A Prometheus Theory of Evolution.

Started by Nero the Jackal, Jun 03, 2012, 01:56:25 PM

A Prometheus Theory of Evolution. (Read 9,277 times)

Nero the Jackal

Thanks to a fellow member, i created this to collect all possible theories on the engineers and their bio-weapons.

Well this is my theory, the black slime infects an insect or  or a similar life form and it's mutation impregnates something else and said offspring of that because a queen and lays eggs and then dot dot dot.

This how i view the slime see, whatever it mutates creates it's own unique mutation and "bloodline"

The human/engineer "bloodline" has a human/engineer infected with a squid-creature which goes on to infect an engineer and the result is a humanoid looking creature but it has no bio-mechanical design or tail; so these are not xenomorphs or proto xenos (or at least true ones) but just a unique evolutionary creature caused by black substance infecting a human/engineer.

Now, if the black substance infected say...an alien arachnid (possibly bio-mechanical in appearance) then it's mutated form would impregnate something which would start the proto-xenomorph's existence and so on and so on.

While all theories are welcome, please try and make it as logical and plausible as possible, none of these are fact but they will perhaps help us with any confusion and give potential insight into what the Black Substance really is (at least for now) Though in the end, only Scott can say what is the truth and what is not.

Promethean Fire

Quote from: Nero the Jackal on Jun 03, 2012, 01:56:25 PM
Thanks to a fellow member, i created this to collect all possible theories on the engineers and their bio-weapons.

You are very welcome, friend! :)  Do I get royalties for use of my title? ;)

Nero the Jackal

Yes, here, have a cookie. :laugh:

Got a theory?


Nero the Jackal

Bad hair day.  :laugh:

But seriously, do you a theory or any opinions on the matter?


I don't know if this has already been discussed in another thread (there are far too many posts for me to read through every single one) but I have a theory on the evolution on humans/engineers.

The engineers created human life on this planet and we share identical DNA to them. But they then changed their minds and decided to destroy us.
My theory for this is that the human form is not the pinnacle of the intended evolution, and we were intended eventually evolve into the engineers. Maybe this is the engineers only method of procreation, to create life on other planets and wait for it to eventually evolve into their form.
Perhaps then for some reason this was not going to happen on earth. Maybe atmospheric influence meant we could not eventually evolve into the engineers. Or perhaps our own technological and bio-logical advances meant that the human form was now the last sequence in this evolutionary cycle, or meant that we would branch off into a seperate evolutinary path away from becoming the engineers.
So the engineers then decided to return to earth to destroy what they had started as it was not going to have the desired result.

Promethean Fire

Promethean Fire

Quote from: Nero the Jackal on Jun 03, 2012, 02:03:05 PM
Yes, here, have a cookie. :laugh:

Got a theory?

Ooh, double choc chip!  My fave!  ;)

As for a threory, I'll give it a bash -

The Alien is a creature already in existence.  What full form it assumes, we have yet to discover.  The Engineer's worship this creature, to some extent.  A creature with unparralled genetic qualities, rich to tap into.  But also something to be feared and therefore, controlled as much as possible.  There is a mural, which has a plinth/altar in front of it.  There is a container on the plinth (interestingly, in the trailers this was a bowl, which resembled the Sacrificial Engineer's bowl...)  I believe this container holds the raw DNA of the Alien, and the Engineers (at least, the LV-223 Cult) have used its properties to manufacture alot of there biomech tech (Perhaps even modifiying themselves, the biomech suit looked very integrated).  For some reason, they tried to weaponise it (if Janek's theory is correct), resulting in this Black Substance.  Or perhaps, this was merely the factory floor.

What we can ascertain from the black substance thus far, is that it causes the complete and utter cell degradation of an Engineer's body.  However, the raw Alien DNA contained within this black substance is highly adaptable, therefore it immediately evolves to its surrounding environment, combining its host DNA (The Engineer) with its environment (eg the cells being created in the waterfall), presumably resulting in the eventual evolution of the human race.  We may come from Engineer DNA, but we might also have a hint of that raw Alien DNA too...

What we can gather from the Black Substance mixing with other organisms - The Hammerpede is possibly a small worm like creature, which is consumed by Black Substance leaking from the Ampules.  Leading to rather, radical change in its physiology.  Its size is increased.  The creature is also hostile.  However, was this a result of the Black Substance or inherent in the hammerpede's behaviour anyway?  We can assume that the Black Substance definitely increases hostility with our next subject. 

Fifield is also consumed, falling into a pool of Black Substance.  His appearance is changed through a combination of acid damage and Black Substance exposure.  Most noticeably, he has reverted into a primal, violent creature.  Has the raw Alien DNA fully manifested itself?  Fifield can cotort his body in very, Alien-esque configurations.  He has become adaptable to the environment, breathing in the noxious atmosphere of LV-223.  His strength and agility has become almost superhuman, as he easily subdues his human attackers.  However, his head can't quite sustain the full on blow of an RT-01 Rover.  Much like an Alien's dome under an APC wheel.  ;) 

Which brings us to Holloway, who is poisoned by David.  An alcoholic drink containing a drop of the Black Substance.  This minor infestation level means more time is required for the infection to manifest itself.  When it does, it is intially through the eyes.  A squiggling worm like, parasitical style creature is seen on Holloway's eyes.  Later on, the colouration of his eyes change (I call this Sith Eye  ;))  and then the infestation radically shows.  In much the same manner as the Sacrificial Engineer, we see cracks and changes occur to Holloway's face.  If I recall, there is also some minor hostility from Holloway also.  Unfortuantely, we do not see the full effect as this little science experiment literally meets the business end of a big bunsen burner! ;)  However, we do see a new aspect in the mutation...

An infected Holloway has sexual intercourse, with Shaw.  Within 10 hours the foetus inside her has grown to a three month capacity.  The resulting offspring may give us a clue to the vital component thus far missing from the cycle.  Females.  The mutated DNA has passed from a male to a female in the normal cycle of sexual reproduction.  The resulting creature is unlike anything we have seen yet.  A squid like creature is removed from Shaw.  Is this purely through the combination of female DNA with raw Alien DNA?  Had the Engineer's removed the vital component of reproduction from the Alien DNA as a safety measure?  The Female DNA.  The Queen DNA.

Through, Shaw, this DNA has recombinated, giving the Black Substance, the raw Alien DNA its reproductive capacity back.  This we see when the fully grown Squid attacks and impregnates the Enginneer.  The safety measure has gone.  The Enginneer has lost control of his little science experiment.  Nobody can control the evolution of this hideous, Lovecraftian monstrosity, worshipped and feared in equal measure for its totemic perfection.  To quote Ian Malcolm, life found a way.  The Alien has been born again, now waiting to absorb and adapt more DNA, turning it into an even more efficient killing machine.  The cycle begins again...

judge death

QuoteIs this purely through the combination of female DNA with raw Alien DNA.  Had the Engineer's removed the vital component of reproduction from the Alien DNA as a safety measure.  The Female DNA.  The Queen DNA.
That reminds me of an text I found on the web many years ago claiming that the xenomorph was at first created as weapons which couldnt reproduce but they developed queens and the egg stage and the space jockeys lost control over their own weapon and made them exctinct, that also happened on the ship on LV 426 and maybe on their base in the movie prometheus.

So yeah you are something on the trail here :D



Quote from: HudsonHicks on Jun 03, 2012, 02:35:33 PM
The engineers created human life on this planet and we share identical DNA to them. But they then changed their minds and decided to destroy us.

That's one Hell of a magic trick.

Nero the Jackal

Nice theory guys, though what do you think of the dome-like buildings? do you think there is a different bio-weapon in each one?

Is the black substance the source? or the perfect bio-weapon? (due to it's higher infection and mutation rate that surpasses a Xenomorphs infection rate)

Promethean Fire

Quote from: Nero the Jackal on Jun 03, 2012, 03:13:37 PM
Nice theory guys, though what do you think of the dome-like buildings? do you think there is a different bio-weapon in each one?

Is the black substance the source? or the perfect bio-weapon? (due to it's higher infection and mutation rate that surpasses a Xenomorphs infection rate)

My theory is that The Engineer's are, essentially a mirror image of Weyland-Yutani.  In so much as they have tried to use the original Alien source for various purposes, particularly bio-weapons.  Didn't work out to well for The Engineer's.  You'd think Weyland-Yutani would take the hint ;)

I think The Engineers first encountered the Alien milennia ago.  They found traces of its existence from countless worlds (or dimensions, even).  One Enginner found a world where they thrived.  Tried to bring samples back.  That ship carrying the live cargo is the one that ditched on LV-426.  The Engineer's visited the crash site, almost like a religious pilgramige, took DNA sample from eggs, which were then locked in stasis (The Blue Light), then left the warning beacon.


The proposed theory that the Engineers influenced human evolution no longer makes any sense:

The initial scene makes it seem as if they initiate some sort of DNA chain reaction to allow life to flourish, in general. But the film makes it clear they have some sort of exact match to human genes (which doesn't make too much sense, either, because... Look at them).

Unless it was meant to reflect that life was already around and human beings, themselves, just happened to crawl out of the river?

ET genetic intervention through history was a potentially awe-inspiring angle to take for all of this and the film really squandered it.

Quote from: Promethean Fire on Jun 03, 2012, 03:31:05 PM
My theory is that The Engineer's are, essentially a mirror image of Weyland-Yutani.  In so much as they have tried to use the original Alien source for various purposes, particularly bio-weapons.  Didn't work out to well for The Engineer's.  You'd think Weyland-Yutani would take the hint ;)

I think The Engineers first encountered the Alien milennia ago.  They found traces of its existence from countless worlds (or dimensions, even).  One Enginner found a world where they thrived.  Tried to bring samples back.  That ship carrying the live cargo is the one that ditched on LV-426.  The Engineer's visited the crash site, almost like a religious pilgramige, took DNA sample from eggs, which were then locked in stasis (The Blue Light), then left the warning beacon.

Interesting idea... And one which isn't too far off some of the original ideas for 'Alien': The cavern being something the ship docked with, which some other species had originally put there.

The substance shown in 'Prometheus' being something which, rather than creating the Aliens, is some sort of by-product from a sample of them, rests more comfortably with me, right now.

judge death

Quote from: Promethean Fire on Jun 03, 2012, 03:31:05 PM
Quote from: Nero the Jackal on Jun 03, 2012, 03:13:37 PM
Nice theory guys, though what do you think of the dome-like buildings? do you think there is a different bio-weapon in each one?

Is the black substance the source? or the perfect bio-weapon? (due to it's higher infection and mutation rate that surpasses a Xenomorphs infection rate)

My theory is that The Engineer's are, essentially a mirror image of Weyland-Yutani.  In so much as they have tried to use the original Alien source for various purposes, particularly bio-weapons.  Didn't work out to well for The Engineer's.  You'd think Weyland-Yutani would take the hint ;)

I think The Engineers first encountered the Alien milennia ago.  They found traces of its existence from countless worlds (or dimensions, even).  One Enginner found a world where they thrived.  Tried to bring samples back.  That ship carrying the live cargo is the one that ditched on LV-426.  The Engineer's visited the crash site, almost like a religious pilgramige, took DNA sample from eggs, which were then locked in stasis (The Blue Light), then left the warning beacon.
Bravo :D Best idea I have ever heard so far and fits in perfectly in my eyes :D

Nero the Jackal

Quote from: Promethean Fire on Jun 03, 2012, 03:31:05 PM
Quote from: Nero the Jackal on Jun 03, 2012, 03:13:37 PM
Nice theory guys, though what do you think of the dome-like buildings? do you think there is a different bio-weapon in each one?

Is the black substance the source? or the perfect bio-weapon? (due to it's higher infection and mutation rate that surpasses a Xenomorphs infection rate)

My theory is that The Engineer's are, essentially a mirror image of Weyland-Yutani.  In so much as they have tried to use the original Alien source for various purposes, particularly bio-weapons.  Didn't work out to well for The Engineer's.  You'd think Weyland-Yutani would take the hint ;)

I think The Engineers first encountered the Alien milennia ago.  They found traces of its existence from countless worlds (or dimensions, even).  One Enginner found a world where they thrived.  Tried to bring samples back.  That ship carrying the live cargo is the one that ditched on LV-426.  The Engineer's visited the crash site, almost like a religious pilgramige, took DNA sample from eggs, which were then locked in stasis (The Blue Light), then left the warning beacon.

Nice theory, yeah they were kind of like WY and had pretty much the same success rate :laugh:


Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jun 03, 2012, 03:34:34 PM

The initial scene makes it seem as if they initiate some sort of DNA chain reaction to allow life to flourish, in general. But the film makes it clear they have some sort of exact match to human genes (which doesn't make too much sense, either, because... Look at them).
I can't quite remember exactly, i need to see the scene again (can't find it on you tube). But I seem to recall the opening scene of the film panning over green hills. If how I remeber it is true then life already existed on the planet, atleast in a vegtative state. Either way I am of the opinion that the engineers didn't introduce all life to the planet. Just the evolutinary cycle that would either, eventually lead to humans or eventually lead to all vertebrates and/or mammals in general.

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