In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,435,604 times)



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 18, 2015, 01:20:42 AM
Quote from: Deathbearer on Dec 18, 2015, 12:10:41 AM
Doom is a fascist, Eagle is a communist, and I'm just sitting here wondering how it is that everyone on the internet is an expert in sociopolitical issues

I'm no expert, but I have indeed been politically active and interested most of adult life and I have worked a lot with people at the bottom. I also grew up in the Bronx. Most of my friends at a point were African-American, so I witnessed my white privilege in real-time every single day. That we are still a class society, albeit that the classes have changed a little bit on a superficial level, and a society with a lot of baked in "hidden" racist and sexist structures and norms,  should be apparent to anyone no matter what your political views are. Know to deal with them is where the discussion should be at, but unfortunately the political climate is so inflamed that nothing constructive comes out of it. There is no consensus about anything.

Communist? The utopian part of me is quite communist, but the realist in me knows very well that humans can't get past the revolutionary phase without things going awry really fast.,just like I explained in my earlier posts. I'm more of a social-democrat with syndicalist desires if you necessarily need to label me. I'm not against business and the market as long as the workforce is organized (unions), has a living wage, universal healthcare, free education and a guaranteed pension. If that means taxing the hell out of corporations and rich folks then so be it!

I lack the conviction to get into a debate or anything, so I'll just say the last time someone tried to tell me about my "white privilege" they were trying to make me feel bad for being white so I tend not to take it seriously. Also Unions hardly exist/lack actual power in my state so I don't know much about that kind of thing.



Yea right to work has weakened unions but at the same time weakens many states working class. However it easy to see why, who the hell wants to work anyways.



Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 18, 2015, 02:12:51 AM

Sorry mate but everyone in Europe knows about Sweden and its ultra liberal rule, its common knowledge, its also common knowledge that the people of Sweden will be a minority in years to come. The capital Malmo is in a bad way because of mass migration. The links I posted are not cherry picked, they are everywhere. The right are gaining support now, just like everywhere in Europe because of ridiculous liberal rule that is destroying the continent. Just look at the state of Germany now.

Not at all. Yes, it is very socially liberal, but it has been economically conservative during 8 years of right-wing rule. Check it up and you'll see. It's just recently that the social-democrats were reelected. Your links are cherry picked. Just look up actual SWEDISH news and you'll see that you are wrong. Google translate is pretty great.

What is ruining the continent is RIGHT-WING politics, as they feed the flames and make people less tolerant and inclusive. Not the other way around.

QuoteHow can you say its conservative politics that are doing this when only the UK has a conservative government as far as I'm aware. Most Euro countries are of democratic/liberal rule, Sweden has been for years, although that is fast starting to swing, just like in France.

No, Europe has become quite right-wing right now, to say the least. Sure, Sweden just became social-democrat again, France as well and the left in Greece barely made it to power. But Norway elected a conservative government, Finland too, so did Estonia etc. Hungary and Poland are getting more and more right-wing extremist - the list goes on.

QuoteThe migrant crisis has been allowed by liberals, people like Merkel, idiots who don't think about the future. Your claim merely supports the notion that you are simply making stuff up with no backup and no links, typical loudmouth liberal who simply refuses to accept what is actually happening (usually offering excuse after excuse).

No I'm not making stuff up - YOU ARE, HUBBS. I actually check Swedish media (albeit translated), and the sources you present here can be tracked back to right-wing news sources and xenophobic internet hotspots. Just Google-translate these Swedish newspaper sites:

Or this Swedish news source in English called the (that's the one my step brother checks out).

QuoteNeither am I bothered what your step brother says/thinks because he's probably just like you and supports this madness (is he even a Swede?).

Of course you don't, Hubbs! You don't care about anything that doesn't support your bigoted views and almost psychopathic intolerance against people that aren't white and western.

If you need to know, my step brother met a Swedish girl and moved there with her. So no, he's not a Swede, but he has lived there for 15-16 years, give or take. He was more right-wing when he still lived here in the U.S. but turned left-wing pretty fast as I recon.


The Telegraph = Conservative media outlet
Breitbart = Crazy right-wing media outlet directly related to freaking FOX News.
Gatestone Institute = Well-known for its neo-conservative and right-wing stance and ties.

You want me to start posting links to Huffington Post, or Salon maybe? That would be the leftie equivalent to your righty sources and links, Hubbs.

QuoteHell their media is known to cover up foreign crime stats, they sweep anything related to migrants under the carpet so as not to damage their open outlook policy to the world (google it).

Sweden also has massive ghetto problems and, again, a well known rape problem, both of which are down to immigration problems and common knowledge around Europe.

Lies, lies, damned lies! All your claims are directly tied to websites similar to reddit, 4chan and stormfront. My brother told me there is one called avpixlat and another one called flashback - they're all hate sites, and the stuff you regurgitate here comes straight from those sources. Don't underestimate internet translation. It's quite easy to dig for info online, just as it is easy to distort facts online.

QuoteSeriously mate, you've got a real identity issue haven't you, you're clearly ashamed of who you are and feel the need to jump on bandwagons to somehow liberate yourself. I actually think you need some help or counselling, how can you even write stuff like that about yourself, Jesus Christ! Anyone who uses phrases like that instantly loses all credibility in my eyes. Are you part of this new young set that have been demanding safe spaces from anything and everything that might offend?  ::)

You're funny Hubbs! Projecting hard I can tell!  :D

Your entire response to my post to DeathBearer sounds more like you're reflecting on yourself and your own insecurities and issues. It is when you post blatant crap like this that I get the feeling that you actually are an internet troll lurking here on the AVP Galaxy forums just for shits and giggles. You dare talking about me losing credibility for using certain words and phrases when every single post of yours sound exactly the same as your previous ones. You should read through your posts before you post them Hubbs, because right now you either sound like a clueless moron or a sloppy troll.

Quote from: Deathbearer on Dec 18, 2015, 09:21:02 PM
I lack the conviction to get into a debate or anything, so I'll just say the last time someone tried to tell me about my "white privilege" they were trying to make me feel bad for being white so I tend not to take it seriously.

It's NOT about feeling bad being white. It's about acknowledging that the Western dominated world we live in is still stacked in favor of white people. The West has dominated the world hard for at least the last 300 years. Denying that that has an impact on society, structures, culture etc. is beyond clueless and dishonest.

I don't feel bad about being white at all, but I do feel bad that people that aren't white are treated differently in more ways than one. Especially black people and Muslims. The past always has an effect on the present, no matter how you twist and turn it. Trying to rationalize, excuse or deny that there is white privilege, claiming that all people have the same chances and are treated the same way is like spitting and slapping a non-white person in the face, especially black people, especially here in the U.S. Things has gotten better, but we still have a long way to go.

NOW, throwing the "white privilege" term around to silence people or make them purposely feel bad is downright terrible and destructive and doesn't change things for the better one bit. So yeah, I totally understand where you are coming from. IT's about acknowledgement, not feeling guilty by default.

QuoteAlso Unions hardly exist/lack actual power in my state so I don't know much about that kind of thing.

You can thank good ol' Saint Reagan & co for that. We're not far away from China when it comes to our anti-union stance. But yeah, unions are cool if you're into living wage, pension, workers' rights etc.



No you can thank technology and peace for that. People have gotten lazy and those rewarded most provided nothing but mere entertainment to the masses. What we need is a good hot war, a true war, a German War to fix the complacency.



Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 01:29:22 AM
No you can thank technology and peace for that. People have gotten lazy and those rewarded most provided nothing but mere entertainment to the masses. What we need is a good hot war, a true war, a German War to fix the complacency.

Really crass, but also sad but oh so true.

The PredBen

The PredBen

QuoteNo I'm not making stuff up - YOU ARE, HUBBS. I actually check Swedish media (albeit translated), and the sources you present here can be tracked back to right-wing news sources and xenophobic internet hotspots. Just Google-translate these Swedish newspaper sites:

Or this Swedish news source in English called the (that's the one my step brother checks out).

From what I understand, the Swedish media is very left wing. And in case you didn't realize, leftists can be biased as well. Now, I personally lean liberal on most issues, but that doesn't mean liberals don't lie, cheat, and manipulate just like conservatives do. I'm sick of people saying only right wing sources are BS and then saying their (insert leftist media here) is fair and balanced. Most media, whether you know it or not, have an agenda to push.



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Dec 19, 2015, 01:38:21 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 01:29:22 AM
No you can thank technology and peace for that. People have gotten lazy and those rewarded most provided nothing but mere entertainment to the masses. What we need is a good hot war, a true war, a German War to fix the complacency.

Really crass, but also sad but oh so true.
That was the idea.

Now onto, who killed the star wars thread in general? Hurry before I email everyone the true meaning of the movie before anyone figures it out.



Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 04:39:50 AM
Now onto, who killed the star wars thread in general? Hurry before I email everyone the true meaning of the movie before anyone figures it out.

I felt a great disturbance in the Forum, as if millions of posts suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.



Quote from: KiramidHead on Dec 19, 2015, 04:46:16 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 04:39:50 AM
Now onto, who killed the star wars thread in general? Hurry before I email everyone the true meaning of the movie before anyone figures it out.

I felt a great disturbance in the Forum, as if millions of posts suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
It's you're imagination kid. We should be at Alderaan in 0-200 hours.



Quote from: The PredBen on Dec 19, 2015, 04:30:56 AM
QuoteNo I'm not making stuff up - YOU ARE, HUBBS. I actually check Swedish media (albeit translated), and the sources you present here can be tracked back to right-wing news sources and xenophobic internet hotspots. Just Google-translate these Swedish newspaper sites:

Or this Swedish news source in English called the (that's the one my step brother checks out).

From what I understand, the Swedish media is very left wing. And in case you didn't realize, leftists can be biased as well. Now, I personally lean liberal on most issues, but that doesn't mean liberals don't lie, cheat, and manipulate just like conservatives do. I'm sick of people saying only right wing sources are BS and then saying their (insert leftist media here) is fair and balanced. Most media, whether you know it or not, have an agenda to push.

Exactly, even on the BBC (well every news outlet) tonight, there were reports on protests in Germany (Dresden I think) and how Merkel is losing control. But all the people protesting were labelled as far right wing or neo Nazi's, completely tarring everyone with the same brush despite the fact most are just regular people who don't agree with this mass migration. The general consensus is...if you're against the migration issue, you're a far right wing Nazi, period.

@Eagle: As I said, it is common knowledge in EUROPE that the Swedish media is completely liberal biased and don't report crimes related to migrants. Sweden is known as one of the most liberal countries in the world and they want to keep it that way. There has been numerous cases of migrants raping Swedish girls for years, numerous cases of mass protests against migration, the liberals are only now fast losing support from Swedes (under democratic rule) and Sweden has huge ghetto problems just as France does (again common knowledge).  The links you provide will all be liberal biased because that's what Sweden does.

No, the right wing parties are not making Sweden worse because they are not in power ::) What is making Sweden worse is the fact they have huge migration issues and can't cope, but the government and the EU simply aren't listening to their people. The only reason why Sweden may be facing more right wing trouble is their governments own fault. If you flood a country already swamped with migrants, with yet more migrants, and ignore your own people, expect trouble. This is happening all over Europe as we speak.

Example, on the news tonight, David Cameron is trying to get the EU to change its stance on EU regulations. Mainly, the UK wants benefit laws changed for all EU migrants entering so they cannot claim for the first 4 years, I believe it was. The reason is because the UK's benefit system is flawed, its a joke, its too soft, and this is the reason the UK has a massive influx, because many migrants want the juicy benefits (health care, child benefits etc...), they aren't stupid, they know which countries have the best hand-outs.

So Cameron wants to change this EU law which all EU countries must obey. Naturally the EU refuses to budge on this, the EU claims doing this would be 'discrimination'. So in other words, the EU thinks giving out easy benefits to hundreds of thousands of people willy nilly, people who offer nothing, a never ending stream of perfectly fine and won't do any harm. Of course Belgium doesn't have the same issues, surprise surprise. Their tune would change if their nice leafy areas became inundated ::)

Bottom line, the EU will not listen, certain leaders (like Merkel and Lofven) will not listen, they keep on, (enforcing) their 'far left wing' liberal stance and ignoring their people. This is why Sweden is in dire straits, why Germany is heading towards a revolt and why the UK will be having an EU referendum next year and will hopefully be leaving the EU. By not listening, the EU risks losing the UK, and my God I hope it happens.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 05:06:24 AM
Quote from: KiramidHead on Dec 19, 2015, 04:46:16 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 04:39:50 AM
Now onto, who killed the star wars thread in general? Hurry before I email everyone the true meaning of the movie before anyone figures it out.

I felt a great disturbance in the Forum, as if millions of posts suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
It's you're imagination kid. We should be at Alderaan in 0-200 hours.

I fixed it. Sorry about that.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 19, 2015, 09:59:34 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 05:06:24 AM
Quote from: KiramidHead on Dec 19, 2015, 04:46:16 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 04:39:50 AM
Now onto, who killed the star wars thread in general? Hurry before I email everyone the true meaning of the movie before anyone figures it out.

I felt a great disturbance in the Forum, as if millions of posts suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
It's you're imagination kid. We should be at Alderaan in 0-200 hours.

I fixed it. Sorry about that.

Okay Kid, don't get Cocky ;)

One thing I read in the news today was about a load of schools in Virginia being closed because a teacher did an Arabic assignment for his World geography class and parents complained that their kids were being indoctrinated into Islam. WTF? That's Islamaphobia if ever I saw it



Quote from: Whiskeybrewer on Dec 19, 2015, 09:58:28 PM
Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 19, 2015, 09:59:34 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 05:06:24 AM
Quote from: KiramidHead on Dec 19, 2015, 04:46:16 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 19, 2015, 04:39:50 AM
Now onto, who killed the star wars thread in general? Hurry before I email everyone the true meaning of the movie before anyone figures it out.

I felt a great disturbance in the Forum, as if millions of posts suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
It's you're imagination kid. We should be at Alderaan in 0-200 hours.

I fixed it. Sorry about that.

Okay Kid, don't get Cocky ;)

One thing I read in the news today was about a load of schools in Virginia being closed because a teacher did an Arabic assignment for his World geography class and parents complained that their kids were being indoctrinated into Islam. WTF? That's Islamaphobia if ever I saw it
Dude, it's Virginia.



Quote from: The PredBen on Dec 19, 2015, 04:30:56 AM
QuoteNo I'm not making stuff up - YOU ARE, HUBBS. I actually check Swedish media (albeit translated), and the sources you present here can be tracked back to right-wing news sources and xenophobic internet hotspots. Just Google-translate these Swedish newspaper sites:

Or this Swedish news source in English called the (that's the one my step brother checks out).

From what I understand, the Swedish media is very left wing. And in case you didn't realize, leftists can be biased as well. Now, I personally lean liberal on most issues, but that doesn't mean liberals don't lie, cheat, and manipulate just like conservatives do. I'm sick of people saying only right wing sources are BS and then saying their (insert leftist media here) is fair and balanced. Most media, whether you know it or not, have an agenda to push.

Sure. However, I never said that only right-wing news sources are biased in case you missed all my disses against Huffington Post and CNN through the years, and lately even the Salon.

I know, that's usually how the story goes with media around the world, or at least that is what conservatives like to claim as in reality the media at large are owned by big-business conservatives.

Apparently a lot of the Swedish newspapers are both left and right at the same time as the different departments contain people of different political views. Cultural pages are usual left-wing whereas the financial pages are usually more right-wing. The two biggest newspapers are not leftie. Svd is considered conservative by Swedish standards and DN is neo-liberal (right-wing libertarian?).

All media is more or less biased. It's up to you to read between the lines. As soon as someone starts targeting a whole group of people, based on religion or ethnicity, blaming and vilifying them in a very black-and-white way, I call bullshit right away. Especially if this hostility and bias is aimed towards an already marginalized group or minority. It's dangerous and always leads to an uncompassionate dark place of fear mongering and dehumanization. The very stuff our friend here Mr. Hubbs seems to thrive in.

Quote from: Hubbs on Dec 19, 2015, 05:15:12 AM
Quote from: The PredBen on Dec 19, 2015, 04:30:56 AM
QuoteNo I'm not making stuff up - YOU ARE, HUBBS. I actually check Swedish media (albeit translated), and the sources you present here can be tracked back to right-wing news sources and xenophobic internet hotspots. Just Google-translate these Swedish newspaper sites:

Or this Swedish news source in English called the (that's the one my step brother checks out).

From what I understand, the Swedish media is very left wing. And in case you didn't realize, leftists can be biased as well. Now, I personally lean liberal on most issues, but that doesn't mean liberals don't lie, cheat, and manipulate just like conservatives do. I'm sick of people saying only right wing sources are BS and then saying their (insert leftist media here) is fair and balanced. Most media, whether you know it or not, have an agenda to push.

Exactly, even on the BBC (well every news outlet) tonight, there were reports on protests in Germany (Dresden I think) and how Merkel is losing control. But all the people protesting were labelled as far right wing or neo Nazi's, completely tarring everyone with the same brush despite the fact most are just regular people who don't agree with this mass migration. The general consensus is...if you're against the migration issue, you're a far right wing Nazi, period.

@Eagle: As I said, it is common knowledge in EUROPE that the Swedish media is completely liberal biased and don't report crimes related to migrants. Sweden is known as one of the most liberal countries in the world and they want to keep it that way. There has been numerous cases of migrants raping Swedish girls for years, numerous cases of mass protests against migration, the liberals are only now fast losing support from Swedes (under democratic rule) and Sweden has huge ghetto problems just as France does (again common knowledge).  The links you provide will all be liberal biased because that's what Sweden does.

No, the right wing parties are not making Sweden worse because they are not in power ::) What is making Sweden worse is the fact they have huge migration issues and can't cope, but the government and the EU simply aren't listening to their people. The only reason why Sweden may be facing more right wing trouble is their governments own fault. If you flood a country already swamped with migrants, with yet more migrants, and ignore your own people, expect trouble. This is happening all over Europe as we speak.

Example, on the news tonight, David Cameron is trying to get the EU to change its stance on EU regulations. Mainly, the UK wants benefit laws changed for all EU migrants entering so they cannot claim for the first 4 years, I believe it was. The reason is because the UK's benefit system is flawed, its a joke, its too soft, and this is the reason the UK has a massive influx, because many migrants want the juicy benefits (health care, child benefits etc...), they aren't stupid, they know which countries have the best hand-outs.

So Cameron wants to change this EU law which all EU countries must obey. Naturally the EU refuses to budge on this, the EU claims doing this would be 'discrimination'. So in other words, the EU thinks giving out easy benefits to hundreds of thousands of people willy nilly, people who offer nothing, a never ending stream of perfectly fine and won't do any harm. Of course Belgium doesn't have the same issues, surprise surprise. Their tune would change if their nice leafy areas became inundated ::)

Bottom line, the EU will not listen, certain leaders (like Merkel and Lofven) will not listen, they keep on, (enforcing) their 'far left wing' liberal stance and ignoring their people. This is why Sweden is in dire straits, why Germany is heading towards a revolt and why the UK will be having an EU referendum next year and will hopefully be leaving the EU. By not listening, the EU risks losing the UK, and my God I hope it happens.

What the hell are you on, Hubbs??? Are you even living in the same dimension as the rest if us???

Sweden was ruled by the right-wing for 8 years. Only a year or so ago the left got voted in again. The political map of Eyrope is leaning heavily to the right these days and has tilted that direction steadily for well over 10 years, probably more. Austerity and privatization has gone rampant, but for some reason it's the left's fault? Listen to yourself Hubbs! You're warping, spinning and distorting this do hard it's almost funny.

These "mass-protests" have been tiny protests orchestrated by neo-nazis - it is the counter-protests that have been massive. Read up on your stuff before claiming shit. And rape is rape, no matter if the rapist is an immigrant, refugee or native.

Like I said in my post to PredBen, Swedish Media isn't as left as you think, especially not the newspapers. Read my reply post above to Predben, it applies to your "leftist media" right-wing propaganda talking points as well.

Seriously Hubbs, why even pretending that you care when in reality you just want Europe to be for western ethnic white people and maybe a handful of "fully assimilated" Uncle Toms for looks and propaganda measures.

Hubbs, every single post of yours man, all about the danger of Muslims, immigrants and black people. All the same backwards reasoning and rhetoric.



QuoteWhat the hell are you on, Hubbs??? Are you even living in the same dimension as the rest if us???

Sweden was ruled by the right-wing for 8 years. Only a year or so ago the left got voted in again. The political map of Eyrope is leaning heavily to the right these days and has tilted that direction steadily for well over 10 years, probably more. Austerity and privatization has gone rampant, but for some reason it's the left's fault? Listen to yourself Hubbs! You're warping, spinning and distorting this do hard it's almost funny.

1. These "mass-protests" have been tiny protests orchestrated by neo-nazis - is the counter-protests that have been massive. Read up on your stuff before claiming shit. And rape is rape, no matter if the rapist is an immigrant, refugee or native.

Like I said in my post to PredBen, Swedish Media isn't as left as you think, especially not the newspapers. Read my reply post above to Predben, it applies to your "leftist media" right-wing propaganda talking points as well.

3. Seriously Hubbs, why even pretending that you care when in reality you just want Europe to be for western ethnic white people and maybe a handful of "fully assimilated" Uncle Toms for looks and propaganda measures.

Hubbs, every single post of yours man, all about the danger of Muslims, immigrants and black people. All the same backwards reasoning and rhetoric.

1. Yep, just like the media, anyone in protest is a Nazi  ::) And I'll say again, the only reason why Europe is leaning to the right now is because of the current migration crisis, no point trying to sweep it under the carpet or make yet more excuses, that is the situation.

2. In general, the counter protests are the only protests that get media attention (because PC), they ignore the stream of protests against. You want evidence? most of this wasn't reported on major media/TV.

A.Thousands protest in Holland...

B. Migrant rape in Finland, uproar...

B1. Finland protests...

C. Up to 70,000 march in Poland...

C1. EU flag burned in Poland...



D. Thousands protest in Dresden, Germany...

E. Berlin protests...

There has been plenty more, but I won't link to everything for fear of taking up too much space.

3. I have already said quite clearly, I do not agree with this mass migration (including potential terrorists) of various people from all over the place (economic migrants) into Europe, I don't know why you're trying to apparently shame me, ain't working mate, try again. Is this offensive to you? people not wanting to be inundated with migrants in their city or town, do the native people of Europe not get a say in this? Or would that be simply racism by neo Nazi's to you, anyone who doesn't agree with mass migration is a Nazi huh. The people of Europe have every right to protest against this, you cannot enforce your opinions, demands and rules upon everybody and simply claim your right because of PC, the EU is doing that right now and look what's happening. We have the right to oppose this, something liberals and SJW's seem to forget or want to ignore because it doesn't fit with their agenda.

But wait, lets spin this around for a moment. Take any small country in the Middle East or Africa even, lets say that small country was suddenly inundated with hundreds of thousands of European people (refugees/economic migrants), because something happened in Europe or...just because. All clambering to enter the country any way they can, all wanting jobs, housing, medical care, child care, the works. All these Europeans flooding in, no controls, what do you think would happen? what do you think that countries people would think or do? In fact, would any other country in these regions even allow it? would they allow the slow migration of tonnes of Euro's into their country as we do, sorry, forced to by liberals. Just ponder on that for awhile, you know, the hypocrisy that this entire situation is.

This is a quote from the latest season of South Park (season 19), the season focused on everything PC and destroyed it with a gusto. I think this sums up your general SJW outlook/perspective pretty well.

'All I know is that you've changed. Ever since you joined this PC thing, you just bully people and wait for people to say anything improper so that you can jump down their throats for whatever words he or she used.'

'"He or she" is an agenderphobic microaggression, Sharon. You are a bigot.'

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