Aliens: An Analysis

Started by Scorpio, Jan 27, 2018, 02:12:52 AM

Aliens: An Analysis (Read 49,568 times)



Probably lmao



Quote from: ralfy on Jul 17, 2023, 11:16:45 PM
Quote from: Stitch on Jul 17, 2023, 03:48:04 AMYou're saying a lot of 'would have', without anything to back it up, and inferring things that I, and most others, evidently, are not.

Not saying your interpretation of the film isn't valid, but it's not one that most people share.

If my interpretation is valid, then I'm backing it up, and contrary views are invalid.

Ok, let me rephrase. I'm not saying your interpretation isn't valid for you. It may not be valid for someone else.

Also, you did actually say various things without anything to back them up, other than your own assertions.

Finally, that's not how interpretations work. That's why they're called interpretations.



His interpretation isn't valid because the film directly and repeatedly says it's wrong.

He's entitled to believe whatever he pleases, sure, but that's not the same as whatever he believes being valid.

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

He's really running the risk of losing any chance of convincing me he's right.

He still fascinates me though.



i just dont get it anymore. foolhardy ness?

love the discussion though. burke is now forever etched in my mind. i just dont get what is the angle? what is left ascertain?

on a personal note i get that companies and governments appoint people to investigate mattters. call it special projects as cameron indicated. these peeople specifically appointed to investigate anything that might potentially be profitable in the long run. companies appoint people to investigate these possibilities. so the people appointed to do so will be greedy son s of bitches. but companies also want plausible deniability so they can blame the investigating person. i think burke was trained and educated to fit the bill. burke has seen others get rich from investigating what appears to be nothing and eventually turned into mega get rich ventures. companies like this because they can turn around and blame said person for withelding info etc.

burke was chosen for this reason. he fit the profile.

companies and sometimes governments like it this way because eventually the ensuing chaos plausible deniability when things blow up in your face court cases for killing inocent people etc in the name of profit.

i think cameron brought this from what i perceive to be a theme carried over from alien. Cameron wrote it very intelligently into the movie.

you could argue that burke was actually working alone or not. point is ultimately the company was the one gaining from it all. as wy knew burke was asking the people to investigate the coordinates given what was to prevent wy from just blocking any replies for help from the record from lv 426 and wipe it from record so that they could see if it turned into a possible money making venture.they could then blame burke if he was over greedy. maybe expecting his greed to serve their own interests as the blame squarely falls on burke for everything amd insurance covers the rest.




Yeah, it's fairly obvious to me that Burke acted alone. Alone, as in that he knew that what he did was very risky for him and his career, and that if he messed up, the Company would instantly throw him to the wolves. They'd claim that they had no idea of what was going on and that they don't encourage the kind of behavior, procedures and business practices that Burke utilized. In reality the Company does covertly and directly-indirectly encourage exactly the kind of enterprise and operations that Burke endeavored - as long as one doesn't get caught. Had Burke been successful, he'd be thoroughly rewarded with all kinds of promotions, shares, stocks, bonuses, benefits and whatnot once he presented and provided the bio-weapons division and the higher-ups with a Xenomorph specimen or two.

The key here is to keep it quiet, stealthy and under the radar, act aloof and without an obvious agenda, which means that no authorities or major organisations, or competitors, can get hold of what's going on. The less people that know about it, the better (even better - don't let anyone know about it until the plan has been successfully executed!). The Colonial Marine Corps is definitely a major authority and a major organisation. The idea that they (they, as in Company top directors & executives as well as the USCMC's rank-and-file) were in cahoots and willfully risked billions of dollars (the Atmo, the colony, the Sulaco...) - plus potential extraterrestrial specimens and alien artifacts and technologies - by sending in a small squad with no backup, led by an inexperienced Lieutenant and a traumatized seemingly crazy civilian, makes for a fun conspiracy theory and all, but doesn't really make any sense from a fiscal, operational and consequential point of view.

To the USCMC, Hadley's Hope was just another backwater repair mission, at worst another menial "bug hunt". IF there was a conspiracy going on  between the Company and the USCMC, it was probably just between Carter J. Burke and some rogue actor or element within the Corps. But there's nothing in the movie even pointing at that. All we have is a greedy overly ambitious little companyman who's willing to literally climb over corpses in order to reach the higher echelons of the corporate ladder & pyramid.



Quote from: Stitch on Jul 18, 2023, 01:38:51 AM
Quote from: ralfy on Jul 17, 2023, 11:16:45 PM
Quote from: Stitch on Jul 17, 2023, 03:48:04 AMYou're saying a lot of 'would have', without anything to back it up, and inferring things that I, and most others, evidently, are not.

Not saying your interpretation of the film isn't valid, but it's not one that most people share.

If my interpretation is valid, then I'm backing it up, and contrary views are invalid.

Ok, let me rephrase. I'm not saying your interpretation isn't valid for you. It may not be valid for someone else.

Also, you did actually say various things without anything to back them up, other than your own assertions.

Finally, that's not how interpretations work. That's why they're called interpretations.

Yes, but why do you think my interpretation is invalid? Which things weren't backed up? I'll do so in my next post. Also, this should address the idea of how interpretations work.

Those are good points. According to Cameron, Burke was "Special Projects Director for Weyland-Yutani (Space) Corp's Special Services Division," and "oversaw and managed various other aspects of the company's research programs". In short, he was the right representative for W-Y in the hearing, and strongly counters the argument that he was working alone like some cartoon villain, i.e., without knowledge or consent of the company and as merely a private individual.

The same applies to the claim that the company didn't care: it had a bio-weapons division, which would have been one of the main recipients of Burke's efforts. That's the main reason why they chose Burke to represent the company and why Burke ordered Bishop to prepare the facehuggers to be sent to company labs.

According to Burke and the movie, representatives of the ff. were identified in the hearing: W-Y (Burke), the feds, insurers, the ECA, and the ICC (van Leuwen). Of those, the only who would have cared about investigating the landing location given in the flight recorder would have been W-Y and the feds, i.e., if that refers to the equivalent of the national government, which would have meant that the military was under it. The rest would be concerned only if the location was investigated and triggered events that would concern them: for the insurers liabilities concerning the ship and cargo lost, for the ECA the security of the colony, and for the ICC anything that contravenes commercial law, including smuggling of alien organisms.

Finally, the same applies to the claim that Burke worked alone because he would have gotten all revenues. According to Burke's point, the feds (i.e., the government) owned LV-426 and gave W-Y mineral rights in exchange for terraforming the planet. The alien ship would not have been part of the same rights, which is the likely reason Burke rushed, ordering the colony manager to send someone to verify the existence of the alien ship. That would have given W-Y "exclusive rights" to monetize the find.

These show that Burke would not have "owned everything" even if he wanted to as the feds own the ship (because they own LV-426 and granted W-Y only mineral rights). This also explains why, when he was talking to Ripley, argued that they would both come out rich from this, as Ripley would get a percentage of monetization because the Nostromo crew discovered the ship. I think Newt would have also benefited as her parents discovered the ship "again," i.e., because W-Y didn't hear from the Nostromo. And Burke would have gotten one as well, being point man for the company, besides his paycheck as director of a company division tasked with researching on such finds, and probably even a raise and promotion if the company gained even from the alien tech, not to mention a major appreciation in his stock options. LOL.

This leaves us with another weird part of the movie, i.e., they sent only one squad with a greenhorn commander, and included Ripley. Possible reasons:

They were rushing following the drive for exclusive rights, and already made the mistake of sending a wildcatter, and with no instructions to not enter the alien ship. So, they now have to rush and send in a military unit tasked with rescuing "juicy" colonists' daughters but also specialize in "bug hunts" using "state-of-the-art firepower" (in short, not "bug hunts" in the sense of looking for bugs in a system), and more important acquire whatever alien organisms found and send them to company labs via their tech, Bishop.

Why Gorman? I imagine that they needed someone malleable and that would work with W-Y, and that was him. This might also explain why he met with Burke instead of, say, an ECA rep which is in charge of overseeing the colony, although one can argue that several of the colony personnel are W-Y employees.

Why one squad? They were probably assuming that there was only one alien involved, and that it damaged the transmitter, but that the colony was mostly holding on. They didn't imagine that the colonists would be crazy enough to enter the alien ship and end up like Jorden, i.e., if that's what happened.

Why include Ripley? It's possible that they believed that Ripley was not telling them everything about what happened to the Nostromo, and they needed her as an "adviser" to be sure.

Beyond that, the tactical errors remain: they could have sent two ships, with one team securing the alien ship, made sure that there were people on board the ships (as each one could carry more personnel), etc.

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

@Stitch @HuDaFuK You're up ^



I've gained 15 pounds from all the popcorn I've been eating...



a maizing times

or is it corny?

but it is entertaining



Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 19, 2023, 05:01:56 AM@Stitch @HuDaFuK You're up ^
Do I have to be? Fine.

Quote from: ralfy on Jul 19, 2023, 02:04:52 AMYes, but why do you think my interpretation is invalid?

Because you are using information in the movie to come to a conclusion. You are then using your own conclusions to back up other hypotheses.

I'm not going to go into your massive wall of text (most of which amounts to speculation, or overly complicated conclusions which ignore Occam's razor), but a lot of your arguments are baseless, and your conclusions seem to be made to fit a predetermined point of view, instead of being based on what is shown.

You have ideas, and use them to prop up your other hypotheses, building up to a house of cards which cannot be stable because it has a faulty foundation.



Quote from: Stitch on Jul 19, 2023, 03:09:16 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 19, 2023, 05:01:56 AM@Stitch @HuDaFuK You're up ^
Do I have to be? Fine.

Quote from: ralfy on Jul 19, 2023, 02:04:52 AMYes, but why do you think my interpretation is invalid?

Because you are using information in the movie to come to a conclusion. You are then using your own conclusions to back up other hypotheses.

I'm not going to go into your massive wall of text (most of which amounts to speculation, or overly complicated conclusions which ignore Occam's razor), but a lot of your arguments are baseless, and your conclusions seem to be made to fit a predetermined point of view, instead of being based on what is shown.

You have ideas, and use them to prop up your other hypotheses, building up to a house of cards which cannot be stable because it has a faulty foundation.



Quote from: Stitch on Jul 19, 2023, 03:09:16 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Jul 19, 2023, 05:01:56 AM@Stitch @HuDaFuK You're up ^
Do I have to be? Fine.

Quote from: ralfy on Jul 19, 2023, 02:04:52 AMYes, but why do you think my interpretation is invalid?

Because you are using information in the movie to come to a conclusion. You are then using your own conclusions to back up other hypotheses.

I'm not going to go into your massive wall of text (most of which amounts to speculation, or overly complicated conclusions which ignore Occam's razor), but a lot of your arguments are baseless, and your conclusions seem to be made to fit a predetermined point of view, instead of being based on what is shown.

You have ideas, and use them to prop up your other hypotheses, building up to a house of cards which cannot be stable because it has a faulty foundation.



I wonder if mods should intervene at this stage, not just to save everyone on the forums the pain of having to be subjected to this on every thread over and over, (even those of us who have him on ignore can still see all the interactions) but perhaps as a duty of care to Ralfy (save him from himself) - after over 5 years of this non stop (yes, Ralfy has been repeating this on every thread in every forum - not just here at AvPGalaxy- for over 5 years) I'm starting to suspect that there may indeed be some sort of special needs involved / the guy may need help. The guy repeatedly asks for evidence to counter what he is saying, everyone, and I mean everyone (not one single person on any forum anywhere agrees with him) provides said evidence (which should be obvious), which he completely ignores and then just reiterates what he already said over and over. It's just not normal. No matter how many people tell him it's not normal, he continues. Someone with the intellectual capacity of a goldfish or higher would probably have deduced by now that when 100% of a fandom on every corner of the internet tells you you are wrong, then you are probably wrong. There is no debate or argument to be had, he has made up a completely fictional scenario in his head that doesn't happen in the movie and convinced himself it's fact... he doesn't listen to any points anyone else makes... it's not a discussion, it's just spamming at this point and should be treated as such.

I usually enjoy a good debate, but I have zero tolerance for this clown. The guy is a fool and is ruining what is usually quite interesting topics for everyone. This thread, the sulaco thread, even the egg on sulaco thread..same crap. The forums are just becoming 'The Ralfy Show' and the guy doesn't seem to realise that he is considered a joke... even when saying it outright like this.

(Apologies to mods if this post sounds antagonistic, but I really feel this all needed to be said. We all like to have our theories etc, but I'm sure if I went to the egg on the sulaco thread and posted my same theory 207 times and told everyone else they are wrong and I am right, there has to be a point where a line is drawn, right? We are all well aware of Ralfys take on 'Aliens' now. Enough is enough. It's spam.)



The Egg on the Sulaco thread deserves this fate.

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