Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 277,511 times)


Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)

'Jill Valentine' and three other people are holed up in an abandoned church trying to escape the ever growing army of zombies within 'Raccoon City' (one of the stupidest names for a city ever!). They are in a battle against a group of 'Lickers' and almost out of ammo, things look bleak.

Suddenly a bright shines through the huge stained glass window...'Alice' blows through the glass mounted on top of a motorbike. She lands perfectly, informs the survivors to take cover and proceeds to blow away all the 'Lickers' one by one in an eye shattering display of slow motion action enough to give any fanboy a hard on. At this exact moment the franchise dies, this is where the 'Resi Evil' film franchise loses the gritty grown up 'Aliens' clone formula of the first film and enters the realm of hyper martial arts and lots and lots of slow motion action.

The character of 'Alice' has been experimented on since the last film, apparently, which now gives her superhuman strength, speed and agility. This in turn takes the character and the film into the world of 'The matrix' and absurd action set pieces.

Don't get me wrong the film isn't entirely bad, the atmosphere and visuals of the film are decent whilst the abandoned 'Raccoon City' is created very well. You do get a great sense of dread from the deserted city, it feels dangerous and eerie with a really nice dark tone.

The film is still pretty adult I must say, there is plenty of blood, some gore and quite a few jump in your seat moments. The general survival concept is along the same lines as the first film with a small band of people trying to escape the City, its a solid idea which works. The problem is the inclusion of 'Alice' who drags the film down utterly with her over the top macho invincibility.

The inclusion of 'Nemesis' was of course required by all Resi fans and he is faithfully created, amazingly, although a bit rubbery. Not being a fanboy myself I just don't get why the 'Umbrella Corp' would release this huge monster simply to kill the remaining 'S.T.A.R.S.' members. Was this some kind of field test? and the fact they planned to nuke the City wouldn't that somewhat negate their precious creation?. On top of that they make 'Alice' fight this big guy for no real reason other than to have an exciting finale fight in the film...oh and something about seeing who is stronger, err why???. All that work just to have him fight 'Alice'?!.

The problem as said before is quite simply the character of 'Alice' and the fact we have to follow her around from one superhero sequence to the next. On top of that you have the pathetic alpha female rivalry between 'Jill' and 'Alice' (and both actresses) as both compete for sexiest zombie killer. 'Jill' wins purely down to her ridiculously skimpy outfit which is obviously in there just for the teen male audience. Because of course most special unit cops wear tight hot pants and a tight vest when in terror situations...wait this is a serious film?.

Its a brave attempt which literately just keeps its head above the waves and manages to be a reasonable film. Shame about all the slow motion crap but this is what happens when Jovovich is in a film. The film is basically let down by stupid action sequences which vomit on your suspension of disbelief, had these bits been more sensible or relatively realistic then the film could have been pretty solid.


Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)

With probably the most over the top, outlandish, in your face action sequence you've seen for sometime comes the fourth entry of the endless Resi Evil franchise. Now I REALLY am gonna try and not mention a certain Keanu Reeves sci-fi action film involving 'bullet time' too much if possible but its gonna be hard.

This outrageously insane kamikaze opening sequence where all the clone 'Alice's' storm the 'Umbrella Tokyo Headquarters' is actually a guilty pleasure I must admit. Its so ridiculously stupid using every cliche in the action film textbook and rips every possible slick visual imagery you can think of from various other action/sc-fi films...yet its great fun. Jovovich/'Alice' is sleek, sexy and deadly as the clones tear the faceless 'Umbrella' stormtroopers apart with machine guns and katanas. Bloody squibs bursting from the seams, bullet holes, hits to the head by 'Wesker' on his own men at point blank range, beheadings...oh my!!.

Only one question begs to be answered, where did all those 'Alice' clones get all those identical figure hugging catsuits??.

So the drudgery continues as 'Alice' goes from one area to the next battling the undead and watching more and more of hers allies go down one by one. This time she lands her plane on a huge prison in LA, not too sure why she would quite clearly get herself stuck on this prison, let alone almost killing herself and 'Claire' whilst trying to land on the roof. But she does because there are survivors there...but surely anyone would just fly by and find a more secure place? this prison is surrounded by millions of zombies! pfft your funeral.

The ensemble cast is actually pretty cool in this, on the same page as the first film although not many famous names. Alongside 'Alice' in this prison we have the token black guy who runs around in a vest so we can see his big muscles, at least he's well spoken. Standard fare sexy brunette who is British (at least she isn't a blonde), the excellent Kim Coates as a slimy film producer (nice touch Mr Anderson), a funny little oriental fellow, standard fare tough guy backup number two called 'Angel' and Wentworth Miller who again is behind bars.

To be totally frank this fourth film is completely run of the mill, bog standard stuff in terms of plot. Its simply another setup for 'Alice' to piledrive into with a new team of zombie fodder at her side. The thing is like the first film its still quite an enjoyable ride, its totally predictable, totally cliched and pretty much rehashes the same stuff all over again but in a different location. But thanks to a quirky cast the film is pretty cool I think. 

There are still plot questions that hit me, especially as this is now the fourth film. Anyone notice that the 'Umbrella Company' has so many underground bases? also they are VAST underground bases!. How and when did they build them?? (under Tokyo??!!), how are 'Umbrella' so rich n powerful? Where on earth do all the 'Umbrella' henchmen come from? how come they are always safe? where do they get all their guns and ammo? how come they are so useless and why would they wanna do their evil job? why does 'Umbrella' carry on playing with the dead when the human race is almost extinct!? and finally not being a game player...who was that huge axe wielding guy? where the heck did he come from?.

I must also ask why the cities in this franchise are in ruins? the undead are eating everyone not blowing up buildings, so why are they all stripped down to their structures and burnt out?. The other main question was why some zombies can now run and have tentacles coming out of their mouths just like the vamps in 'Blade II'. When did this evolution occur?.

I can't delve deeper for obvious reasons, the film is what it is and we all know this, its Resi Evil, don't question that. The film does deliver in my opinion, it gives you what you expect with some decent visuals and good close quarter action. The finale against 'Wesker' is just as insanely 'Matrix-like' as the opening sequence and just as mind bogglingly daft, maybe more so. The rock soundtrack in the background means its officially cool, its official.

You do feel the tension in these films when the heat is on and its time to escape from somewhere. The fact 'Alice' isn't a superhero this time boosts the film giving a sense of uncertainty for once, even though you know she still won't die, still helps.


Man's Best Friend (1993)

This film is listed as a black comedy? well I guess some of the effects are now amusing sure. The plot is one that is sure to get emotions high, its all about medical experiments on animals by some mad/sadistic doctor who is trying to create the prefect super dog, and nothings gonna get in his way.

This means there are lots of sequences with animals shown locked up, experimented on, being captured etc...all the things that would make most animal loving people squirm uncomfortably. On the flip side because the film is based around a dog there are also some cringing soppy moments although we're not talking 'Beethoven' type soppiness.

The plot is basically a 'Terminator' 'Jaws' mixed idea but for a dog. The huge hound prowls around the neighbourhood getting up to no good like killing the postman, eating a cat whole, eating a parrot whole and half killing another dog by screwing it good n proper. The effects now are laughably bad with hokey puppets and a silly 'Terminator' style focusing eye close up from time to time. Although I must admit they do well to get the dog to look menacing at the right moments, but he's a cute big fella really.

The whole thing is totally dumb and looks poor today, its reasonably amusing just to see Lance Henriksen do his wide eyed crazy villain thing which he does so damn well. The ending 'twist' is sooooooo predictable but I'm glad they never made another as the whole notion is just stupid. A good example of this is the sequence where the dog camouflages itself like a chameleon would, riiiiiight.


Attack the Block (UK, 2011)

My first impressions for this British made sci-fi were not good, not good at all. We are introduced to a small gang of South London youths in your typical modern day gang get up...hoodies, baseball caps, tracksuits, gold chains around their necks, riding bikes and the obligatory Staffy pet dog. This foul mouthed bunch of yobs go about robbing a female passer by at knife point clearly relishing every moment of it. Its at this point I immediately hated what I saw.

Maybe its because I live in South London, I know London very well and have experienced gangs like this in reality. Maybe its the fact that South London is exactly like this with massive problems of gang culture, knife attacks, muggings and (some) youths generally acting as portrayed in this film. The gang consists of teens, mainly black with one white boy (who typically thinks/pretends he's black). Unless you know South London you will probably need a translator to understand what they are saying in this dreadful gangland/street culture way of speech that has evolved in London. The dialog is chock full of 'bruv' 'cous' 'blood' 'innit' 'for real' 'ghosting' 'ducking' 'breezing' 'fam' etc...they sound like morons and I hear it often in everyday life.

Yeah I know I sound like an old fart but this is what we have to put up with in South London, this film is very accurate, so much so its annoying. So basically I found myself hating the main characters in this film right from the word go, this gang are the 'heroes' as it were and we're suppose to root for them? yeah right. Twas only when the invaders popped up I got into this, well once this gang started to get some extraterrestrial 'retribution'.

The actual sci-fi element of the film is pretty good I must admit. The whole things runs along the same kind of lines as 'Aliens' (and tonnes of others) with the standard escape plot and the standard 'characters getting killed off one by one' idea. Nothing original but it is very effective setting it within the confines of a tower block.

It doesn't seem totally thought out though as why would these aliens only stick to this one block? there is a reason of course but surely they would spread out and explore. Also you'd think with all the noise, violence, bodies and general racket going off people might notice and call the police, surely there would be 999 calls going off every minute. Also no one ever thinks that maybe the discovery of alien life might be kinda important, if you wanna make money then maybe tell someone instead of smoking weed.

I must also give huge kudos to the design for the aliens as they look truly terrific. At first you're thinking they are gonna look rubbery and cheap (especially after the first encounter), but with a combination of CGI and men in suits the look is really quite eerie and original at the same time, amazingly!. Think big pitch black coloured gorillas with a set of bioluminescent jaws (teeth) that glow blue, sounds odd I know but they are highly effective and really lift the film. You wouldn't think this was a cheapish simple Brit flick horror, if it wasn't for the aliens this wouldn't be half as good.

So yes I enjoyed the alien aspect of the film and it doesn't hold back on blood n gore which is good. The main problem for me was the gang of scrotes that are fighting the aliens and meant to be bad guys turned good in a coming of age kind of way. This is in no way a feel good 'Goonies/Stand By Me' type group, far from it. Bottom line is they are all thoroughly unlikeable and I REALLY wanted all of them to get eaten by the creatures so badly. To be honest I'm sure there would be many South Londoners that would agree, if only there were some real monsters cleaning up the streets by eating all the hooligans.


The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

'Bella' awakens to her new life as a vampire, her eyes now glowing red and her complexion pale and delicate. She picks up things she has never noticed before, her senses alive and super charged for the first time. Her vision has pinpoint accuracy, her hearing detects the tinyest sounds and her agility is now superhuman. She runs off into the forest with 'Edward' to experience her new vampiric abilities. As she sprints through the trees at top speed, she sees nature in all its beauty, like never before with her new vampire vision. Everything can be seen in slow motion, the insects flying, the flowers blooming, she can hear various small wildlife buzzing, clicking and calling.

Yes, nature and its creatures seen and heard for the first time perfectly in all their glory, beauty, majesty...and then she rips out its throat.

The big finale to the epic 'Twilight' series finally dawns (hehe) upon us, the limp tale continues from where it left off. Unfortunately this means we go straight back into the vampire soap opera we had to put up with in the last deary installment. Its not as bad as the last film in that sense, at least this time we have 'Bella' getting used to her new vampire skills and scowling EVEN more than normal. On the down side we still have 'Jacob' sexually frustrated because he can't do it doggy style with 'Bella' and lots of average young actors with lots of poorly done heavy face makeup.

The effects are still pretty damn ropey all the way through, the CGI is near laughable in most sequences with terrible special vampire skill sequences of super speed. The wolves look like cartoons and characters look like ragdolls when knocked about in the air or where ever.

Worst new effect must be the new born child, was that thing CGI? it bloody looked like it. Jesus that looked eerie, I think it was either a fully CGI baby or a real baby with a CGI face! good god!, no wonder everyone thought it was evil.

The plot on the whole is much more interesting than the last film, overall this film is better than the last as that was terrible. Its all just a prolonged build up to the big fight at the end, but even that isn't entirely as it seems. Anyway the fight has been talked about a lot but frankly I don't see why. Sure its probably the best thing in the entire franchise but its hardly worth waiting for. Plenty of heads being ripped off and arms torn from their sockets whilst vampires and wolves go down in a flurry of sparkly action, but in no way is any of it original or really exciting.

I thought the whole bit about gathering vampire friends from around the world quite amusing, basically a recruitment montage. Its fun but highly generic and cliched, the amazonian female vampires in their tribal outfits, never thought Egypt would have vampires, one bloke from the American Revolution period who doesn't shut up about it (you'd think he would have let that go after a few hundred years) and the hilariously cliched Irish vampires complete with flatcaps, scarfs and dowdy, drab clothes that looked like poor labourers.

I've said before this franchise isn't as bad as many say and I will still stand by that. The first film was OK, second was fair and third was a bit better than them both, best not to talk of the pointless fourth. Yes the film is still chock full of sulky looking younglings, cheesy ass panto style makeup, lots of brooding, lots of dialog about things only the book readers will know of (or if you can remember from the last films, I couldn't), characters that pop up outta nowhere (I lost track), vampires that look and dress like pupils from 'Hogwarts' and of course Miss Stewart doing her best grimacing/pouting ever!

As you can guess the fans will love and probably mums with their daughters too. The franchise was always just an excuse for mums/daughters/teen girls to see some fit firm young men in very very soft acceptable porn, tastefully done of course. I'm sure its close to the source material and it has been good in places but it is a weak romantic tale really, drawn out over five films.

And what is the deal with 'Jacob'? the dude isn't romantically involved with 'Bella' anymore, but he still wants it doesn't he, doesn't he?. 'Bella' still keeps him around why? for threesomes? just to look at his nice body? to abuse him?. He gets a raw deal if you ask me, he gets to babysit their kid and generally be a dogsbody forever whilst watching 'Bella' and 'Edward' get it on. Maybe he likes that?.

This final episode is like the first three, its average and just about kept my attention although the originality of the original is of course long gone. A nice end credits sequence ties everything up in a sweet lovable girly bow, but will we see more of this supernatural heartbreaker? or is it indeed finished...forever?.


Total Recall.

Take half of Minority Report, half of Blade Runner, half of Terminator 3, half of Tron Legacy, half of Inception, half of Star Wars, and half of the original Total Recall, strip it of any intellectual discourse or genuine emotion or thought, and make it into one movie that is much less than the sum of its parts. Boom. Done. Total Recall 2012. The Facepalm version.


^ Agree :)

Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)

A change of pace for the third film as we move outta urban settings and weapons/laboratory facility type settings for the open desert. Yep Resi Evil goes for the 'Mad Max' look complete with heavily armoured vehicles including the good old petrol tanker, you just can't go wrong with a tanker in your desert based fantasy flick.

The image of 'Alice' being more of a elemental/supernatural type superhero is enforced more in this new film after we learned how badass she was in number two. A motley band of survivors once again are in deep doo doo being attacked by hundreds of ravenous crows (crows in the Mojave desert?), until 'Alice' pops up and saves the day by scorching all the crows to a firey death with the mind powers she learnt from 'Professor X'.

The plot is just like all the other films, a small group of survivors in a different setting, getting taken down one by one, until only 'Alice' and maybe two others remain for the next sequel (where those two normally get killed off early on). I quite liked the idea of 'Alice' roaming the Southwestern US outback looking for supplies and survivors but stumbling across crazy killers that like to watch people get eaten by zombie dogs. You could totally see that happening in the US with all those religious nut jobs over there, real 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' type folk in the sticks over there.

On the subject of zombie dogs, why are they always rottweilers? what has happened to every other type of dog? is there some kind of special sale on zombie rottweilers?? cos they are everywhere!.

Actually this film felt somewhat muted and not as action packed if you can believe that. Looking back over all of the films this one definitely has a slightly slower pace, less interesting characters and less action...apart from the usual mass of gunshots to zombie heads. On the other hand the visuals seem more realistic (deserts always seem to look good on film) and the zombies look good, grittier. The sequence where the main bad scientist guy tries to domesticate a captured zombie harks back to the classic 'Return of the Living Dead' zombie franchise (third film), nice touch.

Despite a more straight tone as it were, this film does suffer from not being quite the ballistic overdrive of action the rest are. It almost doesn't quite fit within the franchise really but I liked the fresh location. The whole film does feel a little bit of an anti climax though, the finale with the mutated creature sums that up pretty well, but as usual the setup for the next sequel intrigues.



Hubbs, check your messageeeees.


I thought the zombie dogs were dobermans in the first movie.


Quote from: KiramidHead on Mar 02, 2013, 05:44:25 AM
I thought the zombie dogs were dobermans in the first movie.

Were they??! bugger it to hell!! meh they all look the same.

Red Dawn (1984)

Set in an alternate 80's this film is based around the notion that the US is evaded by the Soviet Union and its Cuban and Nicaraguan allies. So its everything your standard red blooded, paranoid, religious Southern hick dreams of, a chance to roam around out in the sticks shooting people that may look like a threat, yee-haw!!.

World War III, America v Russia, fight!, well almost. The film is interesting if slightly silly, I would of thought it impossible to evade and take the US considering its size and population. A film of its time for sure, a time when America was paranoid about the Russians (and vice versa) and had not too long finished up fighting the North Vietnamese.

on one hand its a more serious 'Goonie' type fantasy adventure, on the other hand there is a clear underlying message about the way people thought back then, tensions, imagination running wild, maybe even preparation ideas just in case, what better way to show the masses than with a movie. You could almost say it was a military promotion/propaganda to encourage youngsters to join up, stop the commies from trying this, don't be like one of these characters in the film (that get captured and killed).

Putting aside the hidden messages that aren't so well hidden (were they meant to be?) its obviously very dated and effects aren't like today, the action is very hokey. Lots of vehicles being blown up, men shot with no visible evidence of bullet holes or blood, booby traps, thick tashed bad guys etc...It is a grown up serious film though, the premise is serious as are the deaths of various characters and the way the film portrays both sides at crucial moments of morality.

To look at the film you could be fooled into thinking it was just another silly 'A-Team' brat pack affair, hell it was only missing Estevez and Lowe. Despite the now famous young cast there is a heck of a lot of emotion flowing through this, certain scenes will make your eyes well up even though you know its corny as hell. The dialog is like the action in its hokey as hell at times but along with the great location work you can't deny the film does pack some punch, somewhat.

Back in the day for American kids of that age group I'm sure this film was quite unnerving. As for American adults back in the day I'm sure it did make them wonder about the future. Altogether a film very much of its time which doesn't really work as well now, still fun thanks to a great cast but the edge has long gone due to circumstances changing over many many years. An interesting look back in time though.


I could be mistaken, it's been a few years.


I'll just plug my review blog here  ;D

You can link to it via that little globe icon under my avatar if you want ;) the same stuff I've been posting here but I have other reviews you probably haven't seen which I will get up there. Thanks to Omegazilla for the advice, still trying to get the 'follower' thing to work, dunno if it does yet -_-


Dark City (1998)

Directed by Proyas, the man behind ' The Crow' and with a title like this you get an idea of what you're in for. You could say this was the film that influenced 'The Matrix' and from then on a tidal wave of other fantasy films. Not in terms of action but mainly visuals, mood, stylings, the odd set piece and of course the dream like plot.

Even though the film sounds like some kind of period set superhero type action film like 'The Shadow' its a whole different ballgame. The story is set within a sprawling city, a dark city naturally, that never seems to see daylight and no one seems to notice. The main character of 'Murdoch' awakens with amnesia and up for murder, from this point on he must try to fathom out how and why he's in this situation whilst trying to avoid mysterious shrouded characters that are trying to kill him.

It doesn't sound much of a thrillingly new concept but its the look and atmosphere that was new for the time. I say new, there was Burton's 'Batman' of course and 'The Shadow', but this type of dark comicbook/graphic novel approach wasn't anywhere near as common as it is today.

Take a heavy set 30/40's city complete with classic cars and fedoras, give much of the architecture and style a bleak black n white German expressionist tone bordering with gothic and a plot that harks back to old detective noir thrillers. The other cool thing was the city we see in the film is a mix of different architectural styles from different countries. Bits and pieces from all over so you're never sure where exactly you are, it also seems to have bits that range from industrial to basic urban to classical. Overall a very deary dream that does remind you of the cityscape from 'Blade Runner' somewhat.

I'll be honest, this film takes time to get to grips with, the first time I saw it (theatrical release) I didn't really like it. I'll admit I expected something very different, an action film, the film is much deeper than that. I only started to get the idea about the same time as Hurt's character starts to follow 'Murdoch'. Its then you realise what's going on and it all clicks, everything is not what it seems, the world you know isn't real...sounds familiar doesn't it.

I think the casting let the film down in terms of box office success. I loved the cast personally and thought each person gave the film credibility and believability. I love Richard O'Brien and wish he would do more films where as Jennifer Connelly's looks are so 30's America she could have been snatched from the era in a time machine. She already proved this starring in the other 30's period set adventure 'The Rocketeer' (part of the 30/40's action hero trilogy with 'The Shadow' and 'The Phantom'). Hurt is stoic of course where as Sewell is a proper British actor. The inclusion of Sutherland was the only member there to try and attract a more mainstream audience, I think.

I think 'Dark City' is a damn good thinker, philosophical to a degree, questions aren't completely answered and you can look at the story in many ways from many angles. This is why it didn't go down to well upon release, everyone including myself expected something else and at the time (again myself included) people were disappointed and a tad confused. 'The Matrix' filled that part in the jigsaw puzzle and gave people what they wanted, the dark gothic bleakness, something to think about with another good plot and of course blistering action.

Upon reflection I now see how good this film is with its possible symbolism's and allegories, if you scratch beneath the surface there may or may not be more to find. You could also look at this as an extended 'Twilight Zone' episode, which is how I see it really.


Red Sonja (1985)

The third film in the Conan trilogy...well it pretty much was wasn't it. This film is directed by Richard Fleischer who also directed 'Conan the Destroyer', the same studio, Dino De Laurentiis Company, made all three films, Sandahl Bergman was in this film and 'Conan the Barbarian' and of course Arnie starred in all three.

I mean lets be honest here, Arnie plays 'Lord Kalidor', the character is virtually a Conan clone, I dunno why they didn't just make him 'Conan' and be done with it. I believe 'Sonja' comes from the Conan universe originally (I may be wrong) so why not?. I'm guessing there may have been copyright issues somewhere.

So its the same story again for this fantasy adventure, need I describe the plot?. A small band of goodies up against an evil baddie leader and all her baddie warriors who are all holed up in an intimidating fortress. Arnie rides around in his rather unattractive red sparkly jumpsuit (changes to a black number out of the blue half way through) whilst Nielsen sports a long red mullet cut, but she's still cute.

This is suppose to be the weakest of the Arnie broadsword adventures but personally I don't see it. Its no worse than the other two and gives you just as much visual sorcery. In fact there's more fantasy stuff going on here than 'Barbarian', giant pet spiders, giant skeleton bridges, a metallic sea monster thingy and a silly 'Flash Gordon' style baddie wizard. This film boarders more on other films such as 'Krull' and a bit of 'Willow' in my opinion.

Reasonable amounts of blood and limb chopping but not overkill. Everything looks a bit tacky later on in the film but again no worse than the other two films. Unfortunately there is an annoying kid in this film, kinda like 'Data' outta 'The Goonies' or 'Short Round' outta 'Temple of Doom' (same kid actor there), tends to give the film a more slapstick approach at times, 'Conan the Barbarian' was always the most grown up of the three.

At this point I reckon Arnie was possibly getting worried he may end up typecast as a barbarian meathead in fantasy films. I can see why this was his last as all three of these films are very similar and not overly wonderful frankly. Still the musical score was always in good hands with Morricone at the helm, how did they manage that?. As a kid I loved these films, nowadays the rose tinted shades can't quite save them, amusing and naff, oh and the baddie Queen is a lesbian. Oh yeah, the whole story is down to Sonja simply rejecting her advances at the start. fancy that haha.



Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed
   The bad teacher from Ferris Beuller's Day Off feels he has uncovered a conspiracy that Intelligent Design advocates are being persecuted against, and warns the world of the evils of evolution. Wow. Just wow. This may well be one of the worst films I have ever seen. Let's count the ways, shall we?
I will admit in advance that this is more of a rant than a critical essay like my usual reviews. I will comment in this films dishonest tactics, its horrid message, and just how morally reprehensible this thing is. And I warn you all. I get mad. Really really f**king mad. Also, I am not trying to attack religion. There are many religious people in my life and they are all really good people that I would lay down my life for if given the chance, from my family, which is predominantly Christian, to my friends who come from a wide variety of colorful and fascinating cultures, some familiar, some not so much. You can believe what you want as long as you don't harm anyone. The people who made this film have done a lot of harm. My rage is not directed at religion. It is directed at the monsters who made this film.
   Ben Stein is a man we all know. His monotone delivery has proven a very great way to get the giggles going, from such classics as Ferric Beuller's Day Off, to a guest appearance of Freakazoid, to the Clear Eyes Commercials, and his game show Win Ben Stein's Money. What a likable character, right? Nope. Ben Stein shows who he really is in this movie, a closed minded bigoted fool. He constantly refers to evolution as "Darwinism" And the "Darwinian Gospel" But he is not alone in his asshole rants. He is joined by several martyrs of the ID movement who were removed from their jobs not as a result of their ID advocacy, but because they broke several regulations within the community whilst advocating it, some of which could have been easily fixed. Their scenes basically consist of  "Oh, poor me. The evil evolutionists are so mean." And Ben Stein constantly praising their efforts in the face of "Darwinist wrath." It is enough to make you sick. His constant bad puns and lies of omission, especially by us people who know what the f**k evolution is, really gets you going. He tries to paint himself as a crusader for truth and justice, and argues that ID being kept out of schools is a threat to freedom. Some of us actually read the laws and are aware that ID is just a front for religion and schools are a government institution, so that would count as the government forcing religion onto people. That and some of know about the whole Wedge Document, which blatantly states that the end goal of this movement is not to give ID and evolution equal time, but to get evolution out of schools, period. Gee, it is almost Ben Stein is telling manipulative lies on behalf of manipulative liars.
   The treatment of the interviewees from the opposite side of the spectrum is reprehensible, and you can really see this by their reactions in the film. People like P.Z.Myers and Richard Dawkins were duped into taking part in this documentary when the producers sent them requests claiming they were doing a documentary called Crossroads, and claimed to be part of another company called Rampant films, and even put up a fake web page for the interviewees to do research and see if the project was legitimate. The requests for the interviews were saved by Dawkins, Myers and others and immediately after this film was released, they were released to the public, showing clear manipulation and deceit on the part of these filmmakers. This is most visible during the climactic interview with Dawkins. During the first part of the interview, he is level headed and calm, speaking eloquently and politely. Once Stein begins to slam him, his reaction when he realizes he has been duped is heartbreaking. Say what you will about the man and his attitudes, there is no way you cannot feel sympathy for him at that moment. This is f**king wrong. That is a real man who realized he got swindled, and I feel immense compassion and sympathy for Dawkins having to go through this. Dawkins later said that since he now felt he had to be more careful and lest trusting of people, thus the joy in his life was "significantly diminished." I may not agree with Dawkins, but I will take his side over Stein. At least he isn't a lying sack of shit. Oh, and the interview is awful as well. Stein hammers Dawkins and forces him to say things that make it seem like he advocates ID secretly, then tries to guilt trip him into theology at the end of the interview. Real classy, asshole. If there is a God of kindness and love, It will take Dawkins over you any day.
   Let's talk about the films technical aspects. They suck. Cinematography is typical documentary types of things, but there are also clearly skewed moments that try to paint ugly pictures of certain things. By far the film's worst moment as an art form (and there are plenty) is the segment when Stein begins to go on a rant blaming Darwin and evolution for the Holocaust. Apparently he decided to forget that one of the things evolution teaches is that diversity in a species is a good thing, so Hitler was effectively hurting out species in his vain attempt to destroy diversity. DUH! The film reaches one of its countless low points when Stein walks into the Darwin museum and goes up to the statue of Darwin, which is photographed to make him look like a monster, and Stein looks at him with sorrow filled eyes as if he is looking at a tyrant. Tell you what people, switch the subjects around and you got it right. Also, the people advocating science are often shot in darkened rooms making them appear sinister and evil, whereas the ID advocates are shot in naturalistic, outdoor or well-lit environments to make them appear good and nice. Fortunately, I can still hear words, and the people in the dark rooms are not spewing bullshit.
   Lets talk about the lies, I mean the lies, I mean the lies, I mean the writing...lies. This film is so full of blatant in your face lies I am baffled by the fact that no one involved with this said "Hey, shouldn't we be more honest with this thing?" Oh wait, the ID movement is built on lies. Now it makes sense. There is quote mining abound in this exercise in depravity. One of the most notorious moments is the end of the "Evolution made Hitler do bad things." Segment where Stein quote mines from Darwin's "The Descent of Man" to make it appear that Darwin advocated genocide. Here is how Ben Stein read it in the film.

With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination. We build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed and the sick. Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. Hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.

Now here is the actual quote plus the next paragraph.
With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination. We build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to small-pox. Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting in the case of man himself, hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.
The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy, which was originally acquired as part of the social instincts, but subsequently rendered, in the manner previously indicated, more tender and more widely diffused. Nor could we check our sympathy, even at the urging of hard reason, without deterioration in the noblest part of our nature. The surgeon may harden himself whilst performing an operation, for he knows that he is acting for the good of his patient; but if we were intentionally to neglect the weak and helpless, it could only be for a contingent benefit, with an overwhelming present evil.

Funny how the people who made this garbage accused evolution of leading to Nazism but then they themselves used common Nazi propaganda tactics to get their message across. A deliberate editing of a good book to make it appear evil. Hey, people who made this movie. You know there is a really bad sin called "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" right? Of course you do.
   Oh, but there are more such low moments. One such sequence is a terrible cartoon sequence where someone is told they can win the first cell on the planet of they get 250 slot machines to go off at the same time and in the correct order, and the scene concludes with a cheap jab at Richard Dawkins. Truly the mark of the "glorious place" that Stein claims religion leads you to, you know compassion for your fellow man and all, unless they are atheist I guess. Several clips from several classic films are seen as well, with The Day the Earth Stood Still used to make fun of the alien seeding theory and Planet of the Apes used to show evolution as a bully against a good old fashioned God made man. One such moment was thankfully not included in the final cut. Stein used the song Imagine, you know, that great awesome and beautiful John Lennon song, as juxtaposed it over scenes of communist Russia. Fortunately, his widow was so disgusted that she sued the producers for twisting the late Lennon's words and by the time the court case died, it was too late for them to put it in the film.
   By far the film's worst point is the extended segment where Stein blames evolution for the Holocaust. This segment features horrible images of Nazi concentration camps, actually takes us to several of the locations where the atrocities were carried out, graphically describes how the people were killed, and it goes on, and on, and on, and on. Whatever I didn't puke up before, I puked up here. They even get the author of some piece of shit book blaming Hitler on Darwin to say "Oh, Darwin totally did the Holocaust, man." They make vague references to sections of Mein Kampf as being inspired by Darwin. Hey, that's great. How about you show them? No? Well how about I read the book myself. Now what is this that I read? Hitler talks about God and creation and says he feels he is guided to do what he does by God? OOPS! The disregard and lack of caring for these 12000000 people who were maimed, tortured, mutilated, hanged, chopped, broken, raped, cut and burned and the callousness it would take to use them as a tool to vilify an opposition whose only crime is the desire to spread knowledge is the lowest of the low. The fact that Ben Stein, a Jew, got behind this cheap shot shows how little he truly cares about the Holocaust. He simply uses it and the victims, some of which were his own family members as a trump card. How big of a creep can you be?
The film's final act of depravity is the ending, where ben Stein sends out a call for people to fight for ID. Guess what he says? You guessed it. "Anyone? Anyone?" What a whore.
I hope to God this review finds the people who made this, because I have something to say.
I don't think you realize just how nasty what you made is. If you are a creationist, that is fine, show me some evidence that has not been debunked, and test it. That is all we want from you. That is not what you do here. All you do is accuse the greatest minds of the past several centuries of being responsible for some of the biggest most evil crimes the world has ever witnessed. How dare you. How dare you shovel these innocent people out of their graves just to slander science. You accuse them of being cheap on human life, but the fact that you felt so little compassion for these dearly departed souls that you merely saw them as a tool for this...thing shows that you are the ones who don't care. Ben Stein, shame on you.
This is one of the most astoundingly ugly and evil things I have ever witnessed in my life. These assholes are extremists who are no better than those behind the Spanish inquisition and Islamic terrorism. They are hate mongers and nothing more. It is filled with blatant falsehoods, lies and shall we say questionable tactics by its creators, none of whom have anything to be proud of for making this bigoted tripe, and if there is a hell, I am pretty sure that all responsible for this travesty just signed none wave able reservations for their places, because this movie is a sin. A sin that was punished as the people who made this film eventually went bankrupt. Was this sin punished by God or by society, or by a mixture of both? Doesn't matter. It was punished.
All people want from advocates of ID is evidence that can be tested and not just rants. But they are not interested in evidence. They are not interested in truth. This movie shows what their real goals are. They want to rape their religion into the world.
   And let me drop the bomb right now. To those who don't already know me, I believe in the possibility of God and Gods, but I don't believe in this vile, hateful, deceitful excrement made by big mouthed boneheaded bigots. This "documentary" would make Joseph Goebbels blush. It is absolute trash and I would no sooner se ever copy of this miserable, mean and callous piece of shit thrown into a volcano. But we don't want to do that. We might hurt the lava.
   f**k this movie. f**k the devils who made this movie. f**k the devils who support this movie. Yes. I am talking to you Chuck Norris. When I get home for break, I intend to show this film to my mother, a Christian and an evolutionary biologist and proud to be both. I bet she will be even sicker than I am.

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