnaturally prolonged his life - Scarface returns a hundred years later and Hunter barely looks mid-thirties.


Oh that I knew, Huda, that I knew! You don't have to remind me of that!  :laugh:

Man, Concrete Jungle was a great game.. So many good memories.

The Alien Predator

I remember those, Rakai. It's good to see this link between the old and new stuff.

I also liked how space travel is treated as still being hard, but much more common now.

The "Drop Holes" are mainly used because physically travelling faster than light requires the extremely rare trimonite. Most ships can go up to five times the speed of light, some seven.

The "Arrow" class ship is the fastest and most advanced, able to go fifteen times the speed of light. There is a rumour that two test pilots didn't go into their pods when they reached just ten times the speed of light.

The final result was two un-moving, very silent raving maniacs with minds that were a hundred and seventy thousand years old or something like that, the warp in space and time really messed them up. The actual trip lasted seventeen days, but they have actually "lived" a hundred and seventy thousand years of literal nothingness psychologically.

So people in the Arrow class ship use a special pod, not a cryo-pod like other ships, but one that encases your entire body in gel, (kind of how some behind the scenes stuff in AvP was meant to show Predators coming out of a stasis gel), this gel protects you from the pure kinetic force of travelling at such a speed.

It feels very uncomfortable as you need to hold your breath once the gel fully engulfs you before you even fall asleep, and once you wake up, your lungs and digestive tract are filled with the gel. The good news is, the gel evaporates the moment it makes contact with air, so a few breaths will clear your lungs... the bad news is, lots and lots of barfing.

We also get some cool zero-gravity moments after the crew wakes up, they turn off the artificial gravity, one Marine asks the commander "no zero-g until I'm done please" as she carries on barfing.

The "Drop Holes" are a much cheaper way of ftl travel, but they are staggeringly expensive and VERY dangerous to build. One in five explodes, in early days, thousands of people died just constructing these things. And then once you complete it, if it doesn't explode, one in three just doesn't work...

The Drop Holes are huge space structures that humans build which utilize anti-matter and particle technology to literally fold space. It is a one way trip and you need to find another Drop Hole (they cannot be near eachother) for your way back. It gives you an instant FTL to your destination, you leave as soon as you enter.

The problem is, there's not many of them in the Human Sphere, that's why LV 1529 is so valuable as a Yautja research station, not only is it in the Outer Rims, but it's near a Weyland-Yutani Drop Hole. Other Drop Holes are owned by human colonies who may charge you to use it, and others will even defend it from you.

Space is still a pain to traverse, even in 2692. Chapter one also begins in March, Chapter two skips to May and Chapter four begins in July. I like that this novel stretches it out across the year a little bit.


Quote from: Guan Thwei 1992 on Oct 13, 2015, 06:28:56 PM
I remember those, Rakai. It's good to see this link between the old and new stuff.

I wouldn't say it's a direct link anyway, but the similarities are there. I wouldn't doubt if Lebbon got some notes from Fox and just decided to take it from there.

The Alien Predator

Another thing I forgot to mention, Ultramorph may like this. It's kind of been mentioned before but still.

The book mentions once again how we met several alien races, some friendly, some indifferent, and others that were hostile and we had to fight.


I doubt they are mentioned in these books but are the Super Predators referenced or hinted at all?

Speaking of the Super Predators, I wouldn't mind it if Lebbon had retconned them as the Hish, given that their behaviors are quite similar and attempt to reconcile the two species existing in the same universe in a way. I mean Shirely did say he would've written the two races as cousin races or something.

The Alien Predator

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Oct 13, 2015, 08:14:12 PM
I doubt they are mentioned in these books but are the Super Predators referenced or hinted at all?

Speaking of the Super Predators, I wouldn't mind it if Lebbon had retconned them as the Hish, given that their behaviors are quite similar and attempt to reconcile the two species existing in the same universe in a way. I mean Shirely did say he would've written the two races as cousin races or something.

Not so far.

The scientist lady who was nicknamed "Yautja Woman" by her Marine friend specifically mentions that they are not conquerors.

The only slight Hish like habit was as I previously mentioned
them taking captives when attacking large population centres, however, they are shown as hunting in low numbers so far. I haven't gotten to the part where ships start swarming into human territory. And I highly doubt the captives are used for slave labour or anything of that sort. Maybe they're experimented on (since humans experiment on Yautja so it's fair right?) but I also have a theory... since humans weaponized the Xenomorphs and are attacking Yautja, maybe the captives are being interrogated? I shudder to think what kind of torture rituals they'd be subjected to...



Quote from: Guan Thwei 1992 on Oct 13, 2015, 07:53:58 PM
Another thing I forgot to mention, Ultramorph may like this. It's kind of been mentioned before but still.

The book mentions once again how we met several alien races, some friendly, some indifferent, and others that were hostile and we had to fight.

I kind of want a comic or novel about one of those encounters.

Thanks for the info, Guan Thwei. It seems like Lebbon is going to great lengths to do world-building. I wonder what we'll get in the sequels.


How would you rate Lebbon's prose/writing skill?

I hope he's as good as Perry or Vandermeer.

Lonely Universe

I'm a pretty picky reader but still enjoyed Out of the Shadows. The guy's a pretty competent author, especially given the unlikely premise he was expected to sell. He pulled it off cleverly & stayed engaging to the end.

Of the three new novels I enjoyed Sea of Sorrows by James Moore the most though.

Actually, tbh I never finished River of Pain. I'm planning to pick it back up this week though. I'll probably start over. I don't think I can blame the author though, I had just read two other Alien books & needed a break. Better get back on it before Predator: Incursion arrives at my local bookstore.


Quote from: 8BA on Oct 14, 2015, 12:53:37 AM
I'm a pretty picky reader but still enjoyed Out of the Shadows. The guy's a pretty competent author, especially given the unlikely premise he was expected to sell. He pulled it off cleverly & stayed engaging to the end.

Of the three new novels I enjoyed Sea of Sorrows by James Moore the most though.

Actually, tbh I never finished River of Pain. I'm planning to pick it back up this week though. I'll probably start over. I don't think I can blame the author though, I had just read two other Alien books & needed a break. Better get back on it before Predator: Incursion arrives at my local bookstore.

Really?  I think you'll find most people had a hard time getting through SOS.  So many similar 2-D characters and repetitive situations.

The Alien Predator

The Alien Predator

Quote from: Ultramorph on Oct 13, 2015, 10:55:47 PM
Quote from: Guan Thwei 1992 on Oct 13, 2015, 07:53:58 PM
Another thing I forgot to mention, Ultramorph may like this. It's kind of been mentioned before but still.

The book mentions once again how we met several alien races, some friendly, some indifferent, and others that were hostile and we had to fight.

I kind of want a comic or novel about one of those encounters.

Thanks for the info, Guan Thwei. It seems like Lebbon is going to great lengths to do world-building. I wonder what we'll get in the sequels.

I knew you'd like it!  ;D

I am now very deep into the story, on chapter 15. I've got some more interesting things to tell you guys about the world. Heavy spoilers may lie ahead.

We get to learn how Predators react to their tech being reverse-engineered, humans now have top notch cloaking tech because they captured and studied Yautja cloaking tech. Top notch... cutting edge... but Yautja have better stealth tech, simply because they learned we stole their tech so they went back and improved it.

Whenever we reach an equal standing, Yautja will stubbornly research and improve their tech just to stay that extra mile ahead. Perry's Yautja hate the idea of humans getting their tech, so do Lebbon's Yautja and it's nice to see them actually improve their things rather than remain stagnant. Maybe that's why not many changes happened in their tech, because they were the best to begin with?

The space battle was quite interesting too, there's a little joke that Predator fans will get.

The Predator habitat is designated "UMF-12".  :laugh: And the ships that leave the habitat are named "Bastard-One", "Bastard-Two" and so on depending on how many Bastards come out and in which order. The main character took down six Bastards and heavily damaged Bastard Seven, but we learn an intriguing behaviour from the Yautja...

Despite crippling the human ship which was literally living on borrowed time as the core was critical, they actually let it land on their habitat rather than blow it up. Humans constantly bring up how strange and "other" the Yautja really are in what little about their behaviour we know.

Also, the Midsummer moon that Batman mentioned earlier in the thread, that slug creature is quite interesting. Its sole reason for existing is simply to build. It goes around, eating, crapping and building. I think it'd make a cute pet.

A good chunk of the story so far really fleshes out the human world and explored a lot on the Founders. So much technology has advanced that I can't help but feel how outdated most AvP media is in terms of technology, the Marines are extremely advanced here.

The ships use weaponry which involves particle acceleration, they have drones packed with micro nukes that can take out Yautja ships sneakily (that's how six Bastards went down, they were focusing on the human ship and didn't notice two cloaked drones sniping them with nukes) and laser weapons are used.

Regular marines use nano-rifles which shoot swarms of nanobots that explode on the micro scale, a Predator survives this but gets on its knees in pain. Marines can program these nano-bots to slice or to go inside and expand.

They carry fist sized drones on their shoulders which can be deployed to scan an area or attack enemies and distract them.

There's a lot of really cool and amazing stuff explored, we see some leisure activities on human space habitats such as VR, there's VR games but also VR beaches that feel so life like that you can feel the sand between your toes. Humans have went very far since even Resurrection era. Even Sea of Sorrows tech seems quite obsolete. Marine sidearms are "laser-pistols". The tech aspect has always fascinated me in this franchise. I also liked the mentioning of humans having "plasma grenades".

I have yet to get to the eventual team up, I still haven't gotten to the Predator side of things and I'm more than half way through the book. Lilliya has just escaped and I am assuming it wont be long until she is intercepted by Predators as Batman mentioned. The other main character that engaged the Yautja "Bastards" are now inside the giant habitat.

Some new and interesting characters have been introduced. We learn about some anti corporate terrorism going on and the Founders have discovered how to create nano-bots with mere suggestions. They send messages into the Human Sphere that you hear, but you don't have to even be affiliated with the Founders, their words are so hypnotic, it alters some cells in your brain and turns them into obedient nano-bots that alter your personality and make you sabotage and blow up key W-Y and Marine instalments to weaken them for when the Rage eventually returns.

Speaking of the Marines, W-Y has bought them out at some point after resurfacing post Resurrection, this has earned them the nickname of "Corporate Marines". So these Colonial Marines are quite different from the ones we know in Aliens and so on. W-Y is the oldest corporation and among the most powerful, more powerful than even some governments. It runs most things in the Human Sphere but not everything as there are many independent colonies and communities, even independent Titan ships drifting in spade.

And like in Out of the Shadows, Lebbon loves exploring the dangers of space so expect some tidbits of that here as well.

Rakai and Perfect-Organism, I got something to tell you both.

The Founders have been experimenting with many things involving quantum physics... and it mentions "balancing the multiverse". A lot of it is hinted as originally being theoretical but some of it is becoming fact as experiments continue. That fact that "multiverse" was mentioned reminded me of you two. It's just one line though and not a lot was said about it. It could be an official hint that Fox may in fact be trying the multiverse thing afterall.


Quote from: Guan Thwei 1992 on Oct 14, 2015, 05:58:05 PM
We get to learn how Predators react to their tech being reverse-engineered, humans now have top notch cloaking tech because they captured and studied Yautja cloaking tech. Top notch... cutting edge... but Yautja have better stealth tech, simply because they learned we stole their tech so they went back and improved it.

Whenever we reach an equal standing, Yautja will stubbornly research and improve their tech just to stay that extra mile ahead. Perry's Yautja hate the idea of humans getting their tech, so do Lebbon's Yautja and it's nice to see them actually improve their things rather than remain stagnant. Maybe that's why not many changes happened in their tech, because they were the best to begin with?

While I do like Perry's version of the Yautja, I find Lebbon's Yautja to be... so far a bit appealing, even to me now. I liked reading this part here when you mentioned it, Guan Thwei. I really liked it. I've never questioned it but I have noticed that Predator technology never seemed.. to improve. I figure it's because the stories set from 3,000 BC to 2229-- we still hadn't reached higher levels of technology and therefore they were still miles ahead of it. But older stories like Concrete Jungle (game) shows that everytime we get their tech, it progresses us maybe 110 years. But finally seeing the Predators do this.. I like this. It's something I've even toyed with in my own world.

Quote from: Guan Thwei 1992 on Oct 14, 2015, 05:58:05 PM
The Founders have been experimenting with many things involving quantum physics... and it mentions "balancing the multiverse". A lot of it is hinted as originally being theoretical but some of it is becoming fact as experiments continue. That fact that "multiverse" was mentioned reminded me of you two. It's just one line though and not a lot was said about it. It could be an official hint that Fox may in fact be trying the multiverse thing afterall.

Oooooh this gave me a smile on my face... You have no idea how this gives me hope. No, really.. No idea how this gives me hope.

Fox.. all I can say if this is a hint of things to come.. all I have to say is this..

The Alien Predator

I'm glad that you are liking what you are hearing, Rakai.

One of the humans who are fascinated with them say how Yautja are "slave to their traditions and history" as speculation. I like that as Predators always came off as very traditional and respectful of their history and ancestors. A human general says he believes there is a hint of a religion in the Yautja but he's uncertain because so little is known. Humans know they hunt and live for it, that much is known. Even civillians are aware of the Yautja as well but maybe because this is so far in the future, there's no need to really cover up their existence anymore.

Ultramorph, some interesting world building on space was mentioned too.

The Founders found a place that had some electrical self warming entities, they speculated to be some form of life beyond our grasp.

Also, there is a gas giant with huge floating landmasses the size of continents, I think that's where these electrical energy things lived.

Then there was a moon filled with silicone tubes coming up and waving around, there was a pulse as if they were alive.

Then there's Midsummer, where the slug creature was found. I haven't seen a mention on the Dog-Aliens yet though. Also there's still no mention on the Arcturians but I'll be on the lookout for you.

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