Single Player Questions/Help Thread

Started by WeaN, Feb 14, 2010, 03:37:48 PM

Single Player Questions/Help Thread (Read 61,173 times)


does the difficulty actually change the way the the ai acts or just that enemies do more damage?



Which were your favorite missions for each species ?  What did you like/dislike about each mission and why ?

I might suggest sending those by PM though ;)



Quote from: AJL on Feb 15, 2010, 11:19:51 AM
- Speargun felt better with its ability tear off limbs and all that...
- Speargun had Lasers which gave enemies some advance warning...
- Speargun projectiles moved with practically infinite speed, and in a
  straight line while these spears are slow and fly in arc, making them
  much less effective sniping weapon than the speargun was...
- Speargun felt like complete weapon while with this Spear it feels
  like they only implemented one small fraction of it...

Virtually everything you describe are more to do with Rebellion's take on rod-like projectiles being shot through the air, than whatever shoots them. :)

Having that laser paint a target when it's not for the shoulder cannon, never made sense to me.



Quote from: AJL on Feb 15, 2010, 08:14:14 AM
So... There is no crouch mode but how does this work in SP ??

same as it does in MP.... it`s not there.

.. are we not saying this right? :D



Wait.... so you're saying there is a crouch!


Porkus Maximus

QuoteHaving that laser paint a target when it's not for the shoulder cannon, never made sense to me.

In AVP1 Multiplayer the laser came directly from the speargun, not from the mask.



Quote from: S.Y.L on Feb 15, 2010, 12:29:27 PM
Quote from: AJL on Feb 15, 2010, 08:14:14 AM
So... There is no crouch mode but how does this work in SP ??
same as it does in MP.... it`s not there.
.. are we not saying this right? :D

WE ? No.. YOU... You are not... Reading it right... (At all propably) ::)

I am guessing, as soon as you noticed the word crouch in there you
stopped reading (and of course missed the whole question) and you
just gave that same standard there is no crouch mode reply which
had nothing to do with my question... :-\

IF you would have read my post you should have noticed that I did
not ask how this Crouch mode (which don't exist) work in SP ::)

I asked how the SP works without it...



Quote from: Predator:o:95 on Feb 15, 2010, 12:19:28 PM
does the difficulty actually change the way the the ai acts or just that enemies do more damage?

I only played on Hard so far, so I'm not sure.
The aliens sustain a lot of damage, though. For instance, a single throw of the Pred disc doesn't kill an alien on Hard. A second disc will put it down but it will still try to crawl at you, unless you aimed at the head. Also, as the Marine you have to shoot at an alien for at a least 3 seconds to kill it (body shots) ... shooting the head does more damage of course.

Quote from: Spic on Feb 15, 2010, 12:23:12 PM
Which were your favorite missions for each species ?  What did you like/dislike about each mission and why ?

I might suggest sending those by PM though ;)

I enjoyed the first part of the Marine more, cause it felt so much like James Cameron's Aliens.
The beginning of the Alien SP is pretty awesome too, since you get to actually get away from your cell and wreak avok inside the research facility.
What I didn't like about each campaign ?

Synthetics. They sustain too much damage and aren't fun to face... if you blow their head off they keep fighting, if you blow one leg they just sit on the ground and keep shooting, and body shoots are close to useless since they are heaviliy armored.
Especially as the Marine since you can't crouch to avoid their fire.



Are the animations good for the spoiler above you just mentioned?



Quote from: Xenomorphine on Feb 15, 2010, 06:11:53 AM
Quote from: Baasje92 on Feb 15, 2010, 01:33:09 AM
Dude listen, it's just an mp age, almost no game concentrates on sp gaming, most go for mp gaming that's what this game is about to, the online experience, the sp is just for getting to know the story line.


It's only primarily geared towards being multiplayer if it's somehow advertised as such: For instance, the original 'Battlefield 1942'. Just because you can do multiplayer on something, doesn't mean to say that should be the exclusive motivation for whoever purchases it - and certainly shouldn't be the only focus for whoever designs it (if they ever do, then it's laziness).

A lot of people don't even have an Internet connection (a good proportion of which will probably buy this) and, with due respect, it makes you seem a bit elitist to dismiss those people as meaningless.

With that said, it sounds like these three different campaigns should truly be treated as three acts/chapters in one huge one. Ideally, each would be just as lengthy as one another.

Yup, though I am a MP oriented player but I agree and furthermore what speaks against having a good SP AND a good MP ;).

AvP 2 has shown us that this is pretty much possible. However AvP 2 was a game that was dedicated towards ONE platform, namely the PC and we all know how demanding this bunch of people can be about having a good SP and MP ;).

Maybe that is the reason (though I know its more then this ;) ).

I also understand the rest of the people who did not have a 3 Mbyte connection at home and a top rig at this one to play the MP of the game endless hours until their eyes bleed though this just reinforces more my faith in Monolith and that I know that they have proven me how to make a top end game with a very nice story as well as a top end MP that has as well as the SP nearly endless replayability.

Thats also why I ask myself that now everyone thinks that AvP (3) will be a game more MP oriented and that the game will shine there, cause from the MP demo I can not really say that it blew me away as a lot of things do miss in it and certainly make competitive gaming a non-issue at that point. In addition to that we do not even know how the final MP of the game will be (with exception of WeaN and few lucky ones ;) ) but according to the trailers/previews etc. in comparison to the MP demo it will have some more maps and luckily dedicated servers for the PC which is a really good addition for the MP platform at that one but thats about it and if we are serious regarding competitive gaming the additional modes are just their for show, however the general gameplay is NOT the place where it will really shine and thats where the game needs to shine while being close to its canon we know off but there we already got some problems ... .

People sometimes must dream which seems to me to be the case by thinking that this game will shine in MP :-\ ... .

On last note crouch is missing here so this game has already lost a very important part for a good MP game and I do not say this because crouch is not important and therefore not mandatory for SP but because crouch opens up new ways of fighting and making it harder to be target in a good session then the rather obvious things that the developers always put up as explanation of not having it in ;).

Edit: Well Xenodog lets hope so. It would be quickly boring if you could play it through in a matter of a few hours ;).



Quote from: WeaN on Feb 15, 2010, 12:11:41 PM
Quote from: Namihana on Feb 15, 2010, 01:00:46 AMQuestion to WeaN.

What happens to #6 during the end of her campaign?

That's a big spoiler :

At the end of the Alien campaign, Six becomes a Queen.

Quote from: Toxicon on Feb 15, 2010, 01:07:40 AM
In what order do the campaigns take place (time-wise)?  From what I can gather, it sounds like Alien first, and then the Predator and Marine campaigns overlap.

Time wise, the Alien campaign definitely comes first. I'm not sure about the Marine and Pred ones, they start at the same time (when the Pred warship attacks the human one), but the Marine campaign probably ends after the Pred one. I'm haven't completed Pred yet, I'll let you know when I do.


I really suggest to play in that order : Marine, Alien, Predator.
In my opinion it's the best way to enjoy the way the events relate between each other.
You get to see the consequences of what the Marine player does when you play as the Alien, and what the Alien does has consequences during the Predator campaign.
You'll understand when you play.

Quote from: PsychoticMarik on Feb 15, 2010, 01:20:30 AM
This may be a stupid question, but how much of Queen #6 do you really see?
Does the games story leave obvious openings for a sequel other than this?

You get to see Six actually break her former skin and become a Queen.
The ending definitely opens room for a sequel, as Six happens to have taken control of a human space ship lost in space and built her hive there.

Quote from: afrocat on Feb 15, 2010, 02:34:43 AM
Ok question...
In the Alien campaign does six actually have facehuggers with her? I mean she's some sort of genetic hybrid/experiment correct? So does she just call a facehugger or does she actually...idk produce one?

Nah, Six is no different than any other Drone, except she's maybe much clever.
You don't get to produce facehuggers or whatever. They just appear from nowhere when you initiate a harvesting move.
There is only one part when you crawl through vents and see an AI facehugger come along, before it proceeds to attack some Marines. But you don't actually assist it in anyway.

Quote from: Rem on Feb 15, 2010, 03:13:29 AM
Hey Wean quick question,is there a big muzzle flash with the pulse rifle like how it was in the demo? [360 version] that's mainly all that bothers me about the game,can't see not a damn thing when firing while playing the demo because of it.

It's about the same as in the demo.

Quote from: Pauk -d Paya on Feb 15, 2010, 06:25:56 AM
apparently though the guy who started this thread said
the alien campaign is way shorter than the marines unless it only seems shorter cos it was easier for him when he used aliens
just one thing how do we know hes not just making all this up. So wean why dont you put a screen shot of you against all bosses in all camps use the spoiler tag of corse but thats the only way ill b-lieve you

You're free to believe me or not. I'm merely offering, not forcing.
Seeing as we are so close to release, you'll get to check by yourself soon anyway. If I lied then you can come back here and slap me in the face :)

Quote from: Wraiths_Hawkins on Feb 15, 2010, 06:27:32 AM
regarding the part that you said that in the 1st part of the marine mission you only have a pistol.I'm curious to know when you get a better weapon like the pulse rifle or the shot gun or anything better then a pistol.

You get a pulse rifle when...

you meet up with Tequila.

Quote from: "The Space Sweeper" on Feb 15, 2010, 06:37:12 AM
Do they have any vent shaft scenes with the junction gates from ALIEN at any point in the Marine campaign?

No, unfortunately.
No crawling through vents as the Marine.

Quote from: InfestedGoat on Feb 15, 2010, 06:41:09 AM
In some videos I saw it looked like if you are an Alien, you can be 2 feet away from them moving and they wont see you. Is this the same in Hard mode?

Also, if you have been seen, how easy or hard is it to hide in the shadows and lose them?

It's pretty simple. As long as the reticle says you're in the shadow, humans can't see you.
Even if you get spotted, as long as you get back in the shadows, they go like "where did it go ? I lost it".

Quote from: elderwolf on Feb 15, 2010, 06:57:00 AM
how violent does it get, are there parts with bodies destroyed like no ones buisness

You stubble upon many Marine bodies indeed. They aren't heavily mutilated, just covered in blood. I don't remember seeing severed limbs.
But as the Alien, the bodies of your victims remain there, you could even bump into it and have the Marine head you just cut off roll on the ground.
Alien bodies do disappear as soon as you kill them as a Marine though.

Quote from: AJL on Feb 15, 2010, 08:14:14 AM

One guestion about Marine campaign...

So... There is no crouch mode but how does this work in SP ??

A. The level design is such that there simply aren't any such cramped areas
where you couldn't fit in without crouching...

B. Such areas do exist but since you can't crouch, you can't get there and
if your destination is through such area then you must simply take some
detours to get ahead...

C. There are such areas and when you try to go there you do crouch but
it happens automatically...

I'd say it's a mix between A and B.
Areas never require you to crouch to get anywhere... you get stairs, elevators, doors, and sometimes you get prompted to climb over rubble.
Not beeing able to crouch isn't a problem as long as you only face Aliens.

Quote from: AJL on Feb 15, 2010, 08:14:14 AMÖöh... Wait a Second guestion...

In MP it seems you can have only 4 PR nades and there is no reloading...
(I mean they just "teleport" inside your weapon as you pick them up...)

How are they in SP ??

It's just the same as in the demo I'm afraid. Limit is 4 in SP too, and there is no reloading animation when you pick a nade.

What I did enjoy though, is the fact you get first person animations for almost everything you do : Push a switch, open a door, type on a keyboard, offer shoulder to a friendly character. You get to see the hands/arms of your character do everything, that's great for immersion.
gg Rebellion on this.

Quote from: Elude on Feb 15, 2010, 10:36:30 AM
Is nightmare mode unlocked from the start or do we have to unlock it by beating it first on hard? I've seen the nightmare mode in the menu on some previous videos if your curious of why I ask the question.

It'd be really gay if it was locked.

Nightmare mode is available right from the start.
You get zero checkpoints in this mode.

Wait, so in Nightmare, is you die, it's right back to the start of the campaign?! Even on the last level!?



Quote from: VEF214 on Feb 15, 2010, 01:09:46 PM
Are the animations good for the spoiler above you just mentioned?

Depends what you mean by good.
They get their job done, yes.

Once you blow off one of their legs, they fall on the ground and then proceed to sit using one of their arms... once they are settled good, they start shooting at you from this position.
The animation of the synthetics is good ... but the synthetics themselves aren't fun to fight IMO. The Marine gameplay doesn't fit well fighting enemies with firearms, to me.

Quote from: Xenodog on Feb 15, 2010, 01:30:21 PM
Wait, so in Nightmare, is you die, it's right back to the start of the campaign?! Even on the last level!?

More like back from the beginning of the level.
I haven't played this mode yet, but I would assume so.



Nightmare means no checkpoints, so you restart from the begining of the mission not the campaign (as that would be a tad harsh), try seeing if you can "complete marine campaign on Nightmare without dying and only using the pistol" took me bloomin ages to do that :/



Quote from: Eidotemit on Feb 15, 2010, 12:31:35 PM
Wait.... so you're saying there is a crouch!





I just completed the Pred campaign... so from now on I'll be able to answer questions regarding any of the campaigns :)

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