Aliens vs Predator: Experiment

Started by Its Game Time, Nov 26, 2007, 07:11:08 AM

Aliens vs Predator: Experiment (Read 6,519 times)



Nice story. I like the fighting and storyline. Keep up the good work  ;)

Its Game Time

Next chapter will be up soon.


Looking forward to more, my friend.

Its Game Time

Well i've finished the story, there is a twist at the very end. I think its a big twist but, you be the judge, anyways, here is the next chapter

Chapter 9: The new plan.

          The queen let out a loud shriek. All the aliens surrounding her were at attention. The queen wanted desperately to kill Cyclops. She shrieked loudly again. The xenomorphs looked at each other then back at the queen. The queen detached herself from the egg sack and stood up. All the xenomorphs shrieked and cried out loudly. A group of aliens fled the room through one of the entrances and another group accompanied the queen. She looked all around and together with the other xenomorphs, left down a corridor.

          "The sewers?" Johnson asked. Mitchell just sighed and continued.

          "Look I know it's not the best way but, its better than being stuck here." He said. Dallas agreed.

          "Hey, I'd rather travel through the sewers than be here with those things." Dallas said. Johnson began to question Mitchell.

          " are there sewers here?"

          "Long before the facility was built, the company decided to build a sewage system. It was for when Weyland-Yutani tried to help make better worlds. They would install sewage systems, power plants, atmospheric processors, you name it. When that failed, the company decided to use the worlds for other usages. They moved into testing all sorts of alien species. They were really happy when they got a hold of this one. Apparently they have been trying to get their hands on this species for a long time." Mitchell said.

          "Shit, man. That's the company for you." Cameron said.

          "Anyways" said Mitchell. "The company built the facility over the old sewage system underground. They used the system for the facility when it was built."

          "So, why the hell didn't you mention this before?" asked Dallas.

          "It never occurred to me. If we can find the entrance to the sewers we can travel it out of the facility."

          "What the hell do you expect us to do? Flush ourselves down the toilet?" Dallas asked. Mitchell chuckled a little.

          "Uh, no, see, they had access points to enter the sewage systems for cleaning"

          "Where are the access points?" asked Johnson.

          "Well" Mitchell said. "There are only two access plants in the facility. One is completely blocked off from us because of the lockdown and the second is.....well...."

          "Well...what?" said Cameron.

          "Its in the hive" Mitchell said.

          "Damn it" said Johnson. He was pissed, he did want to get out of here though.

          "Okay" he said. "lets do it, we are dead anyways if we stay here. We might as well die trying to get out of her."

          "Well" Cameron said. "I'm in an agreement."

          "Then, lets go." Johnson said. "Privates, lets get the hell out of here." With that, they packed up what ammo they would need and got left the armory.

          Cyclops reached the end of the basement. He had been in tough situations before but, this was going to be a bit of a challenge. If he could get back to his canon and his spear, that would help a lot. He went up a stairwell that led him out of the basement. He was worried he wouldn't get out of here. If that was the case, he knew what he had to do. But he hoped it wouldn't come down to that. When he got to the top of the stairwell he heard a noise to his right. He turned to his right. He couldn't cycle his visions, he lost his helmet. He could see fine for now. He decided to head straight for the sound. He was tired of this game.

          Johnson and his team headed away from the armory. The only choice he had left was to head to the hive and get into the sewer systems. If he could do that then they could get out of there once and for all.

          They turned a corridor and slowly headed down it. This whole facility had corridors in it. It was almost claustrophobic. Johnson and his team began to enter the hive. Johnson decided to split up.

          "Dallas, I want you to go back a little ways and watch our back. Cameron, you stay here with Mitchell. I'm going to head into the hive a ways and check it out." They all nodded and headed their own ways.

          Dallas turned away from his team and headed back a ways. He wasn't sure what he would bump into, he hoped he didn't.

          Cyclops stopped so far there were no creatures yet, but he knew they were near. He continued down the corridor, he would soon reach the armory.

          Johnson headed into the hive. There were no signs of the creatures but that didn't mean there weren't any around. He had to be extra careful.

          Dallas stopped. He heard a noise. There was something right around the corner. He held his pulse rifle close by. He slowly headed for the corner. He stopped.

          Cyclops rounded the corner and saw the marine standing there, but that's not all he saw. Four alien warriors crawled behind him.

          "What the....Ahh" he cried. Four xenomorphs jumped him from behind. He fired random shots but missed. The creatures knocked the gun out of his hands. They stared him in the eyes. Something caught their eyes and it made them look up.

          Cyclops stood only five feet behind the marine. Dallas quickly turned around. He had enough of this. He reached in behind him and pulled out a grenade. He stood up. The xenomorphs stared at him about to pounce.

          Cyclops looked in Dallas's hand. He saw the grenade. Dallas flicked the cap off the grenade and took a deep breath. He looked Cyclops in the eye and noticed he had only one.

          "You are one ugly motherf**ker" He pushed the button and closed his eyes tight. Cyclops knew what that meant. He turned around and ran as fast as he could. He was followed by a loud explosion. The blast shot him forward and where he slammed against a wall. He lost his spear he made.

          "What the f**k" Cameron said. "Dallas" Cameron and Mitchell ran as fast as they could towards the explosion. Smoke had filled the hallways. They reached the explosion point. Fire and steam had surrounded the area.

          "Dallas, oh shit, oh no" Cameron said. "The explosion looks like it was made from a self-destruct grenade."

          "What does that mean?" asked Mitchell.

          "It means, we are f**ked. Dallas killed himself."

Its Game Time

Here is Chapter 10

Chapter 10: The escape.

          Johnson heard the explosion. He stopped and ran towards the explosion. He could only imagine what made the explosion. Johnson caught up to Cameron and Mitchell.

          "What the hell happened?" he asked.

          "Dallas, we think he blew himself up." Cameron said.

          "What? Why the hell would he blow himself up?"

          "I don't know, I can only assume he was surrounded."

          "Shit" said Johnson. Johnson kicked a piece of debris and it slammed against the walls.

          "F**k. That's it; we are getting out of here."

          "Did you find the sewage entrance?" asked Mitchell.

          "No" Johnson replied. "But I know it was close. Come on, we are all going to find it. Every time we split up, someone dies. That's not going to happen anymore." Johnson held his rifle close by and continued back towards the hive. Cameron and Mitchell nodded and followed him.

          Cyclops pulled himself up. He had suffered some burns but he was going to be okay; at least he thought he would. He pulled himself together. He knew that the marine took the xenomorphs with him. That's four xenomorphs less he had to worry about.

          He started to walk but collapsed back to the ground. He was badly hurt. He suffered a major blow to the head from the explosion.

          He pulled out his medikit and reached into it. He pulled out some small pill-like objects. He also pulled out a cup-like object. He put the pills in the cup and pushed a button on the side of the cup. Lasers struck the pills from all sides of the inside of the cup. The pills turned into a liquid. He poured some of it on a serious burn wound. He let the liquid settle on his burn. He pulled the cup to his face and began to drink some of it. The rest he put in an injection tool. He injected it into his heart and let out a huge growl.

          Out of anger he grabbed the medikit and threw it into the fire. This mission wasn't working like he thought it would. He forced himself up and began looking for his spear weapon he made.

          Johnson, Cameron and Mitchell entered the hive. They immediately began searching for the sewage hatch but being cautious of what could be lurking around the hive. As they progressed through the hive they realized it was empty.

          "Where are all the xenomorphs?" asked Cameron.

          "Maybe its better if we don't know" said Johnson.

          "Actually, maybe it's better if we do." Johnson just turned towards Cameron and nodded in agreement.

          They moved towards the entrance where all the creatures had settled. So far there was nothing. They entered the room slowly. The xenomorphs and the queen were not in the room.

          Something caught Mitchell's eyes, it was the sewage hatch.

          "Over here" he cried. He ran to the hatch. He started to examine it. It had handles to pull it off the entry way.

          Johnson and Cameron immediately moved over to his side. Johnson looked around then turned back and helped Mitchell.

          Cyclops's frustration began to rise. He was going to end this. He reached over to his wrist computer. He started to push some buttons. The wrist computer made a beeping sound, almost like a countdown. He pulled the computer off and threw it to the ground.

          He continued down the corridor.

          They pulled the hatch off. Johnson slowly climbed down into the sewers. It was dark. He turned on the light on his rifle and started to search the area. There was only one direction and nothing down the tunnel that he could see.

          "Okay" he said. "It's clear. Mitchell you come first, Cameron you come last." Cameron nodded and began to help Mitchell down the ladder. Mitchell slowly climbed down the later and hopped down by Johnson's side.

          "Okay, Cameron." Mitchell said. "Your turn." Cameron slowly looked all around him; so far there was nothing that he could see. He started to climb down the ladder. He reached the bottom with Mitchell and Johnson. They started down the tunnel.

          The first thing Cyclops wanted to do was get his canon and his spear. All he had left was his Hunting knife. He needed to get his weapons and get out of there. He set an explosive charge in the facility. It was his wrist computer. The explosion would be only be big enough to take down the facility. Normally the hunters would set their explosive charges for much worse, but not this time.

          Johnson turned a corner in the tunnel. Water lay at their feet, and god knows what else. That didn't stop them.

          Mitchell and Cameron followed closely behind. They didn't know if the xenomorphs chose to hide in the sewers, but then again, how could they have gotten in there in the first place.

          Johnson stopped. He heard a hissing sound straight ahead like something was burning. He moved slowly to check it out. There was a burn in the ground; it was consistent of that of the alien's acid blood.

          "What is it?" asked Mitchell.

          "It's the acid blood." Johnson replied. "Shit, how did those things get in here?" Johnson already knew the answer to that. Mitchell confirmed it.

          "They must have came down the second entry way."

          "Damn it." Johnson said. "How are those bastards always one step ahead of us?"

          "They must me quick learners. They study their prey and their prey's moves. Fascinating." Cameron just turned and stared at Mitchell for a second. Mitchell knew what that look meant.

          "Well, not fascinating but I mean fascinating for what we are...ah never mind." Cameron just chuckled.

          "Well, we should continue. Mitchell" said Johnson.

          "Yeah?" he replied.

          "How much further do you estimate until we reach the end?'

          "Well, there are entry points outside. So, when we see an entry point with sunlight coming out, then I presume we reached the end." Mitchell smiled at Johnson. Johnson could sense the sarcasm. He continued further down the tunnel, Mitchell and Cameron followed.

          Cyclops reached the opposite end of the hive. He used caution going into the hive. He didn't know if there was a xenomorph nearby. He slowly moved into the hive and searched all around. Nothing. He moved over to where he lost his weapons. He found his canon. It was broken. Cyclops yelled out in anger. He began searching for the second. Something caught his eye. It was his spear. He picked up the spear and made sure it was in working order. He put it away and started looking for his canon. After a few minutes, he found the canon on the ground. Lucky for him, it wasn't broken. He picked it up and reattached it. He gave it a test shot and it was working just fine.

          Cyclops had to find a way to get out of the facility. It was going to blow in just a matter of a few minutes. He didn't want to be caught up in that. He stopped. He found a hole down in the ground. He walked over to the hole and immediately it had his interest.

Its Game Time

Here is chapter 11, we are nearing the end of the story

Chapter 11: Going....going....gone.

Johnson and the others knew they were nearing the end. Any moment they would get out of the sewers and expose themselves to the daylight again. It would only be a matter of time.

          Johnson stopped. He heard a noise in front of him. It was right around the corner. He heard the splashing water. Cameron and Mitchell came right up to him and heard it too. They stood there for a few seconds as the splashing intensified. They saw something turn around the corner. A xenomorph had turned the corner and faced them.

          Johnson readied his rifle. "You want some, come and get it you son of a bitch." The creature just hissed at him.

          "OH Shit" Cameron cried. Johnson turned around and saw a xenomorph pounce onto Cameron. Cameron struggled to get it off of him.

          "Not today asshole." He said. Johnson ran up and shoved the creature off of Cameron. The creature just fell to the ground. Johnson fired at the creature. The bullets missed except for two that slammed its tail. The creature stood up and flung its tail in the air, flinging the blood. The blood struck Cameron on his legs.

          "Ahh, oh shit, oh shit, aahh, damn it." He cried. Johnson aimed his rifle at the creature.

          "F**k you" he yelled. He fired several times at the creature. He turned back around and the creature that came around the corner was missing. He turned back to Cameron. The acid burnt his legs badly.

          "Oh shit" Johnson said. "Mitchell. Help me carry Cameron."

          "yeah." Johnson and Mitchell picked up Cameron and began walking down the tunnel. They couldn't worry about the other alien, they would just have to get out of there.

          Cyclops jumped down the hole. Water had splashed when he landed. It was dark and he had no way of seeing anything. He would just have to walk slowly and carefully. He began walking down the tunnel and immediately felt uneasy. There was something down there with him and he knew it. He heard a noise directly ahead of him. The splashing sounds gave it away. He moved towards the splashing. So far he couldn't see anything. He came around a corner and just stood there. Three xenomorphs stood there facing him. He didn't care, he was pissed and he was going to kick some ass. He readied his canon and pulled out his spear.

          Before the creatures could have a chance, Cyclops blasted away. The first blast struck an alien the next missed. The two aliens ran as fast as they could towards Cyclops. Cyclops continued blasting away, constantly missing until a blast struck the second alien. The third stopped then leapt towards Cyclops. He opened the spear and threw it. It struck the alien straight in the head. Cyclops let out a huge growl and blasted the alien several times even long after it was dead. He stopped then took his spear. Now he was losing more patience by the minute.

          He continued down the corridor. Something caught his eye; it was the body of a xenomorph. He could tell it died by bullets. The marines had been down here. He hurried down the tunnel, maybe the marines found a way out of there.

          Johnson stopped. "Look, Mitchell." He noticed the entry way with light coming through it. Sunlight.

          "I see it." Mitchell said.

          "Lets go" They carried Cameron and over to the entry way. It had a ladder to the top. The tunnels were pretty short and narrow, but high enough to need a ladder.

          "Here" he said to Mitchell. "Take Cameron and hold him for me." He let go of Cameron and went over to the ladder. He had only had to go two steps up to reach the top. With all his strength and might, he pushed the top off. He reached up and moved it aside. He climbed out and found himself out in the forest. He had never been so happy to see the sunlight. Down straight ahead of him he could see the facility, it was a distance away. He didn't know they traveled that far through the tunnels.

          He bent over and looked at Mitchell.

          "Okay" he said. "Give me Cameron." With all his strength, he picked up Cameron and handed him to Johnson. Johnson got ahold of him and pulled him up. He reached down for Mitchell. He grabbed Mitchell's hand and he began to pull him up.

          Mitchell gasped. Something grabbed his foot. It was a xenomorph. It tried to pull Mitchell down. Johnson pulled as hard as he could. Even Cameron crawled over and began pulling him up.

          Cyclops came around the corner and saw the xenomorph hold tightly around the scientists foot. He readied his canon.

          Mitchell tried to pull away from the creature but it was too strong. He almost gave up until he heard a loud sound. An explosive blast blew the creature away and Mitchell could get out of the sewers. He poked his out back down and saw the humanoid creature.

          "What is it?" Johnson asked.

          "It's the humanoid creature." Mitchell replied.

          "Oh shit. C'mon, we have to get out of here." They got up and helped Cameron up. They began running towards the facility. They couldn't go very far. Mitchell stopped and turned around. The humanoid creature stood right out of the hole and stared at them. Johnson and Cameron turned around and faced the creature. It was their first time seeing it without its helmet.

          "What the f**k" said Cameron.

The wrist computer's beeping intensified until it stopped. It blew and a large blast wave traveled through the corridors of the building. The wave struck an alien on the wall and it struck two more.

          Johnson, Cameron and Mitchell heard the explosion. They immediately turned towards the facility. The facility went up in flames then collapsed on the spot.



I like it, can't wait to see more.


Same here.  Please continue. :D

Its Game Time

Chapter 12, here we go.

  Chapter 12: Final battle.

          The explosion rattled through the woods. It took down the facility. Johnson knew what was next, with the xenomorphs killed; the hunter would come after them.

          The dust from the explosion reached Johnson and the others. For a few seconds it was hard for them to see.

          The dust settled and Johnson could still see Cyclops standing there, staring at them.


          Cyclops started walking. He moved past the marines and headed straight for the debris. He hoped the marines didn't stand in his way, so he wouldn't have to kill them.

          The marines just stared and watched as Cyclops neared the debris. He watched over it and made sure there was no movement. He turned around and headed straight for his ship.

          Johnson and Mitchell sat Cameron down. He was in bad shape he would need medical attention soon.

          Cyclops returned to his ship. It was in working order. He opened the door and started to enter it. He stopped. There was a noise coming from the rubble. He turned around and faced the collapsed facility. The rubble began to move. There was something still alive. He readied his canon and started moving towards the facility.

          Johnson and his men heard the noise too. They automatically turned their gaze towards the facility. The movement intensified. There was a big burst in the rubble. The queen. She pushed herself up and automatically stared at Cyclops. Cyclops  shot his canon at the queen. The queen dodged it and jumped towards Cyclops. Cyclops blasted his canon several times towards the queen, one shot hit her shoulder. She let out a loud shriek and slammed her tail against Cyclops. The force of the blow damn near knocked him out.

          He pulled open his spear and threw it at her. The spear impaled through her chest. He fell back. Cyclops stood up and pulled out his knife. He threw it and it struck her in the throat. She shrieked and kicked Cyclops. He slammed a tree and was knocked out. The queen turned her gaze towards the marines.

          "Oh shit" said Johnson. "lets get out of here" He picked up Cameron.

          "No, leave me, get out of here now" Cameron said.

          "Marines don't leave marines behind." Johnson said.

          "Fine." Cameron reached into his pocket.

          "Cameron, what the f**k are you doing?" He pulled out a grenade out of his pocket. "oh shit, Cameron stop."

          "I'm blowing this bitch up, if you want to blow up too then fine."

          The queen was nearing Cameron. Johnson just nodded at Cameron and grabbed Mitchell. They ran as fast as they could. The queen impaled Cameron through the chest. He held the grenade and looked right at the queen.

          "F**k you" he said. He knocked the cap off and pushed the button. The queen picked up on what he was doing. She started to throw him away but it was too late. The explosion knocked her back to the ground.

          Johnson and Mitchell stood there facing the explosion point.

          "He was always a crazy son of a bitch" Johnson said. Mitchell and Johnson began to chuckle. It turned into a laugh. They were finally rid of the xenomorphs or so they thought.

          The queen jumped up. Her tail was in half and she had lost an arm. But she wasn't done yet. She ran towards Johnson and Mitchell.

          "I thought she was dead" Mitchell said.

          "So did I, lets go." They ran further through the woods. The queen was on their asses. They ran as fast as they could. They ran into a dead end. The queen stood in front of them. Johnson pulled up his rifle and aimed it at the queen.

          "Get the f**k away from us you bitch." He fired several times at the queen. Many bullets struck her but that didn't stop her. She lifted up her tail and was about ready to strike.

          Whoosh. The queen's head exploded right in front of them. Her body shook hard and fell to the ground.

          Johnson and Mitchell just stood there facing the queen. Cyclops came from behind her and stood staring at Johnson and Mitchell, steam coming from his canon.

          Cyclops let out one loud roar and turned back around. He went into his pod-like ship and started to take off. Johnson and Mitchell just watched as the Predator left the planet. Now it was their turn to get out of there.

Up next, the conclusion

Its Game Time

 So, here is the conclusion of the story, tell me what you think, so here we go.

Chapter 13: True intentions.


Space station

Outside earth

7:46 PM

Two weeks later

          Knock knock. "Come in" said the deep dark voice. A man entered the room.

          "Hello sir, sorry to bother you." He said.

          "Don't worry about it" said the deep voice. The deep voice was a shadowy guy. The other guy was Daniels.

          "Mr. Daniels" said deep voice. "Welcome, do you have the mission report?" he asked.

          "Yes sir." Mr. Daniels said. "Its right here." He handed deep voice the report. Deep voice put out his cigar and opened the report. He began to read it.

          "So there were only two survivors huh?" He said.

          "Yes sir. Private James Johnson and Dr. Jason Mitchell were the remaining survivors."

          "Hmm, what did they say?"

          "Well sir, they both claimed an alien hunter breached the facility and released the xenomorphs, they and a few others were trying to make it out of the facility but the others didn't make it."

          "Hmm" said deep voice. "What did they say happened to the hunter?"

          "Well they both claimed that the hunter got in his ship and took off." Daniels said. Deep voice stood up, come with me Mr. daniels.

          "Yes sir"


          They left the room and traveled down to the observation section of the space section.

          "There is something beyond these doors I want to show you" he motioned at the guards and let them through. They stepped into the room and Daniels immediately noticed what was in there.

          "See, Mr. Daniels." Daniels walked in and was amazed.

          "Sir how did you...?"

          "How did we get him? Simple. He left into his ship but we were there and captured him. Imagine all we could learn from him."

           Cyclops was tied to the wall. He stared straight at deep voice.

          "Sir?" Daniels said. "I thought you were going after the xenomorphs, for the bioweapons division?" Deep voice turned towards Daniels.

          "We were, for a while, until we caught wind of these guys, the ultimate hunters. Every time we tried to breed the xenomorphs, these guys came in and tried to destroy them. Once we learned of their technology. We turned our gaze towards them. We tried to trap them, to lure them using the xenomorphs. Apparently we were successful. We used the bio weapons explanation as an excuse; we didn't want others to find out what our true intentions were. Dr. Daniels, can you give us a moment?"

          "Sure sir" Daniels left the room. Deep voice stared straight into Cyclops one eye.

          "Hello, hunter, I'm Yutani, what can I call you?" Yutani just laughed. Cyclops was filled with anger.

          "We are going to learn a lot from you" he laughed again. Cyclops directed a large growl towards Yutani.

          "We'll be seeing each other again soon, I promise." With that, Yutani left the room

                 THE    END



Good stuff, enjoyed it.  Thanks for continuing.  I look forward to more by you.

Its Game Time

Thanks for the support. Maybe i'll have a sequel down the line. I tried to balance it. It was hard though.

Colton White

Could you use the xenocult as a hint to my story?

Its Game Time

Quote from: Colton White on Dec 09, 2007, 01:14:05 AM
Could you use the xenocult as a hint to my story?

Whats the xenocult?

Colton White

Quote from: Its Game Time on Dec 09, 2007, 02:51:47 AM
Quote from: Colton White on Dec 09, 2007, 01:14:05 AM
Could you use the xenocult as a hint to my story?

Whats the xenocult?

In my story, they are a cult that worships the aliens and finds it an honor to be impregnated.They use predator weapons too.

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