The Disney and 20th Century Fox Merger - AvP Galaxy Podcast #61

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 10, 2018, 07:50:19 PM

The Disney and 20th Century Fox Merger - AvP Galaxy Podcast #61 (Read 19,388 times)

Corporal Hicks

We have just uploaded the 61st episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Our first episode of 2018 sees regular hosts Corporal Hicks, RidgeTop and Xenomorphine joined by Nick of Hybrid Network to discuss the recent Disney and Fox merger!

We also discuss the recent rumours surrounding the supposed cancellation of Alien: Covenant 2, our hopes for the future of Alien and Predator movies, games and comics under the new management, and the resurgence of Neill Blomkamp into the community consciousness.

During the podcast I erroneously mention that Neill Blomkamp had previously directed Halo: Nightfall. It was Landfall (which you can watch here) he directed, not Nightfall . We recorded this episode prior to the news of Ridley Scott’s involvement with a potential Merlin project with Disney so it is not discussed during the episode.

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Petr Švancara

Im tired of all this Blomkamp nonsense. Its like never ending cry about a dead horse, how long we should cry with him because of that? Enough is enough. If he wants to impress someone just with his (not even his, it was made by artist) concepts, well. . he can do it from morning to night all the day. But me personally, I dont want to see another concepts from him, unless he really have something solid, and mainly real for Alien franchise. I have just enough of all his fairy tales about Alien 5. I rather spend time with thinking about next sequel of Covenant, instead of this. Poor Blomkamp, Jesus how many films he already directed? Why we are even talking about him all the time. Dont forget about my Alien from parents garage, thats gonna be also perfect film, dont you believe it? I have concepts for it as well.  ;)


That was solid! I agree with Xenomorphine. I think Scott had no real plan for the prequels. He was seat-of-the-pants, developing it on the fly. I think for Prometheus, he had von Daniken and a shot list. He wanted to say Engineers made humans and do x number of cool shots on the theme. He wanted writers to put a movie around those shots. Lindelof spun him around a little bit. Lindelof did what Lindelof does. I am no fan of that guy's work, and I think he made things worse. Covenant, he probably wanted to do Prometheus II - More David, another list of cool shots. I think Fox spun him around a lot and we got two movies kneaded roughly into one. For the next movie, I think he wanted to have the big war, like he said. And Fox said no, too much money. Probably Disney is also not too keen on the outlay for an expensive cg slugfest. I have no further notion of things except to say, it was highly unlikely he was going to pivot crom Covenant to the third prequel without a breth in between.

A home-screen Alien/Aliens/AVP series could work.

I think the best Alien games are going to be homage. I wanted to play the Obsidian game. I think it would have been great - Probably have to wait for patches and a mod (KOTOR II anyone?), but it would have been great.  :)

Blomkamp should make a a Starcraft movie. I think he could pull that off with style. It would suit him, and I mean that in a nice, respectful way.


Thought this was interesting in the context of things.

Justice Lord

Did Blomkamp ever hinted anything about Alien 5 plot ? What be know is Alien 3 and Alien 4 recton . There is Older Ripley and Hicks and grown up Newt. Wetland Yutani has captured Xenomorphs and The Queen. What else is there??

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

Quote from: Petr Švancara on Jan 11, 2018, 05:34:40 PM
Im tired of all this Blomkamp nonsense. Its like never ending cry about a dead horse, how long we should cry with him because of that? Enough is enough... blah blah blah, la la la....

Did someone force you to listen to AVPG's podcasts?

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 10, 2018, 07:50:19 PM
During the podcast I erroneously mention that Neill Blomkamp had previously directed Halo: Nightfall. It was Landfall

Funnily enough, Ridley Scott was a producer on Halo: Nightfall.


If Covenant 2 never gets off the ground, it's for the better. It's time to move away from the prequels. I've said before that the prequels feel like nobody (including Scott) had any idea where this was all leading to. I mean no insult to anyone involved in the making of the films, but with Covenant specifically, I think we were dealing with the making of a movie just for the sake of making a movie. Don't get me wrong, David has been interesting, but he was never trilogy level interesting. The one thing I think Covenant accidentally managed to pull off was a suitable ending. Having secured his freedom and accomplished his goal of creating the perfect organism, we are free to leave David and his story behind.

When you don't have to worry about adding new species and whole civilizations, you can focus on writing good characters. This is the crux of any film. The characters on screen are the individuals we (as an audience) live the experience through. We follow them, we root for them, we fear for them. They are the most integral part of any film. I love Alien, it is my favorite film in history. But, had it not been for the characters and the solid way they were written and handled, even that film would've suffered for it. Character development and implementation is key, without it, you can have all the cgi and explosions and hoopla in the world, and still have no decent film to speak of. This, I think, has been the greatest failure of the prequels.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Petr Švancara on Jan 11, 2018, 05:34:40 PM
Im tired of all this Blomkamp nonsense. Its like never ending cry about a dead horse, how long we should cry with him because of that? Enough is enough. If he wants to impress someone just with his (not even his, it was made by artist) concepts, well. . he can do it from morning to night all the day. But me personally, I dont want to see another concepts from him, unless he really have something solid, and mainly real for Alien franchise. I have just enough of all his fairy tales about Alien 5. I rather spend time with thinking about next sequel of Covenant, instead of this. Poor Blomkamp, Jesus how many films he already directed? Why we are even talking about him all the time. Dont forget about my Alien from parents garage, thats gonna be also perfect film, dont you believe it? I have concepts for it as well.  ;)

The difference here is that Neill is an actual film maker with a concept that was "this" close to being made. I was unsure of the alternate Alien 3 angle myself (as I love Alien 3), but even if it's not getting made I still don't want him to shut up about it. As a fan, I'd love to know more about what the concept could have been. I'm not a massive fan of Resurrection but I'd love to know more about Whedon's Alien 5 ideas or his Newt as hero treatment.

Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Jan 11, 2018, 07:59:09 PM
That was solid! I agree with Xenomorphine. I think Scott had no real plan for the prequels.

I don't think Scott knew what he was really doing after Prometheus. I know him and Spaihts had some conversations but I'm not sure how that went after Lindelof became involved. We know they struggled for directions for Prometheus 2/Covenant.

I very much do think Scott had a direction for Covenant 2 and he was confident with it. I just think that since Covenant's reception, Fox put a halt to that initial direction and now they're trying to find something else.

QuoteA home-screen Alien/Aliens/AVP series could work.

I'd definitely be interested in seeing an attempt. I think a long form story could work.

Quote from: Justice Lord on Jan 11, 2018, 08:12:51 PM
Did Blomkamp ever hinted anything about Alien 5 plot ? What be know is Alien 3 and Alien 4 recton . There is Older Ripley and Hicks and grown up Newt. Wetland Yutani has captured Xenomorphs and The Queen. What else is there??

I don't believe he's spoke about any story specifics, no.

Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jan 11, 2018, 10:10:36 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 10, 2018, 07:50:19 PM
During the podcast I erroneously mention that Neill Blomkamp had previously directed Halo: Nightfall. It was Landfall

Funnily enough, Ridley Scott was a producer on Halo: Nightfall.

He did! Nightfall was interesting but not my favourite of the Halo movies.


I don't know, Hicks. I've read about discussions with Spaihts and heard Scott go all over the map about his thoughts and direction. I'd like to think he had a good plan. I know he had a lot of unused material from Prometheus and both movies had the potential to be great. The trouble is, what we got was not great. I read, even you're a bit leery of another Scott prequel.  :o Anyway, good job on another podcast.  :)


Once again great podcast gentlemen!


Awesome Podcast yet again. There is so much I would like to comment- but I have to get one thing of my chest first. I don't know how much everybody is in general but I would love to see in AvP Game from FROM SOFTWARE!

Their formula for the Souls Games- and especially Bloodborne would lend itself perfectly to AvP! I know it sounds strange but please hear me out!!!!

A third person Action RPG in the vein of Bloodborne! But instead of creepy gothic nightmare world- with these level designers- with these kind of detail and archicture-

Just think about how they could envision a biomechanical Engineer World! It would be absolute off the hook! Think about BLAME a great Manga Anime Series very much influenced by Giger-

they would go down that road. It would be completely mind blowing! Put in some Alien Nests, a mutated Jungle and a landing site from Weyland Yutani- with the way From Software Designs Levels- they could unify  so many Aspects into one Game!

Keep the story cryptic as in Bloodborne- and you can draw from the novelles and the Rage and everything- hell make something like Midsummer from e Rage Wars!

Furthermore the Gameplay of Bloodborne is Perfect for this! Instead of a Gun which is for the most part mechanic on for Stunning Enemies and go in for a special Move- it would easily translate to the shoulder cannons!

All the weapons in Bloodborne have two forms- its exactly like the Predator Spear! There is even a wristblade weapon in Bloodborne which makes me think of predator. Even the way you heal- sticking a painful Blood Injection into yourself- its like those injections from the original Predator Movies.

Or the way you see a other players walking around in the world as ghosts which you can call two your game. Think about invisible Predators walking around and when you call upon them they materialize with lightning into your game to help you with a boss or challenge you! The Bloodborne formula is perfect!

There are already Enemies in the game who look a lot like engeneers with different weapons! And the monster design from From Software is hands down THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS! Or at least the most sophisticated!

I can not stop thinking about what kind of awesome creepy Alien designs they come with. Aliens from different hosts- Aliens designde by the engineers- Predaliens, Neomorphs and classical Aliens, and creatures mutated by the black goo- they could draw from everything and add to it- and still make it a coherent great world! Just let From Software make an melee focused Bloodborne 2 - Aliens vs Predator-
let the japanese go crazy with this. Because when it come down to detail and creature design- you know they have some skilled people over there!

And it would sell! Everybody loves these games- especially people in there 20s and 30s and older.

I think it would be the right call to step away from the Egoshooter thing- the market is too saturated- and frankly I got enough of it. I want something fresh and mindblowing. Now I love Alien Isolation- give it to me in VR and I will be good. But for the perfect AvP Game- step away from the Egoshooter style and give me a visceral 3rd Person Game!

Sega is not far from From Software studios! My dream would be to create a community pledge for them to make a deal with From Software! Better than Gearbox that's for sure!

I know Japanese so I will write them! Becaus now is the perfect time! Let Sega do a great game with From- and maybe that would be the inspiration for Disney to understand how rich the World of AvP is- and than come on give me both of them movies!

I wanna see Blonkamp doing a movie and I want to see the conclusion to Ridleys prequels! I want them to follow through with everything that has been laid out so far. And I want more! I am willing to pay for and contribute to these franchises for the rest of my life.

On a side note- the new poll is killing me. I think I cannot answer.

Prometheus or Covenant.... I watched Prometheus more often than Covenant (about 30 times) to soak in every detail. It is because of the mystery of everything that I loved it.

And Covenant has a great world- some awesome Alien scenes and a good cast. But the flow of the movie and some of the tropes flaw it.

Both movies suffer from the same problem. In the deletet scenes you see moments and ideas and little pieces of information that would make the whole movie so much more coherent and entertaining.

I know Ridley Scott has this urge to edit a scene so it feels meaningful even though there isn't much said-

and I believe this style is why we have great scenes in both movies. But it just goes to fast now!

Scott's comment about Blade Runner is exactly the wrong attitude. The Alien Movies need to be way longer, slower and atmospheric. Now I know Blade Runner has been too long for many. Maybe Scott and Villeneuve should switch projects.

As for the AI thing- I think Scott has some ideas to make it interesting- and I think if he would have enough support- he would also put in some great Aliens. Even though I am confused by some of his choices- like everyone-  I still think he has it in him. Just let him fulfill his vision- and than give me something Blonkamp!

Okay enough ranting from me- I will finish your podcast now.

Greetings from Germany! Keep it up!


Nice podcast guys! Very enjoyable!


Another solid podcast! Xenomorphine voiced my constant hope of getting a Netflix style Alien series on Disney's planned streaming service. I've said it before but an Aliens show has the potential to finally give us some much needed character development where you actually cared if someone is killed!

Meanwhile RidgeTop voiced my biggest concern with the merger which is Marvel acquiring the comics from Dark horse. The recent Dark horse material has been going in a good direction and has solidly built up the universe. So it's  sad to see them potentially get steamrolled by Marvel (again).

As Hicks mentioned Star Wars novels are still done by Del Rey (as they were prior to the Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm) so I think Titan is safe on the novel side of things.

God I want another game to get developed. Do we even know if SEGA still has the license?

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