AVP:Extinction2 wishlist.

Started by Meathead320, Dec 03, 2007, 01:40:53 AM

AVP:Extinction2 wishlist. (Read 11,563 times)



Not sure if it will ever exist, but it would be cool is someone made it.

Improvements for the game:

1. Random level maps. I cannot stress enough how much replay value this would add to the game.

2. Multi-player possible and online play?

3. Improve looks of units, primarily the Aliens should all be "blacker", and not "bright blue" looking.

4. Now that Purebreds etc... are not cannon, we should be allowed to make hybrid versions of other Alien units, however if one has a PredQueen, the eggs still need to be pure: meaning no PredAliens resulting from human hosts, even if grandma was a PredQueen.

5. Even if idea #4 is not used, the size of the Queen should be larger when she becomes an Empress. This naturally balances her by making her a bigger target. This makes sense visually, seeing as she also gained a lot more HPs. The Queen looked too small on screen before, especially the Empress and the PA-Q.

6. The Marines need APC units. This would be their heavy hitter, answer to the Queen unit. Even more destructive than the Exosuit. You could even use it to quickly transport units.

7. Larger level maps.

8. Larger amount of units for players. Alien especially should not be limited to 45 per hive. Absurd.

9. Preds should get a "wolf" type of Predator unit, that has the abilities of all other units rolled into one, at a higher price of course. Elite predator would be an upgrade for this.

10. Upgrade prices need to be different for different units. You want to upgrade the egg, it will cost you 500, however if you want an Empress it will cost you 5000 etc...

Anyone elses thoughts on these?

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

Here goes:

1. Skirmish mode, I love Skirmish modes on RTS's.
2. Heroe characters for each species. Like the Alien Heroe could be a Predalien Queen (Still think Pred Queen is a horrible idea), Marine heroe would be Ripley, and Predator Heroe could be some random Elder Predator, or my favourite is Wolf (If he doesn't die in AVP:R). And for Skirmish mode, major characters from the films for heroes, such as Hicks, Private Hudson, City Hunter, Jungle Hunter, Celtic, Scar, Gill, and I wouldn't be sure how you could have many Alien Heroes.
3. Units to look better, and not like some cartoonish type character, and I agree that aliens should be blacker, and not so light. Marines should look like the designs of the marines on Aliens. Preds were pretty good on AVP: E 1.
4. Cutscenes between levels, not a briefing screne where you have to read alot.
5. Special Species attacks, like for aliens you could have a special swarm attack, where it summons aliens (Warriors) who tunnel out of the ground and then instantly kill all that get in there way, then they dissapear into the ground again. Marines could have an airstrike, where dropships fly over and bombard the battle feild with bombs, and rockets. Preds could have a clan rienforcement attack, where a Predship lands, and soldier Preds blast all the Plasma cannons at enemies, then flies away. (For these you'd need Comm-Tech, Shrine, or Queen)
6. Better story.
7. More units allowed for aliens and marines, Predators should have a bit less than marines since they are so tough.
8. More realistic upgrades, no dumb, fat glands on the side of alien heads!!



It needs to be larger scale.  APC's, Dropships, etc.  You could counter this in every class by adding hybrids for the aliens, and the ships for the predators.

The visual sense and designs need to be less AvP2 and more in the style of the movies.



1. Alien and Pred units need to look like the Aliens and Preds from the films and not silly like Ravagers, Vanguards, Spear masters, etc. Which basically means the Ravagers need to be getten rid of. So do those wierd looking colorful bulky Preds.

2. Multiplayer online.

3. Multiplayer allowing you to design your own landscapes.

4. The indigenous life should look like Aliens(Biomechanical) and not like dogs, hippos, or big scorpions.

5. They should make the Alien hybrids look like actual movie Aliens. I'm basically okay with Drones, Warriors, and Runners bu the PredAlien needs to like the PredAliens from AVP2 the videogame.

6. More Alien hybrids(Since I want to get rid of silly things like Ravagers and Carriers)

7. More Pred units.

8. More cutscenes.



Random Deathmatchs (like age of empires)
More levels
More Units
Upgraded graphics
Online play

Now thats my wishlist (loved this game)



1: Better Graphics
2: More pop. count for Aliens and Predators
3: Better looking creatures
4: Camera view to be rotated not only zoomed in or out for better views of battles
5: More levels
6: A Free Roam option after completing the game in which you can change planets and run around
7: Play the game as your species not so you have to control them
8: Multiplayer
9: Analog stick for movement
10: First person option
11: A PC version for those who like AvP on the PC



1.a skirmish
2.map editor
3.more population
4.more units.
5.multiplayer on the same console
5.xbox live
6.death matches
7.and to get rid of carriers what the purpose



My wishlist:

1. Skirmish with AI | With many adjustable settings (Like pop-cap, starting resources etc.)
2. Map Creation tools -- For single and multiplayer maps
3. Random Maps (like Age of Empires)
4. Online Multiplayer
5. Base Construction for Marines and Predators | Hive development for Aliens
(This 1 is sectioned off from the rest as it depends. I'd love an AvP RTS with base construction, but I wouldn't mind another AvP:Ex-style RTS with a singular base unit)
6. A more complex/in-depth research tree



2.Work in crappy computers
3.don`t suck so muchs as the first one



1:I would like a better hive creation for the Aliens.i thought the nodes were sutpid.You oculd not even coccoon hosts to the walls.The ability to dug tunnels and start off in a sealed cave or something

2:Better Graphics

3:Would serously sell big if it was on the PC

4:More Wildlife and new hybrids.The ravager should be decreased in Streangh,Queen made bigger,and an Empress class

5:Marines need more weapons and classes

6:Corporates should be  in the game

7:Predator Self desturct :D



1. I would like the ability to see in predetor vision. After all whats the use of playing as them if you can't see them?

2. I would like 2 more story lines. The first would be the "rougue" marines. Or a Weyland-Yutani story. Then there is the K-series. I would love to use the K-series. Having a crusade against the purebreed aliens or taking over their human masters. That would be enjoyable.

3. Bigger more detailed maps.

4. Special units for each side

5. Something needs to be done with the marines. Seriously just get rid of some of those voices. Add more classes. Make them look real! That and commtech should be able to give his radio to an ifantry of something when he dies.

6. Cut Scenes. Seriously you get a 20 second description. I want to see these people in the begining of the mission or at the end having won be doing something.

7. More alien breeds. You have human, wierd animal, and predators. There is so many more things for them to impregnate. Like adopting the characteristics of the other species. Even if its only in the marine missions because some idiot scientists from the company were experimenting with like... tigers and crocodiles.

8. More stages. Seriously ending at 7 is stupid. There should be something if it spreeds to ships or gets off that god forsaken planet.

9. Random stages, like there are 10 unique maps not in the story mode. And if you chose a difficulty and which species you are and who you go against and it just formats it. With different objectives and popups in each.

10. Edit stages. Speaks for itself

11. Darker aliens. and get rid of carrier and ravenger. The predaliens I thought are cool in this game. I don't want them to be bastardized like the one in AVP2.

12. well we all know that there is 7 stages for each species that go in a set story line. Well how about the story line fracturing and branching in new directions so that you might end up having 5 different end stages and a grand total of 30 matches.

13. Also like wierd matches, or domination matches. Like the aliens land on earth or on the predator homeworld. The map is a lot larger. and they are able to move it around.

14. No more limits on people. Yeesh you should have more than 25 people coming in for marines if they are attacking a hive that has no limit. The Hive should have no limit. Having one just because you are playing them isn't right. However the predators should be monorated with a limit.

15. Let the aliens build their "alien home" in their places. You know how in the movies they change their surroundings. Let them do that. and let aliens hid and wait inside the walls so unless there is a synthetic or something with a motion sensor they won't know what hits them

Burn the Floor

Burn the Floor

1. Map editor
2. Online play
3. More detailed character models
4. Better zoom/more camera angles (to make machinima movies)
5. More indiginous life = more hybrids



There will never be a sequel because the sells for the first game was poor.

For the fun of it, here is my ideas.

1) Map Editor
2) Online Play
3) Outfits for the Predators (Like have The Wolf as a outfit)
4) Better Graphics
5) Biger Maps
6) Better Voice Acting
7) A better AI



Here's is my wishes:
1) Wii version
2) Map editor
3) Online play
4) Downloadeble extensions

chupacabras acheronsis

just make it for PC, i give more ideas later

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