In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,435,589 times)



It's obvious that Wilson shot at Brown as he was running away, that was the shot that entered through the rear of his arm. The first volley of shots. Brown then turned around, likely not raising his arms above his head, because he couldn't since one was shot. The "doubled over" that multiple eyewitness pointed out. After that... he was shot according to the books. If Wilson was fired for racism then oh boy this was a text book execution under the law.

Where the f**k is the Governor of that state? The AG should step in already.

Bat Chain Puller

Bat Chain Puller

The drug using thief, Brown,  had already beat the shit out of the responding officer and was fleeing the scene. Reports of gunfire before he turned around is unclear. No wounds suggest he was shot from behind. He did put his hands up while saying "What?! Are you going to shoot me?!" Seems strange that he would say this if the officer had already shot at him.

Aside from the reports that he was killed execution style in broad day light from a handful of 'bystanders' (see loiterers) a majority of eye witness say Brown 'bum rushed' the officer and the officer opened fire ... and kept shooting because A: His eye socket was already ruptured and he was in no shape to physically take on the larger man after the beating he had already suffered. B: The officer thought he was either missing his target (because Brown kept coming at him) or he was hitting him but it was having no effect because he was hopped up on some kind of drugs.

The killing blow came when Brown bowled head forward towards the officer. (Likely staggered by one of the bullets.) There was no gun powder residue on Brown, verifying that none of these shots were at point blank/close range.

Unfortunate that this has been spun into something it's not over race. Brown was a thief who physically assaulted the store owner who attempted to confront him. Then Brown physically resisted arrest and took it a step further by battering a police officer.

If I wade into the ocean with a bucket of chum in my swimming trunks and grab the first shark that comes swimming close my family isn't going to be mad at the shark for eating me. It was my own damn fault.

Bjørn Half-hand

Bjørn Half-hand

Quote from: Hubbs on Aug 30, 2014, 01:56:16 AM
Quote from: Bjørn Half-hand on Aug 29, 2014, 04:18:34 PM
To be fair I think he means all going on at once.

Bingo! I don't recall so many very serious crises kicking off at once eg. Gaza Strip, Ukraine, Syria and Iraq, all potentially very dangerous for everybody.

And the UK hits 'severe' for terrorist threat level...

Funny thing is despite this 'severe' threat from our own Muslim citizens going back and forth between here and the Middle East, immigration has doubled in the last year. Now what does that tell anyone with half a brain? maybe crack down on immigration to stop the possibility of extremist threats getting into the country? nah that would be politically incorrect  ::)

As for Ferguson in the US, Johnathan Gentry tells black folk how it is...

Then there's the Asian gang that raped 1400 kids over the last decade that was then covered up by the Police and council.



Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 04:15:40 PM
The drug using thief, Brown,  had already beat the shit out of the responding officer and was fleeing the scene. Reports of gunfire before he turned around is unclear. No wounds suggest he was shot from behind. He did put his hands up while saying "What?! Are you going to shoot me?!" Seems strange that he would say this if the officer had already shot at him.

Aside from the reports that he was killed execution style in broad day light from a handful of 'bystanders' (see loiterers) a majority of eye witness say Brown 'bum rushed' the officer and the officer opened fire ... and kept shooting because A: His eye socket was already ruptured and he was in no shape to physically take on the larger man after the beating he had already suffered. B: The officer thought he was either missing his target (because Brown kept coming at him) or he was hitting him but it was having no effect because he was hopped up on some kind of drugs.

The killing blow came when Brown bowled head forward towards the officer. (Likely staggered by one of the bullets.) There was no gun powder residue on Brown, verifying that none of these shots were at point blank/close range.

Unfortunate that this has been spun into something it's not over race. Brown was a thief who physically assaulted the store owner who attempted to confront him. Then Brown physically resisted arrest and took it a step further by battering a police officer.

If I wade into the ocean with a bucket of chum in my swimming trunks and grab the first shark that comes swimming close my family isn't going to be mad at the shark for eating me. It was my own damn fault.




Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 04:15:40 PM
The drug using thief, Brown,  had already beat the shit out of the responding officer and was fleeing the scene. Reports of gunfire before he turned around is unclear. No wounds suggest he was shot from behind. He did put his hands up while saying "What?! Are you going to shoot me?!" Seems strange that he would say this if the officer had already shot at him.

Aside from the reports that he was killed execution style in broad day light from a handful of 'bystanders' (see loiterers) a majority of eye witness say Brown 'bum rushed' the officer and the officer opened fire ... and kept shooting because A: His eye socket was already ruptured and he was in no shape to physically take on the larger man after the beating he had already suffered. B: The officer thought he was either missing his target (because Brown kept coming at him) or he was hitting him but it was having no effect because he was hopped up on some kind of drugs.

The killing blow came when Brown bowled head forward towards the officer. (Likely staggered by one of the bullets.) There was no gun powder residue on Brown, verifying that none of these shots were at point blank/close range.

Unfortunate that this has been spun into something it's not over race. Brown was a thief who physically assaulted the store owner who attempted to confront him. Then Brown physically resisted arrest and took it a step further by battering a police officer.

If I wade into the ocean with a bucket of chum in my swimming trunks and grab the first shark that comes swimming close my family isn't going to be mad at the shark for eating me. It was my own damn fault.
Thank f**king god there is somebody with some sense here and actually looks at the facts instead of going, "ZOMG WHITE COP SHOOTS INNOCENT BLACK KID!"



Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 04:15:40 PM
The drug using thief, Brown,  had already beat the shit out of the responding officer and was fleeing the scene.
That's a bald-faced lie. And haha, "drug using" -- guess Bat Chain subscribes to the REEFER MADNESS belief. Guess what -- police department sources themselves confirmed that the x-rays for his supposed "ruptured eye socket" came back negative:

The officer was uninjured. Congrats on parroting fabrications, though. And the cops can't even keep their story straight:

The cops didn't even file an incident report.

And your thinly veiled racist remark about the witnesses being "loiterers" (nevermind that they were actually the people who happened to live on that street ::)) makes me wonder if you get your news from Stormfront. Step aside, Hubbs.

It's absolutely disgusting you think an unarmed teenager deserved to be executed for stealing some cigars and smoking some weed.



Bat Chain turning against rational thought. It's the end times now.

Bat Chain Puller

Bat Chain Puller

I didn't say he deserved it. Never even implied it. But when you f**k with the bull you get the horns. Play in traffic and you get run over. Lay out in the sun too long you get burned. It's the way the universe runs. Cause and effect.

What I think of weed is irrelevant.  It's illegal and folks who use it break the law. Folks that break the law tend to not have respect for the law and tend to break more laws. Laws are there for a reason.

As far as truths, fictions, fabrications, and stories being straight (or not)  ... it's all being spun by now. The only people who know what really happened are the people who were there. (And even the truthful memories kaleidoscope into different shapes over time.) The simple truth of the matter is that he was a criminal and he pushed too far.

You have to forgive a mega f**k ton of wrongs before we even get to the shooting.

You wouldn't have stolen cigarettes and man handled the store clerk to escape would you? You wouldn't have resisted arrest and then ran at the armed officer after assaulting him? You are smart enough to NOT put yourself in that situation. Why? Does it have something to do with race? Gender?

And as far as my 'thinly veiled' racist remark well ... It's more stereotyping than being racist. (Doesn't make it any less true) But thanks for the sensationalistic accusation.

This is rational thought. I've been around long enough (and without the internet) and experienced these things first hand. It's easy to dismiss and cry liberal from the comfort of where you sit. 

Cold light of truth time: The thug culture associated with young black men, angry rap music, broken families, gangs, and the continual 'hand you hold is the hand that holds you down' mentality of the welfare system is the ROOT of this problem. Police officers are soldiers on this front line of this war. This 'anger' towards them is born of ignorance and entitlement.

Maybe the Police should go in strike and Ferguson and let the whole damn place loot itself out of existence.   ;)



Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 05:29:46 PM
I didn't say he deserved it. Never even implied it. But when you f**k with the bull you get the horns. Play in traffic and you get run over. Lay out in the sun too long you get burned. It's the way the universe runs. Cause and effect.

What I think of weed is irrelevant.  It's illegal and folks who use it break the law. Folks that break the law tend to not have respect for the law and tend to break more laws. Laws are there for a reason.

As far as truths, fictions, fabrications, and stories being straight (or not)  ... it's all being spun by now. The only people who know what really happened are the people who were there. (And even the truthful memories kaleidoscope into different shapes over time.) The simple truth of the matter is that he was a criminal and he pushed too far.

You have to forgive a mega f**k ton of wrongs before we even get to the shooting.

You wouldn't have stolen cigarettes and man handled the store clerk to escape would you? You wouldn't have resisted arrest and then ran at the armed officer after assaulting him? You are smart enough to NOT put yourself in that situation. Why? Does it have something to do with race? Gender?

And as far as my 'thinly veiled' racist remark well ... It's more stereotyping than being racist. (Doesn't make it any less true) But thanks for the sensationalistic accusation.

This is rational thought. I've been around long enough (and without the internet) and experienced these things first hand. It's easy to dismiss and cry liberal from the comfort of where you sit. 

Cold light of truth time: The thug culture associated with young black men, angry rap music, broken families, gangs, and the continual 'hand you hold is the hand that holds you down' mentality of the welfare system is the ROOT of this problem. Police officers are soldiers on this front line of this war. This 'anger' towards them is born of ignorance and entitlement.

Maybe the Police should go in strike and Ferguson and let the whole damn place loot itself out of existence.   ;)

I love how you're calling it a "war." As if the Police are actually fighting one. They have no reason to be militarized at all as well, the cops at Ferguson were wearing more gear than some folks I have seen that went to Iraq in the past 10 years. It's also not even a case of ignorance and entitlement. The only ignorance coming from this situation is from people like yourself that refuse to see what's going on. This entire matter entirely has to do with race, if you haven't been seeing how irresponsible the police have become (mostly because it;s just a bunch of racist bullies that don't have trigger discipline being given these jobs) then you are just being blind on purpose.

There was hardly ever any looting and riots. That was simply in the first day. The protests have only been peaceful, and the police have been going insane with their bullshit. They have been known, by the people who were there, to just tear gas neighborhoods (not even aiming at the so called "violent protestors") they have raided churches that housed people that were injured. The police are cowards hiding behind a f**king badge (lol they aren't even wearing those because of their self-righteousness)

I just want to leave you with this, just a tiny slice of what's really going on:

All in all:



Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 05:29:46 PM
What I think of weed is irrelevant.  It's illegal and folks who use it break the law. Folks that break the law tend to not have respect for the law and tend to break more laws. Laws are there for a reason.
Except that anti-weed laws aren't there for a reason, and are rapidly being decriminalized throughout the country, so you're really just latching onto another fallacy here ::)

Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 05:29:46 PM
As far as truths, fictions, fabrications, and stories being straight (or not)  ... it's all being spun by now. The only people who know what really happened are the people who were there. (And even the truthful memories kaleidoscope into different shapes over time.) The simple truth of the matter is that he was a criminal and he pushed too far.
Cute, overlong way of not admitting that you got your facts wrong and didn't do proper research on what happened.

Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 05:29:46 PM
You wouldn't have stolen cigarettes and man handled the store clerk to escape would you? You wouldn't have resisted arrest and then ran at the armed officer after assaulting him? You are smart enough to NOT put yourself in that situation. Why? Does it have something to do with race? Gender?
None of that is the issue -- the issue is that he was shot over six times and murdered for crimes that did not warrant an impromptu execution, and the flagrant and obvious obfuscation of that fact by the police department. And again, there's no proof whatsoever that he "ran at the officer". The majority of witnesses said he took a few steps forward with his hands up.

Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 05:29:46 PM
And as far as my 'thinly veiled' racist remark well ... It's more stereotyping than being racist. (Doesn't make it any less true) But thanks for the sensationalistic accusation.
Stereotypes about black people = not being racist? :laugh:

Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 05:29:46 PM
This is rational thought. I've been around long enough (and without the internet) and experienced these things first hand. It's easy to dismiss and cry liberal from the comfort of where you sit.
Since when does rational thought involve believing so many fallacies and disproven reports? ???

Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Aug 30, 2014, 05:29:46 PM
Cold light of truth time: The thug culture associated with young black men, angry rap music, broken families, gangs, and the continual 'hand you hold is the hand that holds you down' mentality of the welfare system is the ROOT of this problem. Police officers are soldiers on this front line of this war. This 'anger' towards them is born of ignorance and entitlement.
The only one entitled here in this scenario -- some middle class white dude who thinks he has the experience of impoverished black people all figured out and sees how it is better than they do ::)

The PredBen

The PredBen

I might start coming here for my news again.




Shadowpredums and Cavadra, you two are doing the LAWDs work.



Quote from: Blacklabel on Aug 30, 2014, 06:01:58 PM

Shadowpredums and Cavadra, you two are doing the LAWDs work.

I'm more annoyed that we even need to put the facts out like this.



Haha John Oliver with his camo shit. Camo isn't camo if it's jungle camo in a city, idiot.  :laugh:

The PredBen

The PredBen


Somebody probably posted this already, but when I was in high school we had to be there by 7:24. And boy, did the administrators believe it as just the greatest thing to have us there so early.

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