Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 277,460 times)

War Wager

War Wager


VisualFx: (97%)

The CG in this movie is absaloutley brilliant. Everything looks great, but the motion capture CG on Davy Jones ^ it's just amazing. Really the best CG character ever put to film, period. As will the other two Pirates, the movie has a lot of panoramic shots; making it as epic as ever.

Storyline: (55%)

Set a few months after Dead Man's Chest, the movie opens with Elizabeth, Barbossa and the rest of the crew recruiting the help of the Singapore pirate lord. Although he doesn't aid them, they gain a new ship and a crew, and set off to World's End to rescue Jack. Meanwhile, the Royale Navy has entrusted the help of Davy Jones to start an all-out war against pirates and hope to clear the waters of them forever. All the pirate lords of the sea's, including Jack, must band together if they are to have any chance of survival.

SoundFx: (74%)

Very good effects here, the best being in the whole Maelstrom battle in the movies finalle. Pretty breathtaking stuff, not a lot else to say. The score is excellent too. (As usual)

Violent Factor: (30%)

I found this movie quite suprsing in that it goes for a much darker root than seen before and this obviously means more violence. I'm suprised they even managed to get the rating they did, as the movie opens with a pretty powerful hanging scene. Theres hardly any blood, mostly just slices of people being stabbed or shot. Pretty strong for a Disney movie never the less.

Overall: (62%)

In keeping with Pirates tradition, the movie is pretty humerous. No-where near as funny as the hilarous Dead Man's Chest, but is funny still. The plot is very confusing, and it's hard to keep try on who's with who. Theres a lot side switching that can get tiresome after a while. A part from the bad, the movie is still very good and is still watchable. The worst of the trilogy, but hopefully The Fountain Of Youth will change that...


Quote from: War Wager on Apr 25, 2008, 06:40:52 PM
The worst of the trilogy, but hopefully The Fountain Of Youth will change that...

Wait, are you actually hoping the new film will be worse then Parts Two and Three? They were horrible! I'm hoping, you know, they are actually good, like the fantastic original.

War Wager

War Wager

No, I'm hoping part four will be better than three... ^

VisualFx: (52%)

From an artistic stand point, the movie looks very averge. Director Dwight Little has been critised with not having a specific visual style and this movie just further confirms that. The CG used with some of the creature shots are nothing short of horrific. Most of the effects make the snakes look like giant monsters, fake looking ones at that. But with very few scenes; like when the Anaconda slithers down in front of a guy, the graphics are actually pretty good.  :P

Storyline: (57%)

A team of scientists are sent into the deep jungles of Burnoe to find a rare plant knows as 'The Blood Orchid'. The flower has life increasing properties and in so will make billionares of those who put it to the market. After hiring themselves a captain and a boat, the crew set out into the abyss. After taking a wrong turning, the small boat plunges off a waterfall, leaving the characters stranded in the thick jungle. Little do they know that the Blood Orchids location is also home to a large nest of Anacondas that have been growing in size because of feeding on the flower.

SoundFx: (68%)

The jungle surroundings sound very good and the vocals on the snakes are very good too. They sound very big and menacing. The score is pretty decent too, very tropical and tribal.

Violent Factor: (46%)

There is really no blood at all but the movie is still pretty violent. A lot dead bodies and and a lot of brutal attacks. It's not as grotesque as the first movie but you still have the classic 'eating-whole' scene. One nasty scene is when the characters encounter the dead corspe of an Anaconda, with it's body spilt open. Out of the wound, a human leg sticks out, covered in inners.

Overall: (55%)

First off, Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid is a very cheesey B-movie. But that doesn't mean it's not an entertaining one. Overall it's still a bad movie, with very wooden characters and lame acting but it's just fun to watch. We're getting Anaconda III and IV in the near future and with David Hasslehoff in both leads, I can't say I'm looking forward to them.  :)


I thought the special effects in Anaconda were great!



Doom Review

VisualFx: (65%)

Overall it's all pretty good, but the monster looks fake. The CGI looks very fake as well and does not look like real. Cool visual effects but they need to be better.

Storyline: (5%)

The movie is based on the video game on the same name. The story is about a group of people who go on a mission to Mars. So a team of Marines, leaded by Sarge, is assigned to rescue the personnel and retrieve the research data has to come to Mars. So later something went wrongs happen and a group of monsters has been made. A hellish zoo of demons, Imps, Barons and Hell Knights has taken over Olduvai and the Marines must stop them all. The story really sucks because it nothing like the game at all. The monsters are from hell not something that went wrong. The whole "24th chromosome" thing was so stupid and the movie feel like a rip of of Aliens then a Doom movie.

SoundFx: (87%)

Very good effects here, the best being in the space ship. The sound effects are great and all of the weapons sound like if there real. The sound that the monsters make great as well.

Violent Factor: (36%)

The movie is not that violent. There's a few blood splatters here and there but nothing drastic at all. There is a scene in the movie where you will see a guy bleeding to death. You will see some blood when the monsters killed as well. It not a movie that you should let your kids watch because it bit scary to them. You may laugh at the blood and gore in the movie though.

Overall (17%)

Overall Doom is a very bad movie. The movie is nothing like the game and Mortal Kombat was even better then this piece of crap. It not evens an action pack movie, just people walking round corridors with guns. The movie may have great sound effects and some cool visual effects but the movie gives doom a bad name. The Doom video games where scary but this movie is not scary and it just a cheap horror movie. If you're Doom fans then don't buy or rent this movie.

War Wager

VisualFx: (73%)

The camera work in this flick is very good and it has an overall 'cool' look to it. The CG is actually pretty decent, as the year 2001 saw a lot of other good CG effects in movies. The lighting in the temple sets is very good and it ultimately makes them look larger. 

Storyline: (75%)

Lara discovers an old clock in her mansion and finds out that it's counting down to hearl the arrival of the 'Planetary Allignment'; a point in the space in which all the nine planets form a vertical line. In an ancient temple in South Africa, lies a dial in which great power will be trust upon to however unlocks it at the time of the alligment.Two pieces of a triangle; the only key to the dial; are hidden somewhere in the world and Lara must reach them before the Illuminatie, a secret organisation, do. Or the world could very well be destroyed.

SoundFx: (69%)

It's got everything you'd expect from a action movie; great sounding weapons, explosions etc. The score for the movie is great also and seems almost based on the games themselves. You remember parts of them as the score plays in some parts.

Violent Factor: (30%)

Very limited violence wise, pretty much just punches/kicks etc. A few gun kills but there is basically no blood. That is exept a scene near the end in which Lara has to move a levitating knife with her bare hands and you see blood start to trickle down her palms.

Overall: (68%)

A very entertaining and fun flick, and a very worthy video game adaption. One of the few game based movies that really draw from it's source and give you what you exepect from an adaption. Angelina Jolie is perfectly cast as Lara Croft, I really can't see the role being played as good from another actress. Nice action/fight scenes, aswell as good acting from the whole cast. Not the best movie in the world, but by far not the worst.


Tomb Raider was just a chance to ogle at Jolie for me.  :D

War Wager

VisualFx: (43%)


Storyline: (6%)


SoundFx: (51%)


Violent Factor: (8%)


Overall: (1%)




Iron Man Review

This Review may have Spoilers

VisualFx: (98%)

The movie has some awesome CGI in the movie. There wasn't one bit of CG that looked fake, it looked totally real. The explosions look so real in the movie as well. Iron Man suit in the movie look awesome and his sliver outfit look the best IMO. Every time Iron Man fly's it makes you feel like if you where flying as Iron Man his self. The Final Battle in the movie had very impressive CGI in the movie and it looks so awesome. The Visual effects overall in the movie are so amazing. I have not seen any CGI that was breath-taking since The Matrix.

Storyline: (85%)

The movie is based on the comic book with the same name. The movie is about a guy named Tony Stark who is on a business trip to Afghanistan and has came to show his new weapon called the "Jericho Missile" which is a cluster bomb. Later he was later attack and kidnapped by the terrorist group in Afghanistan. Later he is trap in a cave and the terrorist want to build a weapon for them to attack. Later he teams up with a guy named Dr. Yinsen and helps him build armor. Later Dr. Yinsen is killed and Tony has made his first Iron Suit then he attacks the village and escapes back home. He returns to the United States, Stark declares that Stark Industries will no longer manufacture weapons and later on he builds a better Iron Man suit with more speed and more power then before. I don't want add more because I don't want spoil the whole movie but the story it self is great. The movie goes by the comic books very well and the characters in the movie have good development. The story mix with humor, drama and action in very good way. The one thing I did not like about the movie was the first part of the movie was the first scene that you see in the trailer. I did not like how Tony tell everyone that he is Iron Man at the end of the movie.

SoundFx: (100%)

The sound in the movie is amazing. The sounds that the army makes when shooting at people in the movie or when Tony Stark launch the bomb to Afghanistan sound real and if it was happening. When Iron Man fly's in the sky sounds like that Iron Man was flying in real life. The score for the movie in the movie is not bad at all. It not nothing special or memorable but it still very good. It was nice seeing some old school rock songs from Black Sabbath and ACDC in the movie.

Violent Factor: (16%)

The movie is not that Violent. You people get shot in the movie a few times and villages get blow up in the movie as well. Nothing is gruesome but you see some blood on Tony body after getting attack from the terrorist.

Overall: (90%)

Overall Iron Man is an awesome movie. The movie has good character development, the humor is good and Robert Downey Jr did a great job as Tony Stark / Iron Man. The movie also has great pacing and tons of the action. The movie will not make you bored while watching the movie and it will keep you entertains until the movie is over. Iron Man is the best superhero movie since Batman (1989) and it best Marvel movie next Blade 2 and Spider-Man. You will also see Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury at the end of the movie which is cool. Iron Man is worth your money and time.

War Wager

VisualFx: (96%)

Some terrific CG here, aswell as a good visual style. The fight scenes are almost entirely CG but it looks so realistic it makes it as entertaining as ever. One of the better movies of 2004 with impressive CG, a lot better than Anacondas, Catwoman etc.

Storyline: (80%)

A few months have past since the movie and Peter Parker has continued to fight crime in the 'city that never sleeps'. Life isn't easy however as he has to balance his life as a superhero with his normal life. He is getting more and more detached from Mary Jane, Harry Osborn and all that are close to him because of his curse. To make matters worse Dr Otto Octavious, a brilliant scientist, has ended up with intelligent smart arms attatched to his back. After a terrible accident, claiming the life of his wife, he decides the only way to honour his wife is to continue his work and re-create the machine that caused the accident.

SoundFx: (97%)

Great sound effects as usual but the main point that stood out for me are the noises of the 'smart arms' that are attacthed to Doc Ock. They have a creepy, original screetch that really makes them seem like smart, alien objects. An amazing score too, better than the first.

Violent Factor: (21%)

No blood, expept from a lot of cuts of Spideys suit after encounters with Doc Ock. The fights themselves are pretty brutal, as both titans get smacked around here, there and everywhere.

Overall: (93%)

One of the best superhero movies made so far. All the actors excell in their roles and really bring realism and humanity to the characters. Amazing fights, especially the train battle which is probably the best Vs battle I've ever seen. A strong plot goes along with a strong... well... everything. :P The best Spider-Man in my opinion, and probably the most entertaining one we'll ever get. I could be wrong though...


Quote from: Aeus on Apr 30, 2008, 08:38:40 PM
Tomb Raider was just a chance to ogle at Jolie for me.  :D

You could always try Gia. I hear. ;D

War Wager

VisualFx: (63%)

Visually it looks very slasher-movie-average and pretty amiture. It takes a lot of camera techniques from Halloween with having the camera constantly positioned all around the actor/actress making them feel that they're constantly being watched.

Storyline: (34%)

It's Christmas Eve and the occupients of a modern sorority house are settling down to have a nice evening together. A snow storm rages on outside causing roads to be blocked and ultimately cause them to be stuck in the house. As the quite evening continues, the women recieve a strange phonecall with an eerie vioce on the other side. "Get out of my house." The person mutters. "I'm going to kill you." The deranged murderer Billy Lance, who lived in that same house many years ago has escaped from prison and is hell bent on given the girls a Christmas they'll never forget.

SoundFx: (66%)

Nothing stands out apart from score. Shirley Walker, who also done the music for the Final Destination series, takes the classic Christmas tunes and gives them all a horribly sinister twist.

Violent Factor: (75%)

It's a slasher movie and it does it's name justice. A lot of blood follows from the movies second act and a lot of splatters. I don't want to spoil the deaths themselves because a few of them are actually quite good, but it's overall a little over-the-top.

Overall: (53%)

It's a remake, so I didn't expect this flick to be very good. I haven't seen the orignal Black Christmas (which was infact the very first slasher movie, came out way before Halloween) but I think this movie is quite decent. Of coarse it's very cliche' and you can probably guess who will live and who will die. It does have a slight twist in the end but it's not one that will shock you completely. If you like seeing attractive girls get killed off in over-the-top, bloody ways then you will probably enjoy this.  :)


Sgt.Torque Reikan



The Matrix Revolutions Review

The review may have a few spoilers

VisualFx: (95%)

Awesome stuff that the movie has. The fight scenes are amazing and I never seen a fight scene in a movie look so awesome before. The rain in the movie looks great as well and looks very real looking. The movie has the best special effects and the visual effects are better then the first two movies.

Storyline: (57%)

The movie is about Neo discovers that somehow he is able to use his powers into the real world too and that his mind can be freed from his body, as a result of which he finds himself trapped on a train station between the Matrix and the Real World. Then Zion is preparing for the oncoming war with the machines with very little chances of survival of the earth then Neo must free him from The Matrix to believe that he is the One who will end the war between humans and the machines. The story is not bad but it feel like if the movie hole movie was rush. I did not like how they killed off everyone like Neo and Morpheus in the movie. The story was a poor way to finish the series.

SoundFx: (70%)

Great sound effects as usual but the score was boring. The score was nothing new or special to listen to in the movie. It did sound darker then the other two movies but nothing memorable. I like score in the first two movies better.

Violent Factor: (10%)

Just like the other Matrix movies, no blood except from there is a lot of fighting in the movie with the battle with Neo & Agent Smith in the movie. You see some gun shooting in the movie but that about it. There's is some blood when that rocket woman gets killed by a Sentinal and a blood patches on Neo and Smith's teeth as the fight. Nothing bloody or R rated in the movie.

Overall: (62%)

The Matrix Revolutions is better then the second movie but it still not very good movie. The action was entertaining and the visual effects where amazing but the story was just a bad way to end a great series. The ending was pretty confusing and it was hard to understand. You may like it but it still not very good movie.

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