Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 324,511 times)



Reviewers of this thread, what rating would you give Prometheus, not as an Alien-related film, but as a science fiction film in general?

Promethean Fire

Promethean Fire

Quote from: JaaayDee on Jun 01, 2012, 03:53:16 PM
Reviewers of this thread, what rating would you give Prometheus as a general science fiction film?


Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Quote from: JaaayDee on Jun 01, 2012, 03:53:16 PM
Reviewers of this thread, what rating would you give Prometheus, not as an Alien-related film, but as a science fiction film in general?


And it only gets that for the design, vfx and photography.


Right so i'll start with an overview of the plot and then give my review after -

please bear in ,mind i have dislexia as well so i apologise for any spelling or grammar problem

So the film starts with some beautiful landscape shots of what you guess is Earth of the past (it doesn't tell you of course, thats a running theme in the movie) and we then see a ufo over head and a figure walking towards a waterfall. The figure removes its cloak and its a naked humanoid space jockey (good make up effects but looks silly imo), the jockey opens a box and drinks this liquid that desolves his body into the waterfall and forms dna in the water.
Next scene is Shaw and her group in Scotland looking in a cave where they find some cave paintings like you have seen in the trailer.
We then move forward into space and onto the Prometheus itself. David the android is walking around and doing random tasks on the ship while everyone is in stasis (quite a cool scene, including him tapping in to Shaws dreams about her father). Moving forward again and everyone has been brought out of stasis and we are now at the explenation scene in the basketball court from the trailer, the scene plays out like the trailer and Holloway and Shaw explain about the Jockeys (engineers) and that they have been travelling to the planet in the star map (most of the crew don't know the mission). We also see a really cool hologram scene of Weyland (who is supposed to be dead) thanking the crew for taking this mission etc (they play the ALIEN theme in this sequence which is really cool)
Next up we have the Prometheus entering the atmosphere and landing on the surface. Vickers talks to Shaw and Holloway privately and does the 'no contact, no talking to these beings' speach. Holloway is desperate to go to the pyramid/jockey base and tells everyone to suit up. The party members get in the vehicles and drive to the pyramid, they enter and walk about a bit (very atmospheric) until David sees some symbols on the wall where he starts pushing them in some kind of order (he seems to know what he's doing) and suddenly the holograms of the jockeys running come up and the crew follow the jockeys until they get to the door to the 'big head' room. David opens the door and the party finds the jockey severed head, Holloway goes behind the head and sees the xeno mural, David sneaks one of the ampules into his back pack and they all head back out as Janeck (the captain) says a big storm is heading their way. The party rush out, get in their vehicles and head back to the ship (Fifield and Milburn are left behind as they got lost in the tunnels).
Back on the ship and Shaw, David and a few other investigate the Jockey head and find thats its just a helmet, they remove the helmet and see a humanoid face. Shaw then says she can re-animate the head and starts injecting it with some fluid but the head starts going crazy and blows up!, they find from this though that the jockeys share our dna which is a big revelation to them.
The film cuts back to Janeck talking to Fifield and Milburn who are still lost on the jockey ship, Janeck tells them thet they will have to wait out the storm until morning (they are not happy about this, Fifield tells Janeck to tell Shaw and Milburn to 'f**k off' for getting them into this lol). Janeck then says that he has picked up a lifeform signal not far from them, they both don't want to investigate and they walk off and end up in the 'Big Head' room. They are talking and see something moving in the black goo (the liquid mutated these meal worm things that were there somehow?), its the snake thing which grabs Milburn by the arm and continues to break his arm, Fifield cuts in in half but gets sprayed by acid on his helmet and he falls down face first into the black goo, the snake moves into Milburns helmet and melts it like in the trailer.
The film cuts back to David who is on his own opening the ampule and takes out this glass cylinder with some black goo in it (there is a scene earlier of him talking to a stasis chamber and saying 'yes i will do it sir'), he puts some goo in a bottle of alcohol and goes speaks to Holloway who is drunk and in a mood about all the engineers being gone or dead, David tricks him into drinking some more alcohol and therefor getting infected. After this scene. Holloway goes to his quarters and has sex with shaw.
Now its the next day and you see that scene of Holloway looking in the mirror and seeing that worm thing in his eye. Moving on and Janeck has lost contact with Fifield and Milburn and most of the crew get suited up and we go back to the pyramid. They find Milburns body and the snake thing jumps out of his mouth and scurries away, there is no sign of Fifield. While this is happening, David has gone off alone and somehow enters the jockey ship, there is a cargo hold full of ampules of black goo, David moves onto the 'bridge' and finds the star map, the stasis chambers of four jockeys which are all empty except one which has a living jockey in it. David finds some more buttons, pushes them and another hologram sequence comes up of 3 unsuited jockeys getting ready to take off for Earth to destroy us with the cargo full of black goo ampules (it never explains why). We find out that all these holograms were from 2000 years ago but they couldn't finish their plan because of an outbreak and they are all killed except the jockey in stasis (it seems a xeno outbreak as the dead jockey have been chestbursted but you never see xenos in the holograms.
Cut back to the others and Holloway is sick, Shaw tells them we have to get back to the ship so they all leave but by the time they reach the ship, Holloway is deformed and close to death. Vickers has a flamethrower and wont let them bring Holloway on board, Janeck tells her to move away but Holloway dashes to the side and pleads with her to burn him whuich she does, Shaw is distraught.
Next scene and we have Shaw on a medical table and David is telling her that she's pregnant, Shaw says its impossible and she can't have children but David says she's 3 months gone but its not normal (he says all this in an emotionless way), Shaw is upset and tells David to get it out of her, he won't and sedates her. Shaw is now seemingly sedated on a table but shes bluffing and attacks 2 crew members and makes a run for it down some corridoors into Vickers private quarters which just happens to have a med bay in it. Shaw messes with the controls, gets on the med table and the maching opens her up and takes out the squid chestburster, Shaw gets up and gases it (she thinks its dead) and leaves Vickers quarters, stubles down the corridoors into a room where David and Vickers are talking to a very old Weyland, he was alive and on the ship all along. Shaw asks why he's there and Weyland explains that he's close to death and he's come because if the Jockeys made us then maybe they can save his life, Shaw says that all the jockeys are dead but David interrupts and sayd he has found one still alive.
The film cuts back to the bridge and Janeck saying that he's got Fifields video signal back up and that he's outside the cargo doors, a few 'no name' members of the crew go to investigate and are butched by a very mutated and ridiculous looking Fifield (he has a huge deformed head), they eventually burn Fifield and the film cuts back to Shaw, Weyland, Vickers and David.
Weyland says he's going into the pyramid and onboard the jockey ship to wake up the jockey and speak to him, they all suit up again and head off back to the Jockey ship (Janeck and Vickers stay behind).
On the jockey ship now and David wakes up the jockey, Weyland stands in front of the Jockey telling David to translate what he's saying to the jockey. The jockey doesn't seem to pleased about all this and rips off Davids head and then smashes Weyland accross the face with Davids head killing him. The jockey then continues pummeling all the other party members but Shaw runs off and escapes. The jockey then messes around with the bridge controls, gets in the famous jockey chair and suits up. The camera cuts back to Shaw who's running on the surface towards the Prometheus, the ground starts opening up and Shaw is telling Janek that the jockey ship is taking off towards Earth and we won't have a home to go back to if he doesn't stop the ship, Janeck says the Prometheus isn't a military ship and has no weapons, Shaw says she knows but he has to stop the ship no matter what. Vickers is pissed off with this and Janeck tells her to get to an escape pod unless she wants to stcik around.
Janeck and 2 of his flight crew agree to take off and smash the prometheus into the jockey ship which is now high in the air., They head straight for the jockey ship and Vickers gets in a small escape pod and blast off and lands on the planet. The Prometheus crashes into the jockey ship and explodes. Shaw and Vickers are now on the surface looking up but the jockey ship is falling down towards them, they both run but the ship crashes on the surface and crushes Vickers but just misses Shaw.
Shaw gets up and heads towards the main escape bay (which was Vickers quarters, it was seperate to the ship and independant of it) but as she gets in the escape bay, David contacts her over the radio and says that the jockey has left the ship and is coming after her. Shaw looks around the escape bay and sees the med room where she had the operation to remove the squid chestburster, she sees that its huge now but lockes in the med bay. Suddenly the jockey comes at Shaw from behind and pins her agains a wall, Shaw quickly presses the med bay door button and the door opens up and the super squidhugger attacks the jockey and impregnates it through a tube down its throat (the squid thing seems like a xeno factory with 6 or more tubes coming from it).
Shaw escapes onto the surface and is crying with desperations, David contacts her again and says not to give up, there are other jockey ships and David can pilot them away from this place. Shaw gets up and tells David that she doesn't want to go back to Earth, she wants to go the the jockey homeworld to find out why they created us and why they then decided to destroy us, David says he can do this and Shaw walks off.
The film then plays Shaw saying the 'This is Elizabeth Shaw, last survivor of the Prometheus etc etc", you see another jockey ship taking off and flying away while we hear this Shaw transmission.
The film cuts to black for a few seconds then cuts back to the dead jockey who is now shaking, the jockey splits open from the front and the most ridiculous looking xeno pops out, stands up then starts screaming at the camera, the film cuts to black and ends.

Now my review -

Well first off, the film looks fantastic, the 3D is great and the effects are top notch, in fact the effects on the super squidhugger are arguably the best cgi i have seen yet, it still has that usual cgi look but it looks a level above what we usually get.
The sound is also great, the score is beautiful but strange at the same time as its quite an uplifting sounding score but they play it at parts where people are in peril or getting killed, it doesn't really fit the film and seems weird (its still a good sounding score though). The ALIEN theme playing in the Weyland hologram scene is cool as hell though and made me smile.
The film isn't scary unfortunately but the first half is very atmospheric while the crew are exploring the jockey pyramid, i was loving the film at this point.
Also i'd just like to say that the film is definately R rated, its not a borderline PG13 film here, there is gore, a couple of grusome and bloody deaths and there are at least  3 'f**ks' along with other swearing. Sure its not the most gory film you will ever see but i think all the 'will it or won't it be PG13' crap was just all publicity.
So all in all i'd say the first half of the film is very good, atmospheric and interesting.

Now the bad points.

There are so many questions and scenes that don't get answered, some scenes that are cut together and don't make sense (its obvious to me that the film was cut to get a 2 hour runtime) and at times it seems so confusing.
All the characters except Shaw, David and Vickers are so under written that you don't care about them at all, Janeck is quite cool but he's not in it much, all the other ones are basicly throw away characters there to be killed.
The jockey itself looks so silly to me, its great make up but the jockey looks the half formed clone at the end of 'The 6th Day', it would of been so much better if they kept the jockey looking like he did in ALIEN instead of making that a suit (this probbly comes down to personel opinion though). Also the Jockey wakes up and goes all Michael Myers on us, no explanation why, no explanation why they were heading to Earth to destroy us before the xeno outbreak killed them all 2000 years ago, no explanation for 90% of the stuff in the film to be honest.
Now one of my biggest problems is the final xeno scene, it looks hilariously bad, just absolutely god awful looking, it looks like PumpkinHead except with a weird Xeno head. It looks so far removed from what we know as a xeno that i'm willing to bet that many viewers won't even get the reference and be all wtf? with that scene, the scene also seems so cheap and tacked on, i'm a xeno fan and would of actually prefered if that scene wasn't even in the film!, its that bad.

There are other problems like the runtime not being long enough to answer much of anything with the film and a few other things but the film in its current state seems almost pointless, this is basicly the film in a nutshell -

Humans find cave paintings with a star map
Humans build a ship and head to the star system to speak to their creators and ask them why they made us
Humans land of the planet and find that all the creators are dead
Humans find one living creator, wake him up to ask him some questions and instead all get killed by him in a couple of minutes
The one Human survivor finds a creator ship and decides to go to the creator homeworld to ask them again

and thats it, nothing is explained about anything and it makes the film almost a pointless experience, sure answers will be coming up in possible sequels but at least give the viewer something to take from the film apart from nice music and great special effects.

I was going to give the film a 6.5/10 but the final scene with the xeno is so bad and laughable that i have to knock it down to a 6/10.
Setting this in the ALIEN universe is pointless, it would of been better to set it in its own universe with its own set of aliens etc.

Don't go in expecting the next ALIEN or ALIENS, you won't get that. Don't go in expecting many answers to anything as you wont get that either.


Promethean Fire

Promethean Fire

Quote from: Promethean Fire on Jun 01, 2012, 03:54:07 PM
Quote from: JaaayDee on Jun 01, 2012, 03:53:16 PM
Reviewers of this thread, what rating would you give Prometheus as a general science fiction film?


I would probably give this a 4 if I was completely unaware of far superior science fiction tales and the typical genre tropes.  The buzz I was getting from the audience I saw it with, was that they were really intruiged by the ideas of finding our creators.  For me though, I've heard the Shaggy God Story once too often.



We have to wait for next friday on June 8TH if we want to get 100% complete reviews of Prometheus from fans and critics.



Quote from: JaaayDee on Jun 01, 2012, 03:53:16 PM
Reviewers of this thread, what rating would you give Prometheus, not as an Alien-related film, but as a science fiction film in general?

Sci-fi based, it's heaven, hardly any weapons, just straight out that's what we don't do just now sci-fi (4/5).



Hey fellas, can I ask something about the Hammerpedes?

I've gathered that the film implies that we either brought them with us, or they were on the planet and we let them into the goo.  But isn't there a scene where David brings an ampule back to the ship and its' filled with Hammerpedes?  I thought the fans had picked that scene apart and discovered that the urn had Hammerpedes in it...

Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Quote from: RagingDragon on Jun 01, 2012, 04:03:21 PM
Hey fellas, can I ask something about the Hammerpedes?

I've gathered that the film implies that we either brought them with us, or they were on the planet and we let them into the goo.  But isn't there a scene where David brings an ampule back to the ship and its' filled with Hammerpedes?  I thought the fans had picked that scene apart and discovered that the urn had Hammerpedes in it...


No, the urn has vials of liquid, which turn black when David shakes one of them. Then he breaks it open, takes a droplet and uses that to infect someone.
No hammerpedes in the urns

Promethean Fire

Promethean Fire

Quote from: ucdom on Jun 01, 2012, 04:07:06 PM
Quote from: RagingDragon on Jun 01, 2012, 04:03:21 PM
Hey fellas, can I ask something about the Hammerpedes?

I've gathered that the film implies that we either brought them with us, or they were on the planet and we let them into the goo.  But isn't there a scene where David brings an ampule back to the ship and its' filled with Hammerpedes?  I thought the fans had picked that scene apart and discovered that the urn had Hammerpedes in it...


No, the urn has vials of liquid, which turn black when David shakes one of them. Then he breaks it open, takes a droplet and uses that to infect someone.
No hammerpedes in the urns

It can be argued that there are tiny, microscopic parasitical Hammerpedes contained within the black ooze.  The first manifestation of Holloway's infection by David, is through the wriggling of a tiny worm in his eye. 



What i wrote elsewhere

A wasted opportunity. Absolutely dissappointed.

A great set up, first hour of interesting plot, feels like its going somewhere then.


Shit gets real, the creatures in her. That scene, is the closest to the feeling of the original alien movies in years. It was great. Then its time for half an hour of space terror.....

But you dont get that. That scene happens, and then the film gives you a  bunch of shitty scenes, with plot holes and confusion. No scary creatures chasing people, not nothing. Just a load of shit.

They just cant make films like the first few aliens anymore, and thats that. They CANT do it. The film gives us a scary alien at the end.... yes, at the end. What the f**k. Why wasnt that crreature in the movie after the first hour, giving us the horror movie Ridley said he was out to make. Instead we just get Ridley jacking off his ego and not taking the film ANYWHERE.


I just HATE how the characters are wrote really badly, people just dont seem to react to things that have happened in the plot. Its just crap.



I was lucky enough to win premiere tickets in Perth, Australia
Which is a week before anyone else here

(I'll try to avoid spoilers so i don't have to go through and tag em)

I quite enjoyed the film myself

Of course, it doesn't top Alien
But I enjoyed the references they to it (like the little Alien motif in the score) and some of the designs were somewhat reminicent of the first films designs

The big tentacle creature reminded me somewhat of this pancake creature...

(SO I lied I put in spoilers ^)

Aesthetically I thought the film was shot beautifully, like all of Ridleys work of course
but as people have said there were many flaws in the story and...

Vickers death that way was uncalled for  :'( ...and why the hell don't they run to the side and not just forward and then stop on look at the thing...idiots...

Main let down for me was it wasn't scary enough, not so much suspense or at least the trailers ruined the most of them

Other than that in my opinion it was a good film that stands alone and was one of the better this year so far
i say a 8/10 for me, because it felt really good to have a scifi that wasn't just based solely on explosions *cough* Transformers 2/3 *cough*
and its great to see Ridley back



Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Jun 01, 2012, 12:12:30 PM
I've only read the 'its climax felt rushed' from maybe 3 people.

The ending was just a missed opportunity but its still not the worst ending her like some are making out. Ideally what this film could have done with is an extra 30 minutes in the running length, and I'm pretty sure they've shot a lot more than they showed us



Thanks for answering my Hammerpede question^ :-\ disappointing, but not entirely I suppose.

Promethean Fire

Promethean Fire

Quote from: RagingDragon on Jun 01, 2012, 04:25:18 PM
Thanks for answering my Hammerpede question^ :-\ disappointing, but not entirely I suppose.

The Hammerpede is kind of pointless actually. 
It has acid for blood, gets inside your body and kills you.  End of.  Millburn is the one and only victim of it.

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