Fan Reviews

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jun 19, 2023, 07:38:09 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 14,830 times)



Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Jul 16, 2023, 02:02:38 AMYeah... none of them are any good's more my point, I genuinely can't think of a good modern first person shooter not plagued by some invasive and exploitative business practices, and one with a cooperative angle? I seriously doubt it. I hope I'm wrong because I'm tired of being right about this, but I have seen nothing to instill confidence in that corner of the industry in near fifteen years.

Those are all 9/10 games on steam with all over 90% ratings on google.  Though again, that isn't what I had in mind. 

Those style of games, despite being extremely popular and well reviewed, aren't what I was talking about anyways.  I hate co-op unless its with people I know.  But when you lobby with some fifteen year old kid blaring mumble rap through his speakers it kills the immersion.  I want a fps, where you control Marines, or even just part of a squad and some NCO or over the radio officer is telling you what to do.  Doesn't need to be co-op and I would prefer that it wasn't at all.  I also don't like to play games that try to mirror/or are tactical shooters.  It is too tedious to do for real.  When one bullet could kill you/disable you IRL, and you want to try to mimic that in a game it is just extremely tedious.  Especially because there is never a game where you move like a normal person would.  It is always too rigid, too slow, your guy can't turn fast enough, or its the opposite and your guy is too fast and it still manages not to feel natural.  I feel we are still a ways away from doing that type of game accurately. 

Being somebody who has had to do it for real, it always feels to me like you have a set speed, and it can't duplicate having to move super fast one instant, and super slow another.  It's like you have a set speed you can't go faster or slower than.  Its impossible to try to describe really.  My feet might be moving slow, but my barrel is bouncing from place to place quickly.  In a game about giant aliens and WY synths and mercs that kind of game would likely be zero fun to play at all. 

I guess squad based isn't the correct term.  I want to be in a FPS where you are IN a squad of Marines going around fighting alien infestations across the milky way that is competently done.  What descent gave us, with  better graphics than the PS3 era we got, and a better narrative that was closer to the movies than the games/comics.  Even though if they went games/comics, I'd be okay with. 



I'd love that a strong immersive atmosphere first campaign with drop in drop out couch co-op, like Halo or Gears, sure I'd play it if it's just Singleplayer but I think we have had plenty of them already.

I just don't see either happening in the current climate, it's expensive, and sadly a niche genre now.



There are threads at Steam about the game being bugged. I was thinking of ordering this game until I saw those complaints.



Just wait a while and it will probably have the kinks worked out. 

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

With these last updates, the bugs are fewer, very few game breaking, and most can be gone through with a restart from a recent save. The PC version performs a lot better than the console version. Playing this through a third time, on nightmare with specific mods not to overpower stuff and handicapping myself to not increasing the marines health. It's tough and very very hard. Love it. So stressful.



Shame how this game appears to have just come and gone so quickly. I found it very enjoyable.



I have honestly had difficulty getting into it. Even though I know it is really good.

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

The combination of a lesser seen genre for Alien games plus it's difficulty, I can imagine it being hard for some people to get into. I played through the campaign 3 times myself personally, though I am obsessives when I like something.

Quote from: TheBATMAN on Aug 25, 2023, 11:10:26 AMShame how this game appears to have just come and gone so quickly. I found it very enjoyable.

It has overall good reviews everywhere and the player count on steam ain't bad knowing what type of game this is. But I do wish we'd hear more about does the game have any other plans in the future? Game modes, DLC etc. But on the other hand, it is still early.



For some reason, I have a hard time picking this up as well. I'm really missing a quick save feature as I can play only for short periods.



Just finished it this afternoon on PS4 and thoroughly enjoyed it throughout. Tense and challenging the way an Alien game should be, and visibly fascinating in its remix of the second film in the same way Isolation treated the first. I particularly dug the design of the Pharos Spire city - felt like a new kind of architecture for the series but one that sat well with the existing. Definitely in my top 5 Alien games ever, I look forward to getting the chance to play it on a more powerful machine.

PAS Spinelli

PAS Spinelli

Great game, loved it, this might be the Alien game with the most love put into it, maybe even a bit more than Isolation, genuinely hard to say, it does suffer a bit from having to cut some corners around the third act, but it's nothing too bad, loved the game and I hope it gets expansions or even a sequel.



My review:

 The Good:
1: An Aliens RTST (Real Time Squad Tactics)/RTS Game, we finally got one ( No, Extinction is AvP, a different franchise.).

2: Actually captures the feel of "Aliens". Suck it, Randy Bitchfork and Gearbox.

3: Controls are simple and intuitive.

4: The Story is freakin' neat. The Characters have a place and reason to be there.

5: Level Design is just freakin' great, probably the best part of the game.


 The Bad:
1: All marines look like presets from Dark Souls 1 for faces or have some kind of genetic deformities...

2: The game isn't hard, at all. Why? Because even on Nightmare, once you realize you have infinite MTs, Mines, Rockets, an APC turret, and all that. Because of "Command Points".. You realize the Devs gave you a lot of Infinity-Crutches. The moment you realize this, all the fear factor dies with this realization.

3: The game OVERLY holds your hands. From a big red circle around ambush vents, to being able to just box up with no worries. Not to mention, even if you select to skip the Tutorial, you still get handheld on the first mission in Dead Hills as the games second "Tutorial". 

3b: YOur motion tracker is godly. 60 meters, through walls and rock, and never ever falters nor ever gives errors. Nor are there ever any environmental hazards that'll cause gear to malfunction. You don't even need the Deployable ones since the one your squad has already takes up a large range...

3c: Even on Nightmare, the game is very forgiving. All nightmare does is lessen deathclock days, makes aggression rise faster, and adds HP to enemies because hey, it's the lazy way to add "Difficulty"

3d: You can waste 2000+ days and much more to pass days for resources, recruits, samples, etc. The game only gets timed when you complete a mission to start the Death Clock.

3e: Infestation Level can be maxed out and it really doesn't change anything. It's like the devs are scared to really have an "Infestation".

3f: Aggression is only useful for grinding XP. Xenomorphs will NEVER learn to adapt to your playstyle, and thus you can just cheese them forever...

4: If you're used to games like this the game is about 30ish hours including all side missions and gathering PDAs, and is a One Shot story. While I love the story, it's way too short.

5: It's 2023, and no official modding tools because 20th Foxney hates money and hates the fanbase. Yes yes, I know, Mr.Disney reading this "You're scared of modders stealing assets". Well Mod tools aren't needed to do that, and Modders really just want to make things like new maps, weapons, classes, expanded mission zones.  Official Mod Support = WAY more money in your pocket. So stop this madness.

6: Devs and Publisher refuse to give any answers on what's next. No Yes or No's. We don't know if there will be an expansion, a second game, or... If like Isolation "The good game didn't make enough money so just let it die".. Nothing.  Is it just me, or is 20th Foxney overly protective and always pick teams that are scared of simple communication?

7: Adding more HP to enemies isn't real difficulty, it's silly. But this is how Nightmare is. Just more HP and faster aggression. No upped intelligence, no adaptations, no new variables, nothing that will challenge your tactics at all.


Final Statement...

Aliens: Dark Descent is probably THE best "Aliens" title of a game I've played in well over a decade.  It actually feels "Aliens" in both story and atmosphere when on your first playthrough going in blind. The Developers clearly cared for this title, and put a lot of love into it. You can tell this just how the world is designed.

 But, that's the one shot. Once you complete it, there's not much else to it. But at least it's more Aliens than AFE (Which is a great Arcade Game) and A:CM (Which was such a failure, Michael Bein said it "Working on Colonial Marines wasn't fun at all")..

 overall score: 7/10.  PC experience hasn't had many bugs, a couple of patches a month apart took care of the gamebreakers.  But the game loses it's "Feeling" and challenge very fast.  Yet another "Safe Bet" game like AFE, no risk, quick cash for Foxney.

 If you love Aliens the movie, you will probably love this game. Enjoy.

P.S: Why does the main character have a Giraffe Neck? Don't get me wrong, I love Hayes, she's an alright written character. But.. Lordy, that neck made me wonder if that was a bugged model or glitch lol.



Quote from: Schrödinger on Oct 08, 2023, 03:51:25 AM5: It's 2023, and no official modding tools because 20th Foxney hates money and hates the fanbase. Yes yes, I know, Mr.Disney reading this "You're scared of modders stealing assets". Well Mod tools aren't needed to do that, and Modders really just want to make things like new maps, weapons, classes, expanded mission zones.  Official Mod Support = WAY more money in your pocket. So stop this
Well its not 1999, and publishers of large games use things like Unreal Engine which costs lots of money to use and invested people to operate. You'll have to ask an indie to decompile what they can and make hacked mod tools much like every other game and even still, they are meager and you'll actually have to learn 3D if you want to bring in custom stuff.

Bullet number 5 sounds like you lifted that from a 1999 gaming article.

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

Quote from: Schrödinger on Oct 08, 2023, 03:51:25 AMMy review:

 The Good:
1: An Aliens RTST (Real Time Squad Tactics)/RTS Game, we finally got one ( No, Extinction is AvP, a different franchise.).

2: Actually captures the feel of "Aliens". Suck it, Randy Bitchfork and Gearbox.

3: Controls are simple and intuitive.

4: The Story is freakin' neat. The Characters have a place and reason to be there.

5: Level Design is just freakin' great, probably the best part of the game.


 The Bad:
1: All marines look like presets from Dark Souls 1 for faces or have some kind of genetic deformities...

2: The game isn't hard, at all. Why? Because even on Nightmare, once you realize you have infinite MTs, Mines, Rockets, an APC turret, and all that. Because of "Command Points".. You realize the Devs gave you a lot of Infinity-Crutches. The moment you realize this, all the fear factor dies with this realization.

3: The game OVERLY holds your hands. From a big red circle around ambush vents, to being able to just box up with no worries. Not to mention, even if you select to skip the Tutorial, you still get handheld on the first mission in Dead Hills as the games second "Tutorial". 

3b: YOur motion tracker is godly. 60 meters, through walls and rock, and never ever falters nor ever gives errors. Nor are there ever any environmental hazards that'll cause gear to malfunction. You don't even need the Deployable ones since the one your squad has already takes up a large range...

3c: Even on Nightmare, the game is very forgiving. All nightmare does is lessen deathclock days, makes aggression rise faster, and adds HP to enemies because hey, it's the lazy way to add "Difficulty"

3d: You can waste 2000+ days and much more to pass days for resources, recruits, samples, etc. The game only gets timed when you complete a mission to start the Death Clock.

3e: Infestation Level can be maxed out and it really doesn't change anything. It's like the devs are scared to really have an "Infestation".

3f: Aggression is only useful for grinding XP. Xenomorphs will NEVER learn to adapt to your playstyle, and thus you can just cheese them forever...

4: If you're used to games like this the game is about 30ish hours including all side missions and gathering PDAs, and is a One Shot story. While I love the story, it's way too short.

5: It's 2023, and no official modding tools because 20th Foxney hates money and hates the fanbase. Yes yes, I know, Mr.Disney reading this "You're scared of modders stealing assets". Well Mod tools aren't needed to do that, and Modders really just want to make things like new maps, weapons, classes, expanded mission zones.  Official Mod Support = WAY more money in your pocket. So stop this madness.

6: Devs and Publisher refuse to give any answers on what's next. No Yes or No's. We don't know if there will be an expansion, a second game, or... If like Isolation "The good game didn't make enough money so just let it die".. Nothing.  Is it just me, or is 20th Foxney overly protective and always pick teams that are scared of simple communication?

7: Adding more HP to enemies isn't real difficulty, it's silly. But this is how Nightmare is. Just more HP and faster aggression. No upped intelligence, no adaptations, no new variables, nothing that will challenge your tactics at all.


Final Statement...

Aliens: Dark Descent is probably THE best "Aliens" title of a game I've played in well over a decade.  It actually feels "Aliens" in both story and atmosphere when on your first playthrough going in blind. The Developers clearly cared for this title, and put a lot of love into it. You can tell this just how the world is designed.

 But, that's the one shot. Once you complete it, there's not much else to it. But at least it's more Aliens than AFE (Which is a great Arcade Game) and A:CM (Which was such a failure, Michael Bein said it "Working on Colonial Marines wasn't fun at all")..

 overall score: 7/10.  PC experience hasn't had many bugs, a couple of patches a month apart took care of the gamebreakers.  But the game loses it's "Feeling" and challenge very fast.  Yet another "Safe Bet" game like AFE, no risk, quick cash for Foxney.

 If you love Aliens the movie, you will probably love this game. Enjoy.

P.S: Why does the main character have a Giraffe Neck? Don't get me wrong, I love Hayes, she's an alright written character. But.. Lordy, that neck made me wonder if that was a bugged model or glitch lol.

I understand where you're coming from since I always love playing on the hardest settings, but I noticed a lot of people are really struggling with the game on lower difficulties even. It's already quite known as a hard game. But I agree with most of your points if not always 100%.



So I got the game right when it released on PS5 and had some pretty shitty bugs of not being able to access any of the consumables I had prior to missions so needless to say it kinda killed my enthusiasm fairly quickly. About a month later that bug was fixed but I'd already started losing interest. I made it to the shipping docks level and then experienced another bug that wouldn't allow me to change the direction the turrets face. After that I just couldn't get into it anymore. I kept thinking that I'd want to revisit but I just couldn't muster up the motivation so I finally decided to just watch a playthrough on YouTube. The story is absolutely the highlight of the game and brings in a lot of details from the RPG.

The RPG hinted that the engineers and space jockeys could be separate species and this game full-on confirms it which I absolutely love! The game also references the psychic connection that some humans seem to have with the aliens which was first introduced in the old EU and later canonically introduced in the novel "Sea of Sorrows". I also really enjoyed the concept of the guardians as a way to move through a hive unharmed. /spoiler]

Even though I didn't finish playing I do feel like this game captures the tense vibe of Aliens quite well. I'm sure someday I'll give it another go but for now the story was sure worth the watch.

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