Introducing a new Rebellion staff member to AvP-Galaxy

Started by ajm, Feb 10, 2010, 10:17:49 AM

Introducing a new Rebellion staff member to AvP-Galaxy (Read 176,471 times)


I've got a question, too. Since there's some trouble to follow the whole story, will you release some kind of a story guide for AVP? Like, who's where, why, and what for, and then what happens in a chronological order? Look at Halo Timeline on Halo website for example. It'd be nice, but it'd be even better if you put together a movie that shows what happens on Freya's Prospect, with Lance Henriksen doing voice over.:) (yeah, I know that's not going to happen:) still, I count you'll publish the storyline guide, though)


My questions are for the Xbox 360 version:

1. Is there anyway I can Create/Host a "Ranked" match and set the options, e.g. change the time limit or kill count etc???

2. When a host leaves a game and we get sent back to lobby, do we keep all the xp we earned up until that point of the host leaving?

3.  Is there some sort of punishment for people leaving? Like reducing their xp a little every time they do it, so many times I've seen people quit when they're losing, and it's a staggering amount, I refuse to believe everyone has that bad a connection.

Thank you again.


Hi Trigger,

Thanks for coming here and helping us out. Ive got two questions and an opinion to share.

Number 1. What is the reason behind negating exp from friendly macthes? I honestly can not grasp the logic in this decision. Everyone wants to build their online profile, in this case with skins but with it being such a pain in the rear to get ranked matches, atleast for me on PS3, its really annoying that I cant just hop over to the game browser, pick a game and have some exp gaining fun.

Number 2. Why cant you do match making and game browseing in the rank mode? This too baffles me. So far, my experince has been much easier when looking for "freidnly matches". I can just browse, pick and wala! Why not offer these features in the ranked games too?

Lastly, and I know its a bit cliche at this point but why in god's green earth is the predators heavy attack faster then the Aliens? I can understand and appreciate you guys wanting to make the predators physical attacks more powerful since it holds true in the movie franchise but if we are sticking to realistic applications of these movie monsters dosent it make sense to make the alien faster in every aspect? Thats their strong point and the only thing going for them in the wepons department so why nerf them aginst the preds? Its just really annoying that unless I am up aginst a brain dead pred I have zero chance of killing one in a strait up, drag out melee contest. I do understand and enjoy the sneak attack tactics that the Alien excells in but with their ranged arsenol and vision modes it is VERY, VERY hard to sneak up on a pred and since everyone and their mother picks preds, well, its usualy a nothing more then acid blood everywhere.

Well, thats all from me. Thanks again for coming here and answering questions! Just please dont let this game fall into the "we dont care pile" because it has so much potential to be one of  the greatest things out there.


So it sounds like the PC has some light at the end of the tunnels with the beta server patch that came out this week, now I'm wondering if us poor console players (PS3 here) will get any love. I haven't played AvP in almost a week now since the only thing I was getting out of the MP was white hot blinding anger, I tried to play through SP again but just got bored, I mean I bought AvP for the MP, that's it. 

So I haven't heard of anything coming down the pipe for PS3 or 360, in regards to fixing matchmaking and incorporating host migration, or even just the ability to join in progress games. Any hope of us getting some love in the near future? I so desperately want to love this game but 80% of my time with it has been spent staring at a rotating chestburster and being thanked by Weyland-Yutani for my patience. Right now Gamestop is actually offering about $38 for my game and I'm feeling quite tempted to try to cut my losses.


Quote from: MisterGone on Mar 02, 2010, 04:10:42 PM
So it sounds like the PC has some light at the end of the tunnels with the beta server patch that came out this week, now I'm wondering if us poor console players (PS3 here) will get any love. I haven't played AvP in almost a week now since the only thing I was getting out of the MP was white hot blinding anger, I tried to play through SP again but just got bored, I mean I bought AvP for the MP, that's it. 

So I haven't heard of anything coming down the pipe for PS3 or 360, in regards to fixing matchmaking and incorporating host migration, or even just the ability to join in progress games. Any hope of us getting some love in the near future? I so desperately want to love this game but 80% of my time with it has been spent staring at a rotating chestburster and being thanked by Weyland-Yutani for my patience. Right now Gamestop is actually offering about $38 for my game and I'm feeling quite tempted to try to cut my losses.

You shouldn't count on the game being saved on the consoles by waiting for dedicated servers on there, they have only said they would like to do it, which is far from it actually happening.


Was wondering if you have any plans to tweak weapon spawns on the map especially when dealing with Marines. The amount of PR spawns is ridiculous, 1/3 or 1/4 of them need to be Shotguns, Flamethrowers (if they're made better), or Scoped Rifles. I'm tired of running over to spawns and it saying, "You already have full ammo, sorry." It gets a bit frustrating when you already spawn with 99/297. A.) Marines won't live long enough to use even half of that ammo. B.) Even if they did, they wouldn't need 10+ PR spawns to replenish the ammo spent. Please fix!



well welcome to avpgalaxy and i have but only one question... Do you know of any updates or new features going to be added to the PS3 version of avp..... message me the answer please.


Quote from: Valheru on Mar 02, 2010, 06:41:09 AM
Quote from: JediMasterGabe on Mar 02, 2010, 02:07:34 AM
Will there be an update where ur XP is saved even if the host leaves the game because I just played three games in a row with over 30 kills combined and have gotten Zero XP

Are you definitely playing in ranked matches? Because I recently saw another post that someone had tested and found you do still get the XP you'd accumulated so far if the host leaves.

Would be great if REB could confirm this though, yay or nay?



Yea I'm playing in Ranked. And there's no way the XP is saved because I would be at least 1 or 2 ranks higher if the XP was saved.

P.S. Rebellion the game is still great, and I'm very appreciative of a good AvP game, there are just a few small flaws that are annoying.


Quote from: MisterGone on Mar 02, 2010, 04:10:42 PM
So it sounds like the PC has some light at the end of the tunnels with the beta server patch that came out this week, now I'm wondering if us poor console players (PS3 here) will get any love. I haven't played AvP in almost a week now since the only thing I was getting out of the MP was white hot blinding anger, I tried to play through SP again but just got bored, I mean I bought AvP for the MP, that's it. 

So I haven't heard of anything coming down the pipe for PS3 or 360, in regards to fixing matchmaking and incorporating host migration, or even just the ability to join in progress games. Any hope of us getting some love in the near future? I so desperately want to love this game but 80% of my time with it has been spent staring at a rotating chestburster and being thanked by Weyland-Yutani for my patience. Right now Gamestop is actually offering about $38 for my game and I'm feeling quite tempted to try to cut my losses.
i havent touched the game in a while since a few days after i got it on the PS3 for preety much the same reasons.i hope they do fix these problems soon with a patch cuz right now im thinking baout selling it also not goona lie.rebellion PLEASSSE give us PS3 owners a patch to fix these issues


Rebellion you are talking about sequel already,  will future DLC for AVP after the hunter edition maps not happen? or will you really continue making maps and skins DLC for AVP throughout the year?

and Rebellion when are those female Marine MP skins coming for multiplayer?


Quote from: safetyman on Mar 02, 2010, 04:19:24 PM
Quote from: MisterGone on Mar 02, 2010, 04:10:42 PM
So it sounds like the PC has some light at the end of the tunnels with the beta server patch that came out this week, now I'm wondering if us poor console players (PS3 here) will get any love. I haven't played AvP in almost a week now since the only thing I was getting out of the MP was white hot blinding anger, I tried to play through SP again but just got bored, I mean I bought AvP for the MP, that's it. 

So I haven't heard of anything coming down the pipe for PS3 or 360, in regards to fixing matchmaking and incorporating host migration, or even just the ability to join in progress games. Any hope of us getting some love in the near future? I so desperately want to love this game but 80% of my time with it has been spent staring at a rotating chestburster and being thanked by Weyland-Yutani for my patience. Right now Gamestop is actually offering about $38 for my game and I'm feeling quite tempted to try to cut my losses.

You shouldn't count on the game being saved on the consoles by waiting for dedicated servers on there, they have only said they would like to do it, which is far from it actually happening.
Yeah, I'm well aware that console probably won't get anything other than hosting. What's more annoying is that I just picked up Bad Company 2 yesterday and within 5 min of throwing the disc in I was playing with no lag against 12 players, ahh the beauty of dedicated servers. That just really highlighted what a horrible choice Rebellion made by going with hosting, and even though games like MW2 and Bioshock 2 have hosting as well, their matchmaking setup at least works.
I'll be honest, I don't think I'd ever pick up another game that doesn't offer dedicated servers unless I hear the MP is absolutely out of this world brilliant, and that definitely includes any AvP sequel. 


That's how everyone should think. It's people buying into the absence of dedicated servers that have ruined it for everyone else.



can you guys PLEAAASE give us any info on any updates if you even have a patched planned for the PS3? cuz ALLOOOT of us PS3 avp fans are really getting impatient on waiting for a patch that we dont even know if is coming or not in the first place.i havent touched the game in like a week because of the current state ofthe PS3 version online can you guys give us ANYTHING at least a tiny bit of info would help 


Here is a question I'm curious about.

I'm sure you're aware of the many issues there are for the game, exp glitches, mic issues on PS3, match making, etc, etc. I want to know, are you working on a solution for atleast the majority of these issues? And if so, when can we expect this patch that I think many of us are waiting for?

I know a few people ready to trade their copies in if they don't atleast hear word that there is a coming patch.



I dont know if these are gonna get answered, but i compiled a list of questions that people from steam forums were wondering about.  Alot of people know this game isn't doing too well after a month release, so it would be nice if these questions could be answered.

1)Is the dev team that worked on AVP still working on adding multiplayer features for AVP including more match settings and options? 
Reason: Currently there is hardly any customization available to tweak game modes.

2)This was asked before, but what is the word now on free mod tools being released (SDK) so players can create their own game modes and maps?

3)Is there gonna be a lan option available that doesn't require internet (very important). 
-And why was lan play excluded in the first place, such a standard and amazingly useful feature.
-Pretty much all the top competitive games have a lan option.
-It should also let you create a server on your own to explore and then others to join in.
^^ An entire thread dedicated to it

4)Are modes like predator hunt going to be balanced out and made more fair for the predator.

5)Many weapons are underpowered at the moment, such as the flamethrower, sniper rifle, smart gun, predator throwing spear (slow throwing speed and losing cloak), plasma caster (using too much ammo and weak uncharge shot), etc. Are they going to receive balance tweaks? It would be great if every gun was useful.
-Are grenades going to be added?  Could have been another great weapon to the marines arsenal

6)Is ranking going to be combined into all servers and matches so the already small community doesn't get split up even further.

7)Are you going to remove the feature that requires people to hold down e to pick up a gun/pred weapon.
Reason: Players would appreciate it if weapon pickup and pred recharge station had no delay. Its also more noticeable at higher pings.
-All it does is slow the game down and make players more susceptible to being shot.

8)Are stealth kills going to be tweaked so they dont reach as far as they do at the moment.
Reason:  Currently you can be very far from an opponent and it still sucks them in.  No this has nothing to do with lag or ping.

9)Is predator cloak going to be made better?
Reason: Right now you can't even sneak up on players because the cloak hardly covers the pred when he moves towards marines. If they want to make him more noticeable, it should be only when hes holding down the sprint button if anything.
-Right now its impossible to sneak up to 1 or a group of marines.  He loses his cloak anyway when he attacks or fires anything.
-If 1 says to sneak behind a marine for the kill, than whats the point of the cloak again.

10) Why cant players join a server mid game.  Another left out but important and standard feature

11)Are the alien wall clinging controls going to be improved? And is the alien camera going to be fixed?

Reason: The camera is very confusing, constantly changing and making it hard to focus on a target.

For Further explanation on alien controls, read below:

Quote from: ValentineHeart"Fact #1: It forces autotransitions down ledges and on several surfaces even with the Auto-Transition option turned off in the options menu, sometimes resulting in players being stuck and unable to auto-transition back off.

Fact #2: The camera auto-centers on uneven surfaces, such as at the top of the temple, which causes a jerky camera.

Suggestion #1: Add a toggle function for Auto-Transition and add a "limited auto-transition" option to the options menu, allowing players to choose to have NO auto-transition, the default partial auto-transition, or full auto-transition if they wish.

Suggestion #2: Make auto-center optional and add an auto-center key.

In AvP 1 and 2 auto-center was optional and auto-transition could be toggled. There was also an Auto-Center key.

Heres an explanation of how the camera is very disorienting for alien players

Quote from: shakermakerman
Think of it this way...when you go running down a rocky road in real life do your eyes look straight up, then level, then straight down, then level every time you step on a rock an off again? No it doesn't. The same should hold true for alien vision when running over a bumpy surface...but it doesn't. Every little bump re-orients your vision parallel to the surface of the when going over a support girder instead of just stepping over it and continuing to see forward (which it should be) you change vision angles relative to the overall surface 4 times (level, up, level, down, level)

Gamemode suggestions
compiled from steam forums.  If you want a successful game I recommend at least taking a look at these.

Predator hunt:  1 predator vs many marines.  Right now its completely unfair for the predator against marines.  This game mode is basically "hunt the predator as fast as you can since he can't defend himself:

-He needs all of his weapons, more health, less de-cloaking, etc.  His melee game should be stronger and more lethal.  Some have suggested it has a max of 8 marines to keep it fair, but its hard to say about a limit if the predator received alot of upgrades.  Make it an option at least.
-Some have also suggested that the timer be removed so the pred can actually stalk humans and not rush for kills.  At least give the option to toggle it.

Survivor mode:  Boring after 5 min since all you do is shoot aliens that come after you.   The problem is the maps mainly for starters.  This game mode is very similiar to left 4 dead.  In that game, the maps were very large, allowed you to explore, and run to the end as fast but as safe as you could.   Not just shoot zombies (or aliens) until you die.  There was an objective.   Humans were also allowed to respawn if teammates revived them.

-Multiplayer lacks variety in weapons and also weapons that are not useful, so thats another reason it gets boring fast.
-Another suggestion would be to allow a few aliens to controlled by players (another great idea by left 4 dead), adding to the fun.

Predator hunt elimination spinoff- same as predator hunt mode, but its round based where once a human dies, hes dead for the round.  This idea comes from counter-strike and the game mode "search and destroy" from modern warfare 2.  These game modes are very popular and fun.
Once all the humans have died or the pred has been killed, a new round starts.

Capture the flag type mode- fun and popular in alot of games

Attack or defend a point or 2 points on a map-  Another great gamemode similar to "plant the bomb" DE maps in counter-strike or "search and destroy" from modern warfare2.  Also a mode in Unreal tournament games.

Minor gameplay tweaks
-Allow pred. to scroll through his visions backwards as well.  Also, adding in an option to assign visions to specific keys.  Example: pressing F goes straight to alien vision.

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