Alien: Covenant TV Spots

Started by ace3g, Apr 03, 2017, 01:25:59 AM

Alien: Covenant TV Spots (Read 158,125 times)

Pvt. Himmel



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Apr 22, 2017, 10:21:35 PM
Can we relax here gentleman. There's no need to get bent out shape here.  Disagreements are going to happen but if folk can't do it like adults or take criticism, don't get involved.

Not trying to moderate but to add:
This is an Alien fan, message board. Of course we take it more seriously than other places would, if we're here, but it's supposed to be fun and communal. There is such a thing as taking ourselves TOO SERIOUSLY folks. Our identity on a message board is nothing to get all offended about.
Just relax. There really is no reason this needs to be tense.



The xenomorph looks gorgeous. That "train-like" style of the head is giving off serious Giger-Vibes. I'll throw a few random thoughts out here.

1. If David does cry when he destroys the engineers, I'm assuming it's because of the act itself. He's definitely evil enough to think it's beautiful. However, I personally think it's due to the fact that he's eradicating the "superior species". His animosity towards humans is understandable, but much could be learned from the engineers; David did seem very taken (for lack of a better word) with the engineer in Prometheus right before it tore his head off.

2. I do think, and indeed do hope that the juggernaut from Covenant is the same one from Alien 1979. With the warning heard by the nostromo being the same signal the covenant receives, or maybe a warning activated by a dying engineer to warn any returning exploration vessels or traveling engineers to stay away. Ridely has all the ingrediants needed to make it the same ship. A world infected by black goo, a terraforming expert, the engineers terraforming technology discussed in a previous draft of Prometheus, and david actively manufacturing eggs on the planet. What if the eggs from the original film was davids surplus? what if he found a way to turn the urns or their contents into eggs? Regardless, I'm afraid if Ridley doesn't take this opportunity to explain the Juggernaut, the ship is going to become like Carmine from gears of war. We'll have one wrecked juggernaut after another, and it will become a running gag over four movies, ending in a "thank god he finally picked one" moment.

3. I think the large citadel is a place of worship, most likely containing the large stone heads we've seen before. Obviously David has caught them unawares, perhaps leaving a service of some sort. The fact that the engineers have it somewhat centered in the city and are dressed like monks has me thinking this is a theocracy. The thing I'm most curious about is this. With the engineers obviously being hostile towards humanity, and david, and the fact that they've been developing bio-organic weaponry, is it possible that the Engineers are actually quite savage? Did David kill them because they are (in fact) a selfish and violent people? Or is it possible that this is merely one city of many encompassing the same planet/system, giving rise to different (and possibly warring) nations or sects, with varying levels of religious/social tolerance? A "superior species" that's so far been hostile and wishes to commit global genocide, I hope they're not going to be made into space nazis. That's it, someone call Captain Blaskowitz.  :)




I think if David felt the Engineers were still superior he would not destroy them.

My take on his arc in Prometheus is not dissimilar to Shaw's own disillusionment, albeit more cold - he sees they died, can die and calls them 'human after all', prone to frailty due to their own experiments and mistakes which wiped them out. Prone to rage which allows Shaw to overtake the sleeping Engineer and defeat it. They're also inherently flawed by creating a species David deems unworthy: humanity, their creation.

I think David's take is that both species have profoundly failed, are inherently compromised, and the slate must be wiped for something new.
This is evidently rooted in the alleged prologue, in which a young Weyland waxes rhapsodic to David about the nature of perfection - something David becomes obsessed with. He feels and thinks too much, too much like a human, and his fixation ultimately becomes lethal and evidently leads to engineering or recreating the alien as the end result of that drive for 'perfection' - and to annihilate imperfections, like humanity.

Personally I find it a bit too obvious and pat for the character, but that's JMO.



Wasn't there some mention that david has a dangerous combo of 'personality treats' that included anger and rage? which would imply anger/rage is the reason he does what he does? i think i remember reading such a thing



Yes, David has emotional traits (or simulacrums of them) which lead to his developing the complex about perfection that he does, which leads to his
wiping out the Engineers and targeting humanity.

Pvt. Himmel



Quote from: Pvt. Himmel on Apr 22, 2017, 08:54:59 PM

Quote from: Valaquen on Apr 22, 2017, 08:10:43 PM
Any nice screencaps going around?

Don't kill me!! These came from ATI of scified.

Anybody else notice that the Black Goo not only seems to be flowing from inside the Xeno's mouth but also dripping from it's body? It looks like there is Goo dripping off the dome too.
It could just be slime, but the black stuff coming from inside its mouth is certainly there. Color coincidence? Or Black Goo?



I'm posting this here, because it concerns the special effects, as found in the TV spots and trailers, etc...

Mitch Brian, from the Alien(s) Minute podcast, likes to poo-poo the CGI effects in Alien: Covenant, in regards to the alien in that film not looking "real" when compared to the creature in Alien. But is he right? Are practical effects intrinsically superior by virtue of being practical? Or is there more to it, than that? Here's my take on the matter...

The original post, made by Mitch, can be found, here:



Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Apr 23, 2017, 04:38:18 PM

There's a second or two of bombing footage in the new Vietnamese TV spot.

All done in the best possible taste.



Quote from: NickisSmart on Apr 24, 2017, 07:56:41 AM
Are practical effects intrinsically superior by virtue of being practical? Or is there more to it, than that? Here's my take on the matter...
as long as they are handle with the mastery of the first film, then imo yes.

After complying with this rule, then the next requierement lies in the watchers part. I mean. If you still want to see a main in a suit when magistral acting; atmosphere; setting (nostromo corridors); and wise camera displacement are all used in a gorgeous manner, then you will see a man in a suit. A suitable punish for all those who are like that, and a bless for the others like me and many fo you too, of course.

A L I E N will probably be never overcome by any other terror film, unless something new, refresing, but most importantly good enough suddenly surprises us all. And that was precisely what happened in '79. The premise of an alien creature in a ship and blah blah was already not original by then, but the end result of this b movie was something to never be seen and enjoyed again. Only perhaps in alien3, but of course not at the level of alien.

The loss of Giger will still remain immeasurable anyway. After the first film and the obviously superior and immensely more scary creature from the first film, as well as Scott's magistral sue of it on the screen (the discented camera angles, etc), the alien has not been properly portrayed on the screen in a way that legitimately can scare you since the scene in alien 3 when Ripley finds the alien in the basement, and this one drops down from the ceiling as a puppet, not cgi. This was the last time the alien was scary, in that alien3 scene



Quote from: NickisSmart on Apr 24, 2017, 07:56:41 AM
Are practical effects intrinsically superior by virtue of being practical? Or is there more to it, than that?
When done right, sure. Alien is still effective because it was done so convincingly, though there's no doubt parts of the film age just as much as CGI does nowadays. The xeno being blown out of the airlock, for example. There's no mistaking that for anything other than a guy in a suit.

CGI does work, and Ridley has obviously opted to use more of it because of its versatility in today's industry. If absolutely everything in Covenant was practical it'd be too noticeable. Instead of being invested in the film we'd simply be looking out for the next puppet/moment. It'd be distracting. I think the CGI this time round looks amazing. The xeno hasn't looked this good since its first reveal in Alien. The ship looks great when landing, and the CG facehugger looks brilliant from the spots. I do want practical moments in there, though. The eggs look spectacular, and I'm sure that's all done for real. The stationary ship on the surface looks great. I wouldn't be surprised if every practical piece in Covenant is touched up with CG in some way or another, anyhow.



i am so excited about this movie,  some worry is it gonna live up to previous standards,  relax people,  its hollywood  let ridley do his thing,  i do hope the other move with sigourney and michael are made in due time,  hope they give the other director his chance, but either way i am glad they are making new films,  i can remember a few yrs back  being so sad that the franchise was over,  then the huge let downs when avp and avpr came out,  i for one loved prometheus,  after all,  gotta keep it exciting,  i do hope that the 3rd film in this franchise will answer some questions about the engineers,  we need more details , penny for your thoughts,  anybody..  just a huge fan   and no im not as computer savy as some of you,  ive tried to post news videos  but somebody always beats me to it,  love this website,  thank you to everybody that makes it happen



New TV spot with some new footage

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