AvPGalaxy's Least Favourite Movie

Started by War Wager, Apr 22, 2008, 04:29:38 PM

Which is your least fave movie of the whole franchise?

6 (1%)
Predator 2
15 (2.6%)
AvP: Alien vs. Predator
51 (8.8%)
AvPR: Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem
270 (46.6%)
9 (1.6%)
7 (1.2%)
37 (6.4%)
Alien Resurrection
102 (17.6%)
12 (2.1%)
25 (4.3%)
Alien Covenant
12 (2.1%)
The Predator
34 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 560

AvPGalaxy's Least Favourite Movie (Read 237,489 times)



Quote from: fry1236 on Nov 18, 2011, 10:02:04 AM
Wow, I totally didn't realise all the aliens had human DNA! I was wandering why they looked like that  :)

They also act more human like in the scene when the aliens are arguing on who is gonna die so the others will be free.



That's drawing a lowg bow.  Aliens may act like that normally.  We've never seen a group interact with each other like that before.


AVP:R was crap. Not only the worst of the combined franchises, but one of the worst films ever made.



I haven't really noticed those details  :-\ Jeez I need to get out my alien dvd collection :)



Quote from: SM on Nov 21, 2011, 04:52:42 AM
That's drawing a lowg bow.  Aliens may act like that normally.  We've never seen a group interact with each other like that before.

Maybe they don't fight each other because of the queen ordering them around or it could have being the human dna :-\.



I don't think it would be the dna since humans are a bit violent.



AVP2 is one of the worst films i have ever seen. It makes Alien Resurection look like the godfather compared to it ;)

I don't no why everybody is hating on Alien 3? It's not great but it's a hell of a lot better than AVP,AVP2, Predator 2 and Predators.


Predator 2 is good, I say Alien 3 and Predator 2 are fairly same rating. And Predators was fun to watch.



Yeah love predator 2. That and Alien 3 are very underated.



Quote from: BobGrill on Nov 29, 2011, 11:52:13 PM
Yeah love predator 2. That and Alien 3 are very underated.

This is sooo true. I love both movies a lot. In fact Alien3 is the movie that made me fell in love with the alien franchise.



Quote from: Hicks101 on Nov 29, 2011, 11:46:53 AM

I don't no why everybody is hating on Alien 3? It's not great but it's a hell of a lot better than AVP,AVP2, Predator 2 and Predators.

Whats wrong with Predator 2 and AvP? Predators is good too because in all movies involving predators, they are all from different blood I believe, so it really shows the wars between them  :D (If my knowledge is correct)



Quote from: fry1236 on Nov 30, 2011, 05:48:38 AM
Quote from: Hicks101 on Nov 29, 2011, 11:46:53 AM

I don't no why everybody is hating on Alien 3? It's not great but it's a hell of a lot better than AVP,AVP2, Predator 2 and Predators.

Whats wrong with Predator 2 and AvP? Predators is good too because in all movies involving predators, they are all from different blood I believe, so it really shows the wars between them  :D (If my knowledge is correct)

I really feel when it came to Predator 2 they sold out a bit. It just didn't have the same integrity the first film had. Danny Glover is cool and everything but is he really a good enough and big enough actor to play the part, compared to Arnie? I don't think he is and i think the casting, set design let the film down. Imagine some one like Bruce Willis or Kurt Russel playing the part of Danny Glover? That would of been awesome. I loved the fact Hudson was in the film but honestly he was punk that barley put a fight up. Nick Nolte? The guy is a lame actor. Basically all the actors in Predator 2 aren't great.

Moving on to AVP. Where should i begin? First of the story is v poor and the casting is even worse.because none of the actors are that great it lets the film down. How many films have you seen the leading actress in? Or spud from trainspotting? Or the entire cast? They think hey will throw Bishop in and it will make everything alright.....no!

I think the "main" location isn't very good, it's too dark and lacks character. They tried to make it an "alien" feel location to it, dark corridors , small spaces and just very dark, but with the vibe , mood of something like aliens. It was basically a mix of alien meets aliens in a rubbish location and throw in some predators. i had been looking forward to this film for a v long time and even followed the directors career for a long time. He made a film called "event horizon" which is a fantastic horror/sci fi movie set on board a ship. It's really good and if you haven't watched it you should defo check it out!

Anyway AVP lacked a really good script and concept. I read a load of the graphic novels years ago and don't no why they didn't use one of them. They roughly based the script on one of the books but really the book was a lot better, but it wasn't great either. Predators again lacked a good script/concept. It had a couple of good actors in it, Adrian Brody has one an oscar for example. It boils down to this.....Predators, Predator 2 , AVP, and AVP2 are all good fun to watch. But they are not as creditble as the other films. You could watch them on a friday night with your mates but you couldn't place them among some of the best films of all times. The first two alien films you can ;)



I agree on you with the acting with them  ;) Thats the fist thing I noticed  :D

I have seen Event Horizon (well the first 20 mins  :-X :laugh:) and it's ok. Although I'd have to see all of it to really judge it. (So doing that on the Holidays)

I really have to get these novels, could someone name them all for me so I can get them?

Tough little S.O.B.

Tough little S.O.B.

ALIENS:  A masterpiece in so many aspects, a timeless clasic, it redefined sci fi and terror movies forever, etc. All the shit that we all know.

Ridley its still a director with a touch, even he has some horrible and boring movies. I hope he can demonstrate that he is really back in Prometheus, but I really doubt it....

ALIENS: The same as before, but this time for SCI FI and action movies.

For me, it´s trully hard to decide wich one is better. I enjoy more watching Aliens, but I think Alien is better by a 0,1%.

Even this is his best movie ever, cameron did more amazing films, till he crashed with a block of ice and did two of the most irritating and anoying movies ever. 

Alien 3: I dont hate it and I actually like it a lot,  its not even close to Alien or Aliens, but it if wasn´t for all the production problems,  It coul´d been amazing.

ALIEN RESURECTION: I hate a 90% of it, but I think that Jean Piere had good intentions, even he missed the tone completely. Anyway, horrible.

PREDATOR: A clasic and a cult movie but far away from beeing a masterpiece like Alien or Aliens. I mean, galaxies away from each other. I love it but its not the same as alien/s. (Im not going to make a lot of friends here...).

You gotta love Mctiernan. he is a true craftsman. But not a genius. Just a really competent filmmaker. He did good things and bad things after, but I just love the guy.

PREDATOR 2: A funny movie that I dont hate anything on it, but i dont love anything on it (besides Glover), and because the first one is what it is, this one is enough good for a secuel.

Stephen hopkins direction was so plain that he was even incapable of ruining it. I have doubts that he was even there during filming....if a squirrell with a camera had directed it, the movie would be exactly the same.


I forgot About PREDATORS: Fun and respectuous with the franchise, but quite boring. And the Predator Hound is the exact shit that happens because CGI. Somebody cames up with a horrible idea and it ends in the movie because you CAN actually do it with CGI. Before, a lot of stupid ideas didnt reach the screen because, thanks god, they where imposible to do.

Nimrod Antal direction has no personality at all, and the characters are just ok. I dont hate the movie at all, but I don´t think I am going to watch it never again. (the only movie im really interested of the PRedators franchise is the first one.).

AVP 1 and AVP:R  : For starters I am not very fond on the AVP premise,  but as a fan of SCI FI, give me a decent movie and i will devorate it. But if its possible, dont mess with Alien please. Do a Predator VS Riddick, Predators VS JAR JAR,  a Predator VS ET, whatever, but dont f**k around with Alien. And if you do, please have a minimum respect for it. But in this two movies, they didnt had any respect for Alien, and not even for Predator, degradating both characters at shamefull levels. 

Both movies are an insult to intelligence, an insult to movies, an insult to directors. nothing is worth on them. Life would be much better if they disapear forever.

In my world, they don´t exists.

Anderson is a plain director that make mvies that I can enjoy on a sunday afternoon with a masive hangover and my brain just in mode off, (Event Horizon its the best thing he ever did), so, not a guy that you want behing anything related to Alien...

The Strause brothers should quit directing forever. All their movies are just crap. I trully hink they are good people and that have the best of the intentions, but they have no talent for directing, and somebody should tell em. ( seems that hollywood allready told em).



Quote from: Tough little S.O.B. on Nov 30, 2011, 10:02:23 AM
ALIENS:  A masterpiece in so many aspects, a timeless clasic, it redefined sci fi and terror movies forever, etc. All the shit that we all know.

Ridley its still a director with a touch, even he has some horrible and boring movies. I hope he can demonstrate that he is really back in Prometheus, but I really doubt it....

ALIENS: The same as before, but this time for SCI FI and action movies.

For me, it´s trully hard to decide wich one is better. I enjoy more watching Aliens, but I think Alien is better by a 0,1%.

Even this is his best movie ever, cameron did more amazing films, till he crashed with a block of ice and did two of the most irritating and anoying movies ever. 

Alien 3: I dont hate it and I actually like it a lot,  its not even close to Alien or Aliens, but it if wasn´t for all the production problems,  It coul´d been amazing.

ALIEN RESURECTION: I hate a 90% of it, but I think that Jean Piere had good intentions, even he missed the tone completely. Anyway, horrible.

PREDATOR: A clasic and a cult movie but far away from beeing a masterpiece like Alien or Aliens. I mean, galaxies away from each other. I love it but its not the same as alien/s. (Im not going to make a lot of friends here...).

You gotta love Mctiernan. he is a true craftsman. But not a genius. Just a really competent filmmaker. He did good things and bad things after, but I just love the guy.

PREDATOR 2: A funny movie that I dont hate anything on it, but i dont love anything on it (besides Glover), and because the first one is what it is, this one is enough good for a secuel.

Stephen hopkins direction was so plain that he was even incapable of ruining it. I have doubts that he was even there during filming....if a squirrell with a camera had directed it, the movie would be exactly the same.

AVP 1 and AVP:R  : For starters I am not very fond on the AVP premise,  but as a fan of SCI FI, give me a decent movie and i will devorate it. But if its possible, dont mess with Alien please. Do a Predator VS Riddick, Predators VS JAR JAR,  a Predator VS ET, whatever, but dont f**k around with Alien. And if you do, please have a minimum respect for it. But in this two movies, they didnt had any respect for Alien, and not even for Predator, degradating both characters at shamefull levels. 

Both movies are an insult to intelligence, an insult to movies, an insult to directors. nothing is worth on them. Life would be much better if they disapear forever.

In my world, they don´t exists.

Anderson is a plain director that make mvies that I can enjoy on a sunday afternoon with a masive hangover and my brain just in mode off, (Event Horizon its the best thing he ever did), so, not a guy that you want behing anything related to Alien...

The Strause brothers should quit directing forever. All their movies are just crap. I trully hink they are good people and that have the best of the intentions, but they have no talent for directing, and somebody should tell em. ( seems that hollywood allready told em).

Lol dude your right on so many levels! I prefer Aliens but Alien is more groundbreaking (it's shot better than aliens). James Cameron doesn't even make movies anymore....he makes spectacles! Like he's only coming out of bed if he's going to make the highest grossing film of all time. it's a shame as well cos the guy is just so good. He wrote aliens in like a month or something, that just takes the piss.

Alien 3 your right on as well, could of been a great movie if they would of let Fincher actually direct the film....oh and maybe have a finished script as well! (The cast of Alien 3 is probably the most talented in terms of acting)

Alien resurrection.....wow what a peace of turd! I liked one shot and one shot only. When the general pulls out those cubes of whiskey and they get melted with the lazer. That one shot is the only thing going for the movie. Have you seen the making of it? The director at one point says he never gave any direction to Sigourney through out the entire film. Is this guy mad? How can you direct a film and not give your leading lady any direction? The "king" alien or hybrid at the end ? are you being serious? what the hell were they thinking!

Predator is great, maybe not as ground breaking as the first alien but it's really good. The music, the cast, it's shot really well and completely stands the test of time.

Predator 2 is a joke. Fun but it's a joke.

AVP. Fox just sold out i could write a novel on how bad the movie was.

AVP2. Ok well all i can say is this movie make's AVP and alien resurection look like the godfather and schindlers list.It makes them look like cinematic peaces of gold.

yep the strauss brothers need to be shot ;) But i blame fox, how the hell are you gonna get two guys to direct a movie when theyve never directed a movie in there lives? And give them some crazy budget......The cast of AVP2 was so bad i can't even begin to explain.What were they thinking? I can only hope and pray promethious is going to be good ;)

Quote from: fry1236 on Nov 30, 2011, 09:52:19 AM
I agree on you with the acting with them  ;) Thats the fist thing I noticed  :D

I have seen Event Horizon (well the first 20 mins  :-X :laugh:) and it's ok. Although I'd have to see all of it to really judge it. (So doing that on the Holidays)

I really have to get these novels, could someone name them all for me so I can get them?

Event Horizon is good, so check it out when you get a chance ;)

The novels i can't remember them of the top of my head but i  am sure you can find them on here some where. They did alien ones then they started to do AvP ones. They had a really good aliens one called earth hive i think. It was basically a sequal to Aliens . Imagine Newt and Hicks survived , they gave them different names tho like Billie was on of them but i can't remember the second characters name. the AVP ones they did a few, one i remember in particular. it was basically about this bad ass japanese(samurai trained) lady who basically run's an off world colony owned by the company. Predators shoot alien eggs on to the planet and begin to hunt. The colonists stuck in the middle. To cut a long story short the bad ass samurai lady ends up helping a predator. The predator bloods her (like he does in the move with the alien blood on her fore head)  and the fight alongside one another. At the end of the book a ship of predators turn up (much like the film) and instead of giving her a weapon and pissing off they take her with them. The next book she's living on the predator planet fighting against other predators in some gladiator style fighting cage. She goes of to hunt with them etc.... It's pretty f*****g cool and they should of based the movie on that ;)

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